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Everything posted by Norse_Harold

  1. Yes, because chances are he paused it because he was worried that Calimero was winning. This is more than a report of a ratings abuse. It's also a report of verbal abuse in the lobby. I'll punish that by muting HAPPY-DICTATOR for 1 day and applying a probationary period where there is a 1 day mute for each subsequent infraction over the next 2 weeks. Thanks for reporting this, it helps us keep the lobby an enjoyable experience for everyone.
  2. From what I've seen, every user without a rating has a default rating of 1200. That's what is announced by the Ratings bot when a previously unrated player attains a rating after a ranked match is completed. Matchmaking systems rely on better enforcement of the rules than we have currently. At a minimum they should be accompanied with reputation systems where misbehavior is detected and punished, essentially quarantining the misbehaving players with each other. At a maximum matchmaking systems should be accompanied with dedicated servers and anti-cheat systems. The current state of 0ad is such that the player base is responsible for a decentralized reputation-based justice system. I see many examples of players who refuse to play with each other, temporarily or permanently. This is a good thing, as it reduces conflict and punishes bad behavior. Random matchmaking systems ignore these factors in the decisions of which host to join and which players to participate with. Matchmaking would often put incompatible players together, since the master server has no way of knowing about the details of the social interactions that lead to certain players choosing to not play in the same games together.
  3. Just wanna add that having an official IRC channel for 0ad sounds like a fantastic way to enhance community interaction. It's true, IRC offers a more real-time and interactive platform compared to traditional forums. Fixed it for you.
  4. This is not a justification for disruptive behavior. Spam attacks are basically denial of service attacks because no one can talk during that time. And, threatening messages were included in the spam like overthrow of the US government, you can't stop us, etc. This surely scared everyone in the lobby, because they didn't know what other hacking might be taking place. The correct procedure for making software more secure is responsible disclosure. That means private disclosure of security vulnerabilities and exploits to the WFG core team, setting deadlines for WFG solving the problems (typically 90 days), then public disclosure, but NEVER actual exploitation of the vulnerabilities. What made the lobby more secure was Dunedan, Norse_Harold, and others interrupting their own lives, and staying up late for several days, in order to diagnose and improve the ModerationBot software, and monitor and ban bad actor lobby accounts. That could have been done with no drama by a responsible disclosure process. Leopard, the exact reason that Yekaterina is suggesting (hasn't actually made an effective request because it was phrased as a conditional statement "if it pleases you") request for deletion of the account is in order to avoid the consequences of bad behavior. This is Yekaterina's pattern. I'm trying to help Yekaterina see the value in not doing that again. Creating a new name does not solve the real problem, which is a lack of trust of the person behind Yekaterina. Accusations that Yekaterina is Shyft are totally impossible if people trust Yekaterina, so the accusations are a symptom of the deeper problem of a lack of trust. Restorative Justice is a way to solve those trust problems. Talk to me privately about it if you want to get involved. That means everyone involved, not just Yekaterina: victims, co-conspirators, low-level bullies of Yekaterina, etc. Victims help decide what restitution is expected of Yekaterina and other perpetrators. Other perpetrators have an opportunity to apologize to the community and those harmed and right the wrongs.
  5. Well said, leopard. I also want Yekaterina to stay in the game. And, accusations without proof are not cool. That said, Yekaterina has some apologizing to do, and opportunity for restitution of those wronged, for tricking us about duplicate accounts (Sevda, Helicity, etc.), making countless unauthorized duplicate accounts, sharing accounts with others, disruptive behavior with third party XMPP clients (encouraging nickname changes to impersonate people, suspected orchestration of spam attacks on the lobby), and attempts to teach people how to bypass bans. But, the bottom line is that Yekaterina is a valued participant of the WFG community, and we can sort out trust issues by doing the right thing. Yekaterina isn't the only one who needs to improve here. There are players who are doing low-level bullying, insults, racism, uncooperative behavior in team games, etc. weirdJokes, it's basically bullying to call someone something that they're not without proof.
  6. Yekaterina, you recently sent me a copy of a similar "goodbye" message that you wrote to weirdJokes in 2021. It clearly wasn't the truth. I think it's not the truth in this case either. I think that you will try to create duplicate accounts with different names. You said that you were found out in the past, and the longest you went without being found out was a month. New duplicate accounts will just be merged with Yekaterina again. So yes, you're here forever. In order to correct the real problem (lack of trust of Yekaterina) I recommend that you do restorative justice, which involves apologizing, accepting responsibility for, and righting all of the wrongs that you have done through restitution, community service, etc. We will then celebrate Yekaterina's new, strong moral code. We ensure that accusations that you're Shyft are irrelevant because the new Yekaterina has such a strong moral code that there's no question that Yekaterina is a pillar of the community and definitely not Shyft. Eventually we will figure this out together with everyone and the truth will float. After the process of restorative justice is complete, I advise that you stick to the name Yekaterina. Restorative Justice - Why Do We Need it • BRAVE NEW FILMS (BNF) The habit of "Oh, I messed up and made people angry. They found out that I lied and they don't trust me now. I'll just create a new identity and hope they don't know it's me" DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE. People can sniff you out a mile away. Stop doing it. Just play under Yekaterina and face the bleeping consequences of what you did, and apologize to people and engage in restorative justice, so that they no longer are angry at you and you can play as a reputable and upstanding community member. Meanwhile we will invite the others to engage in restorative justice for the wrongs that they committed...
  7. The core arguments have been presented, and Sun Wukong has resorted to insults instead of continuing to try to make a persuasive argument. Locking this thread.
  8. First, ensure that you are installing alpha 27 release candidate to a different destination folder from alpha 26. Then during installation of alpha 27 there may be a prompt to remove alpha 26. I think that you can click cancel when it suggests removing the older version of 0ad. I think that "Cancel" in that prompt doesn't stop installing alpha 27, it just cancels the uninstallation of alpha 26. Alternatively, you can reinstall alpha 26 after alpha 27 finishes installing. But, switching back and forth between a development version of the game (a27 release candidate) and a stable release of the game has hazards. The mods/user folder is potentially functional and written to when you use a development version of the game. This can seemingly break the game until you clear out that folder. Also, mods are not necessarily compatible between the versions, so you should deactivate all mods before starting a27, and test them carefully one at a time with a27. And, if you do install updates to the mods that are designed for a27 then switch back to the a26 version of the mod when you switch to 0ad a26. Even safer is to maintain a separate config file for a27 from the config file that you use for a26. This involves manually swapping the config file unless you make a script to automate it. I can help people with making such a script if they talk to me on IRC.
  9. There is a rule about against having more than one forum account in the draft forum code of conduct. Don't do it without authorization. 2022-10-19 code of conduct revision 2.pdf
  10. Yes, and you can't use any version other than mozjs-78.6.0 with 0ad alpha 26 because 0ad assumes that every player is using the same version of mozjs in order to keep the game in sync. Is alpha 26 the only version of 0ad you're interested in currently? You could look at 0ad SVN master, which uses mozjs-91.13.1, and might in the future use an even newer version of mozjs prior to stable release.
  11. From what I've seen of Slackware, it's almost like Linux from Scratch, meaning that package maintenance duties fall on the users. The issue here is that mozjs-78.6.0 is old, and the build environment you're using is new. By the way, please post the versions of gcc, g++, clang++ and llvm that you have. You can mimic how other distributions of Linux package 0ad, such as Debian, Arch and Gentoo. They have patches that fix building mozjs and build dependencies that control the versions of packages in the build environment. Debian's packaging is not always tested with the newest versions of build packages, but Arch and Gentoo are more likely to support the latest versions of build packages. Debian's packaging is proof that 0ad alpha 26 builds with rustc version 1.63 and lower, clang version 14.0 and lower, and gcc version 12.2.0 and lower. There might be code constructs in mozjs-78.6.0 that are deprecated by newer versions of rustc, clang and gcc. You might try using older versions of build packages. I also noticed that there are other errors logged before the error that you posted. At first, there's a warning about deprecated function. warning: use of deprecated function `std::mem::uninitialized`: use `mem::MaybeUninit` instead Then there's an error from clang++. cargo:warning=clang-16: error: unknown argument: '-fexperimental-new-pass-manager' which is apparently classed as a warning by the calling process. But, maybe if you fix that error (probably by using an older version of clang or adjusting the code to use mem::MaybeUninit) then build will be able to proceed ... until it encounters the next error. Fix the next error, and you'll find another error... Heh, hopefully not, but that's often what happens when one is trail blazing. Later, the use of ::std::mem::uninitialized is considered an error by your version of clang. I don't see that in my build log. I only see the earlier warnings about std::mem::uninitialized being deprecated. Alternatively, you could try using the AppImage, Flatpak or Snap of 0ad to run it from a sandbox. Or, you could try dual booting to a different distribution of Linux in order to build 0ad alpha 26 with known working build environment package versions.
  12. Right, balance in a tournament kinda-sorta matters, but it doesn't matter matter.... Speaking of balance, why not use the map "Mainland balanced"?
  13. Sevda, what is the attachment, "how_to_bypass_lobby_ban.pdf"? It's a broken link anyway. Are you trying to report a security issue? Please report that privately to the lobby admin team. If you want help troubleshooting networking then I can provide that via IRC.
  14. It looks like alpha 23 uses SDL2. If you are sure that you have libsdl2-dev installed then check whether you have pkgconfig installed, as 0ad uses pkgconfig to locate the path to the SDL include directory. A quick way to verify that your build environment is correct is to check whether you can build 0ad alpha 25 or alpha 26 on your system. This command installs the build dependencies of the current version of 0ad, which should get you most of the way to having the build dependencies for alpha 23. sudo apt-get build-dep 0ad You're bound to encounter other problems building alpha 23 unless you use distro-maintained patches. Fortunately, Debian still has alpha 23 maintained for a current version of Linux. You can copy their patches and build rules or mimic them manually. If you have the ability to add a deb-src PPA for Debian packages then you could use apt-get source 0ad/bullseye to obtain the already-patched source code. Just make sure to remove the PPA afterward so that packages are only installed from the Mint repositories. If you obtain the Debian-patched source code for alpha 23 then you can look at the Build-Dep line of 0ad-0.0.23/debian/control and verify that you have installed the packages listed there.
  15. I am the copyright holder of original works I post in the Wildfire Games 0 A.D. Art Development forum. I hereby release all original works I uploaded to this forum in the past, and those I will upload in the future, under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
  16. Yes, it's already committed for the next release (for alpha 27), because it's a bugfix. See here for the proof. Notice that it says "Closed by commit rP27599: Use a lower default MTU for ENet hosts, and make it configurable. (authored by Itms)".
  17. Update: G.O.A.T has removed all statements about duplicate accounts from his About Me page. Here is how it looks now. Okay, that's your choice. Removing the claims about duplicate accounts is one of the options that complies with the rules. Thanks for doing this.
  18. @G.O.A.TI've been promoted to a forum moderator and asked to enforce the rules in this situation. WFG's draft code of conduct states that posting inaccurate information is disallowed. Also, libel law says the same thing if the claim is an accusation of a crime, such as an accusation of breach of contract. In line with that the information in your About Me page needs to be accurate. The minimum that should be done is add a note (and link to discussion) about any information that is disputed The maximum that can be done is to remove the disputed information and add a note of apology. Examples of disputed information: by Sevda, by weirdJokes, by guerringuerrin, and by Helicity. Do you want to do that, or should I edit your About Me page to note the disputed information? If you goal is to get rules enforced on duplicate accounts then you need to do the following. Establish a much higher threshold of evidence supporting the claims instead of (apparently) merely basing them on geolocation of IPs. Collect and save evidence that supports the claims. Alternatively, document how a lobby moderator can obtain evidence supporting the claims. Send a forum PM with the information to an active lobby moderator, such as myself or Dunedan.
  19. @HelicityCan you please post here with any inaccuracies and disputes you have about G.O.A.T's list of duplicate accounts on his About Me page? Thanks.
  20. It looks like one Flatpak app related to 0ad was not successfully removed, "com.play0ad.zeroad.Locale". But, that only uses 114 bytes. If you think that some of the objects didn't get removed correctly during uninstallation of 0ad flatpak apps, you can try to repair the flatpak repo with this command as root (or with sudo). Based on this bug report, it should clear objects that don't belong there. flatpak repair As far as what's using 4 GB, note that 1.6 GB of it is likely due to the apps in a default Flatpak system that has Xorg and nothing else. Specifically, org.freedesktop.Platform, freedesktop.Platform.GL.default. Wesnoth uses 475 MB. It looks like you have three copies of the freedesktop platform. You also have Lagrange, Intel drivers, ffmpeg and openh264. There is a possibility that all of that adds up to the 3 GB in use in /var/lib/flatpak. Here are other ideas for freeing storage space. Check for per-user installed flatpak apps with the following command. (sign in as a user that might have 0ad installed) flatpak -u list Also run apt-get clean as root. That removes archived package installation files.
  21. There is an FAQ answer to this question here. Scroll down to read the answer to the question, "Failed to connect to the server. UDP port 20595 not being forwarded." If you need more assistance then talk to me on IRC.
  22. Correct. Follow the rules, people. That said, I'm not able to personally enforce the rules about duplicate accounts because I don't have access to the server logs or ban capability. It's up to @Dunedan and @user1. I can pass information back and forth though, such as information about potentially unauthorized duplicate accounts, request for authorization of certain duplicate accounts (include the names and reasons for each), and requests to delete certain duplicate accounts (include the names and proof that you own the accounts).
  23. Here's an independently developed chat extractor that by default displays only those chat messages that the logging player should be able to see. To use it, install python3, and copy 0adextract_chat.py to the logs directory within the 0ad user data directory. Start a Terminal or command prompt, change directory to the 0ad logs directory, and start the program with information about your lobby user name (and rating) by passing a command line argument. Here's a demonstration of how to start the program once you have changed directory to the 0ad logs directory. Replace "Helicity (1377)" with your lobby username and rating. If you have no rating then exclude the parentheses. python3 0adextract_chat.py --player-name "Helicity (1377)" After the match is finished, you can read all player chat with Helicity's mainlog_extractor.py script or by passing --show-all-chat to 0adextract_chat.py. Please don't use this to cheat. There are many good purposes for this software, including reporting player misconduct, making links copyable to clipboard without using autociv, remembering cool or funny moments from past games, and saving songs generated by ChatGPT and pasted by Larsvandijk. 0adextract_chat.py
  24. I don't think that the issue is UDP being blocked by the ISP. It's more complex than that. It's already known that STUN doesn't work in all cases. It depends on the network configuration of each peer. There's software that can be used to test STUN. The Linux package is named something like stun-client. A Windows version is available here. Here's the manpage for it. Alternatively, if your web browser supports WebRTC, there's a website-based STUN test available here. Here's the output that I get when I run tests 0, 1 and 2. I don't have CGNAT. Notice that the return value of test 0 is 0x000010, and the return value of tests 1 and 2 is 0x000000. STUN client version 0.97 running test number 0 Bad length string 15 problem parsing ServerName Bad length string 15 problem parsing ServerName Bad length string 15 problem parsing ServerName Bad length string 15 problem parsing ServerName Primary: Open Return value is 0x000010 STUN client version 0.97 running test number 1 Bad length string 15 problem parsing ServerName Return value is 0x000000 STUN client version 0.97 running test number 2 Bad length string 15 problem parsing ServerName Return value is 0x000000 Can someone with CGNAT please post the output of this command? stun -v lobby.wildfiregames.com 0 ; stun -v lobby.wildfiregames.com 1 ; stun -v lobby.wildfiregames.com 2
  25. @BeTeSorry I linked to the wrong thread at first. Good job finding the correct one. I've corrected the link in my post as well. The reason that it's important to post these reports in the right thread is so that user1 can find them and process them. This Discussion thread is basically the graveyard for already-processed reports. Only admins can delete posts apparently, so nevermind.
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