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  1. This one ? http://pella.virtualreality.gr/en.html
    2 points
  2. If AOM did one thing very awesome, it was the game encyclopedia. It was completely crossreferenced and everything.
    2 points
  3. Perhaps we ought to be a bit more transparent in mod development, I tend to get in the habit of making everything all at once, lol I know a lot of Terra Magna discussion is being held in PMs atm since we haven't set up a forum organization yet, though that might just be as simple as renaming the Rise of the East forum and working there more in the public eye
    2 points
  4. @Tomcelmare Hi, thank you for joining the discussion! I have to disagree though, on a pyramidal brown roof for the CC. The Kushites had actual administrative centers, and we know where they are located and roughly how they looked like. They all follow a specific pattern. Large, nearly perfectly square, multistoried compounds, built over large vaulted cellars, with a central courtyard or light-well, lined by a colonnade, with columns topped by "papyrus shaped" capitols. Built using a combination of mud-brick foundation (plasticity equals stability), fired red brick, cut sandstone, and white lime-plaster (perhaps mud-plaster in some cases). Vaulted ceilings were common, arched windows for upper floors as well. Fig. 109 I recently found another example of a large 2 storied Kushite palace, with more archaic features. I didn't share it before, because I can't find the source of this picture. All I know is It came from a forum discussing Kushites. Perhaps Amanishakheto's palace at Naqa?
    2 points
  5. This thread wants to get together all your considerations about spear cavalry. Personally I think that this unit is kinda tricky because actually Spear Cavalry doesn't really can't out damage Sword Cavalry despite its high mixed pierce and hack damage since the spear horseman has a 3,5 sec Attack Rate which is really slow if compared to the 0,75 Attack Rate of the Swordman resulting with an higher Damage Per Second for the Sword Cavalry. However the spear cavalry has its role even if not so morally correct .. women persecution. This only role of this unit in the whole part of the game, is it early game at minute 5 or late game min 40, is killing women. Note: My consideration is based on an hypothetical Persian player because Persia has the privilege to choice any kind of Cavalry type (sword, spear, javelin, bow). Weak Points: Really slow attack rate they can't kill any kind of cavalry Despite spear 3x bonus on cavalry, spear cavalry doesn't benefit from that bonus at all After a couple of tests I found on that Sword Cavalry out damage Spear cavalry indipendently from the enemy pierce / hack armor, infact Sword Cavalry isn't countered by Spear Cavalry despite the sword cavalry pierce armor which is slightly lower than spear cavalry due the out damage that sword has over its counterpart and the same number of sword cavalry can defeat enemy infantry ranged units while spear cavalry can't despite this last one higher pierce armor. Strong Points: Phase I unit of choice for a coupe of civs (Macedonians and Romans) Their phase I rush is uncounterable As I said above, the only spear cavalry role is to kill women, and it is really effective if not really uncounterable during the first phase of the game. Why that? for a couple of reasons: Houses give more population than you can actually garrison into, resulting that women will be really vulnerable. Since spear infantry is too slow for chasing cavalry and there is more chance in phase 2 for the enemy to cumulate an army big enough to repel spear cavalry from the wood gathering spot, at least. The only tactic that most players do is just to cumulate an adeguate number of spear cavalry since the beginning thanks to the food boost that fruit provides and the lower amount of wood needed for training cavalry, going to mine the food production of the enemy, totally avoiding open fights. This tactic requires a sacrifice in Population growing since the cavalry requires much more time than infantry soldiers or women to train and it consists into slow down the enemy so much to completly erase the economy advantage that the enemy surely had in choosing women / workers for gathering resources and constantly raid his food production to force the enemy to train women only (since the houses can garrison less women than the population bonus houses give, you can imagine that the raid scene will bring the game into a loop until the enemy resigns). In my opinion there is a too big gap between Spear Cavalry OverPower and their Worthless train delimited by their high pierce armor, high enough to facilitate raids minimizing any damage(civic center and phase 1 sentry towers are harmless against cavalry), and their low attack rate that makes them not the best melee cavalry choice in any fight. Sper Cavalry deserves less pierce armor: Civic Center and Sentry Towers are not much helpful against this kind of cavalry and, since their food cost is high, the result of the game is decided by the amount of animals a player has around its own base. What I mean is that considering the randomness of resources on the map, would be really nice to build/train something that can counter those cavalry raids indipendently from the amount of food aviable around allowing me to train more cavalry than the enemy. They deserve to attack faster: Despite the spear cavalry pierce armor, sword cavalry is much more effective due their higher DPS. It can be reasonable if spear cavalry doesn't have more damage on impact, in that way the enemy can still retreat, by the way the low attack rate of spear cavalry let them harmless while standing in a battle.
    1 point
  6. I mean, just WOW! The patches keep getting me excited. And this one is just OH I CAN HARDLY CONTAIN MYSELF!
    1 point
  7. Hi all, I'm 26 years old and I've been interested in programming since I was 10 or 11. In 2000/2001 our neighbour tried to teach me c++ but that didn't work. I struggled with Blitz Max when I was 15 and I couldn't write good programs. Things are different in 2017: I've taught myself how to build c++ applications in Linux and I know what tools to use and what tools to avoid. I use Code Blocks, whereas in the past I tried using Anjuta (garbage!) Emacs and Vi, none of which are acceptable for beginners. I also don't recommend automatic indenting, I find that these "aids" are counter-productive. It took many years of unnecessary stress and now I finally know what I'm talking about: I prefer c++ with Code Blocks and SDL2. I'd consider using Unity or Unreal in the future but for now I enjoy learning without too many assisted things. Getting comfortable I was sceptical for 15 years as to whether I could learn programming. There's too much conflicting information regarding how to do things, or what tools to use. Also, programming is unfairly stereotyped as being about "zeros and ones" and as a result many people think you need to be a hardcore autistic to gain any ground in programming, which is untrue. The main difficulty (besides the overwhelming possibilities of tools/languages) is simply that you cannot learn programming in high school. When I was in high school back in 2006, they only taught Microsoft Visual Basic and that was only in year 12, which is the 4th year of high school. If the government bureaucrats want students to learn properly, then they should teach programming in a wider sense. They should demonstrate the pros-and-cons of different editing tools, and c++ should be taught too - it isn't as hard as most people believe. 100 lines of code looks confusing to most people, if they're not familiar with programming. People don't understand that programming is structure: it is loops and function calls. A program can be broken down and understood as components, just like any other electrical system (SHOCK HORROR!) No-one becomes a genius programmer overnight. You have to start at the bottom, knowing your tools of choice and knowing what the scopes of your program are. Once a student understands that some parts of the program do not connect to other parts of the program, they can find problems much more easily. It becomes 1000x easier to understand. Every time someone talks of "learning to write code" they do damage to the reputation of programmers. There is no "code" there are statements. There is no "logic" or "system" there is program flow and loops. The sooner "normal" people become comfortable with programming the better things will be for everyone. Another point I'd like to emphasise is the GNU Philosophy Where did we come from to get to here I believe that it's important to know where we came from. While I dislike Bjarne Stroustrup's style of teaching there is something in one of his books that I really liked, he dedicated one chapter to the history of programming. I thought that was really cool. Back in the day it was all academic people. Then in the 80s the games industry was almost exclusively men with long hair who lived off pizza and metal. When money and status is the motivating force that drives someone into programming or network administration, that is the wrong motivation in my opinion. My motivation for learning programming is because it's interesting. I also want to share my skills and publish software for free (with no strings attached) so that we don't have to rely on closed-source tools and see ads everywhere. The world has reached such heights of gluttony that competing requires one to be as shallow and selfish as possible. It's refreshing to go against the norm. The invention of computers and silicone chips was a great scientific advance that is supposed to benefit everyone. We should continue the tradition of helping people do stuff whether it's being entertained or sorting data, and users should always be the most important thing. The rabid commercialisation of the games industry has been a disaster in my opinion. I'd like to avoid paying for games as often as possible - that's why I support 0 A.D. 0 A.D. I haven't managed to compile 0 A.D. yet, I need to try the nightly build next time or whatever it's called - the latest stuff from git/svn. I tried the package in the Fedora 25 repos with no luck, and I tried compiling the source but I never tried the latest build which I suspect is my problem. I don't have internet where I live so every time I want to download something or get support I have to get in my car and drive. I hope to go flatting in 2-3 months and perhaps get fibre via an ethernet cable for maximum speed. Plans for 2017 I begin a programming course on the 27th of February and that course ends in December, basically I get a piece of paper which says I'm smart and I learn c# and Xamarin (Xamarin is for making android applications). I want to contribute to free software projects in my spare time, I'll start with bug hunting. I also like the idea of promoting 0 A.D. on other forums, something which I've already done lots of. Do not underestimate the value of marketing (eg. good, short videos, walk-throughs and screen shots) I attached some photos just for fun.
    1 point
  8. Hi, I noticed a problem when the new carthaginian gate closes. You can see it here: http://imgur.com/a/WR6Rk
    1 point
  9. So you didn't notice that the normal priest also uses the Ptolemian as placeholder?
    1 point
  10. Thank you very much for the gate fixing, Lordgood! You're the greatest pony I know! Now it works perfectly, and this is something you won't have to worry about anymore before the next alpha release. A little reaction to the previous comments: I think I misunderstood the way 0ad team is working. Now I understand that mods are not only a way to have fun, but also a necessary step for artists and programmers to keep an interest into a long-lived project which still needs many improvements, and sharpen or develop their skills on a specific field. In all honesty, I can't complain about mods, because I enjoy them as much as the main game. My point was, from a player perspective, to remind you respectfully that this is originally a game about ancient history with mediterranean civilizations at its core, and the player community will be attracted by that before anything else. For example, I was surprised when I discussed with some players that they knew nothing about great mods such as Rise of the East or Delenda Est, and even never played with mauryans or ptolemies because they didn't know what kind of civ they were! They came for Spartans and Romans mostly. Actually, the game rich historical background is almost too good and too detailed for most players (not my opinion at all, but that's a fact). A pity that they don't realize the implication and commitment of your team to make an historically accurate game, with a distinctive educational touch that so many games lack. I try my best to communicate about your work and the changes you're bringing progressively. I think that moddb is a good showcase for you guys, but not enough to appeal to, for exemple, young french players, who for a large part of them, still haven't heard of this game, not to mention the mods. I see you went in Toulouse to give this game a little more exposure, and that was a great initiative! So, maybe more players will be attracted now... Finally, I seize this moment to congratulate you (Lorgood, Stan?) for your great work on the Terra Magna mod, attached to Rise of the East. The zapotec civ is really nice and brings some novelty to the game. I have tested it quickly yesterday, and I have some suggestions for the mod, but I'll open another topic. I didn't see an announcement about it, maybe because it's not ready for the alpha version, but it's really promising! Regards.
    1 point
  11. You're all wrong https://code.wildfiregames.com/D117
    1 point
  12. Since we're still looking for a wonder, how about The "Palace of the Lady of Vix"? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vix_Grave Or maybe a Necropolis?
    1 point
  13. I suppose I should address the first point. As far as responsibility goes, if I had let this slip into an alpha I'd understand the blowback. I appreciate the concern, and sometimes ringing the bell on the issue a few times keeps it from slipping from my lousy memory, but really my only 'responsibility' is commit integrity at the time of release. I don't mean to sound short, but coming home from pressure-washing sewer manholes all day (absolutely as messy as it sounds) to this kind of rubbed me the wrong way, which is why I'm only replying to it now. Gate's fixed, Nobody's come up with an adaptable Spartan, Macedonian, or Gaulish wonder (actually Stan might have a lovely oppidium(?) in the Gaulish suggestion thread) and I am honing my modeling and texture making skills on mods. Wonderful way to learn about new civilizations too. I'm also nearly exclusively an architecture guy. I can animate, but generally takes a few tries, and results in the kinds problem that started this thread when it doesn't.
    1 point
  14. Nah. Their running speed makes up for the advantage. They're spear-as-many-women-as-you-can-then-run kind of units.
    1 point
  15. I'm confident you'll come up with something nice… Artistic licenses will always have to be taken to some degree. I'm just being as specific as I can, so that it becomes clear what we know, and what we don't. CC is a known, so it doesn't need all that much interpreting.
    1 point
  16. I might have to tweak the design a bit to fit within a CC's recognizable shape, or not. I'll come up with something lol
    1 point
  17. Okay, it was weird, the last time I used Liu Bang, it looked like his horse missing, which made it seem like he was a Hero Swordsman not a Hero Cavalry Swordsman, but that didn't happen this time.
    1 point
  18. Looks like a unit got angry and slammed the door on its way out lol. Will take a look at it when I come back from traveling. Unless LordGood beats me to it.
    1 point
  19. Nah, pretty much just what you'd expect, haha
    1 point
  20. More shot of River Oxus. If/when the map resizing patch committed, I can make of 4 player version. Right now, just 2 player version.
    1 point
  21. Starting a new "Bactria" style map called "River Oxus", the major river that run through the Bactrian valley. Bottom half of map is green and trees. The top half across the river is mountainous and have many passes and treasures. Based on images like this: I think the game should have new water type called "Rapids." @wraitii
    1 point
  22. Caldera, a 3 player map.
    1 point
  23. Hi everyone! There are some issues with the current minimap color scheme as pointed out here: #763 I started working on this as part of Millennium A.D. (as some of you probably already noticed) and decided to split it off and hopefully get it merged into the game. This is the current state of the mod: I would like you guys to try it out and give your opinions on it (what do you think about it, where is it already better than SVN, where could/should it be improved and how should it be improved). v4: Changelog: Dark orange for bushes, pink for metal mines and limegreen for fauna. minimap_color_v4.zip minimap_color_a20_v4.zip Thanks in advance!
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Yep, do dis. Also, players colors should be more saturated overall (and contrasty). Here are the player colors for my mod:
    1 point
  26. The color player is saturated, the resources are darkest colors, terrain is desaturated.
    1 point
  27. Minimap is quick reference, not comprehensive. Bright orange color or brown color can denote food resiurce and player investigate with camera. In AOE 3 there was also some minimap notification when your scout found certain type of resource. 0 A.D. can expand on this idea. (the game lack many kind of notifications overall, perhaps a dedicated thread to this)
    1 point
  28. In my opinion, just make all food sources (animals, berries, fish) the same bright color. It's simpler that way and it reduces the chances of having one of the colors similar to something else. The way the game is now, it's difficult to see animals and fish that are such a dim brown, so that to find animals I don't even look at the minimap. If they were bright orange like the berries they would be much more visible (except for the collision with the orange player color).
    1 point
  29. In my opinion, if we really want to focus on readability the best option would be a "toggle" button, this would make the actual terrain always the same color (instead of depending of the biome texture) this way you could set the ideal colors for everything without having to accommodate the minimap scheme to be readable on all possible biome map terrain colors.
    1 point
  30. I think flashing dots for attacked units should be replaced with something else. It doesn't stand out enough for such an important event, especially with the default flash rate which is very slow. It takes me a few seconds looking at the minimap to figure out where the flashing units are if I'm being attacked. It would be better to have flashing dots for enemy units (more rapid flash rate by default, like 0.5 sec), and if you're actually attacked, perhaps draw a big red circle on the minimap over the attack location so you can't miss it. That's what Starcraft does.
    1 point
  31. The metal color should be more distinct. Don't really like the pink for animals and berries, but that indeed is a different color. We already have flashing of dots for attacked units, so not sure if making more things flash is the best idea, but we could have 2 colors for resources (like a green dot with a black border around it) to distinguish Also it would be nice if there was a button to toggle between player- and team colors (f.e. allies blue, enemies red, neutral green)
    1 point
  32. Gallic and Brittonic small and large towns
    1 point
  33. Going with some stuff I read on the site about formations being more useful, unit speed should probably be more useful as well. Instead of just having speed to travel from one side of the map to the other, speed should also be used to dodge attacks (or call it agility, or whatever) or something. Also you may want to have unit AI that can be set to on/off/partial. On being advanced AI where you don't have to micro-manage, partial being standard RTS stuff, and off being for those who have memorized every hotkey there is and want to micro-manage everything. Anyways, I'll give you more as I come up with them .
    1 point
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