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  1. i think too, this unit should be champion infantry and cataphracts chanpion calvary!, and i have some ideas for bizantines and put as persian_sb2 "using this biulding you train holopites kardaces and kardaces skimser", we can build a bizantine palace and train varagian guard and sholae palatine and as cartage put embassies, a germanic embassy "train gothic warriors", and hunnish embaasy "a big and simple tent" for the barracks train: Limitae Klibanarii Martiobarbulus Fundibulatores for the fortress cathafracts, rams, balistas with the "greek fire" oxybeles and excubitors for the temple only train the healer, and put a big themple as wonder and for the rest using the coomon style for the dock train: Dromons "trirreme", shipfire and "quinquereme" here greek fire ship
    1 point
  2. We don't assign to Parthians ships , the civ profile to Parthians don't exist. For now.
    1 point
  3. Try to find eyecandy post and propose it.
    1 point
  4. So? Germans don't call themselves "German", but "Deutsch", which goes back to the Teutonic tribe. I don't know where that name originally came from though. And you have a point about the Celtic thing, people like to mystify stuff, which makes if very hard to divide fact from wishful thinking and fabrications. Please explain which the Indo-European linguistic model is supposed to have no science to it and be a relic of the 17th century, since research has been and still is ongoing. AFAIK the Celtic languages weren't even included in the original model, because they are so different on the surface that the similarity was not recognised at first.
    1 point
  5. as eyecandy unit this can work for sure. If someone makes it, we could include it.
    1 point
  6. I think he wants a Libyan skirmisher to play, he do other three post about that. Is not bad idea out as eyecandy. In future may be can be used as mercenary in some kind of gameplay.
    1 point
  7. For more info please see: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Modding_Guide If that isn't clear enough please don't hesitate to ask
    1 point
  8. Just a few quick questions which version are you using and what OS and is it a normal install? Now a few reasons why you are getting that "no permissions" if you are using any Linux distro the program was in system space and any change there requires "root" permissions while under Windows Vista and later any files in "Program Files" also need admin privileges to change. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  9. No need to re-compress any changes, just create a folder named "public" in the same directory as public.zip and any changed files you put in the "public" folder will be used. Sometimes it might just be easier to decompress "public.zip" into "public" and delete public.zip so that the "mods" directory only contains the folder "public".
    1 point
  10. Website about Sassanid Dynasty: http://www.sasanika.org/ http://www.tourajdaryaee.com/ Hope you guys like it.
    1 point
  11. as i've said many times before, i think that the Part 2 civs should be an even match in number for the Part 1 civs and should be "equivalents" in some way. for instance, teh Western/Imperial Romans would be the AD equivalent of the BC Republican Romans, the Byzantines to the Athenians (both for geographic area), while the Huns would be the AD equivalent to the Spartans for their (at least perceived) very militaristic lifestyle even if the Huns were actual conquerors with a much larger effect on history than the Spartans personally, i think the Anglo-Saxons would be a good addition as historical enemies of the Celts as well as being one of the better-known Germanic peoples, even though in this case they would likely end up using lots of Roman or Romanesque weapons that other Germanic factions wouldn't have access to well there'd definitely need to NOT be just "Germans" considering our current standards of unique civs. we had just "Hellenes" before, and now we have Athenians, Spartans, Macedonians, etc. so that the civs aren't as generic depending, i think they'd work best as one of those minifactions that have been discussed elsewhere. did the Belgians really impact history all that much or make much of a name for themselves during 0ad's timeframe?
    1 point
  12. History of Civilizations of Central Asia Vol II.pdf History of Civilizations of Central Asia Vol III.pdf
    1 point
  13. Carthaginians are Canaanites! They came from Tyre in order to reject tyranny and they establish a new colony in modern day Tunisia. Carthaginian society was an ethnic conscious society, the aristocrats staunchly preserved the purity of their bloodlines in order to distinguish Carthaginian from Libyan, Numidians and other races created by intermarriage which was a means to protect their position as the ruler of Carthage. Axumites and Himyarites are suitable for 0 AD time frame, but how much do you know about these peoples? Their military, economy, politics and their culture?
    1 point
  14. Yes, you're right but for the Persians this is their first attempt.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Just going to chime in and mention that we have had problems for SuperTuxKart because some drivers report they can handle frame-buffer objects while in reality they can't. Otherwise the 3D engine we're using should disable it automatically. In other words: never trust a driver. It might be drunk.
    1 point
  17. Hi all, Blender Guru just made a cool contest for artworks on the Ancient Civ topic, and some of them are worth looking : http://www.blenderguru.com/ancient-civilization-results/ I especially enjoy these three :
    1 point
  18. Can't you work with technologies? Like in the Carthagian CC, you have to choose between a technology to enable the Gallic, Italiote or Iberian embassy? They can be very cheap, it's enough if they exclude each other. It would need a technology triplet, but that won't change too much in the code I guess.
    1 point
  19. Oh, now its Official, not? , hey if you want mod our models as Mercenaries , you can do it
    1 point
  20. Cobra + King cobra (spit venom? ideal for scenarios like valley of the snakes or snake islands) Python + Boa (big snakes) Rattlesnake (sidewinding on sand) any info on ice snake and water snake? Not sure which biomes they belong though.
    1 point
  21. Well, eagles, hawks and vultures are also found in deserts. And I think we should add wildasses too.
    1 point
  22. Snakes might be doable. Will someone come up with a list of snakes possible for the different biomes, then we can choose which to include (those that are most recognizable and most known for those environments).
    1 point
  23. Plenty of animals, peacock is my favourite. Wish can add one more: Huntable Violent: Snake (Rattle, Cobra, King Cobra)? Might be good for dessert campaign, something like valley of snakes or snakes attacking villages?
    1 point
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