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StarGUI 0A.D optimisation mod, compatible with multiplayer lobby.


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StarGUI final.zipGreetings! I am proudly announcing my first mod: StarGUI. This mod aims to be a one-stop optimisation for your 0A.D experience, consisting of several other other useful and popular mods. It is a single zip file which is to be extracted and placed into your mod folder. I am still working on improvements to this mod and I am open to any suggestions! Please give it a try and reply below any comments. :) 

Download here:StarGUI final.zip


  • Autociv, Feldmap and Custom Rating all together, many thanks to @nani @Feldfeld and @go2die. The custom ratings mod had a bug which adds spaces after any numbers, but I fixed it so that the rating looks more realistic:
  • image.png.b809d61cc4a6660a006b2ad28e372d81.png  my actual lobby rating is Sevda(1603)
  • Large training icons to prevent misclicks (similar to the size in A23)
  • Highlighted, golden projectiles
  • Amplified attack sounds from KateGUI. 
  • Borrowed metal mine, berries textures, blue chickens and enlarged British war dog model from KateGUI. (Thanks to @Yekaterinaimage.thumb.png.b4275791f3e6368b459677951acd9c2f.png
  • Golden projectile for better visibility. 



Edited by Yekaterina
Final update
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1 hour ago, go2die said:

Not a bug but feature, i did not want people would misuse it in large scale. You only risk such mod will not be possible in next release. So enjoy you bravery now.

My apologies, I did not intend to let people misuse it! In the worst case scenario, you can search the player profile for an unknown player. Initially I did not understand why there was a space. 

However, I have discovered another issue with the custom rating: it cannot mix numbers, letters and special characters. For example, Sevda(>1600) often fails to display. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Proudly annoucing an update to StarGUI!

Download link here: 


New features:

  • Replaced rampantly-growing tree models with a modified cypress tree. The density of forests are made visible without completely destroying their aesthetic. The dark green cypress trees have 200 or more wood, whereas the grey ones are bushes with 75 or 50 wood. 
  • Removed the decroational trees from the Seleucid, Spartan and Carthaginian civic centres to avoid confusion. Now they look very clean and tidy!
  • Amplified audio for projectiles and weapons. 
  • Amplified attack alerts - you won't suffer too much from a sneaky  attack anymore.






Edited by Yekaterina
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Screenshots of results:

Seleucids on Agean-Anatolian: cleaner front quad without deceitful trees; visible density of woodlines and metal mines to give you a slight advantage in 1v1 duels!


Kushites on Sahara: pick the best woodline to lumber from!


Carthaginians in temperate Mainland: cleaner front quad, highlighted berries. 


Mauryas in India: note that the trees have much simpler model, which reduces lag and improves visibility. 'Annoying bushes' are no longer annoying because you can easily spot them and clean them up with a worker elephant. 


Kushites in Nubia: no more hiding buildings and enemy units under canopies!


Screenshot 2022-04-28 145218.png

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Sometimes, the black player and the green player a a bit too difficult to see on the map, so is it possible to change the colour of the players? I would like to use the following colour scheme:


@Stan` @wraitii @Freagarach  please can I have some hints on how to change it? Also, can I do it without affecting lobby compatibility? Thanks in advance. 


Player 1: Piccadilly Line

Player 2: Central Line

Player 3: Overground

Player 4: Circle Line

Player 5: Waterloo & City / Victoria Line

Player 6: Heathrow Express

Player 7: Bakerloo Line

Player 8: Hammersmith & City Line


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  • 4 weeks later...
14 hours ago, seeh said:

whey some animals blue ans some purple? not really important, but is there a reason for?

İnitially I wanted to mark all food as pink, and camels were difficult to see for me so I made them pink as well. Later on, someone suggested that I should make all hunt blue and I forgot about the pink camels... 

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I just checked the files quickly and I have some advices if you want them.

  • You can optimize textures by making them 2x2 instead of 256x256, this will be lighter on older machines.
  • You can optimize textures by pointing always to the same one by editing the actors. Else the game is gonna point to a huge amount of them causing memory fragmentation.
  • To make the modification minimal in actor files you can add a new variant at the end and change the material to default.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<actor version="1">
    <variant name="rubble 3x3">
        <texture file="null_white.dds" name="baseTex"/>
  • You can also precompress textures using the archive builder e.g providing them as DDS instead of PNGs. Some useful documentation here https://trac.wildfiregames.com/#Formodders:
    • There are some tips for mod.json and folder structure.
    • I made a small tutorial for windows 
    • There was an utility by @nani but it does not do texture compression 
  • You're packaging some tests maps, not sure if intended
  • Not sure why you need terrain_norm_spec
  • The game provides four textures you can use



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34 minutes ago, sarcoma said:

@Stan`: Having a similar mod, I noticed there are some naming inconsistencies. For example, some trees don't follow the general_specific file naming, some metal mines are missing the 'mine' part, the trees for the steppe biome are in a different directory, ...

Art has kinda been a landmine. Patches are a bit tricky to get right and break mods so I'm usually careful with them ;l

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Sevda,

I spotted a problem with your latest version of StarGUI: sometimes there is no alert sound when my fields are getting raided. At other times I can't hear the sound of projectiles as you advertised, which has resulted in me suffering heavy casualties without realising. Please can you fix that? 



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22 minutes ago, seeh said:

i want use always the newest features from HostEnhanced.  Is best practice enable to enable your mod StarGUI first and then HostEnhanced? Or you always have the very newest features from HostEnhanced (hmm i gess that could not guarantied).  ?
Nevertheless. ty very much :) i will try it today again :)

UPDATE oh i recognized i using the newest version already all the time     "version": "25.0.4",.   Ok, works all for me.   BTW is als use it in Alpha 26 (edit mod.json only). Works

All features from hair enhanced are included.

The newest version is 25.0.6, not 25.0.4

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