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Lobby Moderators
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Everything posted by Norse_Harold

  1. I edited the first post in order to change the title. The title "End of Yekaterina" resembles virtual suicide, a type of violence. Abusive material, such as a threat or encouragement of violence, is not allowed by the draft code of conduct for the forum. Also, the new title, "End of Yekaterina's lying" is more apropriate for the topic, as Yeka decided not to end the account and will instead (hopefully) end the lying. I edited Yekaterina's post on July 20th, 2023, at Yekaterina's request via private communication. Yeka said (s)he couldn't delete an incorrect @-mention, I explained how (backspace over it), offered to do it for Yeka, Yeka agreed and thanked me when it was completed.
  2. Hopefully you're not cheating this way by viewing parts of the map or watching chat that wouldn't otherwise be visible.
  3. People can use multiple instances of the same account, that's fine. The last XMPP instance to connect is the only one that will receive gamelist and rating IQ stanza updates, from what I've seen. Also, the "priority" that each client has, which is often affected by the presence, affects which client receives the gamelist and rating IQ stanzas. When I want to alternate between clients receiving the updates then I find it necessary to reconnect that client to the lobby. And then, yes, there can be a long delay before that client receives updates. That's a known issue, and there's no current solution for it other than to wait for someone (maybe you) to make a change to the game list. That involves changing the visible parameters of a hosted game, changing the users in a hosted game, or creating a new hosted game, Regarding lack of a rating, it's the same issue as with the game list. Follow the procedure that I described in order to ensure that the client will receive and has received the rating IQ stanza before trying to join or host a game. There's an improvement in the works, PubSub, that will hopefully resolve this issue so that the above workaround isn't necessary and each instance will receive the gamelist and rating information.
  4. Thanks for the report. It's helpful. Please be honest about why you were muted. You were muted in the past because you demanded excessive moderator action for i_am_groot and you did not comply with the rule to conduct request for appeal privately instead of publicly. You will never be muted merely for making a report of misconduct, even if it's about my friends.
  5. Use the hashed (encrypted) password from saving the password in user.cfg after a successful login with 0ad. Don't use the plaintext password with a third party XMPP client. If you don't see any games in 0ad it's because you still have an XMPP client connected in the background. Disconnect it, then reconnect 0ad to the lobby. You'll see games. Please behave, don't impersonate others, don't spam, and follow all the rules of the lobby.
  6. Technically, these are the (draft) rules of the forum and other WFG communication systems besides the lobby. 2022-10-19 code of conduct revision 2.pdf See section 9 for some rules that are relevant, such as no personal attacks and not purposefully demeaning the worth of others. Meanwhile, section 10 has restrictions on pornography or other sexually offensive materials. So, imagery of genitalia or sexual intercourse are forbidden, but I don't see rules preventing showing skin on other parts of the body. I think that social media have similar standards. There are even uncensored and non-age restricted videos on Youtube of African tribes with topless women. The reason it's allowed on Youtube is because it's nudity without sexual context. It's a similar situation with 0 A.D. It's bare skin without sexual context. But, I agree with ChronA's statement about rules if it's interpreted as an attempt at describing part of a common moral code that doesn't have bias toward a certain culture or religion, or the volunteerism and nonpartisan culture of WFG developers. Consistent with volunteerism, if you are highly motivated to see a change to the artwork in the game then you can make a mod yourself, or pay a developer to make one, that changes the artwork. You can distribute it, and like-minded people will use it. But, don't expect it to become the new default artwork, unless there is a sea change in the culture of the player base.
  7. I don't get how this is tied together. 1984 and i_am_groot are not tied together. It is a coincidence that they would both receive an official warning. The reason is that 1984 is asking for the threshold to be set very low for issuing an official warning, such that 1984 would also exceed the threshold based on the rules that he has violated in the past and even in this episode. Examples of rules that 1984 has violated: (1) 1984 has used many unauthorized duplicate accounts, (2) 1984 has appealed moderation action publicly instead of privately, (3) 1984 has used profanity and insults with several of his unauthorized duplicate accounts. Of course, I assume that 1984 is not asking for unfair or unequal application of the rules, ie. application of the rules only to i_am_groot and not to himself. Therefore he is apparently asking for a low threshold for official warning in application of the rules. Be careful what you wish for. That would mean that you're crossing that threshold as well as a lot of other users. 1984, I recommend that you talk to the person who was hosting the game at the time and ask them to create and apply rules for their hosted games. That's the first supervisor, and you skipped directly over it. I guess that you are not actually concerned about the rules and instead you're concerned about something else. Another example of a rule violation: you created a game with room name "Harassed by Norse_Harold" several times after you were muted. The reason you were muted was because you continued to request appeal of moderation action publicly instead of privately in the lobby. Of course you'll get attention from a moderator if you're breaking rules and being annoying. The proper procedure for appeal of moderation action is to forum PM Stan and/or Dunedan. Period. Locking this thread.
  8. 1984 if you want i_am_groot to get an official warning then you would be getting an official warning as well for the rules that you broke. Atrik, don't call vinme "vincel" please. It's a combination of "vinme" and "incel" which means "involuntarily celibate". It's a pejorative.
  9. Thanks for the report. Hosters are responsible for moderating in-game conduct unless it's extremely bad. Talk to the hoster at the time and ask them to establish and enforce rules. You are advised to favor joining hosters with rules for their games. Anyway, the misconduct seems very mild to me: one swearword (a---hole). Send evidence of other misconduct and it will be considered.
  10. Hi Wintarus, thanks for posting here about the problem. Can you post a screenshot of the error message and/or attach mainlog.html. This page explains where to find mainlog.html.
  11. Anyone who has observations about who could be doing ddosing, please share the information with lobby moderators. I don't know what questionable moderator you're talking about. I have consistently opposed ddosing, shared observations and evidence about times that I have been ddosed, and I have asked users to share evidence about who might be doing ddosing. JC, I've asked you to talk to me on IRC several times to share evidence that you have about who is doing ddosing. You ignored the request and sent a few messages in the lobby. A serious investigation can't be conducted publicly. We need private communication in order to share the useful information for catching the ddoser(s). There is a principle of "innocent until proven guilty" for lobby bans. Just because people claim someone is doing ddosing, or someone claims to be doing ddosing does not mean that it is proof. JC, you have suggested that ddosers might be engaged in misdirection about who is actually doing the ddosing. We have a list of suspects, and we are working on investigating it. It would be very much appreciated if you would cooperate with the investigation and share the specific information that you have, and collect more useful information for a "conviction", about who could be involved in it. An investigation that results in a perma-ban requires time and effort, and cooperation from the community can speed up the investigation. Asking for preemptive conclusion before proof is established does not speed up the investigation. Sure, hosts are permitted to preemptively block a user, for example based on suspicions about ddosing, provided that the feature is available in the game. It's being developed. In the meantime, anyone who is able to compile from source can PM me for a draft version of a patch that allows blocking users from obtaining your IP address, as well as instructions on how to use it.
  12. Marre-Vrickad used some offensive language and insults in a team game on June 29, according to SIGTERM. It's up to the host to establish rules about this and enforce them. In this case the host did ban Marre-Vrickad from that match because he was a spectator distracting the players. Thank you Barcodes for doing this. That said, there is a conflict that was not able to be discussed at the time. Marre-Vrickad, when you're angry about something, please calmly discuss it with eloquent language instead of using pejoratives and insults. Describe the specific concern(s) instead of assuming that people know what the concerns are and redirecting to insults. If you think that the person you're talking to will not respond in a mature manner to the communication then please contact moderators to discuss how the situation can be resolved. Thanks.
  13. I think he's talking about this topic. Appeals of moderation actions must be done privately. bestplayer23 already PM'd Stan with what could charitably be considered an appeal of moderation action. There was a review, and bestplayer23 presumably got a response from Stan. What was described in the topic was handled already, unless bestplayer23 / poopooman / goldafternoonfix still needs troubleshooting assistance with joining games. He doesn't seem to be willing to discuss it in detail, though. And, he hasn't replied to what I suggested as a resolution for the problem here. If there's a new request, please let us know. He sent about 10 private messages. Reputation is based on reactions, not user activity. I think that rank is based on user activity (content posted or PMs sent) instead of reputation.
  14. The base 64-encoded data contains invalid input. Notice that there are several occurrences of "@#$%", which is not valid. Maybe something went wrong when you copy/pasted the data. There is a possibility that the forum's profanity censor system is replacing what it detects as profanity in the base 64 data with symbols. Usually you can attach files to posts on the forum, but your account is new so there is likely a limit to the size of files that you can attach. If you compress, crop or resize the image then you might be able to attach it. Alternatively, you can upload the image to cloud storage and paste the URL here. Options are free software online services (picture sharing) or other online image sharing services.
  15. Attention: Shyft is still banned. Please do not allow him to join your games until the ban is lifted. Today Shyft joined the lobby as "tuna.salad". Contrary to what he is saying, his ban is still in effect. I have been in communication with Shyft to explain how he can do restorative justice in order to get unbanned after in-game mute functionality is added in the base game. Discussion of how to do restorative justice community service work went well for a while. I listed these ideas for restitution work: Technical support for users, software development or modding work to fulfill requests of those who were damaged Write lengthy letters of apology and transparency to those damaged Create advertisement videos for WFG Create promotional podcasts or videos for WFG Create artwork for WFG Donate to WFG Write text documents, for example for the encyclopedia feature that is being discussed on the forum Digital image editing Video editing Logo design Promotional marketing Conduct surveys and do canvassing Report bugs Help improve game balance through suggestions and testing Test SVN versions Test experimental features Shyft said that he was considering writing a letter of apology and transparency and doing some paper-based artwork for the 0 A.D community. We discussed why Shyft says he gets angry and insults people , what the rules state about pejoratives and profanity, some background on opinions about a generally accepted moral code, what would be suggested for inclusion in a letter of apology and transparency, etc. Shyft stated that he gets angry when players do not communicate during team games. We can discuss how the community can work on solving these types of problems, but it is not a prerequisite for Shyft's restorative justice process. At the end of the conversation, Shyft decided to demand a change to the policy regarding the ban without doing restitution work and stated that he would create alternate accounts to attempt to bypass the ban. Hosters, please support WFG by detecting Shyft's alternate accounts,and banning them from your games. Also report them, ideally with evidence, via forum PM to moderators Norse_Harold and Dunedan. Please encourage Shyft to return to the restorative justice process if he wants to get back into the game sooner.
  16. If you're doing translation work then you can test your work immediately with the instructions here. But, if you want to play the game with an existing language then which language is it? Do you expect to play lobby multiplayer games? If not then maybe the language is already available in SVN/Git. Read how to build from source code here.
  17. Last I checked, the forum supports attachments greater than 100 MB. The most likely explanation for why you can't upload a 47.5 MB attachment is that your account is new. See the red hand symbol next to your avatar. When that wears off then restrictions are removed, and you should be able to upload larger attachments. In the meantime you can upload to cloud storage and post the link in the forum. I suggest using the file sharing feature here.
  18. What is the size of the attachment(s) you tried to upload?
  19. There is an FAQ answer to this question here. Scroll down to read the answer to "Failed to connect to the server. UDP port 20595 not being forwarded." Anyone who still needs help, talk to me on IRC when I'm responsive.
  20. @alexroses47I'm curious, what is your goal with setting hidpi to true? After you set it to true, you might find that the user interface is too small. You can increase the size of the user interface elements by adding this configuration directive to local.cfg or user.cfg in the [gui] category. scale = 2.0;
  21. I would suggest that you report this as an issue to sl5net, the person who made the modified version of autociv that you said you are using. sl5net has not configured his repository correctly, because the Issues tab is disabled, and its website field links to the forum thread about nani's version of the game, not sl5net's version. You should contact sl5net about the possible bug instead of nani. Maybe a direct message through GitHub would allow you to do this. Also encourage sl5net to enable the Issues tab and create a separate forum thread for discussion of his fork of autociv.
  22. Please post a screenshot, copy/paste error messages, and ideally attach log files such as mainlog.html. This webpage explains where to find your logs.
  23. poopooman, a solution to the problem that you described with the game freezing when you try to join a game is hopefully explained here and here. Please contact the lobby moderators via PM for further communication about this subject.
  24. I'm not CaptainBlueSky, so I don't know where you got this. Maybe he was an old moderator? I was added as a lobby helper around September 18, 2022. If you were muted or banned before that then it wasn't by me. Anyway, the appeal process for any lobby punishment is explained in the FAQ. It's not allowed to do the appeal process publicly, so subsequent messages need to be forum PMs or IRC chat messages with lobby moderators such as Stan or Dunedan. Here are relevant lobby chat messages that might shed some light on what poopooman is talking about. As you can see, his claims that he didn't get help and that he never used profanity in the lobby are both invalid. The following contains profanity, pejoratives, and lewd subjects. Viewer discretion is advised. The time zone used for dates is UTC. 2023-02-06 16:44:12 poopoomaximus: can i say rhe n word] 2023-05-09 20:21:09 poopooman: help 2023-05-09 20:21:24 poopooman: I havn't been able to play in almost a year 2023-05-09 20:21:38 poopooman: "loading map data, please wait..." 2023-05-09 20:21:58 poopooman: can only alt+f4 to get out of that 2023-05-09 20:22:18 poopooman: anyone? 2023-05-09 20:23:09 poopooman: what happened to user1? 2023-05-09 20:23:13 poopooman: help!!!! 2023-05-09 20:23:59 poopooman: well fack it. I'll try back in another year I guess 2023-05-09 20:28:14 PleaseBanMeNow: ban me 2023-05-09 20:30:55 PleaseBanMeNow: defc0n 2023-05-09 20:30:57 PleaseBanMeNow: ban me 2023-05-09 20:31:02 defc0n: ? 2023-05-09 20:31:39 PleaseBanMeNow: пожалуйста 2023-05-09 20:32:18 PleaseBanMeNow: defc0n забань меня пожалуйста 2023-05-09 20:32:55 PleaseBanMeNow: sad you don't have ban authorisation 2023-05-09 20:32:56 PleaseBanMeNow: good night 2023-05-09 20:44:41 poopooman: anyone here help with 0ad problems? 2023-05-09 20:45:07 Basiliskos: poopooman what problem 2023-05-09 20:45:49 poopooman: i try to join game it says "loading map data, please wait..." and i can only alt+f4 to get out of that 2023-05-09 20:46:17 poopooman: havnt been able to play in almost a year, same thing since new computer 2023-05-09 20:46:27 Basiliskos: Norse_Harold 2023-05-09 20:46:44 Norse_Harold: what? 2023-05-09 20:46:53 Basiliskos: poopooman need help 2023-05-09 20:47:12 Norse_Harold: poopooman, there is a fix for that, which I'll explain if you change your name 2023-05-09 20:47:22 poopooman: ok 2023-05-09 20:47:24 Norse_Harold: use a name that isn't offensive 2023-05-09 20:47:35 poopooman: thats not gonna fix it 2023-05-09 20:47:51 poopooman: been doing this for a year 2023-05-09 20:48:53 Norse_Harold: I know it won't fix it 2023-05-09 20:49:16 Norse_Harold: change your name and I'll explain HOW to fix it 2023-05-09 20:49:32 poopooman: does anyone else have this problem? I've tried everything 2023-05-09 20:50:04 poopooman: no nevermind, not giving in to some authoratarian @#$%, thanks for nothing 2023-05-09 20:50:18 poopooman: if anyone can help please say 2023-05-09 20:50:28 Basiliskos: poopooman he is joking 2023-05-09 20:50:50 Basiliskos: Have you tried uninstalling and installing? 2023-05-09 20:50:52 Basiliskos: poopooman 2023-05-09 20:51:48 poopooman: im only running od with all outgoing udp allowed 2023-05-09 20:51:59 Tartalo123: download last version of 0AD 2023-05-09 20:52:18 Norse_Harold: poopooman, you don't have a choice about your name. It's the rules. 2023-05-09 20:52:37 Norse_Harold: talk to me on IRC for a solution to the problem with the game freezing when you try to start a match 2023-05-09 20:52:49 poopooman: Norse_Harlod i don't care cus i can;t even play 2023-05-09 20:52:53 Tartalo123: join my game and lets see poopoo 2023-05-09 20:52:54 Norse_Harold: you will play 2023-05-09 20:52:56 Norse_Harold: once I help you fix the bug 2023-05-09 20:53:08 Norse_Harold: to join IRC visit https://play0ad.com 2023-05-09 20:53:09 poopooman: no nevermind Norse 2023-05-09 20:53:12 Norse_Harold: and click on "IRC Channel" at the top right 2023-05-09 20:53:20 Norse_Harold: what do you mean nevermind? it's an easy fix 2023-05-09 20:53:24 Norse_Harold: and changing your name is easy 2023-05-09 20:53:30 poopooman: i'll just play something else though i loved this game 2023-05-09 20:53:36 Norse_Harold: what's your old name? 2023-05-09 20:53:54 poopooman: this is just a quick test account, poopooman didnt take 20 hours to think up 2023-05-09 20:54:26 poopooman: so i just want it to work or i bounce for another year or until a new ver comes out to test 2023-05-09 20:54:41 Norse_Harold: the problem is with your configuration, not the game 2023-05-09 20:54:45 Norse_Harold: the matchsettings.json file 2023-05-09 20:55:03 poopooman: i havnt edited anything 2023-05-09 20:55:08 poopooman: its all default 2023-05-09 20:55:22 Tartalo123: https://play0ad.com/community/support/ 2023-05-09 20:55:34 Norse_Harold: when you play the game you're editing the settings 2023-05-09 20:55:42 Norse_Harold: they don't get reset to defaults when you reinstall the game 2023-05-09 20:55:42 Umbritu: too much talk poopooman , for ppl who wanna help 2023-05-09 20:55:51 poopooman: its all "google captcha" crap to use forum 2023-05-09 20:55:59 Norse_Harold: poopooman, read this: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/98828-bug-hero garrisoned-option-in-the-match-settings/#comment-530894 2023-05-11 18:15:32 jimo: [GenieBot], test779871928379123 is having some issues regarding his identity 2023-05-11 18:16:02 test779871928379123: oinly issue is can the person who muted me stop being a coward and explain? 2023-05-11 18:16:02 [GenieBot]: test779871928379123, Seems like you have an issue do you need any help? 2023-05-11 18:16:06 jimo: test779871928379123, I just summoned Norse_Harold for you 2023-05-11 18:16:24 test779871928379123: jimo thats the last thing i needed lol 2023-05-11 18:16:37 jimo: come on, he is a nice guy 2023-05-11 18:16:43 test779871928379123: so Norse is a mod or admin? 2023-05-11 18:16:49 jimo: he will come to right conclusion 2023-05-11 18:17:07 jimo: mr Norse_Harold, care to unmute mr poopooman 2023-05-11 18:17:08 test779871928379123: he told me yesterday change name to get help 2023-05-11 18:17:09 jimo: ? 2023-05-11 18:17:19 Norse_Harold: lul, jimo is joking about summoning me. It's a coincidence that I joined 2023-05-11 18:17:25 test779871928379123: i refused, then i get a mystery mute 2023-05-11 18:17:30 test779871928379123: today 2023-05-11 18:17:36 Norse_Harold: talk to me on IRC about it 2023-05-11 18:17:49 Norse_Harold: visit https://www.play0ad.com and click "IRC Channel" at the top right 2023-05-11 18:18:31 jimo: see test779871928379123, I just got an appointment for you with Norse_Harold 2023-05-11 18:18:41 jimo: solve your issue and be happy 2023-05-11 18:18:47 test779871928379123: i think i'll just uninstall 2023-05-11 18:19:05 jimo: that solves as well, glad I could help 2023-05-11 18:19:08 Norse_Harold: test779871928379123, you can try to make an appeal about the punishment 2023-05-11 18:19:10 test779871928379123: someone with the power to mute did so without reason 2023-05-11 18:19:19 Norse_Harold: an appeal would involve talking to user1 or Dunedan instead of me 2023-05-11 18:19:27 Norse_Harold: they're supervisors of sorts 2023-05-11 18:19:33 Norse_Harold: they're also reachable on IRC 2023-05-11 18:19:39 test779871928379123: makes this game seem dangerous to install, no telling what else that coward can/will do 2023-05-11 18:20:06 Norse_Harold: complaining here does nothing. Go to IRC to begin the appeal process 2023-05-11 18:20:08 jimo: I think poopoo is in the 0ad terms of usage 2023-05-11 18:20:12 Norse_Harold: or PM Stan or Dunedan via the forum 2023-05-11 18:20:14 jimo: I will read again 2023-05-11 18:20:24 test779871928379123: who do i appeal to? the coward who muted me won't step up 2023-05-11 18:20:58 test779871928379123: sorry i offend y'all with "poopoo" 2023-05-11 18:21:07 Norse_Harold: coward is a pejorative. Don't use that word, please 2023-05-11 18:21:09 test779871928379123: after 6 years i'm out 2023-05-11 18:21:16 Norse_Harold: you appeal to Stan or Dunedan 2023-05-11 18:21:22 test779871928379123: dont worry Norse im done 2023-05-11 18:21:27 Norse_Harold: neither of them was the one who muted you 2023-05-11 18:21:31 test779871928379123: this is bs 2023-05-11 18:21:44 Norse_Harold: you're committing virtual seppuku because you can't use the name poopoohead? 2023-05-11 18:21:48 Norse_Harold: seems like you're a masochist 2023-05-11 18:21:58 jimo: some ppl like poopoo 2023-05-11 18:22:08 test779871928379123: i have no idea what you just said 2023-05-11 18:22:16 test779871928379123: yeah 2023-05-11 18:22:17 Norse_Harold: dictionary.com has definitions of those words 2023-05-11 18:22:22 test779871928379123: poopoo is cool 2023-05-11 18:22:28 Norse_Harold: what's your original name, test779871928379123? 2023-05-11 18:22:36 test779871928379123: i'm not saying 2023-05-11 18:22:37 Norse_Harold: been playing for 6 years, surely we would recognize one of your older names 2023-05-11 18:22:52 test779871928379123: yes we played together many times 2023-05-11 18:23:11 test779871928379123: but this is unacceptable 2023-05-11 18:23:27 Norse_Harold: if you consider it unacceptable then you can engage in the appeal process 2023-05-11 18:23:52 test779871928379123: nah this game is for conformed biiches, i was goldafternoon btw 2023-05-11 18:24:00 test779871928379123: so bye forever 2023-05-11 18:24:07 Norse_Harold: I don't agree with that 2023-05-11 18:24:33 test779871928379123: well disagree and mute me or whatever dont matter now cus im gonna bounce (he left the lobby. Norse_Harold was already typing the following message and it was sent after he left) 2023-05-11 18:24:43 Norse_Harold: come back soon 2023-05-12 00:01:25 poopoogirl: Norse_Harold your a moderator now? 2023-05-12 00:01:34 helicutie: He is 2023-05-12 00:01:45 poopoogirl: that's who banned me then 2023-05-12 00:01:53 helicutie: Maybe 2023-05-12 00:02:03 poopoogirl: for "poopoo" 2023-05-12 00:02:16 helicutie: Are you logging in via 0ad or external clients? 2023-05-12 00:02:26 poopoogirl: 6 years then i get thrown away like trash for "poopoo" 2023-05-12 00:02:39 helicutie: Are you Trashy? 2023-05-12 00:02:58 poopoogirl: me? trashy? 2023-05-12 00:03:08 helicutie: There's a player called Trashy 2023-05-12 00:03:15 helicutie: And he got muted by Norse 2023-05-12 00:03:16 helicutie: Lol 2023-05-12 00:03:18 poopoogirl: no i was goldafternoonfix then BUBS I think 2023-05-12 00:03:24 helicutie: Oh ok 2023-05-12 00:03:38 poopoogirl: i havnt played in almost a year cus tech problems 2023-05-12 00:04:02 poopoogirl: then i came here asking for help and Norse said "change name first" 2023-05-12 00:04:59 poopoogirl: i just wanted to let devs know he's a bad mod, all their work goes poof to at least 1 well behaved long time player because Norse is offended by "poopoo" 2023-05-12 00:05:41 poopoogirl: i can VPN or whatever but the point is 2023-05-12 00:06:03 poopoogirl: if authoratarian moderation is acceptable then I'm gone 2023-05-12 00:07:09 poopoogirl: I'll just troll and be bad on purpose because 6 years wasted piiiisssses mee off 2023-05-12 00:07:10 helicutie: No 2023-05-12 00:07:12 helicutie: Wait 2023-05-12 00:07:20 helicutie: I can help u with tha 2023-05-12 00:07:23 Palaiologos: Why did you get banned? Why do you want to try and bypass the ban? 2023-05-12 00:07:26 poopoogirl: faaack you Norse_Hairybutt 2023-05-12 00:08:06 poopoogirl: I got banned for the name "poopooman" that's all. I didnt cuss or say anything. only asked for help with a tech problem 2023-05-12 00:08:32 Palaiologos: Sorry poopoogirl, was asking helicutie... 2023-05-12 00:08:33 poopoogirl: Norse_Harold needs to go if 0ad wants to keep decent players around 2023-05-12 00:08:43 Palaiologos: You played as goldafternoonfix and got banned? 2023-05-12 00:08:49 poopoogirl: others said he's a control freak as well 2023-05-12 00:09:00 poopoogirl: not just me, ask around, bad mod 2023-05-12 00:09:50 poopoogirl: Palaiologos no Ive had a tech problem and made a temp account just to try and fix it 2023-05-12 00:10:15 poopoogirl: Norse_Harold thinks "poopooman" was too bad a name then muted me 2023-05-12 00:10:21 Palaiologos: Did you succeed in getting the tech problems fixed? 2023-05-12 00:10:48 poopoogirl: Palaiologos nope, he said "change name then i get help" i refused 2023-05-12 00:11:22 poopoogirl: anyways im out. just please spread word. I never cussed or did wrong on this game 2023-05-12 00:12:07 poopoogirl: 0ad losty a decent player because "poopoo" if devs spent years coding for that kinda athoratarian abuse then so be it. bye 2023-05-12 00:12:23 helicutie: No no don't leave 2023-05-12 00:12:43 poopoogirl: and last fack you again Norse_Harold. fatazz bich control freak. horrible mod. 2023-05-13 04:33:11 profanity in the lobby from a user named BigD*ckN*gger. He mentioned poopoo at one point.
  25. If you think that your firewall is responsible for the problem then there should be firewall logs that demonstrate blocked network packets. Check the logs and compare it with the symptoms. If there are no logged blocked packets then either firewall logging isn't enabled (enable it), or the firewall is not responsible for the problem. There are many possible causes of players being unable to join your games. Check the answer to Failed to connect to the server. UDP port 20595 not being forwarded. in the FAQ. The best setup for hosting is as follows. Ensure that you do not have carrier-grade NAT (explained in the FAQ) Do not use STUN Use a static LAN (private) IP address Disable UPnP Configure a port forward to your private IP address Open the correct port in your firewall configuration for new incoming UDP traffic. The port is usually 20595. The second-best setup is to use all of the above, except UPnP instead of a port forward. Realize that even if your network setup is optimal then in some cases the problems are on the remote end, so the only change that will allow those players to connect is helping them troubleshoot their network problems. You can get visibility of the actual network packets being sent and received with Wireshark. It shows you all network traffic involving your computer, even if it is being blocked by your firewall. I wrote the answer in the FAQ, so if you need further assistance with troubleshooting then talk to me privately, for example on IRC.
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