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  1. Alight a new path, thus spake Ashoka.
    2 points
  2. @feneur you can merge with stanilas post, please ? ----- there is topic about this. @vidnik2
    1 point
  3. Also props, historically correct props such as weapons, and maybe tools, if we are to have unit props.
    1 point
  4. in relation to the first sample, I mean the percussive one, here is one example. perhaps not as sophisticated, in terms of rhythm and articulation, once it's sequenced manually, but you sort of get an idea 1 4-Audio.aif
    1 point
  5. First of all...AMAZING GAME! Love it. It kills me at times, but love it. There is one thing that I cannot find enough info and I continue to wonder... How do I leverage resources at the market? The percentage of resources does exactly what? does increasing the portage of a resource means that I trade more of that resources or is it meant to increase the revenue of that resource material?
    1 point
  6. @Juli51 package is ready, just need to be uploaded @implodedok @Itms @wraitii are on it.
    1 point
  7. @tmm88: I have a few (nothing expensive) sample libraries at my disposal which could help with sketching out your arrangements (and in a better way than the midi synth in your linked website )
    1 point
  8. If I understand correctly, his issue is that moving the cursor above the CC ends in the game assuming the cursor hovering the CC. So the selection box of the CC would be too big (in particular too much height). However testing, in particular using Alt+D to open the developer overlay, removing the camera restriction and rotating the camera so as to get a front view reveals that the height of the briton CC footprint is actually correct. If we reduce it, the highest point is not inside the footprint anymore. So the mismatch comes from the cuboid shape, while the graphical model doesn't have that.
    1 point
  9. Am I the only one who thinks the shape is not right? The indentations go too deep into the shield and could benefit from a bigger rim inline to pop out the "cut" form so it could be read better. They also need a bit more gometry to make a smoother cut shape. Coin references also show that the shield was lightly oval shaped instead of perfectly round.
    1 point
  10. I know he has just barely started in youtube and doing streams, but this guy barely know how to speak in his own language. Couldn't bear more than 15 minutes, can't imagine how difficult can be to sit through the whole thing.
    1 point
  11. Mayorcete is very good Youtuber, is even better and funny in Spanish, when he is playing AoE 2 in his main channel, he jokes and makes team with player better than he, or with his Friend Matakito, Matakito many times save Mayorcete skin in battles (AoE 2 or Total WAr) but in another one he only get Mayorcete angry. They are trying to play with Pro gamers of AoE 2 HD like TaToH (one of top player). For now he isn't trying Multiplayer of 0 A.D. but unfortunely Matakito don't speak English, both are very funny.
    1 point
  12. Here's what i think could be their icon, its an artifact made by them with a sacred rock called "Turquesa" and gold, it was very important for them and represents their culture, its related with the sun:
    1 point
  13. That would probably be it. And I know you can rotate the map, it just seems silly that I need to. I have now experimented more, and I realize that my initial assessment was off a little bit. I realized that what is going on is that the button for cancelling a rally point is oversized, not the Center button itself. I took a screenshot of a Briton CC, mostly because it illustrates the point really well. Since it won't show the cursor in the screenshot, I moved a unit to the point where the rally point cancel button ends. His feet are where the rally point cancel option ends, and setting a new rally point begins. I frequently place a rally point about where he is standing so new stuff doesn't get in the way of old stuff that is farming or something or to remind myself of why I built that particular group in the first place. Note: the issue is different on different zoom levels, and the screenshot was taken zoomed out all the way.
    1 point
  14. Actually nevermind it gives a nice variation Full modification as attachement. public.7z
    1 point
  15. "Massacre is good." Lol Why did I even read that outside of its context?
    1 point
  16. Done. The rhino is a great model and texture..
    1 point
  17. You ask for this guys , here is, Mayorcete playing in English, in his alternate channel.
    1 point
  18. You must've been playing the Ptolemies, since they're the only faction that gets most of their Phase I buildings for free. Did you know that you can rotate the camera angles using the Q and E buttons? Maybe that would help you click your rally point near your Civic Center without having its Bounding Box in the way. Edit: Use the R button to go back to the default camera view.
    1 point
  19. We could also add an additionnal expenditure to compensate that new income: for example, military structures would have a maintenance cost, while civilian ones would produce taxes. That would force the player to keep developing its economy, even in phase 3 when most of its income come from trade.
    1 point
  20. Hi guys , I took to 100%, for now, the Italian translation, so hand in hand that you updated SVN I come back. I want, when I have more time, to review some synonyms used to better contextualize. Carry the above ,in Italian, here below to allow search engines, who read the threads, to update for Italians interested in the game. 0 A. D. in Italiano Salve ragazzi, ho portato al 100% , per ora, la traduzione italiana, così a mano a mano che voi aggiornate sull'SVN io vengo dietro. Voglio, quando avrò più tempo, rivedere alcuni sinonimi utilizzati per poter meglio contestualizzarli. Greetings to all
    1 point
  21. They make a serious mistake with their art direction, like AOEO. Shame.
    1 point
  22. Agree with Argi Though there is one VERY annyiong thing ... UNITS ON WALLS!! I kind of dream of a game doing this well, and i hoped 0ad would be the first. But later on, as far as i know, you chancelled it WHY ?? Also, check the clan MP thing, there are some suggestions conserning Multiplayer lobby, ladders and so on Nice thread btw Jason
    1 point
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