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Everything posted by sternstaub

  1. What if certain macros would be a part of the game itself it could be skilled as a perk ingame? The naming here already tells us that , where "actions" be interpreted as micro-game actions. A macro would now pull together these micro game actions. Example would be "ring the alarm" In my opinion, the micro-decisions should matter most in early game phase. What does every single one of my 20 or 40 units do? You know what i mean. Later on tho, i would find it nice if there were more strategy aspects. You would eventually have multiple armies for multiple purposes. For example, you want a 30 spearmen defensive troops to hold a swamp area against horse attacks, but "have given orders" not to fight infantry. That might be because you would not want a cavalry rush from that direction, maybe because your own infantry is far out at the moment. Here we see how the decisions change qualitatively over the course of a game. You do not need to just think "Spears are strong against cav, so i take these 30 spearmen and keep spam clicking these 20 riders", but the strategy aspect goes further than that. You would additionally need to consider: "i use them to delay a potential attack and get ready to do so as soon as my outpost spotted the enemy, but then they are missing in this other important part of the map where all the ore is", or when to expose which area etc. Of course this would lower the skill cap and attention needed to be effective within certain areas. But we should consider that other strategic aspects become relevant after expansion happens. How agile / fast is my army? When i just put 30 spears into the swamp, maybe i will get flanked and they are too far to help my CC in time. Where and for what do i use Cavalry, how so for infantry? Which role do vision and map-awareness play for my decisions? Etc. I could imaginable to use predefined macros as a way to intentionally change the gameplay experience as the game advances while being embedded into the game meta and thus not being a cheat but an "intentional flavour" of the game. It might aswell help non-pro players to better understand different aspects of strategy and understand different phases by keeping their view on the important things. Which i would endorse, because 0ad is a great game for learning things . This might be done for example in an "Army Overview". I find that 10 quick bind hotkeys (control groups) for Buildings AND armies are not enough when the action starts. To address this, there could be the option to toggle between "army mode", where you can manage 10 unit clusters, and "civilization mode", where you manage 10 buildings. Also, it would be a cool option to assign an army control group to a building, so that the queued unit are automatically bound to the corresponding hotkey, aswell as setting default spawn behaviour. Default agressive troops can be problematic on some occasions, and maybe i want my cav to flee from spears before i have built enough. Another topic which is a maybe bit related to this: I know of a StarCraft custom gamemode called "KeyStone". It uses the StarCraft units which fight in a closed arena and spawn from both sides, but they are not directly controllable. Instead, players use cards to spawn units or get tech on units. I am not suggesting to actually do the card thing in 0AD, but the basic meta could indeed be stripped of micro management and still be interesting. Maybe even for mobile platforms, as a fork. Don't know how realizable that would be tho. Just some thoughts

    On 06/07/2018 at 2:01 AM, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Absolute "best" imho would be to assign rain to cloud actors/entities that can travel across the map. But, hell, beggars can't be choosers. "Whole map" or placeable objects or whatever you can make happen I'd be happy with. Whole map "rain shower" and "thunderstorm" options would be acceptable too. Almost anything is better than the rain we have now. ;) 


  3. I am pushing latest svn branch to it's limits with a ridiculously high amount of units right now (skirmish 8p map, 50k res, 25min peace, no pop limit, spamming houses and barracks, map discovered and revealed). Vulkan is enabled and your shader mod is activated. For now, the graphics are set down quite a bit. The game is at 13-30fps with about 2000 units on the map. I attach the savegame so that you can test it aswelloverkillUnits.0adsave But i notice that the lag is purely graphical. The units are very responsive to movement commands. Good latency, different than what i experienced in multiplayer games. Will test out the same scenario on a26 later. Not sure if the high latency is now gone because of a27 + vulkan or bcs of singleplayer.
  4. Well, could not join games in lobby; told me that i have mod "0ad, shiny" but game requires "0ad".
  5. Hello fellow folks, shiny is a nice GUI mod for the game. Really like to use it; the menu feels more natural. But there is a problem with multiplayer for it. Certainly, you can already guess what i mean. If i were to use a mod which only changes the GUI and does not affect gameplay, this would prevent people who don't have it installed from playing with me. I wonder if it is neccessary for all players in the match to have this very mod installed; it only affects the interface, not the gameplay, hence it does not seem like a proper approach. I will try to put the modfiles into the /mods/user folder, that should work, right? Yes, it did work. But is this an intended solution? Or would it not be worth considering to have ..."hard-dependency mods" for multiplayer, like maps, 1000AD, new cultures etc. ...as opposed to non-gameplay related mods, which cannot be used to cheat an advantage in multiplayer?
  6. Man muss die Einstellung pro Match vornehmen ^^ Übrigens beeinflusst die Schwierigkeit meines Wissens nicht das Verhalten, sondern nur die Sammelraten der KI. == I am not so sure about this. Does AI difficulty have an effect on AI behaviour, or just on the gathering rates?
  7. Did You do it through the router config page, or did you just ask your provider to help you out? You do not need anyone to do it, but rather do it yourself from router configuration page. You would have to forward the port to the device on which you intend to play / host. So, if your local IP is, then you must forward :20595 to the machine at . Why would you need an external IP to forward a port? You just need the port and the target machine on your local network, so that all incoming requests on :20595 will be forwarded to the machine which is supposed to process the data. ...or is forwarding not enough? Does it really have to be opened? In my experience, webservers (which it technically is when you host a game) worked fine with forwarding.
  8. Oh, right. The reason why i don't like EU overregulation. On the long term, it empowers BigTech - who can afford pursuing legalese stuff -, and weakens indie software devs. Well played. /close
  9. Wait, so there was actually a matrix bridge? That implies that there was a matrix room as well? Or has the 0 A.D. central, which i mentioned before, been the bridged room? But i see the problem here. Especially for the IRC it is hard to request the consent while keeping the channel open, straightforward and user-friendly. When it comes to discord tho, there might be a realizable way to do that. Despite not using DC anymore, i know of some communities there which use bots for terms of service. Like: "click the emoji-reaction to give consent", and only after you do so, you would be moved to the bridged channel. So, maybe the matrix-to-discord-thing would be a possibility. Another thought: Would it not be possible - and I am talking about the long term here -, to integrate matrix protocol into the game as well as the forums? So, any 0 A.D. multiplayer account could / would be synced with the forum account? I do not know your server capacities, and therefore i cannot tell whether or not hosting matrix infrastructure is feasible in any way. However, in connection with something like OAuth, it might provide a consistent way of connecting the community throughout both the forum and the game. That is, when it comes to private messaging. The reason why i am saying this is because the game is still in the alpha, which means that there are still a lot of possibilities for expanding the game. It appears reasonable to suggest a coherent communication protocol for both the game and the forum. Anyhow, if there should at some point be an ambition to "matrixize" stuff, i would offer myself to partake in this endeavour. Although i do not know much about the integration of matrix into other software (...yet can be learned...), i have run a small matrix server myself in the past. Same goes for the discord bridge idea mentioned above. As always, thanks for the reading time Cheers
  10. I am writing a *public* message to my own feed, obviously.

  11. Are you trying to join the lobby, or direct connect? ô.o
  12. === Once, some new 0ad player created a map called "map-rheinland". It was supposed to play around a river in old Germania. He tried to imagine how such rivers might have been like, long ago. He had no experience in the game and no idea of the balance whatsoever, so he simply decided to place ore in the mountains and rocks in the swamps and rivers. It was published soon. Since the original map became unloadable with vanilla, a multiplayer / skirmish map is being created from scratch. The main thread, which you are reading now, has been edited and renamed. This could someday become a map pack. I am not sure yet. === While there is further development, i provide the mod in this thread, so it can be used until existing problems are fixed. Also, please consider that it is recommended to use Alpha 27 with Vulkan Backend for good performance / stability. Maps can be huge and contain many resources. For me it works fine with Vulkan on mid-end system. The A27 version of the map... requires Delanda Est, which does not apply to the old A26 map. For some reason, after i had opened the map in Atlas - with DE activated -, the game cannot find any objects when loading it with vanilla 0ad. I try to find out why that happens and will provide the fix. While that is so, the Skirmish version of the map is supposed to work on Vanilla (although, as mentioned, it does not, right now). But for now, it should not be played anyway. I was focussing more on the DE scenario (see below), so that the Skirmish remains kind of unfinished. TBD. The A27 file can be found at the end of this post. Delanda Est Patch On top of that, you can then use the Delanda-Est patch if you like to. It contains a Scenario (1p vs 4 AI) aswell as balancing changes for DE that are designed for this very map. So please remember to turn it off when you play another map - else it will likely disrupt the balance of the original mod. The old file... If you want to play the vanilla map, you can still get the old A26 modfile on mod.io (ingame mod menu) - but it only has 3 player slots, it is not balanced and the terrain and forests are much more generic and dull. Also be aware that there may be changes in the file structure - renaming for example. Need to get a better overview of the map Sources for creation (for myself; can contain german articles. Feel free to share knowledge about how the terrain might have looked like at the time): "Geschichte des Waldes in Mitteleuropa" - Wikipedia (has translations) "Wie breit war der Rhein früher" - the-duesseldorfer.de "Der Rhein in römischer Zeit" - neuss.de "Maps reveal the historical path of the rhine" - uu.nl "Publius Cornelius Tacitus described "Free Germania" (Germania magna) in the 1st century as "terra aut silvis horrida aut paludibus foeda" – a land, covered by horrid forests or loathsome bogs. Tacitus' Mediterranean homeland at that time had already been a cultural landscape for centuries, its forests cleared for fields, orchards and towns, to say nothing of the use of wood for home fires and maritime construction." - Wikipedia Current Map: Old image: ================================================= FILES map-rheinland.pyromod REQUIRES 0ad A27 AND Delanda Est (for now) map-rheinland-v02-patch-delanda-est.pyromod REQUIRES 0ad A27 AND map-rheinland.pyromod AND Delanda Est =================================================
  13. Hello fellow friends, let's talk about IRC and [matrix]. For any of you who are not familiar with matrix, you may check the given FAQ link. I am going to assume that we all know IRC, tho. So, 0 A.D. uses IRC for providing an official channel for instant messaging and quickly contacting the staff people, for example. This is a decent approach, and i would not suggest to change, but rather to maybe extend it - because interoperability rocks! A heads up: I know that there are enough other projects on the list for this game. Consider this topic as a discussion space on the matter. It is not my intention to force anything upon anyone. With that being said, let me give a quick overview. As a matrix user i have searched, found and joined the 0 A.D. Central - Room , , which is obviously an unofficial, fan-created room on the matrix network. At the time of writing, it has 66 members. I would love to see the IRC room bridged to the matrix network, so that feedback (for example) would be synced and not just scattered into different networks. Sadly, after now doing about 40 minutes of internet research, i am not very sure about how this can be accomphished by simple means. For that reason, i asked in the matrix-room for Heisenbridge if this can be done without self-hosting the bridge. Maybe someone there will tell me. However, if anyone here happens to know more about this, feel free to share the information. And, of course, the staff's opinion on the matter is welcome aswell. By the way, it would technically be possible to integrate matrix even into games (on the long term). Thank you for reading have a nice day
  14. How comes? And how would that be fixed?
  15. Hi! First off, i am new here and have stumbled upon this game only a week ago, so i am begging your pardon if it is the wrong place for a bug report. Well - great mod! I have just installed it and tried the Carolingians. Nice game design for that fraction and tech tree, from what i can tell. But it gives me an error when i create a caro stone gate. It says: "Model art/meshes/structural/caro_wall_gate_door is boned with unboned animation. It sounds like a minor issue to me, i do not know much about animation and models. But after this occurred, i wanted to report it to you real quick. Anyways, this modding stuff looks amazing so far. I have been modding skyrim for quite a while, and maybe this game is god's invitation to expand my skills and take a deeper look. Let's see, will dive into this in the following weeks. Have a nice day folks!
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