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Why should we? If we did you'd have to find something new to complain about, some of us might take over the world or worse, someone else might pick up where we left (in which case you'd have to voice your complaint again), etc. But most of all because we are doing this because we want to. (Locked, since people already started feeding the troll.)6 points
5 points
@wackyserious Nice, do you upload the textures somewhere ? I'm pretty sure nobody would want to see them lost.4 points
4 points
3 points
I don't think auto-scouting is needed. Just shift click about 8 times at the minimap and your unit is scouting the whole map.2 points
2 points
1 point
As always posting full error messages (starting from and including the first one) does help.1 point
Sometimes you want to do a breadth search and sometimes you want to do a deep search and it is achievable by shift+click on the minimap. Some improvements would be nice like textual messages1 point
Found it! Thanks, now it gives me a different error, but I'm assuming it's because I've referenced techs and units and probably other files that don't exist yet..1 point
Opening it in VSCode I can see you forgot a ] before line 29 If you can't use something like that, use online Json Validators they are generally good at detecting errors.1 point
This youtube channel is about some 3d reconstructions of Sarmizegetusa https://www.youtube.com/user/m1ha1r0/videos?shelf_id=0&view=0&sort=dd More 3d stuff about sarmizegetusa http://www.romaniadevis.ro/dacia/zona-geto-daca/reconstituiri-3d/item/marele-templu-rotund-de-la-sarmizegetusa-regia And Murus Dacius http://www.romaniadevis.ro/dacia/zona-geto-daca/reconstituiri-3d/item/murus-dacicus-zid-dacic Remember that neither Dacians nor Thracians were highly urbanised societies. The mass of people lived in smaller country-side villages and towns, probably more resembling rural Celtic society, than Greece or Rome. The capital cities of Seuthopolis and Sarmizegetusa probably reflect the height of Mediterranean influence in their culture.1 point
1 point
I think Napata may look more interesting, especially because the sacred mountain Jebel Barkal could give a nice big geographical point of interest.1 point
Maybe you want to improve the Italian translation for that on transifex: https://www.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/1 point
You don't usually have to pay much attention to the scout. Just select it and then shift-click repeatedly on the map so it follows a path to explore around your base. The reason auto-scouting would be nice is that on maps with a lot of impassable terrain such as mountains, your waypoints will make the scout backtrack a lot. Auto-scouting would make mountain maps as easy to explore as open maps.1 point
Hi everyone. I really want to make this civilization building set, and props if it is needed but I can't seem to find any references for buildings. While I'd be fond of an iberian / greek mix for them , I'd like to have some historical backup. Cause this is what we do right. Here are some references: http://wikivisually.com/wiki/List_of_archaeological_sites_sorted_by_country We should be able to find some stuff here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odrysian_kingdom Thracians were separate tribes, Odrysian being the biggest gathering of all I'd suggest we go for them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thracian_Tomb_of_Kazanlak Maybe could be a special monument dunno. http://www.louvre.fr/sites/default/files/dp_thraces.pdf Maybe I missed something in that louvre article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seuthopolis The somewhat official capital now underwater Thracian reference for units can be found here under "The Thracians 700 BC - AD 46.pdf" https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/history/military_history/ Columns for the temple. Future project for seuthopolis Let's get to work ! @wowgetoffyourcellphone @Lion.Kanzen PS : to keep that thread ordered, please post quotes from sites in spoilers, with related links above so we can see the full source.1 point