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Everything posted by Norse_Harold

  1. Can you use OBS-Studio to record a video of what's happening please? Enable FPS overlay first in settings. I'm curious whether rendering totally stops during that time or just the physical simulation. Is there a pattern to the conditions where the problem occurs? For example, maybe the problem only occurs when there is a lot of activity and a lot of units on the screen. Or, maybe the problem only occurs when there is not much activity. I experienced a problem with regular short freezing of the game, more like stuttering every few seconds, when there were not many units in the game, as it was a freshly started match. It turned out to be caused by power saving features on the CPU. When I configured power saving features to run the CPU at 100% all the time then the stuttering stopped. My theory for why power saving would cause stuttering when the game is mostly idle is that the power profile switching delay, which is on the order of hundreds of milliseconds with certain CPUs, was causing the stuttering.
  2. I haven't seen any evidence that leopard has harassed any players. If you have such evidence, please post it or send it to the moderation staff privately. I have shown evidence of some lies from you about me. You stated that ValihrAnt left the game because of me. I showed a screenshot of chat with him recently where he did not leave, and he is not angry at me. You stated that borg- left because of me. That screenshot shows borg- in the same game as ValihrAnt. On July 20 you stated in the lobby, leopard said that all he said was hi to you. He was trying to resolve the conflict and treat you as a friend. Claims of harassment that rely on testimony are not reliable. We need to see screenshots, mainlog.html excerpts, videos, etc. False claims are defamation, which is against the lobby and forum terms of use.
  3. Hey, great. Thanks for the contribution. Your son needs to apply the correct license to the work in order for it to be usable by Wildfire Games. Please ask him to read and sign this legal waiver here.
  4. Today ValihrAnt played in a team game and a 1v1 against borg-. I said, "hey ValihrAnt (2335), glad to see you playing". He said "ello". I asked him if he was angry at anyone. He seemed surprised and just said, "whut".
  5. Here, here! Yes, hosts have every right to refuse to play with any player, for whatever reason. However, they don't have a right to defame a player and tell others to not join that player based on lies. It seems that ProGUI provides an empirical advantage. It's not unfair because it's freely available. However, currently, people don't have a clear indication of whether another player is using it. I like the Zero-K philosophy of allowing software development for automation of certain aspects of the game. But, some people have a strong opinion against using ProGUI or joining games where others are using it. I think that hosts, and ideally other players, should have a right to know when a modification that provides an advantage is being used by another player. That way a host can make an informed decision about whether the player is in compliance with the rules they have set for the game they're hosting. It's especially relevant in competitive games like rated matches, tournaments, and apparently the average game involving some of the more, shall we say, high strung players. So, I would support adding a feature where the mods that a player has enabled that offer a potential objective advantage in the game, are disclosed to the host. It would also be nice to have a feature where a host can deny users to connect when they have certain mods enabled. This feature would be easily bypassed by anyone who decides to actually cheat by modifying the source code of the game or renaming their mod. The only counter is to make 0ad closed source and use an anti-cheat system like Easy Anti-Cheat. That won't be happening, so ultimately we rely on the honor system. Yet, a mod that offers an advantage is potentially detectable by watching replays. So, if a player cheats a rule about which mods are allowed by a hoster in a match and uses a disallowed mod anyway then evidence of it will be evidence of actually cheating. As far as timing for implementing such a feature, that depends on who supports its development. Calling all junior C++ and JavaScript developers: talk to me about software development plans.
  6. Again, please keep this thread on topic. I moved the discussion about ProGUI here.
  7. Mentula did a study on whether or not progui offers an advantage here. Anyway, discussion of ProGUI is off-topic in this thread. Please keep it on topic, based on the title of the thread.
  8. lol. Well, I guess he's grasping at straws now. For the record, I have had no interaction with ValihrAnt, and he has had no punishments from me. I'm sure that his not playing 0AD is not because of me. When he comes back, people can and should ask why he was away. Then remember that Geriatrix lied and said it was because of Norse_Harold. Anyway, I don't think ValihrAnt has stopped playing 0AD. I see mentions of his name in the lobby chat logs as of June 22 and June 29, 2024. There were many messages involving him that indicated that he had played in games on June 22.
  9. For the record, I have had no interaction with Feldfeld or berhudar. They have had no punishments from me. I don't know why they left, or even if they left, but I'm sure that they did not leave because of me. It's a rumor, and it's false. You have other rumors that are false in the chat log. Please stop saying these things, Geriatrix / 1min / Cedric_O.
  10. There don't seem to be any developers willing to implement multiplayer ratings, probably because it wouldn't be reliable anyway. If you want it implemented, you need to volunteer to write the code for it. Instead, I suggest using LocalRatings mod. It does most of what you're asking for in terms of getting a gauge of how to make a roughly balanced game. It does favor players who boom, but hosts should be paying attention to the strengths and weaknesses of the players and balancing games accordingly. Balancing is an art, and it is based on getting familiar with the players. There's no way around that.
  11. Duck__, your post contains numerous possibly inaccurate claims, possibly defamatory statements (claims without evidence), and statements that incite the player base to harass a user. Please read the forum terms of use here. And, you left out some important information. sanafur said, Hosts are allowed to ban users without any reason. In this case, it looks like there was a good reason for the banning.
  12. Building alpha 26 from source with a modern build environment doesn't work without patches. The Linux distros like Fedora, Debian, and Ubuntu have been maintaining 0ad version alpha 26 with patches. What distro do you have? If you have one of those then you can follow the distro recommended build instructions for alpha 26. Talk to me on IRC for assistance with this. It's more of an ongoing learning and trobuleshooting process.
  13. This looks really cool! The featured area of text resembles ancient papyrus. Buttons provide navigation, including forward and backward like a web browser. I can see how it helped to have the mock-up that wowgetoffyourcellphone made. Improvement suggestions based on the video The drop-down box for selecting a civilization is not obvious to a first-time user. I think that it should have a label, like "Choose a civilization: ". An image in an article makes it more interesting and more likely to be read. I wouldn't say it's required to have an image in every article, but I would encourage adding an image here and there. Things to test Ensure that the layout works properly with different screen sizes Ensure that there isn't a stack overflow or other type of error if a lot of page navigation history is accumulated
  14. Or, you can install an older version of python3, such as v3.11, and build with that.
  15. I agree. I can see use of map flares after a game ends in order to discuss what happened and mark exact positions instead of trying to communicate them verbally. Another use case is to mark where to pose armies for post-battle screenshots.
  16. Similar cases that I have heard about were caused by existing files or folders that blocked writing the new community-mod downloaded files. There are three separate storage locations that have user data related to 0ad. I would advise backing up and removing each of them in order to troubleshoot this issue. The logical process is to start by removing only mods, then test downloading community-mod. If that doesn't work then proceed to removing other 0ad user data. This webpage describes the storage locations of 0ad user data. If you need help with this, you can talk to me on IRC.
  17. I'd like to use my Gitea account to help identify issues with the new system, so please send the password. What's being used for CI/CD, still Jenkins, or something else? Where in the web-based interface is the CI/CD system? I particularly want to see whether warnings from source/tools/entity/checkrefs.py are being passed to developers effectively, as it's relevant to the changes to build/jenkins/pipelines/docker-differential.Jenkinsfile in D5266.
  18. Sometimes virus protection can block write access or even read access to files in the C:\Users\yourusername\AppData folder. That's a common place for viruses to install themselves. What you might do is uninstall 0ad and then reinstall it as Administrator, writing it to C:\Program FIles (x86) instead of C:\Users\yourusername\AppData. If adding an exception for 0ad in your virus protection software, or reinstalling 0ad to C:\Program Files (x86) doesn't resolve the problem then talk to me on IRC after 18:00 UTC for troubleshooting support.
  19. Gurken Khan, you reminded me that replays aren't usable if a savegame was loaded. Munch Bar, here is what you need to do in order to help us help you. Please start a new game of 0ad and do a complete playthrough without saving and reloading. If the problem occurs then run the match for another 30 seconds, then stop the match and send us the replay right away. The replay will be easy to find because it will be the most recent one.
  20. Does an error message appear when you try to play the replays? Are the replays not visible unless you uncheck "filter compatible replays" at the upper right? That doesn't mean they aren't usable to a developer. Can you please uncheck "filter compatible replays", identify the folder names of some likely replays (listed at the bottom of the replay interface when an appropriate replay is selected) that demonstrate the Petra errors about "incrementalBuilderCounters" or "undefined has no properties", and attach those replays to a post here. This post explains where to find the replay files. The videos are not useful for helping us identify steps to reproduce the symptoms. If you must use a video then enable "Gametime Overlay" in Settings, Options, General. Also capture video footage approximately 1 minute before the problem occurs and 10 seconds after. But, it would probably still be insufficient information for reproducing the symptoms, since the cause might be off-screen. A replay is the best information, even if doesn't seem to be playable by your game client. A developer can examine the replay file to identify the necessary mods and their versions in order to make the replay usable.
  21. The video you have posted is not enough for us to reproduce the symptoms. Can you please try to post the replay file that demonstrates the problem? If you need help finding it, talk to me on IRC after 18:00 UTC.
  22. The mainlog.html file that you posted has the message at the end, "Engine exited successfully on 2023-02-04 at 11:25:23 with 74134 message(s), 2 error(s) and 0 warning(s)." That's dated February 4, 2023. Is that what you expected? Are you still experiencing the problem? If so, please talk to me on IRC after 18:00 UTC.
  23. Can you please attach a replay of the situation where the error occurred? That would help us identify steps to reproduce the problem. This article explains where to find replay files. It would also help if you would attach mainlog.html. Note that mainlog.html is erased and started from scratch each time you restart 0ad. So, ensure that the problem has occurred, shut down 0ad, and attach mainlog.html before the next time you start 0ad. If you use a sandboxed version of 0ad such as a Snap, AppImage, or Flatpak, then 0ad user data files may be stored in a different folder from the default. If you are interested in helping narrow down the possible causes of the problem then you can see whether the symptoms are reproducible without any mods enabled, or by changing other variables such as gameplay conditions. Based on the description, I would guess that there is a bug in the AI code if the AI player does not control any structures that can produce builder units. Maybe there is also a bug related to establishing an attack plan if the AI player does not control any combat units. Why wasn't the AI player considered defeated at that point? Maybe the AI player had at least one builder unit at that time.
  24. Good idea. You're right. All of the followers except DerekO were spammers. All of the spammers except 1 were already banned. I banned the last one and removed all followers from this topic. I think this topic is attractive to them because it's in the "Announcements / News" section of the forum.
  25. Wow, you've been busy. You went from not knowing where to start on GUI development in January to an integrated GUI in April. I'm guessing that you got some help along the way. It's great to see an encyclopedia being implemented in 0ad. It helps make the game educational instead of merely for entertainment.
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