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  1. The (vanilla 0ad) special/player_gaia template is not set up to inherit from special/player, and thus does not inherit the glory resource's barter multiplier when run in the Delenda Est mod. The template should probably be rewritten so it inherits what it needs. Patch: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D591
    3 points
  2. Number 2 is a legacy thing from several Alphas ago when rank upgrades where a thing.
    2 points
  3. Yes. That's exactly what I meant. I find it annoying that Promoted Units need to "shout it out" in the middle of a battle. An icon that just pops in and out removes that annoying factor.
    2 points
  4. This is my feedback regarding Promotion Animation: I don't like it. How about following the Red Alert 2 tradition? A Promotion Visual popping over the unit's head It's a little bit like the Move Order Visual you're currently planning out.: Static Variant Rotating Variant
    2 points
  5. I know the odds of anyone taking this seriously enough to even consider adding them into the game is almost none I just thought maybe haha. I just think as the game did originally have only one Greek and one Celtic faction it wouldn't hurt to add another different Greek faction and a mashup of Celtic, Greek and Persian influences in the Thracians. Even if the Thessaly faction idea is pointless I think the Thracian/Odrysian Kingdom is unique enough to warrant a place in 0 A.D. But please bare in mind I am no historical expert and there could be things I have listed that might not be accurate. Thessaly Icon could be a Horse's Head Strengths - Good Melee Cavalry i.e Lancers and Swordsmen - An ability that adds faster production of Cavalry Units - Cavalry Have a Slightly Better Line of Sight Weaknesses - Hoplites and Melee Infantry are weaker than traditional Athenian or Sparta troops - Can't think of more but obviously the faction would be balanced Additional Troops Thessalian Riders (Sword Cav) Thessalian Lancers (Slight buff to the normal Thessalian Lancers) Thessalian Hoplite (Like normal Hoplites only a little weaker) Heroes I can't say I know any Thessalian Heroes Thrace/Odrysian Kingdom (Fusion of Celtic/Greek and Persian Influences) Icon Rampant Thracian Pegasus Strengths - Strong Swordsmen/ Flaxmen - Access to both Greek and Persian Mercenaries Weaknesses - As like the Romans the Thracians have no archers - Rely solely on Slingers and Peltasts for their ranged - No champion cavalry maybe Additonal Troops Thracian Falxmen Thracian Kingsguard (Champion Swordsmen Unit) Thracian Swordsmen (Citizen Soldier Version Slightly Stronger) Heroes Teres I Sitacles Seuthes III
    1 point
  6. First of all, I have to say I really like 0 AD in its present state (.21), I've tried it a few times before, but found it a tad unsatisfactory. But now, I have questions, questions to which I can't find the answer anywhere. Although admittedly, I only did a 10-minute scan of the topics in the forum. How exactly does garrisoning towers/forts work? Does the quality or type of the unit matter? Will woman do? What is this Spartan upgrade about: "Spartan rank upgrades at the barracks cost no resources, only time." I thought rank upgrades went automatically? Do I need to send back my experienced units to the barracks to actually get the rank? Is there some hidden tech to produce ranked units this refers to? What is this about? What are the unit relations; i.e. what beats what? Spearman beat cavalry owing to the 3x bonus, straightforward enough. But what beats archers/ skirmishers, the different types of cavalry, and where do swordmen fit in?
    1 point
  7. Roads is unnecessary feature too much micro. Bridges needs add some code to the engine.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. TBH I don't like units celebrating and stop fighting when they reach promotion level. i once played a game I can't remember that they keep fighting but there's an icon flashing that someone is up for promotion. I think the celebration to occur after you approve the promotion is better. Was it Civ 5?!
    1 point
  10. Welcome!!! 1 - How more units, more arrows (dont work with womans). 2 - Units are only promoted by fighting. 3 - The game does not have a counter system yet
    1 point
  11. Alright, got it done. Thanks for that. No more error message.
    1 point
  12. Advantages constantly shifting from one side to another.
    1 point
  13. Players: bbgotscrewed (bbleft), xPlague, Emperior, PrincipalityOfZeon vs. nigel87, juanito, bigcam87, borg-. Map: Unknown Land, Normal size, 150 pop. Summary: 1:15:21, but took twice as long with jungle lag. A tough game with lots of decisions about where to defend and where to attack, and another demonstration of the power of massed cavalry. 2017-05-31_0004.rar
    1 point
  14. @implodedok you are the expert here.
    1 point
  15. Perhaps you can do a little research and see if there are open source or free or low cost solutions the team can use to add such a feature to the site.
    1 point
  16. The Kingdom of Kush: Documentaries (screenshots) In this post, I will be discussing three different documentaries about the Kushites, and providing screenshots. The documentaries featured are: Discovery Channel - Nubia, The Forgotten Kingdom PBS/National Geographic - Rise of the Black Pharaohs PBS - Africa's Great Civilizations (ep. 1- 2) All three of these documentaries will offer a concise description of Kushite/Nubian history and offer rich visuals, as well as archaeological excavations. A good stop for anyone trying to get a quick insight in to this complicated history. One of the most useful references I was able source from these docu's, is a complete three-dimensional reconstruction of the Amun Temple in Dangeil, including the temenos walls and gorgeous pylon gate: Nubia, The Forgotten Kingdom (2003) This one hour documentary about the history of the Nubian Kingdom (Kush) features two archaeologists, Julie Anderson and Salah Ahmed, as they unearth a massive temple to Amun in the ancient Kushite city of Dangeil. It also narrates the history of the war with Rome and features some modest historic reenactments, as well as impressive 3d reconstructions of the entire Amun temple complex, both exterior and interior decorations are clearly shown. They made one major mistake, in erroneously identifying the reigning queen at the time of the Roman war as Amanishakheto, while in actuality it was Amanirenas, probably due to the documentary being made in 2003, when the exact dating of the ruling monarchs was more sketchy. Rise of the Black Pharaohs (2014) A more recent, and visually compelling documentary about the history of Kush, centering on the 25th dynasty and the Napatan period. This 54 min long docu focusses on the earliest archaeological excavations, and the controversial history behind this history. The archaeologists Geoff Emberling and Tim Kendall re-examine an ancient Napatan pyramid and the spiraling peak of Jebel Barkal, still bearing 2700 year hieroglyphs commissioned by Taharqa himself. Africa's Great Civilizations (ep. 1- 2) In Africa's Great Civilizations, Louis Henry Gates travels all corners of the continent, visiting archaeological sites and talking to experts and historians about a number of great African civilizations. The first two episodes talk extensively about Kush, and features some very nice cinematography, and shots of statues and reliefs. The narrater over-emphasises the blackness and Africanness of the people he's discussing (as if to prove the point that Africans achieved high levels of civilization throughout history), but a lot of really nice information is shared. Definitely worth a watch. Quality torrents of all three documentaries exist, but shhh, you didn't hear that from me….
    1 point
  17. @fatherbushido I don't know if it matches the game quality standards, but anyways here is a new goat. So have fun with it goat zip contains ready to play files source contains reference images, images used for textures, textures, and blends. Goat_Source.7z goat.7z
    1 point
  18. By the way, I also like the idea...
    1 point
  19. Map: Mainland Players / civ: borg- / Spartans, Emperior / Macedonians Summary: At the first 10 minutes population of both player seems to be close, but when borg- start to launch an attack with his infantry, population of Emperior get drop dramatically. The final result is borg- win. The game replay was cut half way because my network started to became slow at that moment, and I don't want to bother their gameplay so I left the game before the game was actually finished. If someone have full version inculding other Emperior vs borg replay recently, please post it and I can remove this comment. 2017-05-30_0001.7z
    1 point
  20. not too sure if these are that good but just realy eager to see a match on youtube xD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0ad replay.rar
    1 point
  21. You have luck, I'm injured from my foot. So I have 2 days free in home.
    1 point
  22. Well I have one more suggestion: D I think it should be audible as soon as the population reaches the limit and you need more houses. A beep resembles when you create new soldiers.
    1 point
  23. The border has a smooth transition towards inside the territory. Just compare(right: old, left: new):
    1 point
  24. I think a burning mechanism similar to the one in Stronghold Crusader would be a nice addition to the game. Fire (causing damage over time) should spread between wooden structures placed closely together. As a consequence, you would have to be much more careful when planning your city...
    1 point
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