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    • Can you use OBS-Studio to record a video of what's happening please? Enable FPS overlay first in settings. I'm curious whether rendering totally stops during that time or just the physical simulation. Is there a pattern to the conditions where the problem occurs? For example, maybe the problem only occurs when there is a lot of activity and a lot of units on the screen. Or, maybe the problem only occurs when there is not much activity. I experienced a problem with regular short freezing of the game, more like stuttering every few seconds, when there were not many units in the game, as it was a freshly started match. It turned out to be caused by power saving features on the CPU. When I configured power saving features to run the CPU at 100% all the time then the stuttering stopped. My theory for why power saving would cause stuttering when the game is mostly idle is that the power profile switching delay, which is on the order of hundreds of milliseconds with certain CPUs, was causing the stuttering.
    • Yep, Total War and Battle for Middle Earth 2 had drag and place, which was really nice. 0 A.D. is the only classic RTS that I've seen with it!  And if the game ever has hard battalions or semi-hard formations, drag n place will definitely be a necessity. 
    • The only thing that comes close is total war formation positioning, which I think 0 A.D. should have someday, when formations are more than cosmetic changes.
    • I think racism is perhaps the wrong term, but I will admit that it can feel uncanny.  That said, this practice is nothing new.  The original Amanra did have a bit of an accent.  Ultimately, I think that they should have had gone the 300 route and made them all speak proper Glaswegian.  
    • 1) Did you or someone else had chance to try this pop cap? Or did you guys discussed this? 2) Also (question for all) where we are at considering points from Valihrant , did community-mod fixed anything and how much? 
    • I just did quick research (googleing "wildfiregames.com" for "citizen solider" term) trying to understand why we have concept of CS.  Just as FYI, I don't suggest anything.  more relevant: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/40114-balancing-citizen-soldiers-cs-long-shot/ https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/39378-gameplay-issue-booming-turtling/  a bit less relevant (imho): https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/20617-why-the-citizen-soldier-concept-is-wrong/  https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/22017-trying-to-trace-back-the-citizen-soldier/
    • @guerringuerrin Idk if that was rhetoric question, but I do think number of units significantly decide dynamics. This is case for Zerg in SC 1... iirc, they would be OP if you could select all of them at once... Idk if how many people complain about that. Btw, about meta: SC 1 meta is still evolving. For example Flash went to army and was away 1-2 years idk. Meanwhile TvP changed and switched to +1 5 Factory instead of fast 3rd. Reason is b/c pro gamers figured out how to use Shuttle+Reaver more efficently and punish greedy Terrans. Flash tried to play old meta, but if I noticed propely he is switching to new one. I like SC1 and I'd like to see more games like that, but problem is that I am not sure that modern players respect that qualities enough so it's not most popular game (at least when we compare viewers on Twitch and other stats). So not everything must be applied to 0AD, but I think it's good to take some elements from that game, especially from AOE 2 which is super popular as I can see on Twitch, even more then AOE III and IV together.  I just throw ideas. Maybe I should stop now, at least until I master 0AD?  
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