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Everything posted by Norse_Harold

  1. More thrown matches to inflate the ratings of el_gallo_desplumaduo and cronelius. [2023-01-30 20:36:21+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. el_gallo_desplumaduo won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: el_gallo_desplumaduo (1587 -> 1597) and guanajato (1402 -> 1392). [2023-01-30 20:36:49+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. el_gallo_desplumaduo won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: el_gallo_desplumaduo (1597 -> 1606) and guanajato (1392 -> 1382). [2023-01-30 20:37:16+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. el_gallo_desplumaduo won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: el_gallo_desplumaduo (1606 -> 1615) and guanajato (1382 -> 1373). [2023-01-30 20:38:18+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. el_gallo_desplumaduo won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: el_gallo_desplumaduo (1615 -> 1623) and guanajato (1373 -> 1364). [2023-01-30 20:38:41+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. el_gallo_desplumaduo won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: el_gallo_desplumaduo (1623 -> 1631) and guanajato (1364 -> 1356). [2023-01-30 20:39:01+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. el_gallo_desplumaduo won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: el_gallo_desplumaduo (1631 -> 1638) and guanajato (1356 -> 1348). [2023-01-30 20:39:23+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. el_gallo_desplumaduo won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: el_gallo_desplumaduo (1638 -> 1645) and guanajato (1348 -> 1340). [2023-01-30 20:39:48+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. el_gallo_desplumaduo won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: el_gallo_desplumaduo (1645 -> 1652) and guanajato (1340 -> 1333). [2023-01-30 20:40:10+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. el_gallo_desplumaduo won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: el_gallo_desplumaduo (1652 -> 1658) and guanajato (1333 -> 1326). [2023-01-30 20:40:54+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. el_gallo_desplumaduo won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: el_gallo_desplumaduo (1658 -> 1664) and guanajato (1326 -> 1319). [2023-01-30 20:41:14+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. el_gallo_desplumaduo won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: el_gallo_desplumaduo (1664 -> 1670) and guanajato (1319 -> 1313). [2023-01-30 20:41:38+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. el_gallo_desplumaduo won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: el_gallo_desplumaduo (1670 -> 1676) and guanajato (1313 -> 1307). [2023-01-30 20:42:46+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. el_gallo_desplumaduo won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: el_gallo_desplumaduo (1676 -> 1681) and guanajato (1307 -> 1301). [2023-01-30 20:43:07+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. el_gallo_desplumaduo won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: el_gallo_desplumaduo (1681 -> 1686) and guanajato (1301 -> 1295). [2023-01-30 20:44:25+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against el_gallo_desplumaduo. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1716 -> 1729) and el_gallo_desplumaduo (1686 -> 1673). [2023-01-30 20:44:48+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against el_gallo_desplumaduo. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1729 -> 1741) and el_gallo_desplumaduo (1673 -> 1661). [2023-01-30 20:45:14+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against el_gallo_desplumaduo. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1741 -> 1753) and el_gallo_desplumaduo (1661 -> 1649). [2023-01-30 20:45:43+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against el_gallo_desplumaduo. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1753 -> 1764) and el_gallo_desplumaduo (1649 -> 1638). [2023-01-30 20:46:07+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against el_gallo_desplumaduo. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1764 -> 1775) and el_gallo_desplumaduo (1638 -> 1627). [2023-01-30 20:46:30+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against el_gallo_desplumaduo. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1775 -> 1785) and el_gallo_desplumaduo (1627 -> 1617). [2023-01-30 20:46:50+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against el_gallo_desplumaduo. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1785 -> 1795) and el_gallo_desplumaduo (1617 -> 1607). [2023-01-30 20:47:15+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against el_gallo_desplumaduo. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1795 -> 1804) and el_gallo_desplumaduo (1607 -> 1597). [2023-01-30 20:47:40+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against el_gallo_desplumaduo. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1804 -> 1813) and el_gallo_desplumaduo (1597 -> 1588). [2023-01-30 20:48:02+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against el_gallo_desplumaduo. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1813 -> 1821) and el_gallo_desplumaduo (1588 -> 1579). [2023-01-30 20:48:28+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against el_gallo_desplumaduo. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1821 -> 1829) and el_gallo_desplumaduo (1579 -> 1571). [2023-01-30 20:48:50+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against el_gallo_desplumaduo. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1829 -> 1836) and el_gallo_desplumaduo (1571 -> 1563). [2023-01-30 20:49:36+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against el_gallo_desplumaduo. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1836 -> 1843) and el_gallo_desplumaduo (1563 -> 1555). [2023-01-30 20:49:59+0000] Ratings: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against el_gallo_desplumaduo. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1843 -> 1850) and el_gallo_desplumaduo (1555 -> 1548).
  2. Read through this thread and try the troubleshooting ideas that are linked there. Also tell us what version of libsdl you have.
  3. I meant two monitors connected to the computer that you're using to play 0ad. In that case the OS would span the desktop across all monitors, and when the mouse cursor is moved beyond a certain edge of one monitor then it appears on another monitor. Hence it interferes with scrolling if you have the wrong version of SDL. What does the monitor arrangement look like in the Display section of Control Panel or Settings? What model of video card do you have? Maybe it has a VGA output that's always active, whether you have a monitor connected or not.
  4. Only using community-mod is not enough. You also need to delete matchsettings.json.
  5. You mean el_gallo_desplumado and/or el_gallo_desplumaduo ?
  6. @user1guanajato was throwing rated matches in rapid succession to give cronelius points. ‎[2023-01-28 17:47:34+0000] ‎Ratings‎: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1673 -> 1681) and guanajato (1424 -> 1415). ‎‎[2023-01-28 17:48:22+0000] ‎Ratings‎: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1681 -> 1689) and guanajato (1415 -> 1407). ‎‎[2023-01-28 17:49:22+0000] ‎Ratings‎: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1689 -> 1696) and guanajato (1407 -> 1399). ‎‎[2023-01-28 17:50:12+0000] ‎Ratings‎: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1696 -> 1703) and guanajato (1399 -> 1392). ‎‎[2023-01-28 17:51:57+0000] ‎Ratings‎: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1703 -> 1710) and guanajato (1392 -> 1385). ‎‎[2023-01-28 17:52:24+0000] ‎Basiliskos‎: @user1 ‎‎[2023-01-28 17:52:53+0000] ‎Basiliskos‎: @user1 ‎‎[2023-01-28 17:54:15+0000] ‎Basiliskos‎: guanajato giving cronelius free points ‎[2023-01-28 17:54:18+0000] ‎Ratings‎: A rated game has ended. cronelius. won against guanajato. Rating Adjustment: cronelius. (1710 -> 1716) and guanajato (1385 -> 1378). ‎‎[2023-01-28 17:55:02+0000] ‎cronelius.‎: Guanajato is troll ‎[2023-01-28 17:55:10+0000] ‎Basiliskos‎: stop playing with him so ‎[2023-01-28 17:55:14+0000] ‎Basiliskos‎: he give u points ‎[2023-01-28 17:55:15+0000] ‎Basiliskos‎: a lot ‎[2023-01-28 17:55:18+0000] ‎Basiliskos‎: a lot of matchs There might be additional abuses prior to this, as I had joined the lobby just before the start of this excerpt.
  7. I don't think that ignoring a user solves the problem, because bullying is a "performance art" that is connected with an audience. A solution is to silence the bully, which eliminates the audience. In fact, ignoring a bully removes one's ability to try to defend onself against a bully, or at least maintain situational awareness. Speaking of which, bullying doesn't happen in a vacuum. There are supporters who are not as visible, but laughing at the bully's jokes is a form of support. So is bullying a person back. Let's please check ourselves for this type of support for bullying and discontinue it. In addition, let's add mute functionality and allowlist (aka invite-only) functionality to the game.
  8. @real_tabasco_sauceBy "mute" do you mean ignore, or do you mean silence for every possible message recipient? "mute" to me means the latter (silence the user totally). Anyone who wants to apply the patch to alpha26, please talk to me on IRC and I'll send a backported patch as well as instructions on how to apply and build it. You need to have a build environment setup first, but not with SVN. Instead, use the source code for the stable release of alpha 26.
  9. Do you have more than one monitor? If so then you need to either disconnect all monitors except one or change your version of the SDL library to avoid a bug related to mouse scrolling.
  10. Trade routes produce resources out of thin air. Also, players might pause a game, go to work, then come back and resume playing the game.
  11. @DragonoarCheck for files in mods/user, graphics over-temperature condition, monitor G-SYNC incompatibility, or a factory overclocked graphics card.
  12. Yes, the place that you installed 0ad does make a difference. If you're using a Snap of an application then it's sandboxed, which can sometimes interfere with the app's access to hardware such as graphics or sound. You said that you installed 0ad from Ubuntu's repository, then it's not a a Snap. But, from your screenshot it seems like 0ad might be installed as an app. Anyway, you might have both installed. Enjoy the choice. :-) It means you need to be more aware of what exactly you're starting whenever you start 0ad. You can try viewing the .desktop file (the shortcut to the app) as a text file to see the path that it's starting. /home/yourusername/snap/0ad/current or /home/yourusername/.config/0ad/logs Attach as many of those files as you can, with priority of mainlog.html, interestinglog.html, system_info.txt, and userreport_hwdetect.txt
  13. You tested SuperMarioKart, but the advice is to try with SuperTuxKart. Anyway, games besides 0ad are free to change the sound systems that they use, so they aren't guaranteed to be using OpenAL. You can look at the source code or the library dependencies of the game to verify whether it's actually using OpenAL. Also follow the rest of the advice for troubleshooting sound in 0ad in the FAQ. (Scroll down to the answer to "No sound, no audio, or 0 A.D. is the only app with sound." Also, are you running 0ad from a sandbox, such as Snap, AppImage or Flatpak? If so, any testing of other OpenAL apps needs to be done in the same sandbox. What kind of cable is used to connect your computer to your monitor? Examples are DisplayPort, HDMI, DVI, or VGA. You can attach complete logs from 0ad, tell us what tests you did, and connect to IRC for specific troubleshooting help.
  14. @Rafael.arom In the call stack, replay logging is mentioned, and creation of a date index folder for it. This is usually located in C:\Users\JohnDoe\Documents\My Games\0ad\replays on Windows. Check for excessive subfolders present in the replays folder, directory permissions problem, an incorrect user profile configuration, a broken symlink (made with MKLINK /D), full hard drive, virus protection blocking creation of folders named like 2023-01-06_0001. How many folders are present in the replays folder already? If there aren't any then it's more likely caused by a permissions problem or excessive virus protection. If there are folders there then it's more likely caused by excessive subfolders. You need to archive some of them elsewhere to make space for new replays to be stored. If these ideas still don't solve the problem then you can join IRC when I'm online and get more specific troubleshooting help.
  15. @electricmaxContact user1 with the request to reset your lobby password. Tell him things about the account that only you would know, such as the approximate last time that you signed in, what IP address you signed in from, approximately how many rated games you have played, etc. He may ask you to connect to a communication system to demonstrate that you control the IP address used to sign in to the account.
  16. I had a similar problem until I changed the version of libSDL that I was using. Here's a summary of what I discovered. SDL version 2.0.22 (plus distribution modifications): BROKEN SDL version 2.24: WORKING SDL version 2.0.14: WORKING
  17. Ideas for what could cause that: Maybe your cellular carrier blocks UDP traffic on less common ports like 0ad's default port 20595. You can try connecting to games hosted on other ports. It helps to have someone who is cooperating in order to host on a different port. Maybe your cellular carrier does not allow their users to "tether" or hotspot their phones to computers. How they detect and block this is not clear, but I've seen this rule written into cellular contracts before. Maybe the player you were trying to join has a problem with his network connection and relies on STUN to host without forwarding the port at his router. And, maybe STUN isn't working correctly for you, because maybe it can't detect your public IP address properly. Know that cellular carriers often use Carrier-grade NAT, which moves around your public IP and potentially shares it with others. To narrow down what's causing the problem, you can host a game from your main (non-cellular) Internet connection, capture traffic with Wireshark on both computers, and see what traffic from your phone is able to get delivered and what isn't. The best scenario for testing is where the hoster isn't using STUN, has a properly configured network, port forward, NAT settings, unfiltered Internet connection, stable public IP address that accepts incoming connections from all ports. There are only a handful of people who meet this description. They tend to be the most popular team game hosters. My network meets this description. And, if you join IRC when I'm online (visit www.play0ad.com and click "IRC Channel" at the top) then I can provide more troubleshooting ideas and help with testing.
  18. @Alfa_Three Is your brother located in the same structure as you while you're doing this? And, is he connected to the mobile hotspot wifi network? If so, then both Windows computers need to be configured to have a "Private" network instead of a "Public" network. This automatically reduces the firewall restrictions for LAN communications. And, a prompt should have appeared asking to allow 0 A.D. by the firewall when you start hosting the game. This assumes that your mobile hotspot is not blocking communications among computers within the LAN. You can test it by pinging your brother's LAN IP address. If your brother is instead connecting to your hosted game via the Internet then this will not work without asking your mobile carrier to give you a "public IP address" or "static IP address", probably for an additional monthly fee. To find out why, read about carrier grade NAT. What type of Internet connection does your brother have? Maybe he could successfully host instead, provided that he forwards the necessary port (scroll down to "How to do port forwarding?" in the FAQ) at his router. Also, you can join IRC (click IRC Channel at the top of https://www.play0ad.com) and ping me (mention my name in the #0ad channel) to get more detailed troubleshooting assistance. Edit: Removed the mention of port forwarding at the mobile hotspot because it is only relevant if you have a public IP address. Also, explained how you can get more detailed troubleshooting assistance on IRC.
  19. No, moderators have been noticing insults that they recognize in those languages. Can you provde the moderators with a better list of words to flag, please?
  20. Yes, thanks for reporting the issue on the forum instead of playing with the bot and spamming chat like Akazid, nz and Rauls did. Defc0n (rossenburg) told me that he has already made adjustments to how often [GenieBot] responds to profanity in the lobby.
  21. The lobby Terms of Use state that one must "not post profanity, pejorative terms or pornographic content," among other requirements. The list of offensive terms is therefore every profanity word in every language and every pejorative in every language. Trying to list them all is not a useful way to spend the time of the lobby moderators, and would make it easier to bypass the automated filters. Moderators have been ignoring mild pejoratives, profanity, and expressions of violence like "heck", "hell", "darn", "lame", "bummer", "you died", "I killed you (in the game)", "nub", "noob", "nubbed". Basically, think of the kinds of interjections that a 13-year old in a polite household would be allowed to say. Remember that our lobby allows users as young as 13 years old to participate.
  22. If a person uses "wtf" to clearly mean will to fight then it's allowed. If a person uses it to mean "what the f*ck" then it's being added as an infraction. Enough infractions and the person gets muted for an increasing amount of time, starting with 5 minutes. In the circumstance with [GenieBot] last night, Akazid, nz and Rauls were abusing it by triggering its responses over and over. Until the delays between allowed responses can be tuned better with [GenieBot], players need to be conscientious and avoid producing excessive output from the bot.
  23. I'm hopeful that Shyft_Sierra is trying to change his own behavior. And, the same for leopard, wang_wei and Marre-Vrickad.
  24. @shftThanks for posting here. It took courage to do that. You've explained some of your perspective in this issue. I can see that leopard and wang_wei aren't being honest when they say they're not doing anything wrong. They did admit to insulting you at least once. Also, you're not being honest when you say that all you've done is criticize unskilled players, tell them how to improve, then they insult you and want to ban you from their games. We can control our own behavior, but we can't control the behavior of others. I see the three of you blaming others for your own behavior. That's not being honest, and it's not going to help us move toward a resolution of the conflict. Shyft_Sierra, if you're extremely motivated to help newbies, then you can do it in a respectful manner with zero insults. You can think of yourself as a Buddhist monk who has eternal patience and composure and is gradually teaching newer players in an extremely respectful manner how to reach Zen. I say that you are allowed to change your conduct in-game in the future to be respectful. And, I hope that leopard and wang_wei will agree.
  25. Shyft_Sierra told Stan privately that wang_wei verbally abused him, apparently in-game, at some point. It was not necessarily recent. Yes, Shyft_Sierra was extensively harassing others. It's not a justification for people to harass him. "Abusing him back" is not violence in self defense. At a minimum it gives him an empty excuse to abuse people. "Abusing him back" is continuing the cycle of abuse and bullying. We want to break that cycle so that we can get along. Here's a radical thought: Shyft_Sierra is a person, too. Let's please not dehumanize him. I would encourage people attacked by him to be assertive instead of aggressive or passive. That means remain calm, stand up for what's right and try to bring out the good in people. If he won't leave you alone then either report his conduct with screenshots or use humor to defuse the situation. I assume that you're referring to adding an in-game mute function so that the host can mute a user. This would be helpful. Based on what happens in the lobby, when people who are being abusive get muted then it seems to help calm everyone down. It is the count of lobby infractions by any of Shyft_Sierra's accounts that are listed in this thread. Is he still doing this? I thought that all of his lobby accounts were banned already and he hasn't created new ones. Please tell lobby moderators the names of any new accounts that he tries to create So you have verbally abused him. If we expect him to stop the abuse then the least we can do is lead by example and stop verbally abusing him, even in retaliation. It's a team effort. We either succeed together or we fail together.
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