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KateGUI: adapted autociv mod


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This mod is based on @nani's autociv mod, where I made some changes to the gui of the game that can help you in a heated situation:

1. A23 sound effects and amplified sound - you can hear every projectile hit and alarm.

2. All berries and fruit trees are pink - easier to spot. 

3. Trees turned into vertical sticks for visibility; no canopies so that you can see anything under them; bushes are also sticks so you can spot them before trying to build anything. 

4. Chickens have been replaced with blue peacocks

5. Metal are now bright yellow and shiny - easy to see and be distinguished from stone. 

6. GUI tuned to a theme that I like - feel free to change it if you have the assets. 


I am still working on it and it is incomplete at this stage, but it already works and did allow me spot some sneaky moves from the enemy and micro more efficiently.

Many thanks to nani. 



Edited by Yekaterina
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New version coming up! Changes:

  • Banned canopies, so that trees cannot hide buildings or units. 
  • Changed all berry and apple tree to pink so that you cannot possibly miss them. 
  • Cleaned up unplayable biomes like India and Nubia. 
  • Huge changes to trees appearances. 
  • Made bushes identical to trees so that no more annoying bushes in India


New Temperate:



New Nubia:


New India:

It will lag less because each tree has 2 or 3 less components to render, making India  a playable biome



@nani This is still based on your autociv. 

I know this looks ghastly but it is worth it for the visibility improvement! 

Next step: remove details on the ground, e.g. grass, small bushes, stones and colour the entire floor to the same colour within each biome. 

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I was a fan of @ffm2 's visibility mod because it was tiny and to the point.

Yours and @Langbart's add many cool things but I feel it would be better to split unrelated features in separate mods.

Anyway, I took your cotton candy fruits and trees (used version 4, changed dead palms for skinny pines, added steppe biome)
and used boongui's chicks and player colors (don't like the giant roaches, I wanted bigger chickens, like baby eles, but using other .dae's gives  errors)


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New update v7.0:

  • Audible projectile sounds
  • Bows and javelins have amplified launch sounds and hit sounds
  • British war dog model has been enlarged to a fat bear-sized canine, so you can easily spot enemy dogs attacking you and find your own dog on the map. This will make you much less susceptible to dog rushes, especially dog rush by black. 
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Updates to V8.0:

Chickens are now blue peacocks - easy to see and click on meanwhile not so ghastly looking

Grapes and olives are also pink now

Fixed some tree bugs that were present in v7.0, especially Aegean-anatolian maps and Lorraine plain.

@LetswaveaBook @BreakfastBurrito_007 please try this version out and tell me if you are ok with how chickens, dogs and trees look like.

 The mod is the most significant on temperate, Indian, Sahara and Nubia biomes. On these maps you can see exactly what's under the canopy so that your storehouse position is the most efficient. It also reduces lag by removing props from trees so I really recommend using it even though it looks a bit ugly.


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