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Everything posted by Norse_Harold

  1. Okay, thanks for the reply and clarification on this. By "one update" during the tournament, does version 0.26.2 of community-mod count as that "one update"? Or do you mean one more update beyond version 0.26.2?
  2. Yeah. And, before any release there should be some playtesting done in TGs with the exact commits that are being considered for a new release. The player base are not our beta testers.
  3. There's an ongoing tournament that is expected to last until at least October 30th. Players are using the community-mod for its current fixes of critical bugs. Think about what happens if the community-mod suddenly changes mid-tournament. It will end up benefiting certain tournament players who have relevant skills, strategies and practice with the civs affected by the community-mod. This would end up creating an unfair situation for tournament players. We need a solution to this problem. Suggested solutions follow. Create a separate mod with only the bugfixes, which the tournament players will use. Example: copy community-mod v0.26.2 as it is now to a mod named community-bugfixes. Feature freeze community-mod until the tournament is finished. Ask the tournament players to not use the community-mod for tournament matches. But, I think it's too late for this because the first round was probably played with community-mod enabled.
  4. Yeah, the stats are still valid, and can be chosen according to gameplay balancing. Hiring peasants from a market could be explained as follows. A market is simply where you meet peasants, as they're selling their wares there.
  5. Please don't call it "slave" or "serf". Better would be "skilled worker", "peasant", or "freeman". Peasants were not slaves, they got 1 to 30 acres of personal farmland and kept he harvest from it, and had more days off than the average American worker. "Freemen were, as the name suggests, the peasants with the most freedom. They had less obligation to the lord, but they were still subject to manorial jurisdiction and custom." Certain groups would like to see slavery restored in various areas, and games can have a formative experience for people, especially children. Do we want the next generation to think that slavery was so ubiquitous in ancient times that there must have been some good in it? It is not even historically accurate to say that slavery was ubiquitous in every culture around 0 A.D. Check out this mini-documentary, "Modern TV - How did English medieval peasants see themselves?" about slaves vs serfs vs peasants. "In the area known as Danelore there are actually relatively few serfs recorded, which is interesting. They're mostly Freemen, they mostly pay rent. And, in some areas, particularly Northumberland for example in the very north of England, there is a curious thing about Fanes and Dranes. And, they actually paid tax based on the number of horned beasts they kept which is a complete hangover from the very earliest days of the medieval period." (7:39 m:s in the documentary)
  6. This. I think that either all of the forge upgrades should be (small) percentage increases, or none of them should be.
  7. What? No. Please avoid posting statements that you haven't verified. This post explains how to see the list of changes in the community-mod. There are no commits to the "main" or "signed" branch related to the Hero Garrison bug. There aren't even any merge requests related to it. Yes, Stan said that this bug will be fixed in the community-mod, but that is a statement about the future, not the present.
  8. I wrote up "Steps to reproduce" and "Workaround" instructions in the bug report here.
  9. @a1872This is a known bug caused by playing "Regicide" mode in victory conditions with "Hero Garrison" enabled with "Persist match settings" enabled. You will need to delete matchsettings.json and matchsettings.mp.json in the Game Data config directory. Then, start 0ad again and it should work correctly. In order to prevent the bug from occurring again you need to either disable persist match settings, or avoid enabling "Hero Garrison" whenever you play "Regicide" mode. Most of the skilled players do the latter.
  10. A good question. Ideally the maintainer of the mod will write a public-facing document that describes the changes. In the meantime, the git commit log has concise descriptions of the changes. Click a commit, and it lists the files that are changed along with a unified "diff" view of the lines that were changed by the commit. If this is confusing to you, I suggest reading a tutorial on how to read a diff patch. Start reading from about 25% down the page, at This is the traditional "unified diff" header. I see that the first two commits simply copy the original alpha 26 simulation data files. And, the third commit is the Han farming upgrade fix. Therefore, currently the only change is the Han farming upgrade fix.
  11. Hmm, that depends. This is what it depends on. How one defines a "tryhard". To bring in some more intellectual content, take a look at Sun Tzu's Art of War. It has some advice that is kind of similar to what vinme has written. IV. TACTICAL DISPOSITIONS 11. What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease. However, it also has advice about training and discipline that seems to differ from what vinme has written. 16. The consummate leader cultivates the moral law, and strictly adheres to method and discipline; thus it is in his power to control success.
  12. Thanks for reporting this. It's definitely against the Terms of Use. If it happens often then we can request a temp ban. Just one room name with profanity is currently being punished with a kick from the lobby, which has the additional effect of de-listing the game. And, when a game is de-listed then players can't rejoin in case they're disconnected at some point. In some cases I may issue a warning to the game hoster instead of an immediate kick from the lobby. When this happens in the future, and hopefully not from Aslan., , if I'm online then please ping me or seeh in the lobby and/or IRC, and I'll take action as soon as possible. If I'm not online then try pinging user1, and if he doesn't reply then post evidence on the forum.
  13. I've added an FAQ answer that is inspired by this thread. Scroll down on that web page to find the answer to "I was kicked, muted or banned from the lobby. Why, and how do I rejoin?".
  14. Is it acceptable to try hard to explain why one should not try hard? Or, would that also be trying hard? Then if we can't try hard in explaining why we shouldn't try hard then does that mean that the tryhards have already won?
  15. @ChesnutterYou have connected to the lobby 45 minutes ago, right? So you weren't banned or even muted. I think that it was just a kick. You can reconnect immediately if that happens, but remember to be careful about language in the lobby.
  16. @ChesnutterIf you were simply kicked then you are able and allowed to reconnect to the lobby immediately. There are four English swearwords (the worst 4-letter words) that cause the profanity filter bot to auto-kick players. If you were muted or banned then we need to know your lobby username and the approximate time and date that it happened. There is a possibility that you were auto-muted by the profanity filter bot, in which case only user1 can undo that currently. If you were manually muted or banned then it is usually intentional, and you can engage in the appeal process to try to have that lifted. As far as the language that is considered against the rules, please read through the lobby legal terms, especially the Terms of Use.
  17. @PlayerMatCheck this thread for troubleshooting ideas for "black screen" problems. It is usually caused by a hardware issue, such as a factory overclocked video card or the monitor is not on the nVidia approved list for G-SYNC compatibility.
  18. The fix won't require adjusting the map, right? Instead, it involves adjustments to the model of the structure and its metadata? For example, add a stone foundation under the expected ground level of the structure, and/or adjust the area of level terrain expected for placing the structure?
  19. I see people asking for immediate release of a26 in the lobby. I don't recommend this. I have noticed that professional game developers avoid releasing updates near the weekend. This is wise because it gives time to release a subsequent hotfix in case game-breaking bugs are discovered post-release, something that has happened to even the best developers. It also gives time for server administrators and mod developers to update their areas of responsibility. And, we need to give Linux distribution maintainers time to update their packages of the game. The weekends are the peak gaming times. They are when the lobby has twice as many or more players compared to a weekday. Please don't release just before or during a weekend. However, making a new release candidate this evening would be fine, I think.
  20. TwainRick built this Wonder in the northwest corner of the Ambush map in alpha 0.0.25b. It resembles modern cantilevered architecture.
  21. Check the FAQ for ideas for troubleshooting it, especially the first 5 answers under the Multiplayer category. If none of those answers solves the problem then we need more information about the error message, preferably a screenshot of the error, and your system configuration in order to help you with troubleshooting it.
  22. Emperior, your post was primarily about lobby moderation, and it was off-topic in this thread. I requested that it be moved, along with the replies about lobby moderation, to the Lobby Help and Moderation thread. It's not "no reason". I think there's been a miscommunication or assumptions made. I haven't been here since 2017. I only started participating in 2021, and improvements to lobby moderation are happening slowly. Please be supportive instead of destructive. Yes, it's frustrating that things are slow. But, why be destructive and punitive at the exact time that things are improving? I'm on your side about the need to improve lobby moderation. Let's talk in a 0ad game or in IRC to correct the miscommunication.
  23. Guess what? The players should also be considered responsible for enforcing the rules. If they don't approve of certain conduct then they should be taking action in order to prevent that conduct. It starts with their own behavior. Two wrongs don't make a right. Players should not try to rationalize that their own disruptive behavior is okay because other regular players have certain disruptive behavior as well. Players, if you don't approve then punish the other players in a constructive way. Refuse to join their games unless they correct their behavior. Join hosts who have rules for their games. Apply rules to the games that you host. There are only a handful of hosters who have good connections, fast computers, correct port forwarding and correctly functioning firewalls. As a result, these hosters tend to be the most popular team game hosters. They could be considered "key terrain" for applying rules. But, if the disruptive players choose not to cooperate then they'll look for ways around the rules. The strategy should be prepared for this, and ideally split the non-disruptive "pro" players from the hardcore-stubborn-disruptive "pro" players. The hardcore disruptive players will just host their own games and step on each others' toes. Fine, let them do that, but don't step on the toes of players who want to get along and support everyone's fun. And, someday, the stubborn ones might choose to follow the rules in order to participate in some fun gameplay for everyone.
  24. As far as the particular list of rules to choose, I think it is good to start with a short list considering your goal of encouraging the "pro" players to be on board with following the rules and helping everyone have a good experience in the games that you host. But, if you want suggestions about what rules to include, take a look at what the professionals are doing. That's what I did when I chose the list of rules for the games that I host. I don't remember exactly where I found guidance on writing a code of conduct for gaming, but I think that AoE IV and my list of rules have some common source material, since our rules seem quite similar and were written within a few months of each other. AoE's rules seem to have been posted first, but I'm fairly sure that I used more generic guidance material. Blizzard's in-game code of conduct Age of Empires IV code of conduct Squad code of conduct
  25. Okay, on the one hand I think it's a good idea to start with a short set of rules if you want their adoption by "pro", potentially toxic players. On the other hand, you should be transparent with the complete list of rules that you intend to enforce, and also only enforce those rules that you have announced to the players. This way there won't be any surprises for the players or for yourself. It seems like you might have some unstated rules about smurf accounts and "other bad practices that are easier to control". If so, list them. But, you didn't list them because you want to start with a short list of rules for the "pro" players. Okay, good, but be consistent with your own rules! If at some point you find that you absolutely must add more rules then go ahead and do it. You can even announce it in-game at the moment that it's necessary, then adjust your list of rules on the forum. And, invite feedback, so that the rules have community input and are a cooperative effort to refine and follow. See the example of how I did this here.
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