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  1. I know that there's a lot here being said. Just as a summary or to talk about my vision, here is it. Newer ideas on others fields, but lets start with general vision and economy 1. Realism. The game should be gameplay based on history or historical plausible facts, not a simulator. Gameplay should be a superior objective. 2.Pace of the game: Would like to design a game around 20-30 minutes. 1-hour game should be achievable with some game modes, but it's not the main aim. 3.Economy: RTS are primary economical games: how you manage your resources and try to choke the enemy incomes. In the long run, a player with more resources control should win. So, in general there shouldn't be infinite supplies of resources or those should be marginal (except food to no microing farms). Shouldn't be very microintensive, to allow more focus on decisions and battling. Resource wise, it should be very symmetrical. No need of provinces but some kind of starcraft resource placement divided by zones with resources spots. Eyecandy and art object should break the monotony of the space, but not the resources. I prefer fewer workers with fewer slots of workable resources. Trees could be grouped into Forests (a single entity)1 with some kind of workable points when the unit plays the axe animation, although individual and don't workable trees could embellish the environment. Huntables it's the only problematic "spot" to redesign. The overall feel should be something like, not only I have 10 workers on food, but I have 2/3 of the resources points being worked. Think something like Aoe meets Dawn of War 1. Only very rare case units should cost more than 2 resources I have 2 design layout ideas: -Traditional aoeish: food, wood, stone, metal, with traditional scheme of uses. or - 5 resource. Also with traditional scheme of uses, following DarcReaver proposal, a 5 resource could be added. Don't care about the name of the resource itself, but in my head could be a some kind of high decision and build order making. For example, it could be "money": a resource only gathered by trade, or autogathered in the markets. It could have 3 uses: It could be a more than normal profitable resource for bartering, buying mercenaries (that would always cost this 5th resource) or researching special techs (I'm not talking about only unique techs). Think like aoe3 envoys, that help you to build a strategy. That kind of feel could be achieved with the cost being always numbers multiples of 100, tied to some "level" feel. - Traditional scheme of uses: *food (main resource for progression, units and techs) *wood (buildings, techs and trash units) *metal (techs and no trash units) *stone (defensive buildings, defensive techs, maybe advanced building and militar buildings Other *Corrals feels redundant. For a infinite supply of food, you have farms. Corralling animals to generate resources or cost reductions feels a little out of place IMHO, and unnecessary micro. The models feels a little out of place for cavalry techs or allowance of cavalry production (too small for a stable). MAYBE it could replace farms for the first phase if farms can only be build on farmlands spots away from the starting location, but they should be autoproducing. *Trading congas should be erased. Don't know if limiting trading units or with another idea. Market or Trading spot from aoeIII feels like giving a good strategic edge to the maps. *Bartering shouldn't restore. It should decay with the buying at medium pace, making impossible to sustain the war with unlimited food. *Metal and stone shouldn't be in CC range. (1) Reducing forest to single entities allows to: fewer lag, better resource design management, ability to spawn auras related to the entity like ambushing. I would change them to don't obstruct the units.Also this would help pathfinding (I think that Delenda Est have done this before) Will continue tomorrow
    3 points
  2. When capturing was introduced by sanderd17, units had no animations at all and were looking like they were idling. The pitchforks was a placeholder used in a later release and then our artists came back
    3 points
  3. Regarding blacksmith tiering: If you keep the phases as they are now, then if you decouple the blacksmith from these phases, you may introduce unnecessary complexity, or confusion, but certainly a tear in the concept of the game. If you have phases, then they must mean something. Unless... unless... The phases just happen automatically. For instance, if you build 10 buildings, then boom, you get upgraded to the next phase automatically, with a nice aural flourish and graphical animation. That way, the phasing is directly, more directly, tied to the number of buildings you are building rather than to the phasing tech itself. Building enough buildings becomes the bottleneck instead of the phase tech cost. So, you may still have a phase tech icon in the UI, but costs nothing and it's auto-researched when the prereqs are met. So, returning to the Blacksmith, it can still have tiers of techs, but what you can do is present these tiers as blacksmith experience. I can imagine teching up your blacksmith from apprentice blacksmith to blacksmith to master blacksmith to royal blacksmith, each level unlocking more techs. Maybe make these tiers have prereqs like "Requires any 3 blacksmith techs" or something like this, in order to gain this "experience", see, and unlock the next tier.
    3 points
  4. Map design is indeed going to be extremely important. Farming is so extremely important right now, simply because many maps don't necessarily offer many foraging opportunities and herding isn't fully implemented yet.
    3 points
  5. Map Design can affect gameplay. I'm imagining a moidified Arcropolis Bay. Think of a Valley with Metal and Stone mines in it. And the hills that make up that valley are quite barren. Although the valley has your important resources, controlling the hills is a bigger priority even if there are no resources in them.
    3 points
  6. I think it would be nice to have some missions where the main objective is not to build a city and win a battle like standard map. Say, for example: a trigger choice-map similar to: a mission where you don't have to build anything, you have some champions/hero and you have to reach some objectives (kill a single unit, capture a specific building, rescue a monk, reach a fortress, ...); survive for X minutes (not necessarily a tower defence map). This would add some variations on the playability.
    3 points
  7. Thanks for answers and kind words, everyone. More animations. Attack animation: - Rather long (3 seconds). Actual attack happens around 51st frame. - A half of the body is immobile during the animation. I tried to add subtle movements to it but it looked bad. Idle_01 animation (a video file because of its length, let me know if it doesn't work): - As I mentioned above, this one is quite long. Death animation: - Probably it won't be noticeable in the game. I'm not sure about this death animation. To be honest I don't have any good ideas for it. Do we need run animation? It will look like a faster version of walk maybe with a more suitable head movement. It would be great to get at least 2 animations for attack, idle, and death. I'm going to try another idle animation with a different resting pose. Feel free to leave your feedback or ideas.
    2 points
  8. I strongly agree with this. Resources should be very symmetrical placed otherwise the difference between civs could be even deeper. Gathering resources outside the territory control MAY have sense but, in my opinion, it is not possible for 2 reasons: 1) it would remove the Mauryan worker elephant advantage 2) I really can't see the difference between building a houses wall or just a storehouses wall in neutral territory (assuming that, in order to build storehouses in neutral territory, they can't be captured no more).
    2 points
  9. About territory be must put idea the maps needs the mineral out of initial territory (Player). this happens in AoE 1-3 blizzard uses minerals inside but SC haven't a such thing like warehouse the single dropsite is the Main structure. the other thing is can build resources dropsite in neutral zone like DE.
    2 points
  10. That's why prefer over Total War kind of strategy. --------- Are good ideas... I tested DE and the game are doing better than I expected. I'm very proud of Justus work.
    2 points
  11. logs: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths (especially interestinglog.html)
    1 point
  12. There is a file called player.xml: https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/48a50668e4296c653d8d02e108038d6714b5dcf3/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/special/player.xml
    1 point
  13. Day 10 of 500? of noone caring about reviews of this patch. Creating an account and doing a quick test will be faster, even if it means overcoming imaginary boundaries
    1 point
  14. When I was talking about resources managing, I was talking in a broader view: should I expand, should I build first workers, or soldiers... I was talking about decisions, about time, rather than gameplay. I'm for a low micro economy. I will continue later
    1 point
  15. Greetings and well done for everything From historical aspect because I study history and my field of specialization is antiquity and middle-ages, I think that you should replace the pikemen which is on top of the howdah ( tower ) for more historical accuracy. Yes, they practiced to use long pikes, but in battles such as Raphia, Magnesia and the campaigns of Antioch the Great in Persia, most of the Seleucid elephants used mounted archers and javelin men on their towers in order to gain tactical advantage. Still if there are some technical problems for making the animations of both the archer/ javelin men and elephant to attack simultaneously, then use the current version of the pikemen. Lastly, they used special linen textile with crimson design to cover the ears of the elephant for several reasons: first to make it a little deaf because of the forthcoming battle, chaos and noise and secondly to prevent the enemy infantry to strike injuries to it's ears with melee or ranged weapons.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. I advise you to take a look at this really serious channel that talks about armours and weapons precisely (particularly on the Romans and the Roman gladiators): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIjGKyrdT4Gja0VLO40RlOw Is there a list of the missing names?
    1 point
  18. Hey! What do you know, I got the club thing right.... except for the spiked part.
    1 point
  19. The Wolf is called Luperca. I have a statue(mini) from she. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitoline_Wolf I'm not sure why ar two but may be represent his sons. ----- A Hero legendary uses a club or korune (club) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herakles_(Euripides)
    1 point
  20. The original understanding of the wrong, that VS can be run directly atlas editor, and run the same game, the result is to open the editor in the game! understand! The thank you very much!
    1 point
  21. When you start the project with in Visual Studio did you use the main menu->Tools &Options->Scenario Editor to start the atlas portion if so if there is something wrong with your build then you should see the relevant errors within the VS window's debug section again the Atlas is not a project it is an integral part of pyrogenesis the .bat file is just a way of passing the --Atlas command line argument to pyrogenesis.exe .And why do run it with VS anyway if the build was successful that is only for debugging not running the app normally.It has been awhile since I built with VS rarely boot my Win10 install any way Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  22. I guess this might interest @Sandarac ;P
    1 point
  23. Based on how good it looks, I think it's worth it. I don't think we'll have that many cobras on a single map for it to be an issue anyway. The peacock has a similar animation with its tail feathers. The new animations look great.
    1 point
  24. Hey @Strannik ! Lovely animations! and glad to see you back! Visual actors (models) are out of the equation of selection boxes, so they doesn't interfere at all. However, the origin point does. Imagine a small circle decal of the "selected" stuff will always be around the origin point, and the unit/actor will rotate with that origin as a pivot. Resuming: in this case, the selection ring would be around the origin point, which would leave half of the snake out of the circle. It doesn't really matter where the root bone is, as long as you have in mind that the origin point would be the "center" of the selection ring. There should be a workaround to offset the animation towards the origin so it can be more centered, but can't think of it now other than going through all frames manually. Such good work on the animation man. Looking really detailed, too bad we don't have a FPS mode lol. Keep it up!
    1 point
  25. I think I am done with elephant tower. I handed it to Enrique for final completion. I'm working on the palette of helmets now.
    1 point
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