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  1. My interpretation of the helmet second from the right of the Nile mosaic (soldier next to the man with the horn).
    2 points
  2. This topic is started to discuss the civilization of the Norse and how it is going to be implemented in the game. Here will also be the final proposal. Description: The Norse of old were a north Germanic people who hailed from Scandinavia. During the early Middle Ages their regions expanded to Russia, England, Iceland and Greenland. They traveled to as far as Asia to the New World nearly 500 years before Columbus. Though feared for their fighting skills, they were also skilled traders and sailors. By the end of the Viking Age, which lasted from 793-1066 AD, their raids on the mainland faded, nonetheless they have left their mark on European culture and history. Gameplay: Norse don't have strong defences. Instead they (should) rely on keeping the initiative, expand fast and get hold of crucial resource spots (which is possible because they can build houses anywhere on the map). The house has a small ranged attack and can be built anywhere on the map, however they're a lot more expensive than normal houses. The citizen soldiers have a small speedbonus but are slow gatherers. Also the Norse lack cavalry. They have a couple of hybrid buildings (farmstead is merged with corral and Civic Center is merged with the fortress) and their navy is very versatile (see the line-up below for the bonuses they have) Unit Roster: Warrior (swordsman/axeman): http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&page=4#entry280934 Spearman: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&p=281348 Hunter (Bowman): http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&p=282347 Huskarl: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&p=282683 Berserker: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&p=282863 Navy: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18521&p=289163 Fishing ship. Knarr: Merchant, Mobile dropsite Karvi: combination but weaker warship / less trading income. Snekkja: Warship. Loot bonusing aura Drekar: Elite warship, Loot bonusing aura, Mobile dropsite, trains units Buildings: Longhouse (improved version of the house): http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&p=283022 http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&p=303012 Jarl's Hold (combination of CC and Fortress): http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&p=288683 Farmstead (merged with corral): http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&p=295275 Tavern (Barrack merged with Tavern, where you also can train Berserkers): http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&p=291431 (left building in the concept) Dock: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&p=291806 Farmfield Palisades (Improved, stronger versions of the standard palisade) (since Vikings don't have stone walls) Outpost Wooden Tower Storehouse: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&p=309077 Market Temple: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&p=298492 Unique technologies: Clinker construction (Improves naval speed)
    1 point
  3. Due to this topic: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13683 being old and outdated I have decided (after talking with Mythos_Ruler) to create a new one instead of necroing the old. The old topic started as mostly a design thing, I wanted to work on these tasks with Kabzerek: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/686 http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2268 but we've stumbled upon some unexpected problems connected with two things: 1. We are newbies in here. 2. Many things have changed during last two years of game development. 3. There are things discussed in the topic as "implemented" which actually aren't in the game (I think it has something to do with one person doing many things over long course of time which ended with a failed commit due to changes made in the game in the meantime). I wanted to suggest few improvements to contents of the summary screen. ATM it's done like this: We could add few things into the summary screen: (as proposed in the #686, forum posts and in my mind) #686: Total Resources (sum of all resources gathered)Deforestation ( percent of total trees cut by player)Kill/Death ratio (a fraction of two values that are in summary screen already)Temples built (number)Special Buildings built (number)Warships destroyed (number)Champion Units trained (changed from super units)Heroes killed (number)Favourite Military Unit (military unit with highest built count, mentioned by name)Most Bloodthirsty Hero (hero with most kills)Average Unit Lifespan ( I don't think this stat is a good idea tbh)My ideas: Tab for detailed units stats (infantry, workers, females, cavalry, champion, heroes, navy units built/lost).Tab for detailed buildings stats (houses, outposts&towers, fortresses, economic, military, resource, temples, special, wonder built/lost).Team Changes in Score tab, maybe interchangable with Team Score (explained at the bottom of this post).Under the suggested organisation there are things that I'm not sure about.Summing it all up - I think it might work better if it was organised like that: Of course it's something to discuss I'm not sure about counting Temples separately from Special buildings, but they don't really have their category after we count Houses out. (I mean, they are both Civic, right?) I'd also think about counting outposts and towers together, but im not sure about this one. Maybe one should note walls and such, or even contain them all as "Defensive". I'd suggest considering making two tabs instead of one building tab - one for Civic, second for Military buildings. Civic containing Special, Wonders, Temples, Houses etc. Military containing walls, outposts, towers, technology and production buildings separately. Another thing is the realisation of Team Scores. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2268 Do we want the whole summary screen version for teams, or just Team Score field in Score tab? (I'd personally preffer the latter) Attached are screenshots of current Conquest and Resources tab made in 1024x768 (I've edited this bit) IMO it's very noticable that Conquest tab is somewhat empty. I have no idea what to add there though. The Resources tab is here for reference, so everyone can see that there's still place if we play a bit with the numbers.
    1 point
  4. Hi, I would like to write a small AI. Instead of having an AI who collects resources to build unist&structures, I would like to create some units&structures by event/time Examples: Harresment : I would like to generate 10 skirmishers near the limit of the visibility of the human, and give to them the order to attack all workers. For this one, I read how to send an attack in the tutorial bot. For creating unit I didn't saw how to spawn somewhere on the map (for now I consider the human doesn't build wall). Creating a challenging city : instead of building a functionnal city, I would like to build a blob,(remeber it's an example) 10 houses + a temple + a barracks + a trade center, surronded by a wall. For this one I want to create the structure by script (for now I consider a full flat map). Creating a small fortress : building somewhere on the map a new civic center + 2 fortresses (full garisonned), surounded by walls and towers (full garisonned). The aim of that small fortress are just to occupy some terrain. Can also used to beseiged the human player by creating a small fortress near the limit of visibility of the player. burn ouposts : since this AI needs fog to create these small fortress, some cavalry unit would be spawn out of the field of view of an oupost, and attack it.Do you think it would be possible to create a such AI with the present API ? there is somewhere a full documentation of all functions present in the AI API ?
    1 point
  5. ATM there is no support for events/triggers the only one is at a particular time into the session IIRC Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  6. I think the older one was better. But there's no hurry, Lion. The Selucids won't be in A15 anyway.
    1 point
  7. There's no plan to garrison ships. For the elephants, I have a patch ready, but there was no time to review it: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2190
    1 point
  8. And a lot of the time we can't know fur sure either Sometimes things take longer to implement than we assume, sometimes bugs shows up in the last minute, sometimes people who are able to work on the final things are busy.
    1 point
  9. Not that i don't sure if its planned to garrison. you need ask for that one. you know some things are Design decision than a bug.
    1 point
  10. Better? I will clean up the faces if this is appropriate.
    1 point
  11. This month but only developers knows and don't tell exactly what day.
    1 point
  12. Hi LAVS, glad to see someone working on sounds! I'm going to give you a list, but I don't know if all of them are going to be needed/can be implemented, just to throw some ideas that can be discussed: -Technology research complete - "Not enough resoruces" sound when trying to train/build something. - New phase reached. (But I think the plans are having different sound tracks for each phase, not sure though. But a sound for each phase also would be nice to have) - "Mine depleted" sound. - "Healing unit" sound. - "Animal captured"/"unit converted" sound - "Hero unit trained" / "Hero unit death" sounds - "Battle noise sounds" <--- This could make a great addition to mid/big fights (people shouts, swords/armor hit sounds) - More (and better) unit death sounds That's all I can think of right now. We also need more/new building selection/construction sounds, but I'm not at home right now and I cannot remember which are needed, but I think there's a post in the forums somewhere.... I'll try to find it and edit this post with a link. EDIT: More entries to the list gathered from this thread: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17313 - Notification sound for resigned/defeated player - Sound for chat messages (I miss chat messages while in-game often) - Sound for diplomatic changes and tributes received. - Error sound for trying to build where is not allowed -- "Ang!" type of sound or something. - Sound for minimap flares (flares not implemented yet) - Gate lock/unlock (I think they're already in-game?) - Animal deaths / sounds (a lot of them are currently missing) And finally: - Ambient sounds. Big section here (wind blowing cycle, water on rocks, water on river, crickets, birds...) As you can see it's a long run, If you think it's neccesary, I could try to maintain a Sound task tacking thread updated like the art one, I'll just need some time to make a full precise list of what is needed.
    1 point
  13. Totally agree. I'm currently working on it. Any auggestions or preferences will be welcome!
    1 point
  14. HI Lion, I will make some ammends on this sound, I'm not sure if I like it. What do you think guys?
    1 point
  15. you are German Fexor right, you know if it's possible get a copy in English about German legislation that mention about the swastika in media or virtual context. The user Zoot mentioning some laws but was in a locked discuss a year ago.
    1 point
  16. I agree that it's very likely a court wouldn't judge Wildfiregames (or whoever gets charged) guilty. However. It's still a valid reason to open a trial in the first place - and that's bad enough IMO. So I'd be more cautious.
    1 point
  17. Are we going to have a Christmas present from 0ad?
    1 point
  18. ledge should only add about 24 polys, if I did my math right shouldn't weigh too heavy on the poly count
    1 point
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