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  1. I'll hold off animating engineers until we have new unit meshes, but here are the hellenistic lithobolos catapults and their firing animation pew pew
    5 points
  2. IMPORTANT!!! We are making a call to all contributors to help with Seleucid references and concept art!! for units and specially buildings!! Help us to shape this civilization as historically accurate as possible!! Since historical pictures/references are so scarce, we ask to our skilled concept artists contributors to help us laying out concepts for seleucid buildings!! Thread --> http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17651 - Seleucid elephant- Head armor prop(s), golden armor texture (and new mesh if skills/time permits) References: http://s3.amazonaws.com/photos.prod.jewishboston.com/photos/77392/seleucid_war_elephant_large.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_WemHOssXe6c/TQwGaougmHI/AAAAAAAAAE4/i7KcY9oTrwY/s1600/Raffia%2B6s.JPG - Ptolemaic and Seleucid helmets - Work in four helmets started nicely by Sighvatr. Tutorial for guidelines on how to finish them in the thread: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17924 References for the helmets and related tickets in the Art dev. Task tracking thread - New Iberian barracks design - We want concept artists to come up with concepts for updating the Iberian barracks. The concept needs to fit with the current Iberian building set. - Celt war dogs - We need two new models for celtic war dogs Hound/Wolfhound and Mastiff. Models, Textures, Rig and Animations needed! - Mauryan OX - The Zebu model is done. Needs a good Rig and idle/walk/run/death animations for the trader cart. Thread These are the highest priority tasks that we would like to finish for A17. The most important task of course is references and concept art for Seleucids, since there has been very little content gathered for this civilization compared with the two previous crowdsourcing civilizations. For non-essential and eyecandy tasks, you can check the Art Dev. Task tracking thread.
    1 point
  3. Check out my Desert Sands Map. Please let me know of any problems etc, one of my first I made.
    1 point
  4. Thanks for the report corky, it is more a warning than an error which i should rather print only whens debug are activated. In your case, I guess you have destroyed all the AI's markets, and it could not find a training facility for the traders it had planned while its markets were alive. So nothing to worry
    1 point
  5. A button on the minimap (I think there is an icon in SVN already) that you can click and that pings other players (maybe team only) and flashes a point on the minimap. The same command should be usable by the AI to both send and receive position based messages (though a chat message explaining why that signal was sent would be helpful). Shouldn't be to hard to implement IMO.
    1 point
  6. Something like the flare behaviour that's planned for the minimap? (See #57 and some old trac document that's probably outdated in most regards)
    1 point
  7. Those are called lithoboloi, a word that probably derives from the Greek for stone, λιθος, and throw, βαλλω. Hence, it would be inappropriate to make them fire arrows.
    1 point
  8. I've also added this little demo mission for demonstrating triggers in a multiplayer scenario and giving some ideas how they can be used. I've played it with leper yesterday, it's actually quite fun already (could use some fine-tuning though).
    1 point
  9. If you're working on triggers, and would like more/other default helpers or more trigger events (or even different event data is still possible as it's still young), we invite you to join #0ad-dev on Quakenet to discuss it with us.
    1 point
  10. It is all described here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Triggers
    1 point
  11. There is nothing about this mod that is not just awesome. Congratulations.
    1 point
  12. Photos of 0 A.D. running on Raspberry Pi You can see it's quite a simple setup: just the Pi, an LCD monitor (a TV works too), and a USB nano receiver for keyboard and mouse. I'd be happy with controlling the fullscreen resolution through standard SDL API Windowed mode isn't critical but it's kinda nice for testing and debugging.
    1 point
  13. This thread is public but only reply to it if you have the skills needed to contribute something useful. Any posts that don't add anything to the thread will be deleted! The game is getting to a point where the speed is really killing us. We need to find ways of speeding up the game, and doing so within the next release or two. Lag causes players to give up and leave. We need to start attracting fans to play regularly. So the point of this thread is to discuss, collect, and action on ways we can actually speed up the game. Found a really slow part of the game? Post where it is and some ideas for improving it. Working on something to speed it up? Post about it an get feedback early. This is now top priority for all developers. Other work can continue, but you should be working together to get the game faster. Communicate, collaborate, contribute.... Here are some ideas/tickets to get things started. Finish developing the new path finder - http://trac.wildfire...com/ticket/1756 The new pathfinder is designed to be faster and give closer results between long range and short range path finding. CCmpRangeManager optimisation - http://trac.wildfire...com/ticket/1707 Implement an Octree - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octree Rewrite the AI base system in C++ - AI are very slow. From what I understand, several systems are implemented in JS when they would be much faster in C++, e.g. building placement needs to copy data from C++ to JS and then loop over the data. Move as much of the AI system to C++ for speed. If we keep the javascript AI system then a fairly simple improvement is to make the entity collection updates use the heirarchy of entity collections to save significant work. boost::unordered_map is potentially faster than std::map in some situations. This is now serializable so should be very easy to change (it won't even break multiplayer sync because it serializes as a std::map). I don't know if there are any situations currently where this would help though. (Except for CCmpRangeManager, but the proposal in the ticket is better for that). Here are things which could be done but hopefully won't need to be. This is just a list we can come back to near when we release if we still need to improve: Disable the ability to have arrows hit units other than the one they targetted, this would save looking up entities near to the arrows hit location.
    1 point
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