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  1. they even remaster the icons this time. the icons looks very nice with renders.
  2. I didn't know you didn't have a topic of this game. Italians will be a new faction fin this game. Sorry I haven't info in English yet.
  3. I think the idea could be expanded to a good round of post game statistics, like in Age of Empires III
  4. I have a github account (https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen) if you add me, I can start working on improved writing. Or I could just fork and do a PR. Whatever would be easier for you. Another thought is there's the kind of message that is used in the game's tutorial. You could use something like that to state objectives, or to transmit dialog. Personally, I'd like the side chat message box and flashing characters that Age of Empires 3 uses for some of their cut scenes.
  5. Americas Ancient Empires Mod DD v 2.0(Or some better name xD) Gameplay: It is very similar to 0 A.D., with some changes listed here: A new resource water. Civilizations have different ranges for their units There is no cavalry or stable. Each culture has its own animals. The boats are classified in this way: Canoe, Median Canoe, Large Canoe. Current Civilization are: I decided to remake everything, there no added civilizations( I don't like how was the civilizations except models and textures so i will redo all the ones I already had ) Well here is the final Planed Civilizations(whit names and some incomplite general information, need investigation) i like to show this as a table but i don't find an option for this Note: School of Nobles and School of Common People/Plebeians? are available for the mexicas,tlaxcalans and toltecs also unique militar and economic tech respectively and the chinampa are available to the nahuas civilizations Mexicas(Main Bonus: 25% in trade profits and They gather food for 5% faster,Team Bonus: TODO,Unique Buildings: Skull wall defence aura?,Cultural Bonus: They can have a greater influence on the villages / communities that are under their control(more benefice)). Tlaxcalans(Main Bonus:Militar Buildings 15% more strongers in every phase starting in city phase,Team Bonus:TODO,Unique Buildings:Mountain Fortress,Cultural Bonus:TODO) Toltecs(Main Bonus:Gather rate stone is 15% faster is added 15% Gather rate in every phase starting in the villager phase ,Team Bonus: You ally can train your basic soliders from embassy ,Unique Buildings:Toltec Embassy(your ally can build),Cultural Bonus: TODO) Incas(Main Bonus:The Tambo generate metal and the buildings only cost stone, but the units cost 5% more metal ,Team Bonus:TODO,Unique Buildings:Tambo,Unshu,Pukara,Cultural Bonus:TODO) Mayas form Tikal(Main Bonus:They have 15% more cultural influence,Team Bonus:TODO,Unique Buildings:Observatory,Cultural Bonus:TODO) Mayans Kaqchikels(Main Bonus:They buildings cost -25% of stone,Team Bonus:TODO,Unique Buildings:TODO,Cultural Bonus:TODO) Pipilians(Main Bonus:Her soldiers are 15% more weak but get 15% of attack,Team Bonus:TODO,Unique Buildings: TODO,Cultural Bonus: TODO) Tupis(Main Bonus: All buildings cost wood,Team Bonus:TODO,Unique Buildings: Warhut,Cultural Bonus: TODO) Hopis(Main Bonus: Some of its buildings have double functions,Team Bonus: TODO, Unique Buildings: Pueblo,Cultural Bonus:TODO) Tarahumaras(Main Bonus: All units are 15% faster(Who needs those dirty horses?),Team Bonus: TODO,Unique Buildings: Trading Post?,Cultural Bonus: TODO) Auracanians aka Mapuches(Main Bonus: Adaptable civilization, has better defence,Team Bonus: TODO,Unique Buildings: TODO,Cultural Bonus: TODO) Villagers/Communities A neutral village you can capture the villager to get soldiers, resources and techs the resource depends of the villager, i dont complite the idea but heres the avaliable villagers Zapotecs Villager Caribeans Villager Nabajo Villager Mixtecs Villager Huastecs Villager Chichimecans Villager Muiscans Villager Moches Villager Apaches Villager I will add more Cultures: Not info for now. Maps: Here is my idea of the posible maps. Sonora Desert,Western Sierra Madre,Eastern Sierra Madre, Southern Sierra Madre,Chihuahua Desert,Paint Desert,Texas,West Ocean(Veracruz Coast),Anahuac,Yucatan Peninsula,Chiapan Jungle(Old name of Chiapas),Coast of Oxaca,Cuaxtemalan(again other old name this time from Guatemala),Orinoco,Andes Mountains,Atacama,Auracana,Patagonia,Pampas,Amazon Jungle,Antillas,Easter Island,Llanos Hiden Civilizations: They are unlocked by doing certain actions during a game which unlocks a button that allows you to become one of the civilizations that are available based on what you have done to unlock them(i dont make a spoiler :v) Soon I will make the technological trees of the main civilizations and the villages. Note 1: I hate writing in English >:( Note 2:If someone wants to help improve this design document feel free to post your suggestions, i realy needed xd
  6. The game is divided into 2 periods or 2 parts one; Empires Ascendants and Second part Empires Besieged. We have a mod with Xiongnu : Terra Magna.
  7. We are not Age of Empires I and II Our unit /building tree is asymmetrical. All factions work differently. In AoE what changes is that units have access to some units and not others. We, on the other hand, have access to hoplites, pikemen, cataphracts, chariots and elephants. In the AoE except for the elephants and camels everyone dominated those classes. 0 A D was intended more to be like AoM AND AoE III. With different factions we have rather equalized them a lot. It seems too much to me to equate an Indian spearman with a Roman one with the matter of armor.
  8. I like that during the pause in the Age of Empires 1/2/3, you can give commands to units and order them to build buildings, laying out the foundation and outline of the city, while time is frozen. Is it possible to do something similar in 0 A.D?
  9. We're back! While @Vantha is working on the encyclopedia UI we've decided to continue on with the encyclopedia. This time we're focusing on the rest of the Hellenistic Civilizations, that is not only Macedonia but the Seculids and Ptolemies as well! The reason is that although Alexander the Great's empire was broken up into the three different parts, the empires existed at about the same time and all had a common culture taken from Greece. This PR is the women for all the Hellenistic civilizations, it has some repeated parts because, as I said, the cultures of the three empires were very similar. https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/pull/122 This is as good a time as any newcomers to join. You don't have to be an amazing historian (I'm most certainly not.) And writing articles is really simple, just check out what we have already written and try to write like that, everything else can be fixed in edits.
  10. The Victors and Vanquished DLC is coming for Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition on March 14th 2024 This DLC contains 19 scenarios.
  11. I'm pretty sure most of us are fans of the Age of Empires franchise, and some of us (myself included) hold Age of Mythology even more dearly. It was announced that Forgotten Empires and Skybox are developing a new AoM game: http://www.forgottenempires.net/age-of-mythology-tale-of-the-dragon-announcement My old prayers have been answered
  12. The Romans in the era of the republic had along with their allies high birth rates giving them advantages in wars when it came to replenish large population masses, that is called replacement rate according to military experts. In the period of the collapse of the west empire those birth rates were low and the Roman armies at that time were already foreigners who were their enemies, i.e. the Germanic tribes. The collapse is inevitable throughout history, societies in all the great empires become weak men, due to the good life of the golden age, this happened with the Persians and then with the Arabs in Spain. The problem with narcissism and a fragile culture is that the leaders are part of that culture and are the reflection of the culture, they make bad decisions and are easy to manipulate. Let's not expect a decaying culture to have leaders like Caesar instead of Honorius.
  13. NOTE: SVN COMPATIBLE ONLY. WILL NOT WORK WITH ALPHA RELEASES. Hi guys. I am looking for some beta testers for my mod that overhauls a lot of the game. It's not a super open beta because I use some placeholder icons for techs from the Age series and other source. I also use some interesting music just for fun. Anyway, the important thing is the rebalance and almost completely new technology tree with ideas from this forum. Also, it is not yet complete to the plan because the game itself is incomplete, but it is mostly complete and playable and is a lot different from the basic version of the game. Post here or PM me for the git download. DELENDA EST: An overhaul mod for 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant OVERVIEW This is an overhaul mod for 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant. Its goal is to introduce a new balance scheme, a revamped and greatly expanded technology tree, and other customizations to the game. The mod endeavors to push the game's modding capability to the fullest and to make the gameplay as enjoyable and as rich as possible. Keep in mind: - This mod is incomplete. Not every new planned technology or gameplay change has been implemented yet. - Many of the planned changes rely upon new features being implemented into the core game or engine. - This mod can be used to encourage those new features being implemented either by modders, open-source contributors, or official WFG team. Major unimplemented Features that this document assumes will eventually be implemented: - Formations: This mod re-enables the old formations from Alpha 16 and before. Once these are reimplemented by the official WFG team, it is planned to revamp them completely for this mod. - Trample: Some cavalry are planned to be better tramplers than others, so their stats would be adjusted accordingly. So, until Trample is implemented by the team or by modders some Cavalry stats may be wonky. - Charging/Charge Bonus: Like Trample, this would affect Cavalry stats immensely, and it is hoped that this is eventually implemented in the game. - Mercenary Camps: This mod starts the process of making Mercenaries a unique class of soldier for the game. It is hoped that either the official team or modders will implement the capturable Mercenary Camp idea talked about on the forum. - Building Capturing and Unit Conversion using a "Loyalty" mechanic: Some techs in this mod cannot be implemented yet (or are implemented in a different way) because capturing and loyalty are not implemented. Hopefully this feature is implemented so this mod can add another layer of richness to the gameplay. - Tech and Aura Modifications: These new modifications need to be implemented for this mod to reach its full potential: Altering Market Bartering recovery rates, Altering technology costs and speeds, (+ others here). MAJOR OVERALL CHANGES - Completely new unit balance and countering. - A new 4th Phase: Imperial Phase, which unlocks major technologies and abilities. Requires 1000 Metal and 1 Wonder. - Civic Centers are now buildable in the 3rd Phase (City Phase). This allows the players time to build up home defenses in Town Phase, or use the stone for a push to City Phase for expansion. - Now only Civic Centers and Wonders cast territory effects. Outposts and Economic stuff like Storehouses, Farmsteads, and Fields can be built outside territory, but buildings like Houses, Barracks, etc. can only be built within the player's territory. This creates strong cores of cities and makes the countryside weak and hard to defend. Also encourages building walls. - A completely redesigned technology tree, customized for each civilization. Blacksmith and Fortress trees are especially new. - Naval gameplay revamped with a Shipyard for the non-barbarian civs. Docks are for naval economy and Shipyard for naval warfare. - New special buildings, such as the Temple of Vesta for the Romans, with new auras and features. - Wooden defense towers available in Phase I can be upgraded to stone defense towers in Phase II, complete with visual change in appearance. - Corral is much more useful. What is Broken - Celtic Rotary Mill aura for Britons and Gauls. For some reason I cannot make the aura work, even though the code is visually correct. - Units trained in batches and rally-pointed to a resource or foundation will go to the rally point and will not begin gathering or building. They will just stand there instead. This is an old bug reintroduced somehow. - Some Fortresses cannot have enough space for garrisoned units to show up on the walls. Some Fortress models may need redesigned for this purpose. - Units show up on the Fortress battlements, regardless of type (female citizens and cavalry units how up on top of Fortresses when they garrison inside). There needs to be a way in the templates to dictate what types of units show up on the VisibleGarrison points ("Infantry Ranged" for example). - Cost.BuildTime effect for auras is broken. This specifically neuters the "Delian League" team bonus for Athenians and the "Naval Architect" aura for Themistocles. - I'll add more things here as I come across them. Screenshots NEW UNIT BALANCE The unit balance has been changed. The following list gives the basic changes, including features like charging that are not yet implemented in the full game. Melee Citizen-Infantry Ranged Citizen-Infantry CITIZEN CAVALRY STATS - Penalty: Horse Cavalry 0.5x vs. Elephants and Camels - Penalty: Camel .80x Speed - Bonus: Camel 1.5x vs. Horse Cavalry - Speed (walk/run/charge): 1.5x Infantry Counterparts Melee Citizen-Cavalry Ranged Citizen-Cavalry Other Melee Units Other Ranged Units Citizen-Soldier Ranks/Promotions Champions Mercenaries CIVILIZATION BONUSES AND CHANGES The specific bonuses and changes for each civ. Changes from vanilla 0 A.D. or additions will have an asterisk (*). Athenians Team Bonuses: - "Trade Alliances": Sea Trade +33% trade profit over ‘international’ routes between allies. NOT IMPLEMENTED. Civ Bonuses: - "Trademasters": Merchant Ships available at Village Phase.- "Double Harbor": The Carthaginian Shipyard is larger and has double the health of other shipyards, but costs 50% more.- "Mercenary Army": The Carthaginians have access to 3 different structures which can train mercenaries, who cost no population room. Special Buildings:- Celtic Embassy: Train Celtic mercenaries. Research improvements for these mercenaries.- Iberian Embassy: Train Iberian mercenaries. Research improvements for these mercenaries.- Italiote Embassy: Train Italian mercenaries. Research improvements for these mercenaries. Notable Technologies:- "Triple Walls of Carthage": Stone Walls 3x health, 2x build time, +50% cost.*- "Colonization": Civic Centers, Houses, and Temples -20% build time.- "Exploration": Ships and Traders +25% vision range.- "Numidian Mahouts": War Elephants +20% speed.*- "State-Issued Armor": Extra armor for temple champions.*- "Sacred Arsenal": Temple champions -20 metal cost.*Gauls Team Bonuses: - "The Silk Road": Land Traders +25% speed for allies.* NOT IMPLEMENTED. Civ Bonuses: - "A Hundred Nations": +10% Population Cap bonus (e.g., 330 instead of 300).- "Royal Road of Susa": Land Traders +25% Profitability per trip. Special Buildings:- Apadana: Train Persian heroes and Anusiya ("Immortals") champion infantry. Research additional special technologies.- Cavalry Stables: Train cavalry units and research cavalry upgrades. Notable Technologies:- "Hall of One Hundred Columns": All structures +25% health, but also +10% build time.*- "Nisean War Horses": Cavalry units +20% health, but also +10% train time.- "Immortals": Anusiya -50% train time, but also -10% health.- "Cyrus Cylinder" ("Human Rights"): Support Units -25% train time.* PLANNED: +50% Loyalty for support units and buildings.- "Equine Transports": Triremes unlock the ability to train cavalry units.- "Archery Tradition": Archer units +10% faster firing rate, train time reduced -25%, but health reduced -10%.- "Elephant Roundup": Unlocks training War Elephants at the Fortress.* PLANNED: Unlock ability to corral wild elephants. Future Wish List:- Toggle ability at the Apadana between Satrapy Tribute (a trickle of free resources) or Immortals (a stream of free Anusiya).Ptolemies Team Bonuses: - "Peloponnesian League": Allies can train Spartiate champion infantry. NOT IMPLEMENTED. Civ Bonuses: - "Othismos": Spartans can make use of the Phalanx formation without researching a technology. NOT IMPLEMENTED: TECHS UNLOCKING FORMATIONS.- "Laws of Lycurgus": Infantry rank promotion upgrades cost no resources, except time.*- "Spartan Womanhood": Spartan women cannot be captured (CAPTURING NOT IMPLEMENTED) and they can build Defense Towers and Palisades.- "Hellenization": Building a Theatron special building increases territory effect for all buildings +20%. Civ Penalties:- "A Wall of Men": Spartans cannot build Stone Walls for defense.- "Underdogs": The maximum population cap is reduced -10% for Sparta. Special Buildings:- Syssition: Train Spartan heroes and Spartiate champion infantry. Research additional military technologies.- Theatron: Build one to unleash the "Hellenization" bonus. Notable Technologies:- "Tyrtean Paeans": All units +10% walk speed.*- "The Agoge": Barracks +5 Population Cap and +1000 Health.- "Feminine Mystique": Female Citizens +50% Health, +2 Attack.* Future Wish List:- Needs some coding, but I would like to make the "Othismos"tech give Hoplites and Spartiates a minor "pushing" or "trample" effect.MISCELLANEOUS ADD-ONS
  14. The limitanei (Latin, also called ripenses), meaning respectively "the soldiers in frontier districts" (from the Latin word limes meaning frontier) or "the soldiers on the riverbank" (from the Rhine and Danube), were an important part of the late Roman and early Byzantine army after the reorganizations of the late 3rd and early 4th centuries. The limitanei, unlike the Comitatenses, palatīni, and Scholae, garrisoned fortifications along the borders of the Roman Empire and were not normally expected to fight far from their fortifications. The limitanei were lower-status and lower-paid than the comitatenses and palatīnī,[1] and the distinction in role and status between scholae, palatini, comitatenses, and limitanei had largely replaced the older one between praetorians, legionaries, and auxiliaries.[2] The limitanei and palatini both included legionary units alongside auxiliary units.[3] The nature of the limitanei changed considerably between their introduction in the 3rd or 4th century and their disappearance in the 6th or 7th century. In the 4th century, the limitanei were professional soldiers,[4][5][6] and included both infantry and cavalry as well as river flotillas,[3][7] but after the 5th century they were part-time soldiers,[4] and after the 6th century they were unpaid militia.[8][9] Equipment M.C. Bishop and J.C.N. Coulston, in a major work on Roman military equipment, do not distinguish that of the limitanei from that of the comitatenses and palatini.[62] It is doubtful whether there were any universal differences between the equipment of the limitanei and of the other forces. The late Roman empire had centralized fabricae, introduced by Diocletian, to provide arms and armor for the army.[7][62][63][64][65] The 4th century limitanei included both light and heavy infantry,[note 2] as well as light and heavy cavalry,[note 3] and river flotillas.[3][7] Depending on the specifics of a particular section of the limes, limitanei could include in their composition infantry legions and auxilia, in the 4th century including both heavy line infantry and archers and slingers, alae and vexillations of cavalry, river vessels up to galleys, throwing weapons with their calculations, and so on. The limitanei are in Rome Total War: Barbarian Invasion as an infantry unit that can be recruited by any Roman faction. They are a cheap and easily trained unit that has poor attack, but very high defense, simulating their role in holding the frontier and bogging down enemies while the field armies mobilized. In Civilization VI: Rise and Fall, limitanei are available as a military policy. The policy causes military units to increase the loyalty of the city they are garrisoned in. In Age of Empires IV, limitanei are cheap anti-cavalry infantry available for the byzantines.
  15. After playing several matches, I came to the conclusion that such a useful aspect in Age of Empires III as animal breeding in 0 A.D. I practically never use it. I just forget about it! In this regard, I would like to propose introducing a game mechanic for sacrificing animals (as well as other resources) in order to receive certain temporary game bonuses. I think that sacrificial altars could create an aura around themselves, giving an increase to some parameters of units. I would also like the animals, like in Age of Empires III, to be able to gain weight over time. How do you like this proposal?
  16. I think this is needed else cavalry can easily rush, I want towers strong, else what is the point of making the purchase. I will reduce cost of sentry towers. make it easy to capture in p1 will be good for the rusher. I personally beginning to like this mod and OP players are also doing same OP stuff they were doing with a little change in strategy. also reduce cost of champs, I think 0AD needs more champion battle. winning with village phase units is not very rich feel about the game. we need more colorful battles. also it will be better if we can purchase higher rank units or purchase new techs specific to unit like in AOE4 from barracks like we do to cavalry, one more suggestion is add fire weapons to units to destroy buildings may be we can give it as an upgrade or tech from fort. this new feature can counter the turtle players. we should counter turtle using a new tech, making towers useless is not a good way, people will stop using them, we better introduce a new tech like fire attack by units to take down buildings like it is in age of empires
  17. The Germans Cimbri, Suebians, Goths https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est/commit/74653b71376ba38593f675e4051586769292b59b https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est Need halp from our resident historians, artists, and reference gatherers. Units Since the Suebi were a tribal confederation, units will have tribal designations, for example: Marcomanni Spearman, Quadi Light Cavalry, etc. Goths will represent the "later" Germans, with round shields, more helmets, more chain mail, greater cavalry. Suebian units look like "early" Germans, with hexagonal shields, fewer helmets, less chain mail, greater reliance on infantry. Basic units - Bare chested or Animal hide. Pants. Shield. Weapon. No helmet. Advanced units - Shirt. Pants. Shield. Weapon. No helmet. Elite units - Shirt. Pants. Cape. Shield. Weapon. Simple Germanic helmet. Champions and Heroes - Heavy body armor. Germanic helmet. Suebian Heroes Ariovistus Leader of the Suebi and other allied Germanic peoples in the second quarter of the 1st century BC. He and his followers took part in a war in Gaul, assisting the Arverni and Sequani in defeating their rivals, the Aedui. They then settled in large numbers into conquered Gallic territory, in the Alsace region. They were defeated, however, in the Battle of Vosges and driven back over the Rhine in 58 BC by Julius Caesar. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Ariovistus Maroboduus King of the Marcomanni, who were Germanic Suebian people. He spent part of his youth in Rome, and returning, found his people under pressure from invasions by the Roman empire between the Rhine and Elbe. He led them into the forests of Bohemia, adjacent to the Quadi who already lived nearby, and established a large alliance. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Maroboduus Ballomar Leader of the Marcomanni. At first a Roman client ruler; during the first Marcomannic War he formed an alliance with other Germanic tribes and invaded Italy. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Ballomar Arminius Was a Roman officer and later chieftain of the Germanic Cherusci tribe who is best known for commanding an alliance of Germanic tribes at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in 9 AD, in which three Roman legions under the command of general Publius Quinctilius Varus were destroyed. His victory at Teutoburg Forest would precipitate the Roman Empire's permanent strategic withdrawal from Magna Germania. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Arminius Found in the Mercenary Camp. Goth Heroes Alaric I History Wiki Link Theodoric I History Wiki Link Theodoric the Great History Wiki Link Buildings All wooden, less health than "standard" civs. "Walls" are a wooden stockade, halfway in strength between palisades and stone walls. "Fortress" is wooden. Building "shapes" should roughly follow Empires Ascendant standard, but with a Germanic veneer or aesthetic. There can be some unique exceptions for visual variety however. Maybe houses are longer than they are wide with a rectangular footprint, in contrast to other civs whose houses generally fit a square footprint. Suebians Rally Point Flag General Look References Civic Center House Storehouse Farmstead/Corral (combined building) Dock Market Temple Glory Statue Forge (aka "Blacksmith") Defense Tower Barracks Stable Archery Range Great Hall (Special Building) Siege Workshop Fortress Town Walls Wonder Goths Civic Center House Storehouse Farmstead/Granary Dock Temple Glory Statue Forge (aka "Blacksmith") Defense Tower Barracks Stable Archery Range Siege Workshop Fortress Town Walls Wonder Gameplay Suebians still use standard territorial gameplay, but have an ox cart dropsite. Later Goths will have more of a nomadic gameplay (like Huns or Scythians) with no territory. It would be interesting if Hyrule:Conquest's hero selection UI could be used to "split" the Goths into Visigoths and Ostrogoths. Art Needed Each one needs its own civ emblem. Unit head models with the "Suebian Knot" and beards for the Suebian units. New unit body and shield textures. Some new helmet models. New building art set.
  18. Huns before Attila. (Spanish source). https://historiayromaantigua.blogspot.com/2023/10/los-hunos-antes-de-atila-el-pueblo-que.html?m=0&fbclid=IwAR0o4hjH9Us2M-bZ2BTYelgzqGKep5b7_PG-QPEyG9D_GGzSOZV_xyCcElE The people that surpasses all the limits of cruelty" (Histories, XXXI.2.1). With this phrase, Amianus Marcellinus, a seasoned officer of the fourth century, refers to the people that burst into the Roman limes after subduing or putting to flight the tribes that previously inhabited the immense territory between the Don River(Russia) and the Danube. [...] The Romans had been fighting barbarians of different kinds (Germanic, Celts, Sarmatians, etc.) for centuries and were not prepared for the novelty of contact with the Huns, the first Turco-Mongolian people with whom the Romans had to deal. Something similar happened to the Goths, the Slavs or the Iranians, who reflected in their folklore the impact that the contact with the Huns had on them (for example, The Song of the Nibelungs). Their short period of domination was enough to fix the civilization-Hun antithesis in the European collective consciousness. So much so that the term Hun has historically been considered an insult related to extreme savagery. For example, it was used by the conflicting powers in the First and Second World Wars to disqualify each other. The Hun people were the product of the fusion of several nomadic groups from Central Asia. They stood out as excellent archers and for their skill in warfare and ability on horseback. Under the leadership of great warlords such as Charaton, Ruga (Rugila) or Attila, they forged a vast empire that extended from the shores of the Caspian Sea to those of the North Sea. THE ORIGIN AND BEHAVIOR ON THE BATTLEFIELD. Who were these nomads and where did they come from? On the exact origin of the Huns there is controversy. There are numerous authors who defend that the origin of the Huns must be sought in the conglomerate of steppe peoples called Hsiung-Un, the Xiung-Nu mentioned in Chinese sources. These people became the worst of enemies for the Chinese rulers of the Qin and Han dynasties for almost 200 years. They founded an empire that eventually split into two large groups: the southern one that continued to harass the Chinese until the 4th century and the northern ones that were subdivided between those who took Mongolia as their base and those who migrated to the West, towards the steppes of the Aral Sea and Lake Baljash. This second group that migrated to the west is the one that, when it crosses the Volga riverbed and subdues or displaces the Alans, Sarmatians, Greutung Goths and Tervingians, will provoke an earthquake without precedent in European history. In favor of this theory there are several factors such as the coincidences found between the Huns' cauldrons and the cauldrons belonging to the Hsiung-Un culture, the historical and phonetic concordance found in the Roman, Chinese, Persian and Indian sources that refer to these nomads, and that recent genetic studies have shown (in the later case of the Avars) that it is perfectly possible and much faster than we might think the displacement of an entire people from Mongolia to the banks of the Danube. There are other factors such as the fact that, unlike other barbarian peoples of their time, the Huns demonstrated a perfect mastery of polyorgetics (siegecraft). They used all kinds of machinery, catapults, battering rams, hellepoles. According to some recent studies, they even used some types of catapults that even the Romans did not know. That knowledge could come from the centuries of struggle that their ancestors the Hsiung-Un maintained against the civilized empires of China, Persia or India. The lack of archaeological concordance in the burials and above all the fact that no elongated skulls have been found in the tombs attributed to the Hsiung-Un people, while in the Huna culture and in some of the peoples of the Hsiung-Un people, the Hsiung-Un people were the only ones to have found elongated skulls in their tombs. In any case, this discussion must always be made thinking that we are talking about their elites, even of their real clans, since the nomadic peoples of the steppes have a very variable composition that changes constantly with the addition of the elements contributed by the people that they subdue as they pass through. In any case, for the Romans the Huns were something totally new and the discourse they constructed from the beginning was based on otherness, on the discourse of civilization against savagery and vileness. Amianus Marcellinus and experienced officer experienced in several campaigns against Alamans, Saracens and Chionites called them "two-footed beasts" (History, XXXI.2.2) says that they are "the people that surpasses all the limits of cruelty" (Histories, XXXI.2.1). The Romans were frightened by their flat noses, typical of a people of Turkic-Mongolian origin, their bowed legs from living on horses, their large heads and in many cases their elongated skulls. The beard of the men was scarce, due to the fact that they disfigured their faces with ritual scars practiced since childhood. Their clothing was strange, based on linen, marmot skins that were never changed until they rotted on them. In their long journeys they could drink the blood of their horses, they ate raw or half-cooked meat by putting it under their saddle while riding. They did everything on horseback (negotiating, sleeping, eating, etc). Related https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rugila https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charaton
  19. ""A variant civilization is a type of civilization in Age of Empires IV introduced in The Sultans Ascend. Each variant civilization offers new unique ways to play one of the classic civilizations while still keeping with that civilization's overall themes and aesthetics. In most cases, a variant civilization uses their parent civilization's architecture, technologies, buildings (including landmarks), units, and audio-design, with a few exceptions where their unique concepts come into play."" https://ageofempires.fandom.com/wiki/Variant_civilization The only thing that can keep me coming back to this place is simply seeing how ideas blossom. Well all nonsense aside let's talk about "Not my new" idea because it's not new, I've come up with this about three or four times before. My inspiration was Rome total war 2 where you could select their factions to start the campaign mode obviously when I raised that my idea was very very green. What happens is that now one of our biggest competitors managed to implement it better than I could have expected. I was seeing that the new version of AoE IV has this idea well implemented. Basically it is a modification of the base civilization. Adapting it to a hero or a chronological stage, we could talk about dynasties. That, for example, with Republican Rome we could have: Julia Gens: Caesar + Augustus + Marius Cornelia Gens or Optimates: Pompey,Sulla...etc We could also have a pre-roman: Kingdome of Rome. With Macedonia we could have the Alexandrian Empire and then the Antigonid Kingdom. With Gauls, we could have several Gallic tribes and we could also include the Eastern Gauls. With the Iberians some things would be quite good for us because we could separate the Iberians into variants. I was telling Stanislao that I would like to include more Italian or Italianic factions, Samnites, Italiotes and some ancient version of Rome. With the sub-factions it won't be so difficult to put so many Greek factions in one package. It occurs to me or I imagine that the folder in the simulation area could be inside the faction folder plain and simple with the name variant. In the mods we would avoid silly debates about which part of the faction we should use as when we were discussing the Byzantine faction for example which period would be excellent to use. If you think about it, Carthage could have its army of mercenaries, a civilization in style like Hannibal Barca would have. And another based in Africa. and in sicily. The Persians could have several versions of the army they had with various types of units. Egypt could have Cleopatra's Romanized army.And the well-romanized armies of Cleopatra's ancestors. The Seleucids they would have would be several of their provinces that later separated, such as the Pontus , Greco Bactrian(?). China could have several armies that were composed of regions and factions. The combinations can be unlimited and this would also give us the advantage of giving bonus to a single faction just by choosing the variant. The variants would be versions of a faction. The base variant could be faction 1.0 then 1.2 then 1.3. The base would be the original one from Wildfiregames. So for example 1.2 would be the armies of the Gallic Wars.(Caesar or Caesarian Army). With Sparta we could already have a Macedonian phalanx version of the Spartan army. I already know that they are implementing reforms in the game. I'm going to put the video that inspired me, it's in Spanish.
  20. I'm new to this game, started playing it a couple days ago. (But I've clocked many years in various Age of Empires, starting with the first one...) In my first skirmish game against the AI (normal difficulty), at some point, without warning, I saw a group of rams heading my way, and no matter what I threw at them (actually everything I had), impossible to do more than scratch their paint... One minute later they had leveled my town... In subsequent games I lowered the difficulty to "very easy", and discovered that actually you only need rams to win! If it weren't for resources, there would be no need to build anything else. Send half a dozen rams towards the enemy camp (no need to protect them), and watch the onslaught. By the time the enemy has managed to whittle down one or two of them, they have leveled his town. Then just send some troops to mop up the survivors, and that's that. My point is, aren't 0 A.D. rams a little too overpowered? In AoE rams were vulnerable to infantry, you had to protect them, and make sure they were able to reach their targets and finish their work unmolested. Here they are largely invulnerable. They really make me think of tanks... So, what am I doing wrong? What's the (apparently non-obvious) way to counter a ram-rush? (Starting a ram-rush before the opponent isn't a solution. Else this becomes a simple race of "who will build rams first" never mind civilizations and other irrelevant eye candy.) Now I agree that javelins and slings (or even spears) shouldn't be of much help against a heavy wooden contraption, but still, shouldn't there be a unit which has a special bonus against them, like axemen or some such? Something to slightly bother them while they level your towns?... Please advise.
  21. Should the "sequel" to Empires Ascendant just add more civs (extending the roster into the 500s AD) or add new features too?
  22. The idea was to have Empires Ascendant and Empires Besieged both covering 500 years of history. Then you get Millenium AD covering the 500 years after that.
  23. Interesting article about Age of Empire original technology, based on Assembly: https://www.pcgamer.com/age-of-empires-developer-confirms-the-game-is-mostly-written-in-low-level-assembly-code-because-we-could-scroll-the-screen-and-fill-it-with-sprites-as-fast-or-faster-than-competitors-like-starcraft-even-though-we-had-twice-as-many-pixels/ This isn't quite on those lines, but a redditor recently noted that Chris Sawyer wrote Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 and 2 in Assembly language, and apparently Age of Empires was the same: "AoE is written in Assembly: is this actually TRUE?!" It's important to note that this wasn't uncommon back in the day, though it would still be pretty remarkable if an entire game was hard-coded this way. Assembly language, to be as brief as possible, is any low-level coding language that communicates more directly with a computer's architecture than high-level languages like C++. The question about whether Age of Empires was coded in Assembly language hit gold in the replies thanks to Matt Pritchard, one of the founding members of Ensemble Studios, who was in charge of graphics and optimisation on the early games, and on the later HD / DE editions the coding lead. "I guess I can clarify this, since I wrote all the assembly code used in Age of Empires and Age of Kings, along with many other parts of those games," says Pritchard. "There were about ~13,000 lines of x86 32-bit assembly code written in total." [...] The Assembly code remained in use even by the time of Age of Kings: HD edition (a 32-bit game), but Pritchard "re-wrote the assembly functions into C++ for both Definitive Editions, as they are 64-bit programs and inline assembly was never supported by the 64-bit C++ compiler, and the vastly improved register sets and compiler optimizations made it unnecessary. Additionally, sprite drawing in the definitive editions is multi-threaded, and will use up to 4 cores for that task alone."
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