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Just now, stanislas69 said:

@The Undying Nephalim for some reason, it is one tag higher in xml and it's recognized as the skeleton name... Can you create a parent bone for it to test if my theory is correct ?


so base_bone > bone_pelvis  > rest of the bones.

Its not the parent bone its the skeleton identifier, his skeleton is still named 'Armature'

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7 minutes ago, LordGood said:

Alright, few things I've noticed so far; you want the origin point to be at the feet and you want the t-pose skeleton to be assigned to the mesh, also the skeleton armature should be named, that will be your skeleton identifier. If all of your skeletons are named 'armature' the engine cant pick out your specific skeleton file.

You seem to have also accidentally included the sun and camera in your charging animation file, this violates the 'multiple objects' rule on importing stuff into pyrogenesis. On export you just want to select the mesh and skeleton and check the 'export selection only' box, or make sure those are the only two things in the scene

also you DO have a blank material attached. pyrogenesis cant load materials that way so that will also fail the import

the T-pose origin being in the middle wont necessarily fail the import, your knight will just be halfway stuck in the ground lol

1) How do you assign the t-pose skeleton to a mesh? Is it done in an xml file?

2) Where do you change the skeleton armature name? I dont see armature anywhere in the skeleton xml file.

3) Is this .dae looking better?


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lol im sorry undying but you are probably in for one hell of a time. It's been a while so I'm stumbling a bit,

It is looking much better but ofc those props are going to have to be separate actor files. He's standing along the Y axis too, instead of the Z-which would be upright in game.

Also, here's where the materials are in blender. You need to get rid of those for the mesh to load if you're exporting through blender.



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@LordGood Orientation shouldn't matter as it's specified in the dae file and since the game used to play with max I think it can handle it.

About materials, sometimes it work sometimes it doesn't.I think it stops to work when there are two materials on the mesh.

@The Undying Nephalim can you try the following skeleton file ?


Edited by stanislas69
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Greetings, The Undying Nephalim.

I have tried to get files from this post:

into the game. Files have multiple meshes so it did not work without several modifications. I joined all four meshes and followed instructions from the tutorial mentioned already by WhiteTreePaladin: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/AnimationExportTutorial

Maybe the following mod can help. You should put it into (for Windows, for another system https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths): C:\users\"User name"\My Documents\My Games\0ad\mods. Then you can start the editor with

pyrogenesis.exe -mod=Htest -editor

Then object tab => change entities to actors (all) => use actor viewer to play walk animation for Htest/Htest_unit.xml.

You can add more animations by modifying the actor file. I hope it may prove useful for you.

P.S. I do not see the license. Let me know if it is not right to post your files and I will delete it.


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22 minutes ago, Strannik said:

Greetings, The Undying Nephalim.

I have tried to get files from this post:

into the game. Files have multiple meshes so it did not work without several modifications. I joined all four meshes and followed instructions from the tutorial mentioned already by WhiteTreePaladin: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/AnimationExportTutorial

Maybe the following mod can help. You should put it into (for Windows, for another system https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths): C:\users\"User name"\My Documents\My Games\0ad\mods. Then you can start the editor with

pyrogenesis.exe -mod=Htest -editor

Then object tab => change entities to actors (all) => use actor viewer to play walk animation for Htest/Htest_unit.xml.

You can add more animations by modifying the actor file. I hope it may prove useful for you.

P.S. I do not see the license. Let me know if it is not right to post your files and I will delete it.


Did you seriously just get my model and animation to work? :o

Let me download that file and see what you did...


EDIT: Whatever this is I cant get it to work. Adding -mod=Htest -editor to the exe and starting the editor doesn't seem to enable an Htest unit.

Edited by The Undying Nephalim
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If you are not going to add parts of the unit as props the method of joining them together can be a problem (if said parts used different texture files). But you can create one texture. For example you have four textures then you can combine them into one and adjust UV's accordingly. But I am not sure you make "animated" props (like cape). Maybe someone with better knowledge of the game can clear this up. Also if you join parts together it makes creating variations harder. For example if you need the same unit but with a different shield or sword.

The version of the game is A22. But you can modify mod.json to work with A21. And I forgot to mention that I removed movement along Y axis from bone_pelvis. So that it loops.

Let me know if it does not work.

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The version of the game is A22. But you can modify mod.json to work with A21.

In that case I guess the instructions should just enable the mod in the mod manager (in-game, under Tools & Options) and save that, then start atlas.

A22 isn't released yet, but there are currently RC (release candidate) builds available. (http://releases.wildfiregames.com/rc/)

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@The Undying Nephalim You can do what leper suggested:

16 minutes ago, leper said:

In that case I guess the instructions should just enable the mod in the mod manager (in-game, under Tools & Options) and save that, then start atlas.

Go to the "Object" tab => change "Entities" to "Actors (all)" in the drop down menu right under "Filter" field => use actor viewer to play walk animation for Htest/Htest_unit.xml. That unit will be the first item in the list.

If you are using A21 (the current version from the site, not RC, not SVN) open the mod.json file with a text editor and change 22 to 21 in

"dependencies": ["0ad=0.0.22"]


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4 minutes ago, Strannik said:


"dependencies": ["0ad=0.0.22"]


This was the problem, it loads up now!



If it's not too much to ask, when you have time could you perhaps give me a step by step process of how you got this to work? What programs you used and what actions you did? I'd like to try and replicate it so I can do all of this myself for my other animations. Thank you so much for at least proving my animations can be ported with no problems!

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You are welcome. I am glad to hear it works for you. As I have already said, I did not do anything extraordinary. Everything was done with a text editor and Blender. I simply followed the tutorial (kudos to people who created it).

I will try to write in detail what I did. Maybe tomorrow.

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2 minutes ago, Strannik said:

You are welcome. I am glad to hear it works for you. As I have already said, I did not do anything extraordinary. Everything was done with a text editor and Blender. I simply followed the tutorial (kudos to people who created it).

I will try to write in detail what I did. Maybe tomorrow.

Thank you so much! In the meantime I'll try and see if I can replicate what you did earlier with a different animation.

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@The Undying Nephalim, please remember that steps described below are a way to test things in the game. It shows how to get from point A to point B without explaining why. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ is a good source of information about getting art files working in the game. It was very useful for making the mod and writing this post.

I used Blender 2.78c in default configuration. I can only assume how proficient you are in Blender. But "User Interface" section of the user manual should be enough to follow the steps. https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/interface/index.html

1. It is good idea to start with an empty scene. Delete the default cube, lamp, and camera.

    a. "A" to deselect the cube, then "A" to select everything, "X" to delete, "ENTER".
2. Import the animation file.
    a. "File" -> "Import" -> "Collada".
    b. In the import settings menu check "Import Units" under "Import Data Oprions" (to prevent everything from being scaled because of the unit difference). See Pic_001.
    c. Double click the file (example: HTW_biped_charge1.dae).
3. Join all separated meshes.
    a. In Outliner (top right corner of the window, see Pic_002) click "+" sign near Armature to expand the list.
    b. Click with the "left mouse button" (LMB) on weap_01. Then hold "SHIFT" and click on pauld_01, body_01, and finally on armor_01. Release "SHIFT".
    c. Move the mouse pointer to the 3D viewport area and press "CTRL+J".
4. Make adjustments to the animation.
    a. In Outliner "LMB" click on Pose. Then move the mouse pointer to the 3D viewport area and press "A" to selct all bones.
    b. In Properties (the area under Outliner) change "Frame Rate" to 30 fps (Pic_003 1.).
    c. In Timeline (the area at the bottom of the window) change "End" to 30 (Pic_003 2.).
    d. Create a new area (Pic_003 3.) and change it to Graph Editor.
    e. In Graph Editor move the mouse pointer to the area where curves are located (Pic_004). "S", "X", "3", "ENTER" to scale along time axis, "G", "X", "1", "1", "ENTER" to move along time axis.
5. Baking the animation.
    a. Save before baking.
    b. Move the mouse pointer to the 3D viewport area and press "SPACE". Type "bake action" (without "") and then "ENTER"
    c. In the dialog uncheck "Only Selected". Check the rest (Pic_005). Click "OK".
6. Exporting the animation.
    a. Change the object interaction mode from "Pose Mode" to "Object Mode" (Pic_006).
    b. Move the mouse pointer into 3D viewport area and "RMB" click on the mesh. Press "Z" to change to Wireframe hold "SHIFT" and "RMB" click on any bone, release "SHIFT". The mesh should be highlighted in dark orange (the armature in bright orange, Pic_006).
    c. "File" -> "Export" -> "Collada"
    d. For export options see Pic_007.
    e. Name the file (example: Htest_walk), click "Export COLLADA"
7. Exporting the mesh and the armature.
    a. Load the saved file.
    b. In Graph Editor move the mouse pointer to the area where curves are located (Pic_004). Press "X", select "Delete Keyframes".
    c. Move the mouse pointer to the 3D viewport area and press "ALT+G", "ALT+R", "ALT+S" to clear location, rotations, and scale.
    d. Repeat the 6th step but name the file differently (example: Htest).

For a skeleton file I used a text editor and followed part "3 - Creating the XML file describing the skeleton" from the tutorial https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/AnimationExportTutorial

A text editor was also used to create an actor file. I think tiger.xml was used as a base. And just removed what was not needed and changed several lines. That was it. The very same tutorial once again https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/AnimationExportTutorial part "Creating the actor file". Additional information can be found here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Actors

I guess it is the best I can explain. If anything is not clear let me know.

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I tried following the instructions with a different animation. I got it to actually import into the engine with no errors!

However I must have missed a step or done something wrong, as the animation is all messed up:


Maybe you can figure out what step went wrong from the dae I exported from Blender:



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10 hours ago, The Undying Nephalim said:

However I must have missed a step or done something wrong

It may actually be that you did nothing wrong.

I do not think I can tell what went wrong from the file you exported from Blender. Could you provide a file that you imported in Blender (like the HTW_biped_charge1.dae file), please? I can test if I can export it and add to the game successfully. And see where it fails.

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Thanks for providing files. I successfully exported and added the idle file (from imported HTW_biped_idle1.dae). I used the same procedure as I used for a walking animation. From your Blender file it appears as if the armature was modified (I have no idea why):



To the left is the armature from your Blender file, to the right is what I get after importing.

You should skip 7. From 4 you need to change the end frame according to your animation (from your Blender file it seems you did it right) and you do not need "d" and "e".

I do not know why the armature looks different. It is not modified in any step. All I can suggest is to try importing again and see if that helps.

Edit: There is also a mistake I made in the skeleton file: bone_Lcalvical should be changed to bone_Lclavical in 3 places.

Edited by Strannik
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