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The good feeling of the game


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I've been playing 0 AD for a while and if there is a thing that I like the most is the feeling. The @#$%ing and great feeling. What is that? Is the "music-environment-faction specs" as a whole. I mean, the feeling is specially good when I play as Celtics. The music, the nature, the forest, the animals, the sunlight effects, the feeling like you are playing like a real celtic town is really good. I really enjoy 0 AD for that, the maps are very detailed and you can feel the ancient environment in your game.

For that I would like tell you few points I really like of the vanilla 0 AD:

1. Citizen-soldiers: I LOVE every soldier can work and every man contribute for the success of the town. Not like just soldiers in stand-by doing nothing more than just live. Please don't make case to delenda est mod...

2. Music: Love it.

3.  Maps: Skirmish maps are awesome. Treasures, and more maps with some villages or mercenary camps will be yeah!

If you allow me to say some things that I think could improve the feeling could be the following:

1. higher grass: Im not sure about how can this be made but I'd like to see grass textures more like real grass, I mean higher and let the wind move it.

2. changing light through the day: dawn, mid day and sunset lights all in a game would be nice.

3.  Can we see more birds in the sky? 

4. More animal life... that's why I love savannah maps... lot of animals. I mean in the ancient world... animals ruled and animals sounds... 

5. A bit higher buildings... more realistic 

6. roads, similar to EEII or just for the feeling... 

7. bridges, like EEII too

8. More music and more detailed maps... more flowers, grass, water, animals, weather, sun, buildings, totems, ruins, altars, stones, roads, this is the ancient world, we must feel that era. 


No more for now, I love your work 0 AD team as soon as a can I'll contribute. 


Nice day. 

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Both 6 and 7 require major work on the C++ side(the engine) for roads there is a need to determine where the road is and what type for movement based on type of road while bridges require meshes that units can walk on with that also comes the ability to man walls properly as well.

Enjoy the Choice :)

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indeed the game needs more environment  features. rare resources, mini faction units, villages with territorial tribes, treasure guardians, some invasion from outside of map in some maps like city builders or stronghold game. bandits, a lot of bandits... mysteries from cults or religions.(technologies) more environment.


discover relics, treasures, older religions, monuments,etc... this box inspires me.

Discover the world secrets?

Resultado de imagen para ark of the covenant




Edited by Lion.Kanzen
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  On 30/07/2018 at 12:39 AM, Lion.Kanzen said:

8-gaia stuff unfortunately, nobody wants make more of that right now.


I have a body that wants to make more of that (more or less now, see oppidum map). It should become player 9 however, not gaia, so that the enemy has territory as well and possibly diplomacy interaction. (Also full blown campaign mode assuming one wants to live as a human-computer-interface user for probably a year or longer)

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  On 30/07/2018 at 9:50 AM, elexis said:

I have a body that wants to make more of that (more or less now, see oppidum map). It should become player 9 however, not gaia, so that the enemy has territory as well and possibly diplomacy interaction. (Also full blown campaign mode assuming one wants to live as a human-computer-interface user for probably a year or longer)


I mean eyecandy things.(Art)

        The Big Eyecandy Progress List               

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A 23 has so many nice new features but imo did not improve more to enhance MP mechanics and SP as well. I think as usual the devs are more focused on MP game still. 

In my case I used to play more SP as I would like to build my empire with multi Civ structures within but they removed the feature for the converted units to build their Civ structures. So I end up playing more MP. The modders are trying their best but it seems very hard to complete for lack of people. 

Two good new maps like Hellas and napata but it’s really hard to construct big structures so that they will look really nice. The maps have less flat surfaces to build wonders etc nicely. 

Gaia spawning maps like Jebel an Danubius are nice but their sorroundings/terrain are not really good to build a nice walled empire. Fert and Oppidium are promising for SP but the condition is quite limited. Fert doesn’t allow walls. Oppidium I think must provide an area opposite the Gaia so a human player can occupy that spot. For Gaia spawn there must be a choice that Gaia doesn’t spawn harder on AI civs and can do the hardest spawn towards human players. Gaia must also impose a strong border so they can’t by pushed by AI or human player. That outward border radius must be long enough so that any players towers can’t fire on its outermost structure. This way Gaia can live for years if the human player won’t and have no capability to destroy it.

Any Civ that can build walls must be able to train archers imo just to make it more viable to play in SP regardless of the cost. 


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Beautiful game,and a dream game for any girl/guy that loves history/roleplaying/and the feeling of the past. One gentleman mentioned higher grass and,I do agree that higher grass would be lovely,and also you can hide in the grass in war,and using sneaky tactics. Imagine an army of archers hiding in the grass ready to ambush ? How about we can capture our enemies,and use them as serfs to gather our resources so more soldiers can fight ? How about we can make traps,and use them in combat ? I love the idea of the war dogs heh That really adds to more power,and more aggression in war. I will come up with more ideas but so far this game is very fun/playable,and it's the game I always wanted in a RTS. TY :D

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I came up with a few new ideas :D How about we get to either use the captured enemies for work/fighting in our amy, or we can trade them off for food,wood,metal or stone. We can trade them off to a serf broker at the market. We can use a feature similar to the espionage button to capture our enemies to turn into serfs. Instead of a cavalry swordsman/infantry killing a girl farmer,a citizen or a soldier they can capture them,and trade them into slavery. With war comes prisoners.


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