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Everything posted by sternstaub

  1. Thanks for reporting. I try to get some more information, so that it is easier for other people to help. Is it reproducible or random / does it happen every time when you place a field with britons, or did it just happen once? Do other civ behave differently? Also, the crashlog.txt contains only system information and no actual logging, if i see correctly from the last lines: ==================================== Main log: (unavailable) ==================================== Since you are on Win10, please have a look at the "Debbuging on Windows" page of trac. While you debug, maybe someone can already come up with a solution, but if not, this step can be very helpful. Kind of looks like an allocation error to me, from what the image provides. 0x00000001 is an interesting address anyway.
  2. In modern german, a <siege weapon>ram is called "Rammbock" (Ramm-Bock), where "Bock" means <animal>"male buck". Perhaps it was derived from the natural world? //EDIT There is a online dictionary where you can see where german words (possibly) derived from. The word "Rammbock" can i there not find, but it gives info on the word "Ramme". Translation attempt: "[die] Ramme f. device for stamping the ground, for driving stakes / pegs into the floor ... old high german "ramma" (9th/10th century) ... late middle high german "ramme". ...underlying is a word for the animal aries/ram which has gone extinct in new high german: "ram" (8th ctry), "rammo" (9th ctry) [which is now called "Widder, Schafbock" <schaf = sheep, bock = male>] ...transferred usage in the sense of "drophammer, ram<siege>", based on the idea of a aries who is running against something with a sunken head, are shown by ...the dutch, english ram aswell as... ...the - in analogy to other terms for devices and tools - female word "Ramme" The origin of the animal name is unknown. Unsure, whether as a 'strong' or 'strong-scenting animal' from old nordic 'ram(m)r' = strong, sharp, bitter." This was most likely derived from the animal. We may ask ourselfs in which extent the early germans have ever encountered a siege ram before seeing other civilizations using them. Plus, there were very dense forests, swamps etc. in germania. Probably hard to move rams with wheels in that biome. i guess that, if they wanted to ram something, they derived the word for describing the action (ramming) by taking the term for the animal, which they already knew. Then, they take like a log or something, looking at each other and saying "ramma" while pointing at an obstacle or a gate maybe.
  3. Thanks to all the people involved for putting such effort in improving and expanding the game
  4. while that is true, it can be used just to re-align the camera. But perhaps i am simply to bad to handle the existing features properly and effectively .
  5. disclaimer: this is no "official poll"; it is simply put here out of interest. Hello everyone Description: Handling many units + buildings via control groups in late game can be a tedious thing, because logically there is a limit of 10 bindable buttons. Expecially after expanding with 2nd CC, there are even more buildings in more different places to handle. I wondered if i was just too bad at the game and in lack of micro, or if you encountered a similiar problem in some games. A solution could be to have one hotkey bound not to select a single CC, but to cycle all the available CCs, in order of building. You are welcome to partake in the poll, so that we may see some representation here Thanks for your time Cheers
  6. Does the game show up in Windows audio mixer? If you have, attach logfiles mainlog.html, interestinglog.html and userreport_hwdetect.txt. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths
  7. another idea is stack selection for each type of unit. So that, for example, you have stack select active for women and set property "5" for the stack. So that if you draw a rectangle over one woman, the game would automatically select 4 other women from nearby. Range threshold like 10m would make sense here. This stack size could differ between different unit types. I thought it makes sense to handle women as a 5stack, since 5 women go to a field; for spearmen, on the other hand, you maybe want to command 15 at once. One variation of this may be that it be unified with production batch size, and that each unit would have it's own batch sizes. In other words, the batch size and the target selection amount are unique for each unit and share the same value. It might be changed as usual by using the scroll wheel on production icon. Another variation can be that the stack size changes with stage progression. In village phase, you use small stacks. For town phase, the stack selection amount can grow. It does not have to be hardcoded. The player can instead be enabled to set it on the options. Could be achieved with 2 DropDown menus for example: 1) Phase I / II / III. 2) Unit type -> women, spear, jav, slinger...; for each possible combination, a number may be entered. This number would then define in which stack size this unit will be selected in that phase. It can also be limited to click select. So that when you click, you get the stack size. But that would bring some more problems, because you could then only select one stack. On the other hand, it might also be useful to have standard rectangle select, and bind stack size to click select. Click = select 25 slingers, focus archers, then click ram, which selects 1 ram, attack building, then click swordcav, autoselect 40 swordcav, then drawing rectangle over all troops and send all to attack CC or to retreat... Question here would be whether such features may be combined with Battalions as planned (?) for Delanda est. This posting is for preserving the thought primarily, not directly a suggestion or such.
  8. ...but who do? ^^ Such kind of rework can be a big task. Although it is good to share and compare / discuss such idea for improvement, there must be a priority set by the WFG team. There is currently work to be done for the A27 release. You can also try to get into the code yourself and implement such feature yourself, if the forum discussion shows that it is desired It is what makes FOSS strong.
  9. Deer and sheep are also shown in FoW (afaik). Perhaps it is intended and not a bug?
  10. ooops... my brain derived the word from "tick", like in server ticks This looks like a nice indicator, so that the player can see the strength and frequency of such tRickle effects. You successfully registered it into my brain
  11. I am not sure if there is a pre-built download for windows 7. Might be that you have to build it yourself. There are instructions for it here. But before you test this out, it would be good to provide the logs that Stan asked for. I am also very new to the game, so my suggestion might not help with your problem at all, and building can be a lengthy (30min) process. So, best do a quick upload of the log files first, because that can be done much faster than testing a whole different game version
  12. I do not see a problem with the community mod "dividing" the community. It is very simple to turn it on and off, and it poses a very interesting way to test content. But this might well be due to lack of experience, and maybe those who play for a long(er) time see this differently. However, i like the concept and would love to see it persist Cheers
  13. Ah, @vladislavbelov, god bless; just asked the questions for someone with much more knowledge to come along Hopefully we will be able to solve @farima4 problem now Right, of course, the backend.@farima4if you are on an old machine, you might also want to test it out with the new alpha (A27, but it is still pre-release) for vulkan backend (which was also added by @vladislavbelov - kudos!). It seems to sometimes make a big difference for old systems performance-wise, and although not related to the actual bug, it might fix it aswell. That is, if you want to play singleplayer. If you want to do multi player, you will still need the current A26 release. See this topic: Cheers
  14. Were you before able to play without encountering the issue?
  15. agreed. Would not be intuitive. I like how the shiny menu feels; not only the looks of it.
  16. If i understood correctly, the problem is not limited to outposts.
  17. this topic is kind of inspired by : caution: may contain naive assumptions. The general idea behind the topic could be abstracted and applied to other buildings, right? We already have building garrison effects in many cases, like for the arrow count or for the capture points regeneration. Also, the trickle effect exists already for the wonders. So, that is that. But because i am still not very familiar with the game design and how it works, i wondered: - would this kind of addition to the game be easy to make (without screwing performance)? it seems important to know whether such an endavour can be done easily so that i can see how priorities are set in the development process of 0ad; how things are done, and why they are done that way. - how well would it scale if there really were to be trickle effects to - let's assume an extreme case - every building a player has? i mean, the wonder tickle is per design maximum 1 building per player. if corral had trickle, there might be 20 buildings per player which have such effect. Furthermore, it would be cool if you would state your general opinion about building trickle effects and whether you think they could "become a thing" someday. This topic was initially inspired by the thought of having garrisoned priests in a temple buff the healing aura of the building. (not sure by which means the aura is connected and affected by the building). Another possibility might be a building speed aura for the CC if women are garrisoned (player probably defending and thus not farming). Perhaps there are many possible implementations for this. If, for instance, i wanted to mod the game to be more anno-like (...taking the thought quite far here), there could be a speedup effect for "productive buildings" if more workers are garrisoned. Already wrote too much. Wanted to listen and read more. As mentioned, your opinions and thoughts on this are welcome here cheers
  18. image.png.0299e85eef58742b4c13c9de6348a6f2.png
    wonder so strong; marvelous game.

  19. you need to get the current a27 pre-release. If you are on linux, you can find it on this link.
  20. It would probably be good to hear what the guy in question has to say on the matter? @Yekaterina even if the behaviour should have been okay, we should provide space for discussing this anyway. I do not know how old the rating system is, but like anything in development, it cannot be expected to be perfect - so it is a good thing to look a bit into how people do exploit it. And certainly there are different opinions about which issues do pose a problem and which do not. Only after talking about the matter, a consensual problem definition can be given precisely enough to find a elgible solution. Personally, i do think that having people boost their accounts is undesirable. To be honest, the idea of smurfing to 0ad is unfathomable for me in the first place.
  21. Do i understand correctly that, in 0ad design, the attack can affect only a single player in a game? It would mean that each participant would be required to have their own DDoS protection, right?
  22. Hello farima4, welcome on the forum That sounds odd. Can you send an image of this phenomenon? Are your units walking through the black ?
  23. ...or have the ability to apply advanced registration restrictions for only the time when a DDoS attack is actually happening?
  24. This is very true and i agree. This might be worth a thought. Because the buttons are centered within the image space. If they were vertical for instance, they would split it in two sections instead of a frame. Possibly it can create a more smooth look. On the other hand, i like the accessibility of the shiny buttons too, so this probably is no purely cosmetic decision. Whatever the case: good work here!
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