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  1. @wowgetoffyourcellphone I have a few things to do before committing this so this should leave @Alexandermb the time to fix them. 3. I'd rather wait for them to be fixed. 4. Make a thread and hit me up with references 5. I'd like to wait for those too. 7. That'd be nice to be fixed, can you be more specific ? 8. I think that's because of the recent commits
    2 points
  2. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Yeah probably.
    2 points
  3. Could the same rig be used for the Sanga cattle? Thinking Terra Magna/DE for the Kushites. https://www.google.com/search?q=sanga+cattle&num=20&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS543US543&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwji657P24vYAhUH0SYKHVf1CkcQ_AUICigB&biw=1600&bih=720
    2 points
  4. As done in https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP20631, we should update all gatherer actors so that they can support having idle carrying animations. This should/could be done incrementally, but in general I think a class of unit should be done across all civs at once.
    1 point
  5. The problem is not getting balance feedback. The number of mods changing balance prove that. The issue is having someone taking the decision while keeping in mind changes to the game engine. Until we are in beta stage some new features can break totally the game balancing like capturing did. So it makes not much sense to balance Ana ever-changing game. Once those features are settled itll make more sense and it will be easier.
    1 point
  6. I'll consider turning everything into sub-resources. My only issue is the Aura resource, it's essentially a supernatural magic that can't exactly be translated into food or stone or anything else. It'd be like asking to trade the Force from Star Wars for bundles of wood and stone. EDIT: At the very least would it be easy to make it so that the resource icons change depending on the civ you are playing as? If you are playing as the Hylians it shows the steak icon for food, but when you are the Gorons it shows the Rock Sirloin icon for food, for example. It would also be neat for the Pop Cap icon, it could show little faces for the race you are playing as instead of just a generic icon.
    1 point
  7. Immersion-breaking? What about play-ability? The civ's that depend on wood - depends on the map. If no one on your team can trade that resource... You are SOL. It's just a 'different type of wood'. It's like having a civ that can only gather pine, trading it for oak. I get the need for immersion. I just think playablity is better and more important. Also with separate resources, it'd be better for Hyrule to team up with the Gerudo than the Zora's. That break's immersion. You'd basically be crippling yourself to join a team with anyone that doesn't have or can't trade the resources. Besides, when you're playing the game and immersed, you're not trying to figure out what resources your ally has. That is more meta-immersion which I don't think exists. You are immersed in your city, not your allies bank.
    1 point
  8. Yes I've apparently missed something in my review, I'll try and fix it this WE.
    1 point
  9. 1. i'm still doing that one because its a bit harder tan the slow run which is walk now i was thinking on use the trot for the heros so i'll leave them with unique animations. 3. you mean the heads in the horse neck ? i dind't touch those yet so if i get there i could change the models from the old heads to the new heads. 4. i did a longer one (just stretching) for the mace cavalry the one they are using but i dindn't make it more longer for work on it more accurate. 5. i Agree on that after i did the capturing animation i swaped inmediatly to attack, but i found a way to make it similar to enrique's by copying the animation and just fixing the legs so i will use it for the cavalry as well. 6. Noted i check later. for the promotion animation i was thinking on the movie Alexander and those statues in my country of Simon BolĂ­var, but i dind't was going to get too much for Hollywood unless team approves.
    1 point
  10. @Alexandermb I'll commit it when I'm done with the chariot. I have weird bone rotation when I export with Blender 2.79. @Leyto Yes it's possible @enrique did it for his horses, Unfortunately the blend files haven't come so far.
    1 point
  11. Yeah, probably the pathfinder. In the mean time: you can try adding local.cfg* and adding the below to it: then disable glsl... thing. Which will disable parallax anyway... I think... Still better safe than slow. I think that's the saying. *On window xp... You'd add local.cfg here: C:\Documents and Settings\{UserName}\Application Data\0ad\config
    1 point
  12. From the sound of it it doesn't seem to be an 'actual' replacement of resources. If they never have more than 4 resources, you only need 4. On resource loading, change the icon&tool-tip depending on civ type (I don't know how to do that so... *cough*). I think the json is loaded once so you should just have to set it equal to 'blah'. This would by-pass the market and bartering problem entirely. Restrictions/additions to gathering a resource could be done through the xml's gather-rates and to resourcesupply(see Note); adding <food.coralmold>#</food.coralmold> and setting food.fish to 0. The treasure statement of s0600204 is a good one. I've never messed around with them. Aren't they of type 'treasure' like food.treasure or something? Note: ResourceSupply can only have one type. They can not be of type food.fish and food.blob... Or some stone/metal/goron related analogy. It sounds like you're making different resource supply's specifically for certain civs. Map generation/fairness is gonna be a pain to manage if that is the case. --Add sub-types to the resource's json file of course.
    1 point
  13. @Alexandermb, I didn't realise how easy it was to check out your models and anims with your mod. I just checked them out and they look fantastic! I think both the models and the animations are really a major improvement over the current horses! Amazing job! As far as I'm concerned:
    1 point
  14. Yess that's what I'm talking about. Wish we had an active sound department to make a nice thud to go with it lol
    1 point
  15. Well that was quick lol I'll look at it tomorrow. @LordGood Thoughts ?
    1 point
  16. See my last post here https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/21614-multiplayer-on-lan/&tab=comments#comment-325645
    1 point
  17. Another relevant thing to consider adding is walking empty animations. In that sense, when units are assigned an economic role, they walk using the implements they are using for the task even if they have no resources.
    1 point
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