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Everything posted by Classic-Burger

  1. At this point it is no longer abstract, it is surrealism plus postmodernism.
  2. Minister hero then. At least he should be able to defend himself.
  3. Iberians never meets Chinese or Scythians. What you mean with "orcs" is a kind racist slurp there? Sorry but indigenous peoples are not fantasy orcs. It is also absurd that the Seleucids were fighting the Ptolemies in Germanic forests.
  4. The map design is a puzzle, the player must be at a technological and logistical disadvantage. The challenge would be to overcome their difficulties. You have to fill your enemies with traps and defenses, by traps I mean difficult to attack passes. The player's base must be poor, with scarce resources, but enough to be able to attack and take a second settlement. This is an overview of what maps look like in some games. Without sacrifice there is no satisfaction in revenge.
  5. How is this supposed to work? You are going to develop this feature a little far?
  6. Iberians could be several civs. Same with India and China.
  7. As you said the cursor, but there is no button in the interface, I was expecting a button, not everyone learns keyboard shortcuts. In the middle panel, near the skull icon, there I was expecting something.
  8. Get Itself repair+3 It depends on the context where you found it.
  9. That's a good idea, I think I'll tip players if I make a mod, all voluntarily of course.
  10. Another important point is adding civilizations that are new to RTS.
  11. That's a brilliant idea, basically instead of unbuildable it would be replaced by Fertile in some maps.
  12. I think the least you need to do is update it.
  13. Have you played with the mods? In any case it would be Greco-centric or Hellenic-centric. By the number of Greek factions.
  14. Icons (for the gui) are missing for the focus towers shooting function. I mean that is focus pressing F.
  15. A bit difficult considering that RTS are niche games. And lack of casual content.
  16. Age of Empires III definitive edition Game is dead.
  17. Can't it be done with some other item in some areas of the map? Invisible object and then those textures you used there?
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