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In the interest of transparency, the Wildfire Games team would like to report on the finances of the project as of 2014-04-21. 0 A.D. has funds in three places: (1) Funds earmarked for the project and held in trust by US-based non-profit organization Software in the Public Interest, Inc. (hereafter “SPI”); (2) A private account in the US, under the name of former project leader, Jason Bishop (Wijitmaker). This account is a legacy of the time before we became affiliated with SPI; (3) Flattr, a Sweden-based microdonation provider. SPI Earmark for 0 A.D. As of 2014-04-21, the 0 A.D. earmark is USD 34,272.78. We had intended to start using these funds to pay a programmer to develop 0 A.D., but unfortunately, he has parted ways with Wildfire Games several months ago, and we wish him all the best. We are now planning to use the funds to pay other programmers, who may already be contributing to the project voluntarily, to work more intensively on core features and on improving the game’s performance, so that the game won’t lag so much. Part of these funds are planned to go towards buying the perks we promised our donors. We will be distributing surveys to our donors shortly to make sure which perks they want. Then we will budget accordingly. We know donors have been waiting for their perks for a long time. We sincerely apologize for the long delay in perk fulfillment. Other Accounts & Total In our “legacy” US bank account, we have USD 383.54. On Flattr, we have EUR 430.82 available, which are approximately USD 595.13. In total, we have USD 35,251.45 in all three accounts. Concluding Remarks A monthly report of funds held by SPI in trust for 0 A.D. is also available on the SPI website under “approved minutes of past meetings“. Currently, the latest report available on the SPI website is from November 30, 2013. We have obtained updated data from SPI through personal correspondence with its treasurer, Michael Schultheiss. The 0 A.D. project finances are managed by the Treasury Committee: Erik (“feneur”), Adarash (“MishFTW”) and Aviv (“Jeru”). We welcome your comments on this thread and elsewhere on the forums.4 points
Equites Scutarii/Mauri/Armagerii - Scutarii meant "Shieldbearers" and it is thought that these were cavalry armed with large infantry shields, rather than small cavalry shields.Mauri and Armagerii were similar to Scutarii, but didn't have the large shield. They were graded as "Limitanei" cavalry and were likely armed with,as well as a sword or lance, several light javelins.Like thier infantry counterparts, they were not the undisciplined, lower-quality troops most people think of when concerning the Limitanei. They served as a screening force for the Roman infantry. They would have looked something like this: http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd271/julianus_heraclius/Revised%20Roman%20UI%20Cards/Equites_auxilia_info.jpg In terms of 0AD, these would be the "Socii" or Italian Allies slot Equites Promoti/Stablesiani - Promoti and Stablesiani were the descendents of the cavalry detachments of the Roman Legions of the Principate, and were usually Comitatenses-grade troops. They were armed similarly to Scutarii, but were lancers rather than javelineers. Unlike the Scutarii, they were supposed to engage enemy cavalry, but were not that effective against infantry unless attacking from the sides or rear of a formation. They would have looked something like this: http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd271/julianus_heraclius/Revised%20Roman%20UI%20Cards/sarmatian_auxilia_info.jpg In terms of 0AD, these would be the Roman Equites Slot Equites Catafractarii/Clibanarii - Equites Catafractarii and Clibanarii were Roman Superheavy Cavalry, second only to the Bucellarii of some of the Roman Magister Militae. The difference was that Catafractarii seemed to have been armored head to toe, but Clibanarii had an armored horse as well. They were shock cavalry, often equipped to use Hunnic and Sarmatian "lance-and-bow" tactics, in which one was trained to switch between lance and bow usage quickly while in combat, as the situation demanded. Like Promoti, they were designed to smash enemy cavalry and exploit gaps in infantry formations. Although heavily armored, this was exploited to take them down: for example at Strausborg in 357 AD, the Alemanni hid infantry in the tall grass with their cavalry, that would cut the horses out from underneath their riders, and get up under the horse armor of the Clibanarii. This is what they would have looked like: http://comitatus.net/images/comitatuscavalry82.jpg In Terms of 0AD, these would have been in the "Consular Bodyguard" slot. Heroes: These are just Hero recommendations: Eastern Empire: Theodosius the Great - Bonus to Barracks Infantry Belisarius - Bonus to Cavalry Heraclius - Bonus to Champion Infantry Western Empire: Julian the Apostate - Bonus to Barracks Infantry Flavius Stilicho - Bonus to Barracks Cavalry Flavius Aetius - Bonus to Champion Infantry The IMG tags didn't work so I had to link, sorry about that. More on the Late Roman Navy and Foederati Later3 points
I've wanted to contribute ideas towards 0AD for a little while now, and thought the best thing I could do would be the discussion of a faction I had ideas for: Late Rome. It was mentioned that you guys are looking to add one in the future, and I thought I could help by contributing ideas. I posted a bit in the Byzantine Thread, but as a faction Late Rome needs it's own thread. Also, if this is in the wrong location please move it. Here are some ideas (I will update OP as discussion develops) And basic information. I have specified this for an Eastern and Western Empire, although a General Late Rome could work too. Recruitment Tree: Barracks: Infantry: Limitanei (Village Phase: Spearmen) -Limitanei were the border Legions. They were pretty much just as well equipped and trained as Comitatenses, but served a different purpose. They have a Contus (Spear), large ovoid shield, and sometimes a helmet and sometimes armor. Comitatenses (Town Phase: Swordsmen) - Comitatenses were the mobile field forces, originally designed for putting down internal revolts, they later were required to combat the Barbarians and Sassanid Persians. They have a large circular shield, Spatha (longsword), helmet, and armor. Auxilia Palatina (City Phase: Champion) - Auxilia Palatina Were the "crack troops" of the Late Roman era, better than the Comitatenses and they also served in specialist roles. They have a large ovoid shield, a Spatha, and have a helmet, greaves, and armor. Ranged: Sagittarii (Village Phase: Archers) - Sagittarii were Roman archers. They were usually armed with a symmetric composite bow, and sometimes they had armor. Sagittarii were now an integral part of a Roman Legion, rather than just being Auxiliary support like in the Principate. Arcuballistarii (Town Phase: Crossbowmen) - The Arcuballista was the Late Roman Crossbow. Although it was uncommon, it could be more powerful than a bow, and was generally easier to use. They were not the same as medieval crossbows, as they seemed to have had a different trigger mechanism and used a wooden prod without a stirrup, and were spanned in a different method. Cavalry: Scutarii (Village Phase: Javelineers) - The Scutarii were screening cavalry of the Limitanei grade, equipped with a large infantry shield, spatha, and light javelins. Promoti (Town Phase: Sword Cavalry) - The Promoti were Late Roman Comitatensian cavalry, descended from the cavalry detachments of Principate Roman Legions, they had a smaller shield and used a Spatha or Contus. They were armored cavalry, and used to chase off enemy cavalry and exploit gaps in an enemy formation. Unnigardae (City Phase: Western Empire Champion Cavalry) - Unnigardae were specialist Hunnic Bucellarii, or private retainers of Roman Generals, used heavily in the Western Empire. Aetius used them most prominently, but they had been in use since Theodosius I and remained in use until the time of the Emperor Maurice. Unnigardae are armed with the powerful Hunnic Asymmetric bow, and (provided the game does not go past 600 AD) would be the best horse archers in the game. Catafractarii (City Phase: Eastern Empire Champion Cavalry) - Cataphracts were super-heavy cavalry, designed to crush enemy cavalry and smash into openings in an enemy formation in order to turn the tide of a battle. They were armored head to toe, and some even had armor for their horses, who were called Clibanarii. Siege Weapons: Tragularii (Bolt Shooters) - Tragularii were soldiers who operated siege engines, in this case the Manuballista, a small, metal-framed version of the earlier Roman Scorpio. Although carried by a single person, they still needed 2 operators and were mounted on a stand. It was famed that these devices could shoot across the Danube. Onager (Catapult) - Onagers were Roman catapults. These are already in the game, but not developed or assigned to any faction. The Onager didn't come about until the 1st Century AD, and the Sassanids later used it to invent the Mangonel. Navy: Piscator (Lit. Fisherman, Fishing Boat) - A Piscator was a Fisherman. He operates a Fishing Boat. Can't say much more. Merchant Vessel - Can't Remember the Latin word for a generic Merchant Ship. There were a lot of classifications though. Liburna - The Liburna was the only warship of the Late Roman era, as others had been phased out. Although small, it had a lot of technological advances that made up for this: Lateen Sails, Skeleton-First Construction, and the Spur rather than a Ram. This should help counterbalance the Late Roman Navy against the other factions, as it would have slightly higher attack than a normal liburna and would be slightly cheaper and slightly quicker to build. Heroes: Western: Constantinus Magnus (Barracks Cavalry Bonus) - Constantine the Great was the legendary Emperor who supposedly converted to Christianity before the Battle of Milvian Bridge in AD 312. By 324, he had reunited the Empire and instituted the Late Roman military and administrative system, or at least had made it official. By the time he died in 337, Christianity had become the dominant religion in the Empire. Iulianus Apostatus (Barracks Infantry Bonus) - Julian the Apostate is famed for trying to restore the Pagan religions of Rome, and was a masterful infantry general. He united the divided Empire, defeated Chnodomarius' Alemanni, and invaded Sassanid Persia, where he was struck by a Javelin and died in combat. He was considered a true Roman Emperor, but his legacy fell apart with the Christians who succeeded him. Flavius Aetius (Champion Cavalry Bonus) - Flavius Aetius is usually known as the "Last of the Romans" and managed to hold together the Dying Empire from 425-454 AD. He is also famed for beating Attila the Hun at the Battle of Chalons, and his various generals and associates would be the ones who tore the empire apart with their bids to replace him. He was a master of Gothic, Roman, and Hunnic warfare and used large numbers of Huns to defeat his enemies. Eastern: Valens (Barracks Cavalry Bonus) - Valens was the Emperor who was defeated at the Battle of Adrianople. He was a very capable, skilled man, and it was the incompetence of his subordinates who lead to his death. He fought the Goths and Sassanids with effect before being slain in 378. Theodosius Magnus (Champion Infantry Bonus) - Theodosius the Great was the man who made Christianity the only Legal Religion of the Empire (it had been official for about 12 years when he did) and reunited the Empire for the last time after defeating the western Romans at the Battle of the River Frigidus. His Eastern Empire would live for a thousand years more than the Western one. Belisarius (Champion Cavalry Bonus) - Belisarius was the General who reconqured North Africa, Italy, and fought in the final round of Gothic Wars with Totila. He was a masterful commander of Byzantine Cavalry, and skilled Infantry general as well. He and Justinian, although bitter political rivals, brought about major administrative, legal, and military reforms in the Eastern Roman Empire that distinguished it significantly from earlier times. Buildings: Any building not mentioned is the same as the early Roman faction. Castra (Barracks) - Castra meant a Roman Miltiary marching camp, but also a Barracks. For training infantry and some upgrades. Fabrica (Blacksmith) - The Fabricae were massive industrial complexes, one even being found at Amiens, that mass-produced all the equipment necessary for the Roman Army, including clothes and other necessities. For military armor and weapons upgrades. Praesidium (Fortress) - The Praesidium was the central headquarters of a permanent Late Roman Fort. It was the office of the Tribunis/Praepositus/Praefectus of the unit and served for logistics and administration as well. Used for Siege Equipment and Champion units. Arcus Constantinus (Western Empire Wonder) - The Arch of Constantine commemorated his triumph as an Usurper and his reunification of the Western Half of the Roman Empire. Used to research Late Roman Special Idea Codex Theodosiani. Vallum Theodosianum (Eastern Empire Wonder) - The Theodosian Landwalls were built to prevent Constantinople from ever being taken by land, and they did for over 1000 years, when cannons finally shook them down. In-game they could be used to replace the normal wall maybe. Used to research Late Roman Special Idea Codex Theodosiani. Burgus (Outpost) - The Burgus was a Latinized Germanic word for the Roman Outposts that adorned the frontiers of the Empire. Used to research outpost related tech. Castellum (Roman Camp) - The Roman Miltiary Camp used in the Republican Roman Faction, but a different word for it. Used for recruitment of units in neutral territory. Basilica (Temple) - The Basilica was re-purposed from being an office building to a Church in the Late Roman Era. Used for Priests and associated upgrades. Technologies Blacksmith Infantry Attack (Incomplete) - Spatha (Swords +1) or Spiculum (Javelins +2) Infantry Armor (Incomplete) - Thorocomachus (Hack Def. +1) or Planked Scutum (Pierce Def. +1) - Intermediate - Intermediate - Clibanus (Hack Def. and Iron requirement) or (Metal Shield Replacement Needed) Cavalry Attack/Armor - Contus et Arcus (Melee Attack +2) or (Chamfron Replacement Needed) Wonder Codex Theodosiani (Wonder Tech) - The Codex Theodosiani was a consolidation of the past 200 years of Roman laws, compiled in 438 and added to until the reign of Justinian I. Effect: Improved Administration (-10% build time for all military units). Ideas and Suggestions Everyone? I know a lot but not everything, although I could probably finish this list on my own if I went back and looked through all of my books. Please add to or offer replacements for this list.2 points
Hi, As this is my first post I will say a little about myself first. I am the project leader of the mod INVASIO BARBARORVM: VLTIMVS ROMANORVM for the Rome Total War: Barbarian Invasion 1.6 platform. I am also a Roman Re-Enactor and author of my own book on the Battle of the Catalaunian Fields (It is not yet published.) Now, to the topic at hand: Many of the images on this thread, are frankly, WRONG. I recognized many of the ones in the first post as being by D'Amato, who frankly has his own crazy fantasies about the Roman army that are horribly incorrect. Now, let's look at the Eastern and Western Roman Empire in a historically correct pesrpective: Roman Troops: Limitanei - The Limitanei were high quality border garrison troops. Contrary to popular belief, they were not undisciplined, barbarized, or neglected, and were the front line of defence against the "Barbarians" of the Later Roman Empire. The Limitanei were first established in Britain by Constantine before he left for Gaul, where he established the Ripenses Garrisons on the Rhine (a grade of Limitanei). Limitanei come in 4 grades: Burgarii (Who man watch towers, which is individually called a Burgus), Castellanii (Who man the Roman Stone Forts which are each called a Castellum), Ripenses and Riparienses (Grades of troops that manned the Rhine and Danube frontiers, likely differentiated by unit size). Generally Speaking, Limitanei would have looked something like this: http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/247/6/4/limitanei_by_amelianvs-d6kqs8g.jpg In terms of 0Ad, they would go in the "Hastatii" Slot Comitatenses - Beginning in the mid 4th Century AD, Comitatenses became the primary fighting force against major incursions, but were not originally created for that purpose. The Comitatenses were supposed to be centralized armies used for putting down rebellions, but switched out of that role due to the ability of Barbarian groups to form "Superconfederations" beginning in the mid-4th century, and later the militarized and often rebellious Foederatii that eventually brought down the Empire. Generally Speaking, they would have looked something like this: http://amelianvs.deviantart.com/art/Battle-of-Frygium-27-July-363-366190126 In terms of 0AD, they would go in the "Triarii" slot For the East Roman Empire specifically, I recommend Legio V Macedonica, which lasted until 635 AD, and Legio IIII Parthica, which lasted to around the 630's as well. Auxilia/Legio Palatina - Auxilia and Legio Palatina were created from a mix of old Legionary and Auxilia regiments, often with no respectivity to what they were created from. They usually were armored the same as their Comitatenses counterparts, but were better trained and more disciplined. Auxilia Palatina formed the core of the most famous Late Roman Armies: Julian's at Strausborg, Valens' at Adrianople, and Aetius' at Chalons, just to name a few. They would have looked something like this: http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd271/julianus_heraclius/auxilia_palatini_cornuti_brachiati.jpg In terms of 0AD, they would go in the "Extraordinarii" slot. For the Eastern Roman Empire specifically, I recommend the Felices Theodosiaci, a unit which lasted until 980 AD. I will post more later on Late Roman Cavalry. This organizational system was maintained up until the time of the Emperor Maurice, and somewhat later. It was replaced by the Thematic army beginning in 638. The IMG tags didn't work so I had to link, sorry about that.2 points
Byzantines This topic is used for discussing the civilization of the Byzantines. Relating tasks go in the appropriate subforum. A brief description: The Byzantine Empire, known contemporaneously as the (Eastern) Roman Empire, was the predominantly Greek continuation of the Roman Empire during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Christian in nature, it was perennially at war with the Muslims, Flourishing during the reign of the Macedonian emperors, its demise was the consequence of attacks by Seljuk Turks, Crusaders, and Ottoman Turks.1 point
Ever since I improved the water graphics I've wanted to play with a polynesian nation on 0 A.D., just going around the map, fighting gaia, things like that. So these last 2 days I've made a very quick Polynesia minimod. You can't really "play" it, it's mostly to fool around with the civ. I recommend you only play it on the Naval scenario "Polynesia", which is unfinished too because it's a little boring to just plot trees. The finished part looks nice though. No real enemy. Maybe I'll get around to adding actual gameplay to it (mainly, an AI that does things). It might be fun if I can get my core idea to work (check the text file). Features: -You can build polynesians villages in places where you could build docks, if it's in neutral territory. They act like CCs and are the only polynesian building -Canoes can fish if you garrison females in. They can attack if you garrison warriors in. -Warriors will switch between ranged/melee attacks based on distance. -Sharks won't attack you, but they are everywhere on the unfinished Polynesia map. You can kill them, if you can catch them. -Most islands are full of animals, both nice and not. Sanderd, you'll want to look at the components folder. I've attached the base art files (blender/photoshop) if people want them too. In particular I've remade the sharks, they might be better than the existing ones. The good thing is that I've gotten a lot better at understanding animation integration from Blender to the game. Screenies: polynesia.zip polynesia_art.7z1 point
Cause they are using different textures, or because they are drop propped. (The props adjust their height).1 point
You mean the Optimatoi? They were a unit of elite Byzantine Kataphraktoi/Klivanoi (Catafractarii/Clibanarii, the latter of which is where Klivanion comes from).1 point
Building style: roman Faction Bonuses; Turtle Formation The Doonish commonly used the Turtle formation for defense: Legionaries were formed into hollow squares with twelve men on each side, standing so close together that their shields overlapped like fish scales. requires a centurion nearby to use this formation. Engineer Warrior Doonish legionaries and centurions can build siege walls, army camps, and siege weapons Team Bonus; Roads allow for quicker transport of units and supplies making doonish and allied barracks work 15% faster. Buildings: Wooden Siege Wall/Gate/Tower Army Camp City Phase: Legionnaire Stone Barracks Village Phase: Celtar Pikeman Town Phase: Jeruan Auxiliary, City Guard City Phase: Legionnaire, Spearman of Marsi Archery Range Village Phase: Jeruan Archer Town Phase: Celtar Guard City Phase: Rovinish mercenary Stable Town Phase: Jeruan Raider City Phase: Noble Chariot, War Elephant Siege Workshop Town Phase: Scorpion City Phase: Onager, Battering Ram, House Fortress City Phase: Legionnaire, Noble Chariot Civic Center Village phase: Villager Blacksmith City Phase: research elephant armor (upgrades elephants to armored elephants) Market Town Phase: Merchant Dock Village Phase: Fishing Ship Town Phase: Trireme, merchant ship City Phase: Quinquereme Units: Celtar Pikeman bonus vs cavalry (pike 3m) City Guard citizen soldier (looks like legionnaire with a pikeman shield) Legionnaire standard infantry high armor when gets enough xp he upgrades into Centurion (looks like rome imperial legionnaire) Centurion the presence of a centurion allows legionnaires to form a turtle formation (looks like rome imperial centurion) Jeruan Archer basic weak archer Celtar Guard basic crossbowman (looks like celtar pikeman with a crossbow) Rovinland Mercenary although the sling is hard to use in the forest of Rovinland the Rovinin tradition of slings is kept alive. not being so useful in the thick Rovinland forest these soldiers will become mercenaries and hire themselves out to the Doonish, Jeruans, and Land of Death range 150m (looks like Legionnaire with a sling) Jeruan Raider. heavy Jeruan cavalry (looks like roman cavalry javelinist) Noble Chariot consists of a driver in chainmail a knight in full armor open visor helmet so he can see where he is throwing the javlin and a squire moderately protected armed with a stabbing spear War Elephant a living siege weapon strong vs everything in its path Armored Elephant a war elephant in armor is expensive to maintain hope that the extra defense the armor adds will pay off1 point
Here is the blend file and the AO List of Props for XML Creation : PtolTemple.7z1 point
The engine does not really support multiple water levels (though they can be set) AFAIK. At least it's not tested at all (and thought to be very buggy if used). Water (e.g. Waviness) can be set with the environment settings:http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Rmgen_Library#EnvironmentHelpers1 point
Anyway I'm done with it. Here is the blend file, the AO and the texture. EDIT : Oh Lordgood it's been a while. Well you caught me it's 2,5K tris. FisherHut.7z1 point
It seems a little heavier on polys than it needs to be from a glance Stan; how many are we looking at here? The irregularity looks nice, but I think it could be simplified (ie. fewer kinks in the logs)1 point
I do not miss anything Tools were made a long time ago. Tools are made to gain time and therefore I consider updating those tools is a greating to the one who made them.1 point
Oh yes. Building styles, Military, Appearance, and Heroes were vastly different for each of those 4 basic Byzantine Eras. I'm no expert on Byzantine, but I've learned a lot through Byzantine reenactors. I can give basics. IMPORTANT EDIT: Should we split this topid between "Late Romans" and "Byzantines"? Beacuse it was a pretty big differentiation in culture, organization, and military.1 point
Wildfire Games, an international group of volunteer game developers, proudly announces the release of "0 A.D. Alpha 15 Osiris", the fifteenth alpha version of 0 A.D., a free, open-source game of ancient warfare. This alpha features a multiplayer lobby, skirmish maps, auras and more! Easy Download and InstallDownload and installation instructions are available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. 0 A.D. is free of charge and always will be. Although you might find some people selling copies of 0 A.D., either over the internet or on physical media, you will always have the option to download 0 A.D. completely gratis, directly from the developers. Moreover, you can redistribute the game and modify it freely as long as you abide by the GPL. You can even use parts of the art and sound for your own projects as long as you abide by CC BY-SA. No "freemium" model, no in-game advertising, no catch. Top New Gameplay Features in This Release Multiplayer Lobby: The new in-game multiplayer lobby is a place to meet other players and play games together. Meet the entire 0 A.D. community online and face the challenge of a multiplayer game!Auras: Units get a bonus when they are in range of a special building, like a wonder, or another unit, such as a hero. This feature adds a new layer of strategy to the game. So far, in Alpha 15, temples regenerate health for nearby units, and most heroes have auras. This feature is set for expansion and further refinement over the next few alphas.Debut of the Ptolemaic Egyptians: Alpha 15 debuts the Ptolemaic Egyptians as a new playable civilization. Some new buildings, units and unique gameplay features can already be tested, but it's not finished yet and still contains a lot of placeholders. The Ptolemies will be completed in the next alpha releases. A Ptolemaic Egyptian settlement along the Nile. Skirmish Maps: Skirmish maps are a new game mode in 0 A.D. They're similar to scenarios, but can be easily changed according to your preferences. Like scenarios, these are hand-crafted maps in which the terrain, starting positions and positions of resources on the map remain constant every game. However, unlike scenarios, other aspects can be changed every time you set up a game, like starting resources, factions and teams.Also, in skirmish maps the map creator also placed some generic entities on the map, which will change according to the factions players choose as soon as the game starts, such as generic Civil Centers that will immediately transform into Civil Centers specific to the faction chosen. Skirmish maps are another option available to the player, on top of scenarios and random maps. (Try the first skirmish map, "Alpine Valleys", bundled with Alpha 15!) The Alpine Valleys skirmish map. User InterfaceEscort / Guard Order: You can now order your troops to protect other units or buildings. When the guarded unit is attacked, whoever is guarding it will come to help, either by attacking the offender, or by healing or repairing the guarded unit.Attack Notification: Whenever you're attacked, you'll hear a sound and receive a chat message, and the minimap will shows some blinking pixels on the map so you can quickly see where the attack is happening.Auto-Garrison Units: When possible, you can ask your newly-produced units to garrison in the production building by setting the rally point in the building itself, using the Ctrl key.Automatic Naval Pickup: When units are asked to garrison into a ship, the ship will sail to the shoreline to pick them up."Back to Work" Button: The last civilian task a unit was doing (i.e., gathering, building, trading, ...) is remembered when ordering a unit to do some military task (i.e. attack, garrison, ...). After you're done defending yourself from an enemy attack, you can quickly send units back to their previous tasks using the back-to-work button. New tech icons. Music and SoundTwo special tracks have been composed for the Ptolemaic Egyptians: "Valley of the Nile" (feat. Shlomi Nogay on flutes and Jeff Willet on percussion) and "Ammon-Ra" (feat. Jeff Willet) (see YouTube videos below).A new generic peace track, "Tavern in the Mist", contributed by Mike Skalandunas."Celtica" and "Highland Mist" now feature an actual Celtic harp, played by Avital Rom."Eastern Dreams" and "Sands of Time" have been completely remade, and now feature Jeff Willet on percussion."Honor Bound" remixed and remastered.New selection sounds. GraphicsBetter Unit Movement in Formations: The units in formations run around less, and now know how to get to the closest available place in the formation. This way, the formation is formed faster, and the pathfinder doesn't have to compute long paths for big formations.New Asian elephant and tiger animations.Some new buildings were added to Brits and Gauls, complete with AO, normals and specularity.New terrain textures. Development Updates, Bug Fixes and Miscellaneous Features The new GUI design, modelled by the new Multiplayer Lobby. New GUI Design: Work on a new and improved user interface design has started a while ago. With Alpha 15 you can see it in action the first time! At the moment the new design is only used for the multiplayer lobby, but other menus will hopefully also benefit from the improvements in the future.Internationalization Work Started: For the next Alpha we intend to include a translation system, and work on such a system has already begun. Volunteers have begun translating 0 A.D. into dozens of languages. If you have the necessary skills to help localize 0 A.D., feel free to head over to the web-based translation platform Transifex!Multiplayer OOS Problems Fixed: Several causes of out-of-sync errors in multiplayer games have been fixed. These issues made multiplayer games with AI players nearly unplayable in Alpha 14 but should now be fixed.Increased Support for Multiplayer Hosting: If you were unable to host multiplayer games before because you couldn't manually setup port forwarding, now the game will try to automatically negotiate port forwarding with routers supporting UPnP. This should allow more people to host multiplayer games without connection issues.Some recent graphical changes make it possible to make particle jet trails and more realistic smoke in the future.Random map generation is now faster. Getting SupportPlease see the "Get Support" page on our website to find ways to get help from the active and friendly 0 A.D. community. We are well aware there is some room for improvement in 0 A.D. Some known issues are: Lag, visual glitches or textures not loaded, missing animations and more. When you provide feedback, we would ask you to focus on some of the other points that could be improved. Thanks. Please Contribute!We are seeking volunteer contributors in programming, art, sound, documentation and more. Programmers are especially welcome and can get started immediately. Interested? Log onto #0ad-dev on QuakeNet on IRC and meet the developers. Also, you are invited to register on our forums and start participating! Why "Osiris"?We name our releases according to development status ("Alpha" or "Beta"), successive release number (1, 2, 3, ...) and a word relating to the ancient world, in alphabetical order ("Argonaut" for A, "Bellerophon" for B, ...). Osiris was an ancient Egyptian god, usually identified as the god of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead. In honor of the release of the Ptolemies, we have decided to dub Alpha 15 "Osiris". For the next alpha, we welcome fan suggestions for words relating to the ancient world beginning with the letter P. Keep it original and related to the time frame portrayed in 0 A.D. (appx. 500 BC - 1 BC)! Subscribe to 0 A.D. Development News Contact info for press, bloggers, etc.: aviv@wildfireNILEgames.com without the capitalized name of Egypt's most important river.1 point
Having played the previous and the Osiris version, I must say it's a great improvement. Look forward to the continued hard work and releases!1 point
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1 point
Thx Evan for pushing this. We must get the Byzantines ready, there are very interesting stories surrounding those ... even the crusades may be targeted in a campaign. Of course free to choose sides, crusades were no good.1 point
I can see a Strategic Campaign system like that. This is my idea (it's sort of like the Age of Empires Gold Campaigns): Several Campaigns, each in a different Area and different time period. You have to beat each "Campaign" to proceed to the next one. 1. Greco-Persian Wars (480 BC). Takes place in Greece, Lower Thrace, and West Anatolia. Factions are Hellenes, Thebes, Athens, Sparta, Persia 2. Punic Wars (270 BC): Takes place in Lower Italy, Sicily, Tunisia, and Lower Corsica/Sardinia Factions are Hellenes, Carthaginians, and Romans 3. Macedonian wars (140 BC): Takes place in Macedonia, Illyria, Moesia Factions are Hellenes, Macedonians, Celts, and Romans 4. Caesar's Gallic Conquest (50 BC): Takes Place in Gaul. Factions are Britons, Celts, Gauls, maybe Early Germanics, maybe Iberians, and Marian Romans 5. Dacian Wars (105): Takes place in Moesia, Upper Thrace, and Dacia. Factions are Imperial Romans, Early Germanics, Sarmatians, and Dacians 6. Marcomannic Wars (160): Takes Place in Pannonia and Noricum, and Western Dacia as well as lower Germania. Factions are Imperial Romans, Early Germanics, and Sarmatians. 5. Rise of the Sassanids (220): Takes Place in Mesopotamia, Armenia, East Syria/Anatolia, Babylonia, and maybe as far as Persia. Factions are Imperial Romans, Sarmatians, Parthians, and Sassanid Persians. 7. Gothic Wars (370 AD): Takes place in Macedonia, Thrace, and Moesia. Factions are Goths, Sarmatians, and Late Romans (East if there will be both halves) 8. Conquest of Britain (410 AD): Takes place in Britain. Factions are Picts, Romano-British, and Saxons 9. Invasion of Gaul (450 AD): Takes place in Gaul. Factions are Goths (2 of them), Late Romans (West), Huns, Sarmatians, Franks, Burgundians, Alemanni. Teams on this one (Romans Sarmatians and Goths vs. Huns, Goths, and Burgundians. Franks and Alemanni Neutral) 10. Roman Reconquest (560): Takes place in North Africa and Italy. Factions are East Romans, Goths, Vandals, and Lombards. Alternatively, maybe this overall timeline campaign could be like a Tutorial, and then have campaigns focusing on each individual era mentioned in the Tutorial?1 point
Img tags do not work for you? [img][/img]Or use the image button in the text editing options. Only make sure you insert the direct link like: http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd271/julianus_heraclius/Revised%20Roman%20UI%20Cards/sarmatian_auxilia_info.jpgNot: http://s222.photobucket.com/user/julianus_heraclius/media/Revised%20Roman%20UI%20Cards/sarmatian_auxilia_info.jpg.html1 point
Why does people like Jenkins so much ? My Programmation teacher wants us to upload everything on github to be tested with jenkins. Result : I get 200 PMS on Facebook of my year's promotion, because Jenkins tests screws their working C# programs.1 point
1 point
Micro-transactions are unfortunately in the future for several games. The newer generation consoles are a prime example of it. For instance, I have Fortza Motorsport 5 on my Xbox One and one of the cars for online racing requires that you win an INSANE amount of races (that means coming in first) in order to get this car - alternatively you can pay I think it was $30 and above to get the car automatically. It's usually the Publishers that aim to make the most money out of it rather than the developers at points. Of course they could have done the HD re-touch up for free, however, that would be very unlikely. Developers are unfortunately losing a bit of money because of things like used games, borrowing games, and/or piracy. Thus, they have to find a way to make all of that money they are losing to things like that back so they do not go out of business. Remember the music industry problem back in the early 2000s because tons of people were downloading hit music illegally that really hit the music industry hard? This is KIND OF similar, although the only difference is there is constant and rapid growth in the video game industry - so it is not that great a problem, but it still is a problem. The Video Game industry alone is expected to grow 22% in worth by 2017. I just recently took a GSP class in September of 2013, so my mind is really fresh on this, and I also did a paper on it. Hence, they will continue to charge $20+ for a simple HD graphics amp and improvements of a lot of features, while also restoring the multiplayer, because money is involved. And quite honestly, the cycles that developers work now, they deserve good pay. I mean, some full feature games come out every year - let that sink in on how many programmers and artists are involved day-to-day with that. Anyway, that was an off-topic subject I wanted to get into. Either or, I encourage the idea of Age Of Empires on mobile devices, although they would really have to water it down from the original games in order for it to play smoothly and with an easy user interface.1 point
1 point
the armor should look more like chainmail the order knight should kinda look like a norman knight1 point
1 point
Finally! I've found the problem. The autobuild is committed and the translations should now also work on Windows.1 point
If you've got a really good track ready but not recorded, I could record a few of the solo lines myself - but that'll be on a free time basis. In other words, no need to wait until you have musicians ready, send me your tracks whenever you're ready Thanks again,1 point
Thank you for your attention. For my part, I think I'll sent you some work in progress as you proposed, to have your thoughts. My exams are practically over and I started to start making music again, so, I hope I'll have news very soon. (I'm also looking for people to play a few things, as you said, to compensate the midi as you said, but that can take more time...) Anyway, until I'll have musicians, I'll record what I can record on my own, and make the rest midi. So, I'll come back as soon as I'll have something. Thanks for your answers.1 point
I've played a game on this map and I like it very much. It looks good and works well for gameplay!1 point
1 point
Indeed, I'd see many possible buildings, from Village to Town, or even City/Realm phases: houses, or would "villages" be build-able nearer from each other?farms, or maybe a complex farm+closed field for vegetables, as in New Guinea, Pascual Island, etc.corrals for pigs and poultry where/when available.a smith, for hard stone and mother of pearl technologies.a market place, maybe scarce (large distance between each other), the real but late place of power, the size of a village (in fact a very peculiar village). Resources exchanged there would be food and metal, metal being trinklets made out of native nuggets, useful hard stone (obsidian) and mother of pearl/ivory/bone. a religious center, to produce priests and (witch-)doctors, or as a wonder.Stone and metal mines would not be exploited but there would be a small income in bones from greater animals and whales, as well as small mother of pearl deposits on the beach. Not joking, this mini-mod could be an experimental testing box for all neolithic civ. that could interact with other Bronze, Iron or Middle Age ones (some Amerindians (the most advanced was Copper Age), Africans, Polynesians). I mean, at one time, they were not simple hunter-gatherers anymore.1 point
Keep in touch with the developers. If I recall correctly, they had a really hard time trying to debug that because almost none of them had retina displays.1 point
Players that use SVN should be at least a little more technically inclined, so they should know that they need to update and recompile right before playing. There is always a chance that a change was just added that could cause an issue, but that's just the nature of it. Perhaps we can make a way for the host to verify that everyone is on the same revision. They can always ask everyone in the pregame chat, but an automated way might be nice. Separate chat rooms for SVN and official should mostly be adequate.1 point
The plan was to use a different chatroom for the different versions, so people using svn can't start a game with people using the release version. Still, all the players with svn would be on the same room, even the ones who didn't update it, which could cause some problems.1 point
Do note that if you use the SVN version for multiplayer (even through the lobby), all other players must be updated and using exactly the same SVN revision number as well. If you have the SVN version you cannot play multiplayer with anyone using the official downloaded install. (Well, there are some exceptions, but those are edge cases...)1 point
Preferably use the following Civs to represent the Bronze Age Civs: Persians->Assyrians Carthaginians->Phoenicians Mauryans->Egyptians Spartans->Minoans Athenians->Mycenaeans Macedonians-> Sea Peoples Romans->Hittites Iberians->Hebrews Gauls->Babylonians Britons->Nubians I tried to match up the civs as best I could, but the majority of these are just arbitrary decisions -Atenmeses521 point