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Everything posted by Norse_Harold

  1. I think that "inflammable" is not the word to use here. Inflammable means capable of being set on fire; combustible; flammable. Scroll down at this dictionary entry to see an explanation that people tend to think that "in-" means the negative, but it doesn't in this case. Instead, I suggest using "nonflammable" or "noncombustible".
  2. Pluto, talk to me via IRC when I'm online, typically starting at about 18:00 UTC. I can walk you through the process of setting up an apt source for bullseye-backports or else building 0ad version 0.0.26 from source (including distro patches).
  3. Happy New Year! If we are friendly and act like mentors to new volunteers then we can gradually grow the development team.
  4. Can you please try using the official Fedora method for building the package from source. This should ensure that you have the necessary dependency packages installed and distro-provided patches applied to the source code. Specifically, dnf download --source 0ad cd 0ad rpmbuild -bb I haven't tested these commands because I don't have a Fedora system. The most likely point of failure would be the name of the directory to change to in the second command. If the official Fedora method of building the package from source doesn't work, then Fedora would surely like to know about it. It's likely a bug that they can fix, or else it's user error. Based on the build logs it should build successfully on Fedora 39. Edit: oops, the official Fedora method for building the package from source is only applicable to 0ad version alpha 26. However, it may at least help you ensure that you have the necessary build dependencies installed. We need more information, such as the versions of python, python3 and python3-six that you have installed, in order to help you with troubleshooting building alpha 27. How did you update to Fedora 39? Did you do a clean install, or did you upgrade from an existing installation of an older version of Fedora? You might still have a lot of python2 packages. The build of spidermonkey might be using python2 packages by default instead of the necessary python3 packages. I think that you should try to remove as many python2 packages as you can without breaking lots of other packages. Replace them with equivalent python3 packages. python2 packages are named "python-name". python3 packages are named "python3-name".
  5. I would like to know which distributions specifically do that for their official binary package releases. I haven't found any so far. Debian doesn't do it. I assume that Ubuntu doesn't do it, since Ubuntu packages are based on Debian packages. I just checked, and Fedora 39 doesn't do it. One might think that their 0ad.spec file uses system-provided mozjs by default, but it's a counter-intuitive syntax. It actually disables the build condition of system_mozjs by default. Proof is in the build logs that it's building the bundled spidermonkey. Debian would like to use system-provided libraries in general because it makes it easier to maintain security of dependencies (ie. apply security updates promptly and in a centralized manner). But, from watching how they update the 0ad package, I see no evidence that the two maintainers are testing the game any more than verifying that it starts up after the package is installed. That's a conflict with the warning to developers and maintainers (yes vlad, I know that it is technically a compiler #error) that system-provided mozjs should be tested thoroughly. Debian maintainers are simply not doing that. They're doing the minimum to maintain the package. I assume that it's similar with maintainers of other distros. We need to know which distributions and users are doing this so we can get feedback about whether it works reliably, and so that we know about a likely explanation for OOS problems. They're trailblazers and guinea pigs, because, as I understand it, use of a system-provided mozjs with 0ad is just not being done by the majority of users currently.
  6. In source/scriptinterface/ScriptTypes.h is a message that the only version of mozjs that works is the one that is bundled with 0ad. Either this message in the source code needs to be updated, or we need to double check the statement that use of a system mozjs is recommended for multiplayer. Also note the warning about the need for testing with any other version of mozjs, which distro maintainers aren't doing. They run the bundled FCollada tests, but they don't do testing of multiplayer or running replays and comparing the final hash. In order for use of differing versions of mozjs to work properly in multiplayer, it needs to not only have the same intended functionality, but it also needs to have bug-for-bug compatibility.
  7. If SolarEagle wants to play 0ad multiplayer then he shouldn't be using anything other than the bundled mozjs, right? Otherwise, even a small difference in how the JavaScript engine functions, such as serialization and deserialization, could cause an out-of-sync condition during multiplayer gameplay.
  8. Can confirm. The last notification email I received was on November 21, 2023 at 01:58 am UTC.
  9. Thanks for the heads up. You must have been automatically muted by ModerationBot, because I don't see records of manual muting of you. Automatic unmuting after a delay is not working currently with ModerationBot. ModerationBot detects 4 profanity words. It is programmed to kick a user in response to each of the first two uses of profanity words in a 2-week period. Then it is programmed to mute the user for 5 minutes in response to the next use of profanity, and double the duration of the mute with each subsequent use of profanity. Again, unfortunately, automatic unmuting is not working. Also, unmuting doesn't work unless you are currently connected to the lobby. So, you need to stay connected to the lobby until we notice it. In the future, if it seems like your mute duration is much longer than what was intended then please notify us. You can message me via IRC for example. I'll unmute you the next time that I see you in the lobby.
  10. When a Trac ticket is resolved, the status will be "closed" instead of "new". Also, in the search results and when mentioned in other tickets, it will be displayed with a strikethrough line. Ticket #6688 is not resolved. It does have a patch, which is the Phab differential D4123, indicated in the summary of the ticket. In order to determine how you can help with a ticket, you should read all of the comments in the Trac ticket, as well as the comments in the Phabricator differential, and any linked content. Phab differential D4123 has status "Needs Review", but there are currently no reviewers assigned. Also, the person who authored it, Stan, is retired. It seems like there were related issues uncovered during development of the patch, and an intent to prevent the problem of player-owned Gaia entites from happening in the future. In my opinion, it doesn't seem like a good "first issue" for a new developer to work on. Documentation about the WIldfire Games development process is here. It links to this guide to WFG development web services. That links to this explanation of how to use Trac as a developer. The second document links to this list of starter tasks (ie. good first issues for a new developer). After you have read the documentation, I advise that you meet with developers in #0ad-dev on QuakeNet IRC, especially those who can act as reviewers, to describe your plan and get answers to any questions that you have about the WFG development process before you start formulating a proposed change. The master WFG upstream source control system is a Subversion repository, not Git. If you insist on using Git then you can do so, but you'll ultimately end up exporting your changes as a diff patch instead of a Git pull request.
  11. And, here's a case where using community-mod did not solve this problem.
  12. Please post a replay of the rated match that KaoTeck quit, as explained in the first post here. This functions as proof of the described events. We don't ban people due to one rated match abuse. We hope to eventually adjust ratings after reviewing the replays of rated match reports, but that's not being done since user1 is on hiatus or retired, and we need more volunteers. But, reporting people is still useful because it informs others of problematic players to avoid in rated matches.
  13. There are likely useful log messages, though. Please upload the logs, at least from the host, but also from one client who is having trouble. And, describe steps to reproduce the symptoms. Also, I can try to connect and see the symptoms myself. When is the next time you'll be gathering as a group on Thursday or afterward? Include the time zone of any time that you state.
  14. @wowgetoffyourcellphone@implodedok I found discussion from other Invision Community forum system administrators about how they're fighting spam. I like the idea of enabling content moderation for the first 1 or first 3 posts for all new users. Some admins said that it stopped nearly all of the spam posts. Also, check out the paid cleartalk module. And, there are additional tips, even how to try to prevent spam in profiles. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/473832-spam/#comment-2941687 https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/474133-spam-attack-suggestions-to-slow-them-down/#comment-2943826 https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/474157-site-being-overun-by-spammers/#comment-2956370 https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/471215-spam-prevention-question/?do=findComment&comment=2952673 Let's do more than what we have done so far, please. wowgetoffyourcellphone said in IRC today that we are getting 20 spam posts per day. He's getting frustrated and asking about changing our forum software. I said that changing the forum software would be a big task, and we should carry out the measures available to us with the existing Invision Community forum software and compatible modules.
  15. I don't think that community-mod completely fixes the problem. It does prevent the problem from happening again after it's fixed, but it doesn't correct a flawed matchsettings.mp.json file. Any person with the problem with infinite loop during map generation (caused by hero garrison plus regicide mode being enable), or maybe only the person who hosts, needs to follow the workaround steps in comment 3 of the bug report linked here in order to remove a flawed matchsettings.mp.json file. Also, don't assume that every problem when connecting is caused by the hero garrison+regicide bug. Please tell us more information about the symptoms, especially a screenshot of the hoster's screen or logs from the hoster. Does the problem happen regardless of who hosts? Without knowing more information about the symptoms, such as specific error messages, I can only guess what other causes of those symptoms would be. One idea is networking problems. If it is actually caused by networking problems then read the FAQ answer about the UDP port 20595 error.
  16. To order your units to attack units only, use the hotkey Ctrl+Q+RightMouseButton. This will order them to attack-ground and prioritize fighting units instead of structures. I think that what's realistic is allowing units to fire through firing ports in the walls. These are small gaps that allow firing out, but make it very difficult for opposing units at range to fire in. It can potentially be used by the enemy if the enemy is close enough (point blank) to the wall. I think that it should not depend on who "controls" the wall section, unless it's a sophisticated structure that has the ability to close a door on the firing port from inside the wall.
  17. You need to install the 0ad-data-common package. It provides the default hotkey configuration in /usr/share/games/0ad/config/default.cfg, as well as fonts and Atlas assets. In fact, when you install packages manually then you need to mimic the behavior of apt and install dependencies and run postinst scripts. To do this, download the .dsc files for 0ad and 0ad-data that are alongside the .deb files in the package mirror. Then open those .dsc files with a text editor and ensure that you have installed, or already satisfied, the dependencies lists on the Depends: lines of those files. This may involve recursively installing dependencies of dependencies. When apt installs packages, it also runs the .preinst scripts in /var/lib/dpkg/info/[packagename].preinst before extracting the files, then runs the .postinst scripts after finishing installation of the files. The whole process of installing packages manually seems absurd and error-prone to me. If Puppy Linux Fossa is based on Ubuntu, can't you add the PPA for the Ubuntu packages and then install the Ubuntu packages for 0ad, 0ad-data, and 0ad-data-common with apt commands?
  18. farabundo, thank you for finally saying something positive about me and my actions. I didn't notice you acting negatively toward user1, and he did not even suggest that he was working on the issue of DDoS mitigation. It kind of feels like you're punishing the kind of person who is more likely to do what you are hoping for. Software development and evidence collection is necessary to (attempt to) mitigate the DDoS problem with 0 A.D. You have stated multiple times that you will not help, and you will not even put a tiny amount of effort into collecting evidence by installing Wireshark. You haven't paid money for 0 A.D, to my knowledge. Think about it. Do you have the right to act entitled in this situation? I think that you don't know how free (as in freedom) software projects are supported. It's not magic slave labor. You seem to have the attitude that "free labor means you can use as much as you want". "The Hard Parts of Open Source" by Evan Czaplicki Check out this video to learn how to interact with free software developers in a constructive way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_4EX4dPppA Free Software Life This is a satirical video about a starving free software developer. It helps explain why people who contribute nothing yet make demands are out of line. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAmqPG_AAV4 The bottom line is that you should have no expectations whatsoever about results or timing thereof if you're not involved in the work to accomplish the tasks.
  19. Thanks for posting this report, @dzhemov. It helps raise awareness of the problematic behavior, and gives players an opportunity to avoid playing rated matches with such players. To the player base, please don't give in to pressure to play again with a player who is manipulative like ITALIANEMPEROR was. He used pejoratives like "coward" and "fear". He was harassing you and trying to bait you to play another rated match with him. These are violations of the lobby terms of use. dzhemov, I'm glad that you kept a calm head and just responded in an assertive way, and that you did not agree to play another rated match. He used a different name to trick you into playing a rated match with him, which is underhanded. Moderators can't prevent that sort of thing currently, as creation of new accounts is easy and free. I want to increase the barrier to entry for new accounts, but more people would need to ask for it in order to convince the developers to change it. In the meantime, check reports of ratings disputes and offenses in this topic, and avoid played rated matches with such users. There are techniques for attempting to recognize duplicate accounts. It takes time and effort. Since it is difficult to reliably recognize a duplicate account, I advise that people not play rated matches with new users. Get to know a user over the course of weeks or months before playing rated matches with them. This should help deny the tactic that ITALIANEMPEROR used to trick you into playing a rated match with him.
  20. Yes. Check out the 0 A.D. Vision Document.
  21. That folder shouldn't be empty. I think that using an environment variable in the path only works with certain apps, like the Command Prompt. Let's replace the environment variable with its most likely value. @Chandragupta Mourya Directly after experiencing a crash with the 0ad editor, please open file explorer and navigate to your home folder. It's probably C:\Users\yourusername, where "yourusername" is replaced with your Windows username. Then navigate to AppData\Local\0ad\. Right-click on the "logs" folder, go to "Send To", then click Compressed Folder. Complete the wizard using the default file name of "logs.zip". Then attach logs.zip to a post in this topic. Thanks.
  22. No, it's not documented anywhere. Ideally the quality of evidence that we obtain provides proof of guilt "beyond reasonable doubt". If it is determined that it is not possible for us to accomplish that level of quality then we might have to compromise and adjust our expectations about that. For a demonstration of a method of collecting evidence that I consider the absolute minimum to demonstrate that a DDoS has occurred, please see the forum threads where I posted evidence about times that I have been DDoSed with Wireshark I/O graph statistics here, and Ginnungagap posted Wireshark I/O graph screenshots here. Without that level of effort, a disconnection of a host could simply be a game crash, network outage, power outage, etc. Regarding how to narrow down who is doing the actual DDoSing, that is being discussed privately with trustworthy volunteers. As far as I know, Dunedan and I decide it. I disagree with your assessment of what has happened. You have not made tangible effort to provide direct evidence of even DDoSing letalone DDoSing by a suspect. And, it is not true that "nothing" has happened. There has been gradual progress on secret projects related to collecting evidence and eventually improving our ability to resist DDoSing. There is a lot of work to do, and so far there are very few volunteers. If you want things to progress faster then you, and others, need to volunteer to help. The other questions that you have asked are of a sensitive nature. If answered then they might aid the DDoSer(s). People who want to help must contact me privately to get instructions about how to help. Farabundo has contacted me privately, he sent one screenshot with a second-hand statement about a suspect, and the rest was just words, no action from him. He stopped providing tangible help or evidence. That's where we have left off regarding Farabundo's actual efforts toward solving the problem. The door is still open for people to volunteer to help. Again, contact me privately. Thank you.
  23. I'm glad that it's working now. Is there a specific map that was triggering the symptoms, or did they happen regardless of the map?
  24. What? It has no error messages in common with that one. We can check into the possibility, but I don't think it's likely. I'm talking to MeatEater on IRC about this right now.
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