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Addition of Han Chinese to 0AD

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39 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

The Dian Warrior could be a mercenary swordsman and replace their citizen-soldier swordsman, while making the Yue Warrior a javelineer.

I see, that makes sense.


37 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

I think the Han in this alpha could show what kind of love could be given to the other civs subsequently. 

Yes, almost like a case study for civ differentiation.

If people like the gameplay from the Han civ, I could see at least bringing back the stoa, and adding functionality to theaters (like what @LetswaveaBook mod does).

Honestly, every civ could do with at least some unique techs.

Edited by real_tabasco_sauce
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2 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

Another mercenary suggestion would be to replace their "Han" cavalry archer with a Xiongnu Horse Archer.

I only see two reasons for mercs, the civ predominately made use of them or for gameplay reason we need a unit that wasn't available "natively". Neither seems the case for Han.

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Han army was pretty organized and we know their structures. Adding the Southern Tribes for gameplay reason seems kinda reasonable, since they're the austronesian tribes that does gets assimilated even if accounts of other similar polities further south paints these process to be subjugation (ancient Vietnam continues to fight the Hans way until much later).

Adding Xiongnu is even more inaccurate since their relationship with the Hans were just not good. Save from armstice and appeasals here and there (that they usually broke off), they're just a constant threat to the Hans.

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1 hour ago, hyperion said:

I only see two reasons for mercs, the civ predominately made use of them or for gameplay reason we need a unit that wasn't available "natively". Neither seems the case for Han.

Just trying to accommodate. :) 

If mercs are desired or necessary, then the Han have some to choose from. Dians, Yue, Xiongnu, and even Tocharians or Koreans are all possible additions. 

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LetswaveaBook 于 2021 年 4 月 22 日上午 1:45 说道:

我尝试了这个模组,我想尝试的最有趣的事情是召集部长。 该模组目前不会提高部长的价格,但我不会对此做出判断,因为它不是设计缺陷,而是暗示缺陷。 关于部长的一些观察:

0. 想法需要更多细节。

0.1 统计数据已关闭,您会因低投资而获得如此多的回报。

0.2 每位部长的成本不会增加。


1.1 10 位部长将生产力提高 1.1¹⁰=2.6。 因此,如果部长们支持 30 名工人,综合效率将是 78 名工人(忽略步行距离)。 这使得 50 名人口的工作类似于 78 名工人,腾出 28 名人口空间。

1.2 10 位牧师使 p3 与修道院技术一样便宜且快速研究。

1.3 20 名部长组成的团队可以非常快速地建立前向 CC,


2.1 如果你批量培养部长,游戏需要知道第二个部长应该比第一个花费更多。 所以一批10个不应该是1个部长成本的10倍。 如果您从多个政府中心进行培训,也会出现同样的问题。



弩需要很大的力量来加载,你会用你身体的所有肌肉来加载它,包括你腿上的肌肉。 顺便说一句,你的腿比你的手臂产生更多的力量。 在马背上,你不能有效地利用腿部肌肉来帮助装载弩。 此外,还有其他因素使得在马上重新装填弩非常不切实际。 骑兵弩手(下马重装)对我来说很好,但骑兵弩在历史上是不准确的。

如果你能买得起一匹马和一把剑,你也会有钱买一支长矛或一些标枪。 由于在骑马战斗中长矛比剑更便宜、更有效,骑兵总是更喜欢长矛作为他们的主要武器。 我会说以剑为主要武器的骑兵在历史上是不准确的。


The Han Dynasty did have cavalry with swords and shields, and such images appeared on the unearthed "huaxiangzhuan".

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叶卡捷琳娜 于 2021 年 5 月 5 日下午 8:26 说道:

请注意,刘邦实际上无法战斗; 他是一个只会说话的政治家,没有参加任何近距离战斗。 我们可以让他成为像 Mauryans 的 Chanakya 那样拥有许多 OP 奖励光环的治疗英雄。 

This is the misunderstanding of Liu Bang by many people. This is a founding emperor who has experienced many battles. He must be able to fight in person.

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I'm not talking about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I'm saying that in the Han Dynasty, there were brick carvings showing cavalrymen using swords and shields, because until the Han Dynasty, there were still many ranger swordsmen in Chinese society, and these people would use their swordsmanship on horseback.

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叶卡捷琳娜 于 2021 年 5 月 18 日上午 5:01 说道:

另请注意,现代汉语中女性打字字母的拼音版本是“nv”,其中v代表“yu”。 这是因为中文不包含v音。


女(Nv) is an underage girl in Chinese, and 妇(Fu) is an adult woman.

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idk... 女人vs 女孩vs 女生vs 姑娘 I am not sure which one was used in Ancient China

I can confirm that before the 20th century, we Chinese usually called women "Fu", and it was not until the language reform in the early 20th century that the name "Nv" was popularized.

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于 2021/09/14 于 PM1点29分, wowgetoffyourcellphone 说道:

是的,可能是一个更好的比较。 可以像战斧或斧头一样投掷。


On 14/09/2021 at 1:06 PM, ymming said:






所以,对于中级单位,我同意 @wowgetoffyourcellphone 使用弩。 像其他文明一样,标枪和投石车通常是首发步兵之一(中级公民兵)。 因为普通的弩很容易被公民使用,而弓需要更多的训练。  

对于这个问题: 4. 切换英雄 - 一个有趣的想法,但解锁可能有点太贵了”




However, whether it's "飞鋋FeiChan" or "手戟ShouJi", in the Han Dynasty army you can't find light troops that specialize in throwing them, usually heavy armored warriors such as sword and shield hands will throw them before melee combat with the enemy, as in AD 4~ Like the Roman soldiers of the 5th century.
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On 11/02/2022 at 5:41 PM, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

1. 汉人既有 长枪兵 ,也 冠军骑 。 您可以 100% 训练这两个单位来玩最新版本的 mod。 当我说最近时,我的意思是过去几周/几个月。  

2. 汉学院 与雅典 体育馆 和斯巴达 但英雄选择是其中任何一座建筑的两倍。 虽然建筑物不是免费的,但您不必像大多数其他文明那样研究冠军解锁技术。 我的意思是,这座建筑只是 岩石

3. Javelins and Mercenaries:我确实为他们推荐了几个雇佣兵,其中一个是标枪手。 


滇武士 来自 滇国 西南

  • 雇佣 标枪 在第二阶段的练习场可以使用
  • 切换到 一旦游戏具有该功能,就会在近战中



战士 ,来自居住在中国南方和东南亚海岸的部落

  • 的雇佣 第二阶段兵营提供


I don't recommend you to do this, because "滇国DianGuo" were still using bronze weapons before they were conquered by the Han Dynasty, which made them very weak compared to the Han army, and finally the Han Dynasty easily conquered them in AD 109, so in reality it is not There will be cases where the Han army hires "滇人DianRen" warriors. The only possibility for these people to be armed is to join the Han army and use the same weapons and armor as the Han army.

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I have the following suggestions:
1. The main economic zone of the Han Dynasty was in North China, and South China would not be fully developed until after a thousand years. At this time, wheat, millet and yellow rice were mainly planted, so you don’t need to make rice fields, you can directly use wheat fields.
2. In terms of siege equipment, there is no reasonable restoration of the Han Dynasty bed crossbow in the Chinese historical circle, so it is not recommended that you keep the bed crossbow as a unit. At that time, the main siege equipment used in China was the siege tower (临车LinChe), the crash car (冲车 ChongChe),And Traction Trebuchet (礮Pao) in the Millennium A.D. mod.
3. During the Han Dynasty, China still widely used the chariot. This unit is included in the Terra Magna module. It should be added to the game but it should be changed to the same archer as Persian and Seleucid.
4. The Han Dynasty itself had a wealth of weapons and arms. Basically, the Han army owned by the surrounding ethnic groups had all, so there was no need to add mercenaries of other ethnic groups.

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1. I think we will keep the rice fields. In the latest code they are very unique from the fields of other civilizations. 

2. We can get rid of the Shoushe. It is overpowered anyway. That means they still have the traction trebuchet, battering ram, and siege tower.

3. We can add the War Chariot to the Han. I can give it the same stats as the other chariots in the game as you suggested. 

4. Fair enough. I don't think the Han will need to have mercenaries after the latest changes.

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2 小时前,wowgetoffyourcellphone 说:

1. 我想我们会保留稻田。 在最新的代码中,它们在其他文明领域中是非常独特的。 

2.我们可以摆脱守舍。 无论如何它都被压倒了。 这意味着他们仍然拥有牵引投石机、攻城锤和攻城塔。

3.我们可以将战车加入汉族。 我可以按照你的建议给它与游戏中其他战车相同的统计数据。 

4. 足够公平。 我认为在最近的变化之后,汉族不需要雇佣兵。

In fact, the rice fields should be handed over to the Indians, who more widely depend on rice as their staple food. If you wish to give China a unique crop, we would prefer millet (粟Su), which was the staple food in China until the Tang Dynasty. We don't want other countries' understanding of our staple food to stay on the stereotype of modern times, after all, this is the Han Dynasty and not the 19th century.

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4 hours ago, AIEND said:

In fact, the rice fields should be handed over to the Indians, who more widely depend on rice as their staple food.

We can consider giving rice fields to the Mauryas after a little more research perhaps next alpha.


4 hours ago, AIEND said:

If you wish to give China a unique crop, we would prefer millet (粟Su), which was the staple food in China until the Tang Dynasty.

Millet does look different from wheat. Will have to investigate how to make a Millet Field look nice in the game. 


4 hours ago, AIEND said:

We don't want other countries' understanding of our staple food to stay on the stereotype of modern times, after all, this is the Han Dynasty and not the 19th century.

I don't think it was trying to play up a stereotype, but instead attempting to make something unique. :) 

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