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Everything posted by Yiuel
Cool, I Have Reached <variable> Posts !
Yiuel replied to DarkAngelBGE's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Let me read... I have... KAKAKAKAKA... (I'm reading the number of KA's that I have, for Wildfiregames' logo is the Chinese character for fire...) So... I have more than 600 KAKAKAKAKA to everyone! -
What Country/state Are You From?
Yiuel replied to Red_08's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Dathui : Where's Linköping? South, Middle or North? Is it close to that big lake (can't tell the name, never knew)? Asking such question reminds me visitors from Switzerland. They came my Tourist Infomation Centre and I asked, because we have to do such, where they are from. And they said Switzerland. So then, polite as I am, I asked, from which Township they were from... And they were astonished. And they said Zurich. Then, I replied center Switzerland, close to Lausanne isn't it?... They were surprised I knew that about Switzerland. -
My Family Has Or Have?
Yiuel replied to DarkAngelBGE's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Ear-pleasure is a foolish way to proove a point. In French, actually, it can lead to true logic errors. And when it is not your mother tongue, no ear-pleasure can tell you you're right. -
What Country/state Are You From?
Yiuel replied to Red_08's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
For those strange people that doesn't use the international measures still... hmhm... I will convert from C to F. -40 C = -40 F (that's easy to remember) 0 C = 32 F 37 C = 100 F (not precisely, but it's close enough) 100 C = 212 F (easy one) In fact, if you want to know a precise tempurture, he's the formula : T(°C) / 5 * 9 + 32 = T(°F) T(°F) - 32 / 9 * 5 = T(°C) Here are two examples. So, today in Montreal, we will have a temperature of 24°C. So... I say : 24 / 5 = 4,8 4,8 * 9 = 43,2 43,2 + 32 = 75,2 So, in Montreal, today, we will have 75°F. So let's say one will have 94°F. 94 - 32 = 62 62 / 9 = 6,9 6,9 * 5 = 44,5°C Quite high! -
What Country/state Are You From?
Yiuel replied to Red_08's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Québec, Canada In spring, we're flooded. (about 10 to 15°C) In summer, we're sweating. (about 25 to 30°C) In fall, we're chilling. (about 5 to 10°) In winter, we're freezin other snow. (-20 and -5°C) But this is only a small overview. Between summer and fall, we have the Indian Summer, a time where it is not cold, but you feel that summer is ending. This periods ends at the first 20°C after a freezing. In winter, we can chill down to -40 (and there's no need to say C or F, it's the same)... Or we can have 10°C. We have an odd weather in Québec. We have plains and woods. We have the boreal Forest and the Taiga. As well, we have Tundra. Great lakes (Gouin, Mistassini, Manicouagan, Caniapiscau, Taureau, Bastakong) do we have. We also have the largest river (not the longest) of North America : the Saint-Laurent (Saint Lawrence, in English). In French, we sometimes casually call it "Le Fleuve" (the Great River). And we have dozens of great rivers. In fall, we have beautifully coloured forests. Oh... and taste Maple Syrup. 75% of the Internation production of Maple sugar is in Québec. What's left is between Ontario and the northern states of USA. -
DA : In fact, the good answer is c. But for the first one, it is indeed d.
My Family Has Or Have?
Yiuel replied to DarkAngelBGE's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Is the subject taken as a single group? The word "family" is a word that describ a group, taken as a whole. As if it was one. Hence, it should be singular : My family has something. The members of my family have something. In this last sentence, the subject is a group, but taken as indifiduals, hence plural. (Happy are those language that don't care about conjugation. My two humble cents.) -
Fables, Contes Et Novelles
Yiuel replied to DarkAngelBGE's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Nouvelles (Novels) and Nouvelles (News) have related meanings in French. In English, the Novel concept extends to the French concept of "Roman". But in French, Nouvelle kept the narrow meaning it used to have, in litterature : "a small account of something that occured". In one way, it became the litterature "Nouvelle", which was to artistically and shortly describ any event, while in the other way, it described a small account of a real story, leading to the News. In English, they didn't translate Novel, because they probably only took the concept. But for News, they probably went one with the same Idea as in French : "what is new". Relate to the French expression : "Tu as des nouvelles de..." (What's new about...) -
How Many Sibilings Do You Have?
Yiuel replied to Uppy's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
1 Singe Older Sister (20). I'm the youngest, being 18 years old (I'll be 19 in less than a month). As for the twin issue, when I and she were younger, we used to be thought as twins, since I was the same height of my sister, and that she had boyish characteristics when she was younger. In fact, we were thought as true boy twins when my sister was wearing a cap and hiding her long hairs . The contrary though (girl twin) never occured since I never had long hairs when I was young. Now, were no more like twins : I twice her size. Larger, thicker and taller. -
When, How And Why Did You Get Your Nick?
Yiuel replied to ZeZar's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
In my first days I had that strange nick : Speedway13. I was 13 years old, and Speedway was linked to my cartographic art of my youth (I liked to draw city and region maps, all from my imagination, and I'm still good at this, if I take my time). But this is very old. Then, a few years later, I began to use Zwi. It was the name of a character of a former friend, Mr. Zwi. Don't ask but it was so. But I found out that Zwi was used by a belgian (a Zwimmerman I think) and we chatted on the same channel. It became really strange. But here, in Quebec, the name Zwi is a odd and stupid-seeming nickname. So, I changed my nick to Melville. This nick comes from a place in northern Canada. I first came by that name when I draw a huge map of northern Canada (it was the first place I draw, an island called Melville : A Shrine to Melville Island [Written in French and Esperanto], see 34 photos of that northern land). Over the years, I imagined cities and people on that island, and began to identify myself to it. It was to me a place where I could put all my nationalism, without being obliged to choose between Canada or Quebec (mixing them my own way), since on that I time I didn't knew how to deal with both (I still don't know how, it seems I'm the only one of my kind). See, I got to create my own flag, my own symbols that I cherish, because they represent what I am. People would say I have psychological problems, but that is when you're crushed between two problems : I created my own way. But over the years, Melville became a second family name to me (LeMelvillois : see my signature). I continued on such a name for years. But between Melville and Zwi, there was a small period in which I used an odd nickname : Yiuel. Yiuel is a rendering of my initials (UL). Pronouce them in English, you'll approximately get Yiuel. But it didn't last long before Melville. But after I left IRC, I used more and more my pseudonyme Yiuel (first name) LeMelvillois (last name). I translated it in Japanese as well (Kitashima Tama/Yuueru). And on MSN I began to use that name. It also became the name of the character that represents myself in my main work Ie Ien. So it became more and more my name. I think to add those names to my official name. But for now, it is my pseudonyme. And I chose Yiuel instead of Yiuel LeMelvillois because it was shorter. Edit : What is a Speedway? Well, it's like a Highway with exits and ramps, but in a smaller scale and with less ramps. Also, they are mostly adapted to highspeed trips... It's an old conception, since now I use more "collective transportation means" as buses and subways. -
What Does This Mean En Francais?
Yiuel replied to DarkAngelBGE's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Au cours des deux premières semaine, j'ai été employé en tant que concierge et, par la suite, je suis allé en Pologne avec des amis. Nous avons eu beaucoup de plaisir là bas avec les filles, la bière, la mer etc. Les deux dernières semaines, je suis resté à la maison, ayant eu un décès dans la famille. J'ai passé du temps avec mes amis et ma famille et je me suis occupé sur Internet en faisant du travail en ligne. -
Here in Quebec, we have that strange situation where there are two national days. Well, there is the Canada day, well celebrated in big cities, but there's also that Quebec's day that is celebrated in each single village some way. Because the Government of Canada turned the Canada day to be canadian-nationalist, some Quebecers don't want no more to celebrate it (at most, most Quebecers will celebrate the federation, not a nation... Even the most federative government of Quebec will say Quebec is a nation on its own). As for SJB, it is a very nationalist celebration, and people that aren't French-speaking and "de-souche" tend not to celebrate. And the best about this? THey are seperated by six days and fall on the same day of the week.
Webster Dictionary Online : Click Here This is a site that my English teacher in College gave to my class, if we want to hear a word pronouced (to those who don't know how to pronouce English sometimes), but it also gives meanings and everything is great!
As for your questions about the 400th anniversary of New France, it will be a two part celebration over 5 years. The first part takes place in former Acadia (which is now the Canadian provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island). 2004 is the 400th anniversary of Port-Royal (Nova Scotia), the first Acadian colony. So, if one visit eastern Canada, he will see Acadian flags all over there, especially in the French communities of New Brunswick. In Quebec, we will only celebrate the 400th anniversary of the founding of Quebec city in 2008. There will be I think great celebrations in the Quebecer's capital all summer long that year. This two part celebration is a matter of history. Acadia became british about 40/60 years before Quebec became so. And because of the "Grand Dérangement", the Acadian culture became different and alien to Quebec's culture. So Acadians and Quebecers consider themselves as different peoples with a same language (French). And since the Quebec culture originated from Quebec city along the Fleuve, then Quebec will only celebrate 4 years later...
BO, I will translate I thank you Amy. Sorry I wasn't there for so many days by these times, but it seems that I'm more busy on vacation than when I'm working... Well, thank yyou for your little word and happy 400th anniversary to you, cousin-folk of New France! (Quebec and Acadia) On the evening of this year's 14th of July, I went with my wife to visit English friends and together we went to admire traditionnal 14th of July fireworks in small village. I was well surprised by their quality, as it was indeed a small village of at most 500 inhabitants. It was beautiful. Thanks again. "Vive le Québec Libre et vive la France!" (Long life to Free Quebec and long life to France!)
Some help please :) Having oral exam :)
Yiuel replied to ZeZar's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Baka wo mita, Yuki-chan! (You acted foolishly, Akya!) They are easy to find in every directory. -
Prefered Long-Distance Chatting Method
Yiuel replied to Black Op's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
I hate phones (MINNA NO DENWA WO KORO@#$%AI)... And my handwriting is good but when I write to much, it gets unreadable... So... IM -
I mostly only use
Some help please :) Having oral exam :)
Yiuel replied to ZeZar's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
This is Canada, Odd and happy to be so. And there are a lot of sites that can introduce you to Japanese. -
I will wish the same - Je souhaite la pareille. VIVE LA FRANCE!
Some help please :) Having oral exam :)
Yiuel replied to ZeZar's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
We can if we wish so, in College. -
Alien, substantive, basically means "stranger". It is used to speak about "stranger to Earth", so, I suppose that any kind of life that is "alien to Earth" is what is intented.
How Good Is Your Eyesight?
Yiuel replied to CodeOptimist's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
3,0 d on the left 2,0 d on the right And i don't have any problem with colors or anything more. -
Oh Xenanthrop, Oh Xenanthrop, will I ever find you? In the deeps of the skies, will I find your realm? On the Grounds of your Owrld, will I ever meet you? Oh Xenanthrop Oh Xenanthrop... Will I ever find you?!?
I am sure life exists somewhere else. This Universe is huge (we can see at least a 60-billion-light-year-wide sphere around us...) and we have only a "few" kilometers... Why then would there be nothing outside Earth?.. At least a bacteria, at best a Sentinent being as we are, and maybe more advanced.