Hi! It's been a while since I've shown my face in this forum! With the release of the Kushites, even after the team said that there were gonna be no new factions, that got me thinking about factions in 0ad. I've noticed that we have multiple factions for each "big" culture in this time period. We have multiple Successor/Hellenistic factions, we have multiple Greek factions, Barbarian factions, African factions, and so on. But I've noticed that we only have one "Eastern" faction, the Achaemenids. There are a bunch of important kingdoms in the Middle East at the time, and we have one. I would like to think we should have at least one more. My two ideas were The Kingdoms of Parthia or Pontus. It would give players who want the Eastern style gameplay with light infantry and horses more options than just the Persians.