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Everything posted by Yiuel
In fact, Japanese language doesn't have genuine "ti" (well, it has, but pronouced "chi"), so when they find a t plus a high vowel, they usually say "Te". So it probably is Tinian Happy I was useful.
Who would you like to meet
Yiuel replied to Centurion_13's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
I don't know who I'd want to meet with. Sometimes, its better to never meet in real life. Oh well. Well, since I already met akya (well, we saw about each day at college last year), I'd say I'd like to meet her (again ). Black Op as well. Yet, I'd like to meet about everyone. As a joke, yet it's quite serious, I say : everyone even myself. (Meeting oneself would be quite interesting.) -
I'm lucky to have remembered that old Japanese is written from right to left when horizontally written. FIEW. The second picture isn't clear enough, but it seems that those pictures were taken in the same place called "Tenian". On the first picture, it is written "Tenian-tyou syoubouso" wich means "firefighting meeting place of the town of Tenian". I could read on the second that it was in the same place (Tenian is written) but, not what's left.
Divorce/Marriage Interviews
Yiuel replied to ElfTheHunter's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
1.) Do you plan on getting married? Perhaps, since I wish kids and I'm not a girl . Well, at least, I want to found a family. 2.) About what age do you plan to get married? After University, at least after my Mastery. 3.) What are the motives that you want to get married for? Well, to have a family. 4.) Have you had positive or negative experiences with marriage? My parents and my aunts (withtheir respective husbands) are still married. And there wasno many problems. 5.) If you got married, do you plan to stay married for life? At least, to stay married as long as I have a family. -
So... It was yesterday... And I got the 2nd place in the beginners' lever. My prize : a kanji usage dictionary (Kanjiyouhoujiten)
KOWAI YO! My revealing will have to wait, since I don't have my headband ready yet. There is one picture of me available on Internet though, a picture that was taken when I was 15 years old.
Well, I never know what to say when such thing happens... My ways aren't that of most people. Yet... Remembrance is never a bad thing, I hope he will keep good memories.
Yé! Someone who favors Lay of Leithan over Children of Húrin We probably could have great discussions about it. On the opposite, I like the concept of the Elven maiden vs. the Human man. I think it adds an interesting dimension to the story, as how both Children of Ilúvatar could get together, Two sides of the Same world. And we can also feel how Tolkien had pleasure in writing the whole story at all, and why he took a posthume nickname Beren on his grave (giving Lúthien to his beloved wife). So, welcome to our paleontologist
Giving away gmail invites if anyone wants one
Yiuel replied to Mandalore's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
I also have 50 invites -
So, here it is, my speech contest. You'll have the text in majiri and furigana, then rômaji, finally translated in English. MAJIRI-FURIGANA いじめ ここで皆(みな)さんに話(はな)したいことは、よくあることで、普通(ふつう)のことと思(おも)う人(ひと)が多(おお)いです。でも、実(じつ)は、社会(しゃかい)の大(おお)きな問題(もんだい)です。それは、私(わたし)にもおこりました。いじめです。もう10年(じゅうねん)も前(まえ)のことですが、忘(わす)れることができません。 いじめは、なんでしょうか。何才(なんさい)でも、どこでもいじめはありますが、私(わたし)は、子供(こども)のいじめについて話(はな)します。私(わたし)が小学校(しょうがっこう)でいじめにあったからです。 小(ちい)さい時(とき)から、私(わたし)は本(ほん)が好(す)きでした。本(ほん)を読(よ)んでいろいろなことを知(し)りました。ですから、小学校(しょうがっこう)で、先生(せんせい)の質問(しつもん)によく私(わたし)だけ答(こた)えることができました。すると、他(ほか)の子供(こども)はそれが気(き)に入(い)りませんでした。だんだん、誰(だれ)も私と話(はな)さなくなって、学校(がっこう)で一人になりました。はじめは、変(へん)だなあ、と思(おも)いましたが、さびしく感(かん)じませんでした。 少(すこ)し後(あと)になると、私(わたし)をみんながバカにし始(はじ)めました。いじめの始(はじ)まりです。「社会(しゃかい)のゴミ」とか「死(し)んでしまえ」とか、いやなことを私(わたし)に言(い)っていました。私(わたし)は、とても傷付(きずつ)きました。気(き)が重(おも)くなって、何(なに)もしたくなくなり、本当(ほんとう)に死(し)んだほうがいいかな、と思(おも)いました。いじめは、10歳(じゅっさい)から14歳(じゅうよんさい)まで、4年(よねん)続(つづ)きました。本当(ほんとう)にさびしく感(かん)じました。 その時(とき)の心(こころ)の傷(きず)はまだのこっていて、思(おも)い出(だ)すと泣(な)きたくなります。でも今(いま)、いじめについて話(はな)しています。それは、この問題(もんだい)の大(おお)きさを皆(みな)さんに分(わ)かってほしいからです。 いじめがいやなので、いろいろ作戦(さくせん)を考(かんが)えてみました。一番目(いちばんめ)は、みんなと同(おな)じようにすることです。誰(だれ)かの悪口(わるくち)をいったり、いじめたり、遊(あそ)んだりしてみました。でも、あまりうまく行(い)きませんでした。それはウソだったからです。 二番目(にばんめ)に、一人(ひとり)でいることをがまんするようにしてみました。悪口(わるくち)やいじめを気(き)にしないようにして、好(s)きな本(ほん)を読(よ)み続(つづ)けました。一番目(いちばんめ)の作戦(さくせん)より、こちらのほうがよかったです。でもやっぱりいじめは続(つづ)きました。 そして、14才(じゅうよんさい)のときにいじめは無(な)くなりました。それは学校(がっこう)がかわったからです。新(あたら)しい学校(がっこう)では、いい友達(ともだち)が出来(でき)ました。それから、私(わたし)も強(つよ)くなって、自分(じぶん)を信(しん)じるようになりました。それから、私(わたし)の心(こころ)の中(なか)に、場所(ばしょ)を見(み)つけたからです。その場所(ばしょ)はとても大切(たいせつ)です。そこには、何(なん)でも知(し)りたいと思(おも)う私がいます。他(ほか)の人(ひと)と違(ちが)ってもいいと思(おも)う私(わたし)がいます。いい友達(ともだち)と自信(じしん)、この二(ふた)つが出来(でき)て、いじめは終(おわ)りました。 子供(こども)たちに、いじめが悪(わる)いと教(おし)えることは必要(ひつよう)です。でも、もっと大切(たいせつ)な事(こと)があります。それは、一人一人(ひとりひとり)、違(ちが)っていてもいい、と教(おし)えることです。それが分(わ)かったら、心理学者(しんりがくしゃ)の助(たす)けがなくても、大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)だと思(おも)います。 RÔMAJI Ijime Koko de minasan ni hana@#$%ai koto ha, yoku aru koto de, futsu no koto to omou hito ga ooi desu. Demo, jitsu ha, shakai no ooki na mondai desu. Sore ha, watashi ni mo okorima@#$%a. Ijime desu. Mou juunen mo mae no koto desu ga, wasureru koto ga dekimasen. Ijime ha, nan deshou ka? Nansai de mo, doko de mo ijime ha arimasu ga, watashi ha, kodomo no ijime ni tsuite hanashimasu. Watashi ga shougakkou de ijime ni atta kara desu. Chiisai toki kara, watashi ha hon ga suki de@#$%a. Hon wo yonde iroiro na koto wo shirima@#$%a. Desu kara, shougakkou de, sensei no @#$%sumon ni yoku watashi dake kotaeru koto ga dekima@#$%a. Suru to, hoka no kodomo ha sore ga ki ni irimasen de@#$%a. Dandan, dare mo watashi to hanasanaku natte, gakkou de hitori ni narima@#$%a. Hajime ha, han da naa, to omima@#$%a ga, sabishiku kanjimasen de@#$%a. Sukoshi ato ni naru to, watashi ha minna ga baka ni shihajimema@#$%a. Ijime no hajimari desu. "Shakai no gomi" to ka "Shinde shimae" to ka, iya na koto wo watashi ni itte ima@#$%a. Watashi ha, totemo kizutsukima@#$%a. Ki ga omoku natte, nani mo @#$%akunaku nari, hontou ni shinda hou ga ii ka na, to omoima@#$%a. Ijime ha jussai kara juuyonsai made yonen tsuzukima@#$%a. Hontou ni sabishiku kanjima@#$%a. Sono toki no kokoro no kizu ha mada nokotte ite, omoidasu to nakitaku narimasu. Demo ima, ijime ni tsuite hana@#$%e imasu. Sore ha, kono mondai no ookisa wo minasan ni wakatte hoshii kara desu. Ijime ga iya na no de, iroro sakusen wo kangaete mima@#$%a. Ichibanme ha, minna to onaji ou ni suru koto desu. Dareka no warukuchi wo ittari, ijimetari, asonedari@#$%emima@#$%a. Demo, amari umaku ikimasen de@#$%a. Sore ha uso datta kara desu. Nibanme ni, hitori de iru koto wo gaman suru you ni @#$%e mima@#$%a. Warukuchi ya ijime wo ki ni shinai you ni @#$%e, suki na hon wo yomitsuzukema@#$%a. Ichibanme no sakusen yori, kochira no hou ga yyokatta desu. Demo, yappari ijime ha tsuzukima@#$%a. So@#$%e, juuyonsai no toki ni ijime ha nakunarima@#$%a. Sore ha gakkou ga kawatta kara desu. Atarashii gakkou de ha, ii tomodachi ga dekima@#$%a. Sore kara, watashi mo tsuyoku natte, jibun wo shinjiru you ni narima@#$%a. Watashi no kokoro no naka ni, basho wo mitsuketa kara desu. Sono basho ha totemo taisetsu desu. Soko ni ha, nande mo shiritai to omou watashi ga imasu. Hoka no hito to chigatte mo ii to omou watashi ga imasu. Ii tomodachi to jishin, kono futatsu dekite, ijime ha owarima@#$%a. Kodomo tachi ni, ijime ga warui to oshieru koto hitsuyou desu. Demo, motto taisetsu na koto ga arimasu. Sore ha, hitorihitori, chigatte ite mo ii, to oshieru koto desu. Sore ga wakattara, shinrigakusha no tasuke ga nakutemo, daijoubu da to omoimasu. Translation (Hearing : Yeah, finally I can understand.) This is a quick translation Bullying There are a lot of people here who thinks to speak about usual things. But, here, it's an important social problem. I also lived it. It's bullying. 10 years ago did it happen, yet I cannot forget. So, what is bullying. It can happen at any age, at any place. But I want to speak about that bullying that happens at school. It's because I experienced bullying at elementary school. When I was young, I liked to read books. Reading so much, I learned about several things. So, in school, only I could sometimes answers the teachers question. Being so, children couldn't stand it. Little by little, noone wished to speak with me, so I became lonely in school. Yet, thought I thought of it strangely, I didn't feel bad. A little later, they began to make fun of me. This is when bullying began. They said things like "you're a rub" or "just die" and such disgusting things. This was hard on me, I felt bad. I began to feel depressed, then becoming unwilling to do anything, finally thinking that dying would be the best. It went on from 10 years old until 14 years old, 4 years did it endure. I felt really sorry. Those wounds yet haven't disappear. when I think about it, I wish to cry. But I'm now speaking of this to you. The gravity of that problem, I would like you to understand. So, being that bullying is not ok, we tried a handful of things. First, people wanted me to be as the others. Then, it meaned to be mean as them, bullying even, or just fooling around. But, it didn't went well. To me, it was lying. Secondly, they tried to make me endure my loneliness. Make it so that bullying and all those bad-sayings were just nothing, and go on and do as I always liked, that is, read books and learn. It was better than the first, but even so, bullying went on. Then, at 14 years old, bullying stopped. It's because I'ved changed school. In this new school, I coudl make new friends. I grew stronger, I gre to believe in myself. In my haerd, I wound a place. It was very imporant. I could be the one I always wished to be. And I could think there that being different isn't bad. Well, having good friends and beliving in oneself, with those two being possible, finally bullying stopped. To those children, teach them that bullying is bad is indeed important. Yet, probably more important is something else. This, is that being each person different isn't bad at all. This being understtod, psychologist's help or such is not need, everything goes right.
Ever lost mod priveliges on any board?
Yiuel replied to HyperSonic XP's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
I only have been mod here, and, for now, didn't loose my privileges. Klaas : That's why you wrote those guidelines for HoI Useful work. -
Names for guys : If I have a boy, be sure he'll have the name Takumi. I like its meaning : "Skillful". I also deeply like the name Louis. Names for girls : I have a bias for a certain type of name, really unfamiliar : all names with a suffix "-ane" : Joséane Sophiane Ariane Éliane (I especially like Sophiane, here. -ane is a suffix that actually means "Graceful", giving a name meaning "Graceful Wisdom") I also like the name Geneviève. I dislike though composed names. Notice my delight for meaningful names. So... If you ever hear "Takumi LeMelvillois, viens ici tout de suite!", be sure that you know his father [Oh yeah, I feel dishonoured by the name I actually bear (Lachapelle)... So, I'll be willing to take a new one whenever I can, adding as well the family name of my mother, but keeping both patronym and matronym as secondary names. Don't try to understand those ways, they aren't traditionnal as I show about no respect to tradition just by being a tradition.]
I have a work as well, minimum wage (7,45$CA)... But I'm tiring up myself, they keep on giving me 25 hours each weak. It's just too much. I have shcool and housework to do... (I asked 15h/week, at MOST and only once every 3/4 weeks, 20.) Yes, I'll have 750$ each month... But, I don't need that much money, and it will tire me up. If I work 18h/week,I still get over 500$, and its okay with me, and I won't kill myself working.
Well, I could say just the same about French, since I'm French-speakling But, no, I wont, I prefer Japanese and Esperanto The first one is crazily easy, and second one is just so easy that's you can have fun with it the month after you've begin to learn it
Well welome Have fun around.
Never heard of it, but knows the answer : oiseau (all five primary vowels plus 1 consonant)
"Eien" (Eternity, in Japanese). Three vowels in a row, and not the same (though most Japanese will pronounce it as a three mora long e ) "Ryouude" (Both arms, in Japanese0 "Taiyou" (Sun, in Japanese) : This word I hate the most. It has an awful Y in the middle of nowhere. Iya. "Arasoou" (Let's fight!, in Japanese) : This is an awfully long "o" There are a lot of vowels in Japanese. I'm lucky, since I love vowels But, sometimes...
Cool, I Have Reached <variable> Posts !
Yiuel replied to DarkAngelBGE's topic in Introductions & Off-Topic Discussion
Be Afraid Post #1700 -
In French, we have "Surcomposé" where composed forms become composed themselves. Hence : J'ai aimé = I have loved J'ai eu aimé = I have had loved J'ai eu été aimé = I have had been loved And indeed, French would permit (but it isn't that stylish), that any "ai" turn into a "ai eu" without any problem. Japanese is also such language, but it can get freakier : Iku = I go Itte iru = I am going Itte ite shimau = I finally am going Motte itte ite shimau = I finally am bringing (lit. holding and going) Motte itte ite kudasatte shimau = I finally am bringing for somone's else benefit Motte itte ite kudasatte shimaimasita = I finally was bringing for someone's else benefit... Japanese is cool for such verbal formation, but it's a pain for most student. It's easy to align a half dozen of -te forms like that, though it is uncommon to go over three. ("motte itte kudasaimasita" AND "motte itte shimaimasita" are normal sentences to intermediate students like me.) EDIT Esperanto also has freaky expressions like that, Mi estis estanta estonta fari tion. Literally, it means : I was being going to do this. And, unlike with French, such construction have no stylish feeling : if you need so much details to make it clear, go for it! And, I won't speak of other languages (as my conlang Thenqol)
it would have been cool to have the three crosses in the union jack divided into its component on the smaller frogs
Is that so? Oh! (Must change nickname... Must change nickname... Must change nickname...)
Patience, patience
Lorian : You're used to clearly see my nickname each time we talk on MSN And you ccan remember : crazy guy = crazy nickname Klaas : Helpless, isn't it...
Sukkit : Hehehe Orthography is great help! Yiuel isn't French Eken : As in "ta gueule". Here in Quebec, the closest expression I' ve ever heard in English is "Shut the f* up." Shut up is rendered as "Ferme la". Yieul seems to close to "Ta yeule"