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Everything posted by Yiuel
Klaasdom, the next Cop Show on TV. That is very strange indeed. But, as long as it looks outside, it isn't bad for you. Isn't it?
Cool, I Have Reached <variable> Posts !
Yiuel replied to DarkAngelBGE's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
I'm probably one who made the highest amout of posts in the shortest period of time, mostly posting on Green Dragon and HoI. -
I hate turkey. (Berk berk berk!) Well, I don't like most of those traditionnal north-american recepies (sp)... In my family, they always have trouble with me, since I dislike most things that everyone tries to make. But they now understand what I like : less meat there is, happier I am, pasta is great, vegetables are marvellous, no fruitty desserts, except banana, and a lot of bread, rice, and whatever you can imagine, but no potatoes Oh, and fish is delicous, especially when it's raw (SASHIMI PAWAA) Miamiam!
I remember tht once, the Sun was green in a yellowish sky. That was awsome
How old are the people here?
Yiuel replied to goldenratiophi's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Almost the Normal Law, centered 16-18. -
My quick translation (probably have some small mistakes, but gives the general meaning) Note : each time I say Hound, you can replace it by Dog, but do not replace Hound where the French word is Mâtin)
In Canada, English people celebrate Thanksgiving in October (French people do not, they'll celebrate only after winter, if they're still alive, byt going to the Sugar Shack! Miam miam un bon repas de cabane à sucre! (Ha delicious Sugar Shack Meal! with Maple syrup everywhere in everything!)
How old are the people here?
Yiuel replied to goldenratiophi's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Argilius : In some US states (I think most of them) majority age is 21, not 18, unlike most occidental countries. (In Japan, it's 20! I'm still young!) In Quebec, werw speaking to lower it at 16. -
Elen Síla! (Note : This is my shortening of the famous welcoming expression. ) Yet another Tolkien fan here. Great. I'm trying (but lately, couldn't do much) to learn Quenya. It isn't that hard to me, because the whole process of the language is quite easy to understand, but, just don't have enough time to study Welcome! [When someone leaves, I will often say in Quenya "Nai Elen Sila" or "Elen a Sila"]
In French, "fable" is closely linked to "fabulation". This is the main part. Fables aren't only stories to pass a moral message. All sorts of story can do such. What's different in the "fable" is that the story, even somewhat logic, isn't possible. In a "fable", you "fabulate", you imagine some non-sensical things in order to pass your message. Those non-sensical things are there to ease the understanding of the meaning of your "fable". Hence, with Lafontainre, we have "La Cigale et la Fourmi", for a procratinator and a daily worker, or "Le Lièvre et la Tortue", for two people, one that goes fast, but only when you reach the end, and one that goes slow, but steadily follows the way each second... But, you'll never see such story, hence, "Fable". [Fairy Tales = Contes de Fées, fantastic stories]
I can't say what I would do? I'll just pass my way. I know that I could be in the same situation tomorrow, who knows. But, if ever I fall in such situation, I'll just leave and walk along roads. If ever I find a small and empty valley (there are a lot in Canada, if you go deep enough ), I would then settle there, simply. As a friend of mine would say, you have nothing to loose, except yourself, which in such situation would already be lost. And, I wouldn't like to "reintergrate" society, since in the first place I would like to get rid of it.
French: Words to use to connect sentences
Yiuel replied to DarkAngelBGE's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
I usually connect sentences with participals or nominal expressions. "S'attendant à ce que j'arrive dans les prochaines minutes, mon voisin sursauta, tout en essayant de penser à ce qu'il serait nécessaire de faire à l'accueil d'un invité." -
Cette figure de style révèle (que...) Par le choix de personnages, l'auteur voulut exprimer (que...) L'idée qui se dégage de cette citation est (que...) Ce dernier passage nous permet de soutenir (que...) Le passage suivant exprime bien (le fait que...) : BLABLABLA. On remarquera l'usage (l'utilisation, l'emploi) de (...) pour valoriser (le fait que...) etc.
Les mots francais qui impressionent
Yiuel replied to DarkAngelBGE's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Another way to impress is to use participal phrases : "La magie du moment étant diparue, les deux amoureux se quttèrent frustrement." [since the magic of the moment disappeared, the two lovers left each other without manners.] "Attendu que nos droits ne sont que des possibilités prises, nous déclarons avoir les droits décrits ci-après :..." [since our rights are only possibilities that we take, we say that we have the following rights :...] "Étendu sur tout son long sur le sable, le concierge s'endormit en rêvant des oiseaux et des nuages." [Laying on the sand, the janitor fell asleep dreaming of birds and clouds.] -
Les mots francais qui impressionent
Yiuel replied to DarkAngelBGE's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
One will usually use "que" with those phrases. "La ville est très silencieuse, d'autant plus que c'est supposé d'être une ville très peuplée." But I don't recall any good examples of those three. -
Accelerated Distance Learning
Yiuel replied to Red_08's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Here, in Quebec, we have small programms, but you'll never get any degree. But I have followed a accelerated programm when I was in public school, before entering College/University. My last three years of secondary (9th 10th and 11th years) I easily (very easily) made them within 2 years. And we passed the same exam as those who followed the normal course. So, by 15, I was already in College, and I could have get at 17 to University. I could've probably achieve all the academic stuff you learn in school here in about a rate of 2 years in one. (Hence, 6 years, instead of 11). But it would have been strange, since I would then only be 12 when I would have entered college, and 14, in Uni. This is way to bizarre, and you did not acquire the "social "need-to-know" issues"... (Strictly speaking, even though I liked (and like) school, I was always somehow bored ) -
Les mots francais qui impressionent
Yiuel replied to DarkAngelBGE's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
n. labeur = work, but in a very tiring way adj. résolu(e) = who is definitely willing n. hécatombe = a massacre adv. éperdument n. circonvolution = curlish. (I will come with more later, I have quite a lot to do! ) -
They came with the forum, at least for most.
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That's some Holy Cheese
Yiuel replied to King Tutankhamun's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
This is strange -
How old are the people here?
Yiuel replied to goldenratiophi's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
I'm 19, will turn 20 on September next year -
Mine didn't go under 1000 because of Tim's move.
I don't think it will be as cheap as with the "Polytechnique de Montréal" though But, I wish you success And... go for it!
Cool, I Have Reached <variable> Posts !
Yiuel replied to DarkAngelBGE's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Passed 1200 -
It's just funny to see it