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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Klaas

  1. Nowadays: Italy Past: county of Flanders and Venice.
  2. Dutch, English, French, Latin, history, geography, religion/philosophy, maths, chemics, physics, biology, sports, computer science. That makes 13 Well that was what I had when I was still in high school. At university I have: Historical criticism, language and text structures, modern literature, art history, philosophy, new age task, prehistorical age task, historical practice, pre- and protohistory, medieval history, new age history, newest age history, 3rd world history. So that's 13 too.
  3. Europe Hoogland, ben je van Nederland of België?
  4. Hmm, I've read too many books too Well if I would choose the usual pulp I would go for LotR, the Silmarillion and Wheel of Time. Other than that Manhattan Transfer by Dos Passos, En attendant Godot (it's a play though) by Beckett, Othello (again a play), Popcorn by Elton, La Peste/L'étranger by Camus, most of the book by Marcel Pagnol, some books by Louis Paul Boon and my all time favourite Paul Mennes.
  5. Je ne suis pas un belge francophone, et je ne suis pas si bien à parler le français non plus. C'est probablement 2 ans passé deja que j'utilisais le français, alors... Mais maintenent je suis en trains d'apprener l'esperanto, alors pour le dernier sujet on peut parler cette langue
  6. I don't know if they have this in Germany but look for Bescherelle. There are several books in this series and Bescherelle - La conjugaison pour tous is a standard work that is used in school and university. Larousse is afaik one of the best French dictionaries, but it's all French of course. But imo this is the best way to learn a language. Learn the basics and use a real dictionary of that language, not one with translations.
  7. Lol I never caught a fish because there isn't much to fish around here except very little ones. Well I like running after my dog and try to catch her, it's some kind of game we play. She's very fast but I can run a lot longer so I keep trying until she gives up If injured animals count, I once caught a young hawk that had an injured wing. Apart from that my favorite game was catching a @#$% (now before you laugh, I mean a male chicken!), we used to have tons of chickens and those big aggressive ones were quite an adventure to catch as a kid. I usually came back with my body covered in scratches and bruises, but it was worth the try The biggest wild animal I caught must either be a frog or a wild pigeon that wasn't paying attention edit: hmm the word for male chicken is censured. Got any alternatives?
  8. Well doesn't seem like a good idea to me If Oscar Wilde still lived we would probably have many good chats. If I should choose someone I know it would be my girlfriend of course, my best friend as second choice, my dad as third and my mom as fourth Or, probably the most intelligent choice, my dog! She'll always agree with me and never become angry
  9. Rofl Tim, it's about hearing, not hair I'ld loose 50% of my hearing, I don't feel like being so small
  10. ...and if everything fails you could always join politics
  11. Start playing guitar, that's what made me stop doing it
  12. Yeah, the best community I've been with so far. It's very diverce, you can talk about most things you want, everyone will find a place of interest. And most importantly, it's a very pleasant and friendly community, no nonsense like you see on tons of other gaming forums.
  13. Learning Flash, C, and Coldfusion Repolishing my XML and PHP skills Doing some work for a client Visiting tons of colleges for future studies Helping Tim with some stuff Trying to find some jobs and last but not least; keeping my gf happy
  14. Do you mean the motives? Yeah that's pretty important, without it you can't really find the theme unless you're lucky (I'm talking about literature now, not pulp ). An interpretation depends on what your teacher wants. At university we have to describe these things: Motives: things that are repeated throughout the book which will lead you to the theme. Theme: don't confuse this what a short summary of the story. It's the meaning of the book, or for example about which problem it is. Eg. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide is about the English Victorian society. Time: Who is time handled in the book? Does the author use flash backs/ flash forwards, is it written in the present tense, etc. Perspective: Who is talking? This may sound easy, but it isn't always so obvious. An author's perspective may not be an author's perspective. Characters: Describe the main character(s) and other important ones. Don't just describe their looks, but also analyse their psyche/personality, actions and reactions. Context: Although this comes close to the theme imo it is important to describe this too. Alusions and such fall under this category. Some other stuff that might come in handy: Personal interpretation/opinion: Your own opinion about the theme, do you agree to the author, where did he go wrong or why is the book so good, etc. Style: What literal style is used (eg. Symbolism, naturalism, romantism, you know...all those ism's ), how are motives used, something about the personal style of the author. Anyway, you better ask your teacher what he/she requires you to do
  15. Yeah, subjonctive is also used in Dutch, but rarely though. Only some expressions require it, but if you would use it as in French you would sound a bit old-fashioned. Anyway, subjonctive was hell for me in French classes, I hope you get rid of it soon
  16. je m'en fous is also used by the French/Belgians a lot, it's not tipically Canadian
  17. Well if there's job centre in your neighbourhood go check it out. I've worked in a slaughterhouse for 3 summers. Pays good, but working from 5am - 3pm was a bit too much after a while. Then I worked in a food distribution central to collect orders. Pretty cool job, you should look out for something like that. Right now I'm doing some web design, pays a lot better for much less work Btw Cheezy, only 500$? You should ask a bit more, I already get that for only one project.
  18. I voted no too; a game is mostly about fun, not historical accuracy. If you want the latter buy a book I think this is the least to worry about, these are just rediculous details. What's more important are the social, political and scientifical aspects. I don't care what kind of guns they use, what I care about are scenes like in the Russian campaign of Call of Duty where it seems that Russian officers were all monsters, while in the British and American campaigns the officers are heroes.
  19. Well you'll also find squares, arrows and in/outdented lists on my notes. I also number each page, add a date and on the first page the subject/course.
  20. Lol Tim is coming straight from a book by Roald Dahl, "the big friendly giant"
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