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Everything posted by Norse_Harold

  1. I've recommended this several times. Ideally that policy would also apply to profiles, since many of the spam events are limited to posting links in the profiles. It looks like about 20 spam accounts are created per week, and only a few of them make posts. The rest are changing their profiles to include links and images. Forum moderators are deleting spam and banning spam accounts every day or every few days. It would be great to restrict new accounts by default, although then the problem would just be delayed since the bots would wait until their restrictions were lifted and start posting spam. The person to talk to about this is @implodedok There was a mention of a paid module for the forum that would help to prevent new spam accounts from being created. And, maybe switching to different forum software would provide more spam control features. But, it's not a pain point for implodedok because he doesn't do moderation of the forum from what I can see. It's a pain point for the forum users and moderators like me. We keep squashing spam, but it's reactive instead of proactive. Google indexes it within hours, not days, and it affects our PageRank.
  2. Until version alpha 27 is released, those options are only visible in a development version of the game, such as 0.0.27 rc1. The link has downloads of installers for Windows or MacOS. Linux users would need to build from source. Alternatively, you can edit your 0ad alpha 26 configuration file directly with a text editor. The FAQ entry explains how to do that starting at, "If it's impossible to open the game in a window mode try to locate your user.cfg file..." Press F2 to take a screenshot while the cursor is not in a text entry field in 0ad. Login to your account, compose a new post, find the sentence at the bottom of the post, "Drag files here to attach, or choose files..." Click "choose files". Navigate to the screenshot and click OK. The file should be attached to the post. As far as where to find the screenshot, see the Game Data Paths article. There is a file size limit for attachments created by new forum accounts. The "newness" wears off after a few months, as far as I know. In the meantime you can resize the screenshot, compress, crop it, or post it to an external image sharing site. What causes that message? I have never seen it. Something similar that I have seen is a delay of 30 seconds before I can search again when I'm not logged into my forum account. To eliminate the delay, login to your forum account before searching. The account might need to be non-new in order for that to remove the delay.
  3. He messages me from time to time with a reaction to something I've written on the forum or IRC, or to inform me of spam on the forum or Phabricator. Sometimes he will tell a story about the history of conflict in the WFG dev team or provide feedback on some source code that I've written. He isn't "back". He has told me that he will never do work for WFG again. Apparently he considers the information he sends me to not be defined as "work" for WFG, which is good because I consider the information that he sends to be defined as helpful. He's probably reading this right now, so hi Elexis. :-) I imagine that he would respond to this similarly to the most recent conversation with him, where he said, "ignorance is bliss"...
  4. When you click the market, you see two rows of resources. The top row is the resource that you will sell, and the bottom row is the resource that you will buy. Click any resource other than food in the top row to prepare to sell it. Then click a resource in the bottom row to actually make the transaction and buy that resource. Note that the resource selected for sale by default is food. That could explain why it appears that you "can't buy food". You need to select something other than food for sale.
  5. A lot of this has already been reported by Elexis and me to the only two people who can remove the spam: Stan and Itms. Both are on something like extended unannounced hiatus right now. More people need to ask them when they plan to resume activity or delegate authority to people who are active, I suppose.
  6. ScribeOfAges has asked me to make an announcement about the tournament. The tournament has been concluded. Here are the results. First Place: Team_1 (weirdJokes, Leopard, guerringuerrin, Matt_of_Qc) Second Place: Team_2 (i_am_groot, effervescent, Duck_, ScribeOfAges, Quasil) Third Place: Team_4 (breakfastburrito_007, freyyja, 0zon, jimo, chesnutter) Fourth Place: Team_3 (rejoicing, sanafur, riicho, AlexanDerGrosse) I was informed that Team_1 secured first place because they had more players present at their scheduled rounds against Team_2 on September 23rd. They did not play any rounds. The battle for second place was fought between Team_2 and Team_4 on Mainland Fixed Positions. Team_2 came out victorious and secured second place. Here are the replays from the two rounds of that battle. The replays require the Mainland Twilight mod version 0.2.0 and community-mod version 0.26.4. 2023-09-17_0001.zip 2023-09-17_0002.zip The battle for third place was fought between Team_3 and Team_4 on Mainland FIxed Positions. breakfastburrito_007 said, "It wound up being a 3v3, but people ran out of time so we did a best of 1." Team_4 came out victorious and secured third place. Here is the replay for that round. The replay requires the same mods as the above replays. 2023-09-23_0001.zip Thanks for participating, folks. Talk to ScribeOfAges for follow-up questions. I'm just a messenger, posting this information because ScribeOfAges was away from his computer on Sunday.
  7. Now there is an 'Alpha 26' subforum,. created by feneur in July.
  8. Is it this error? See the workaround in comment 3. Next time, please tell us the error message, otherwise we have nothing to go on besides what errors are the most common.
  9. It's caused by this bug. A workaround is described in comment #3, at the end of the webpage.
  10. @dragonfire209Please report such players according to the instructions in the first post here. Also, you need to read through the list of ratings abuses to identify the problematic players and avoid them. We don't currently have an automated method of avoiding such players or punishing them. It's up to the 0ad community to enact consequences for such misconduct.
  11. Thanks for the report, Feldspar. Can you please create a bug tracker ticket for the bug on Trac and fill out this form there. Summary: Expected results: Actual results: Steps to reproduce the symptoms: Computing Environnment (OS brand and version, hardware, relevant driver version and other software versions): Relevant logs, files that reproduce the symptoms, screenshots, etc.: Thanks. I have already checked for an existing bug report that matches the symptoms. The closest that I could find with a quick search was #511. Apparently Unicode is related to the implementation of Ctrl+Backspace, which deletes entire words, so it could be a clue about what's going on here. Also, please test with delete instead of backspace.
  12. That's not the right replay. It's a 2 minute 23 second duration replay of a team game involving levai, SaidRdz, Dopamin, and leopard versus ALLY, guerringuerrin, LuchoMat, and StrongLag.
  13. On Linux, 0ad uses the operating environment's version of the OpenAL library. If you're running 0ad in a flatpak then the operating environment is a sandbox that likely has a different version of OpenAL from that of the host system. You can start a terminal or bash prompt within the flatpak sandbox and query the version of OpenAL there. Also query the version of OpenAL in the host system. How to query the installed version of a package depends on your distro. It looks like Pop!_OS is based on Ubuntu. Try this command to query the version of OpenAL. echo 'in host OS:' dpkg --status libopenal1 | grep '^Version: ' echo 'in flatpak sandbox:' # start 0ad in the flatpak sandbox. Correct this command if it isn't right. flatpak run com.play0ad.0ad flatpak ps # find 0ad's pid in the above output. Call it PIDOF0AD flatpak enter PIDOF0AD bash # now you have a command prompt within the flatpak sandbox prompt dpkg --status libopenal1 | grep '^Version: ' exit I haven't tested these commands because I don't have 0 A.D. installed in a flatpak currently. Troubleshooters might also find the output of openal-info useful in both the host system and the flatpak sandbox. The OpenAL configuration file has some settings related to pipewire. You might check that. The FAQ explains how to find and edit the OpenAL configuration file. I think that the problem with no audio output is likely not caused by OpenAL, but instead related to exclusive access to audio hardware. Maybe pipewire is trying to use the audio hardware exclusively, and so is PulseAudio. You might uninstall whichever audio system you're not using. Also, sandboxes sometimes need extra permissions in order to access hardware exclusively, or even at all. Trying to run 0 A.D. in a flatpak sandbox and also use pipewire is probably a recipe for all kinds of frustration unless you are quite skilled. Are you able to run 0 A.D. as a non-flatpak version, ie. host system package? Consider using the PPA for 0 A.D.
  14. Thanks seeh, and Dunedan, for the idea of changing the openal configuration related to Pulseaudio to enable allow-moves. The default setting is indicated in the commented out setting of the configuration file, but the default setting changed between version 1.19.0 and 1.20.0 of openal-soft. I've updated the FAQ to with this information.
  15. I wrote an FAQ answer about the sound system used by 0 A.D. Scroll down and read the answer to "No sound, no audio, or 0 A.D. is the only app with sound". You'll see details on controlling the audio backend used by OpenAL. It could help with troubleshooting or working around chipmunk sound issues.
  16. This is the image that was posted above. The messages from 20:35 to 20:41 appear to be in-game. The messages from 20:44 onwards are in the lobby. Thanks for the report. Game hosters are expected to moderate in-game chat by first warning then kicking or banning players that are abusive. Ideally the hosters publish rules for games that they host, and enforce those rules. Here is an example. WFG moderators are focused on conduct in the lobby, as well as other WFG servers like the forum, unless the in-game conduct is very bad, as in this example. I observed Pauline09's conduct in the lobby and muted Pauline09 for 24 hours for the profanity and pejoratives that Pauline09 used. I will keep an eye on the user and they'll get consequences for further infractions. _Diogene, in the future, please don't insult people, even those who are being abusive. You called Pauline a coward and loser. These are mild, but two wrongs don't make a right. Let's just report people and try to seek peace. Thanks for the report, keep posting them. The mainlog.html files are more useful because they include all chat from the game, which gives more context. They can be parsed with this program. You don't need to run the program, just post the mainlog.html file in the future.
  17. I moved your post to the correct forum topic. You need to post a replay of the game. See the first post in this topic for instructions.
  18. Translated to English with Google Translate, you said, "some servers I get this msg udp 20595 someone help me please." There is an answer to this in the FAQ. Visit the link, scroll down, and read the answer to the question, "Failed to connect to the server. UDP port 20595 not being forwarded."
  19. It's probably the case that the user can't join due to not having autocivp installed. The setting "ignoreIncompatibilityChecks" set to false combined with dependencies of autocivP >= 1.0.18 causes autocivP to be REQUIRED in order for anyone to join your game. Unfortunately, there is no option with mod.json to enforce a minimum version of autocivP but also make autocivP optional.
  20. In the Match Setup screen, click the Player menu at the right, then change the Population Cap from 300 to Unlimited. Here is a screenshot showing in the red box where to find the Population Cap setting after clicking "Player" at the right.
  21. I found an article that explains why STUN doesn't work when Carrier-Grade NAT is involved. STUN assumes that the network address translation (NAT) mapping and firewalling preserves the NAT mapping and firewall opening, for return traffic to the source UDP port, regardless of the destination address. CGNAT has endpoint-dependent NAT and firewalling, so STUN doesn't work with it. Solutions for people who have CGNAT. 1. Sign up for public IPv4 address service or, 2. Use a VPN that has endpoint-independent NAT and firewalling. or, 3. Use a VPN that has endpoint-dependent NAT and firewalling, but that supports port forwarding. Enable a port forward to your public address. Host the game on the port that you have forwarded. or, 4. Same as solution 3, but instead of hosting, apply a patch to the game to control the source port for the outgoing connection. Ensure that 0ad uses the port number that you have forwarded as its source port for the outgoing connection. Connect to the friend's game as a client.
  22. Your request for appeal of moderator action was evaluated seriously, investigated, information supplied to WFG staff, and ultimately found to not describe valid, significant moderator misconduct. Certain posts of yours were hidden because they were not compliant with the rules, for example contained false statements, contained profanity or pejoratives, or were public appeal of moderator action instead of private. I have invited you to talk to us on IRC to clear up misconceptions, but you have declined numerous times. Hopefully you will change your mind. You made notification to the top WFG staff including Stan, Itms, etc., and they DID NOT agree with your assessment of moderator misconduct. Perhaps you have not supplied enough information in order to properly investigate the issue(s) or you have supplied inaccurate information, or you have made assumptions that are incorrect (e.g. "Norse_Harold is CaptainBlueSky"), or you have misinterpreted the rules such as the lobby terms of use. Please check for one or more of these errors, make corrections and approach us again with patience and courtesy. I guess that the real issue you want help with is the trouble that you described joining games. You said that it was ongoing for months or years. If you can describe the issue in more detail then I'm sure that we can help you resolve it. Please provide a screenshot of the error message. You can attach it to a post or private message. My guess for the cause of the problem is the regicide+hero garrison bug. A workaround is described in ticket 6629. Please acknowledge this in order to proceed. Have you read the above [Y/n]? What is the error message? Please include a screenshot. What are the steps to reproduce the symptoms? Have you tried the workaround for the bug described in comment 3 of ticket 6629 [Y/n]? Have you tried backing up your user.cfg and matchsettings.json and deleting them [Y/n]? Did backing up your user.cfg and matchsettings.json and deleting them resolve the problem [Y/n]? What time are you available to talk on IRC? In what time zone do you reside? Thank you.
  23. For the record, Yekaterina has been lying about what happened with Restorative Justice and our Element conversations. The accusations of moderator abuse are false, which is why the posts were hidden at first. Then a different moderator, who does not have awareness of the situation to determine who is telling the truth, un-hid the posts. That moderator did this without consulting any other WFG staff before, during or after that action. That resembled a situation where two people were fighting for control of the steering wheel of a vehicle. That's a recipe for disaster, so someone needs to yield. I decided to stop posting in this thread for a while. Yekaterina has claimed that only one type of evidence, and only one piece of it, was used to justify banning NitroVicky and inzhu. This is false. The evidence that NitroVicky and inzhu were duplicates of Yekaterina was a lot more than one type or piece of evidence, and it was checked out by the other WFG staff. Banning NitroVicky and inzhu were not mistakes. Mistakes, let's see. I made a mistake by believing that Yekaterina was a real friend and was making progress toward stopping the misconduct. Apparently it was just "calm before the storm" or a reconnaissance period by Yekaterina to try to learn how we detected that it was Yekaterina, or an accomplice of Yekaterina, who did the lobby spamming and other misconduct, how we detected Yekaterina's alternate accounts, how much we knew about Yekaterina's capabilities and skills, etc. That evidence will remain sealed in order to protect our investigation capabilities, slow down or prevent Yekaterina's attempts to counter them, as well as to ensure privacy of perpetrators, investigators, and victims. Yekaterina's accusations toward me are false. There are probably ways to demonstrate that without revealing the evidence listed above. Anyone who wants to talk about it, please contact me via forum PM or IRC, and we can have a polite and reasonable discussion about it. Yekaterina, even though you have betrayed me and spread false rumors about me, I continue to hold the door open to conflict resolution. I appreciate your positive contributions to the community like writing guides for newbies, being an OP player who does not swear or insult other players, creating abstractGUI mod and splitting its features into smaller mods based on public demand (part of restitution work for RJ), creating a campaign teaching players booming skills which is still a work in progress (also part of restitution work), developing improved AI, bringing friends into the game and development work, and having our interesting and informative personal conversations since April, 2023. You can come back to Element and talk to me. I will be more cautious when talking to you, but I will (continue to) not be abusive. Restorative Justice remains optional, and will, as always, only be done on a voluntary basis for both parties in each case (both Yekaterina and WFG, both weirdJokes and Yekaterina, both sanafur and Yekaterina). The alternative is to "sit out" the ban for its duration. But, realize that the duration is based on your behavior, not a set duration. Restorative Justice would hopefully speed up that process, so it's a win-win for you and for WFG, as well as the 0ad player base.
  24. Yekaterina as uitgezonderd attempted to post numerous lies and a one-sided assessment of the restorative justice process and our Element conversations. This is yet another reason that appeal of moderator action must be done privately instead of publicly. This thread is locked. From the boilerplate Invision Community forum terms of use: "You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law."
  25. The evidence is sealed. It has been shown to WFG staff and they have ruled that the accounts are sufficiently likely to be Yekaterina's duplicate accounts as to be banned.
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