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Everything posted by leopard

  1. this is how folder will look like if you used pyromod to install this mod.
  2. Bitcoin can be exchanged in dollars, I think 0AD should accept crypto donations, If we are not already accepting. most crypto currencies are $H1Tcoins but Bitcoin is great, I think some kind of Bitcoin relationship is good for 0AD to grow since the bitcoiners tend to be kind of people who try to learn things in detail and are likely to support 0AD.
  3. still figuring out change the sun color ambiance etc for this mod. will do later
  4. @king reza the great belgian upland is now updated find new map with name belgian uplands for maximalists no deers and rabbits added chicken near cc
  5. I felt a26 is not lagging because of spectators, but people do blame spectators for lag. even @ValihrAnt blames spectators for lag
  6. I learned to make a mod only yesterday, but that is not stopping me from dreaming. but I am bit sad since you say its complicated, yes even the normal spectators cause lag now, it will be a total disaster if they are playing too. could be a total lag fest, provided that we implement the feature, which is I have no idea how to implement.
  7. I think it is possible but don't have much know how to do that now, I hope I can do that eventually. also another idea is to let spectators play a single unit for a player they prefer, so that the spectators can be assassins for a faction they prefer, they will be playing completely independently, and respawn as long as the main player is in game. @Stan` I would like to know your opinion about this, will it be a good idea or a bad one.
  8. I am also trying to figure out a way to bring back badoso mod to life. I have already learned how to create a mod by stealing code from feldfeld I am on my way to bring back pre fixed positions for players which was working fine in badoso's mod, even though I never tried it before, It is a nice Idea. @hamdich is behind this idea. I am also trying to remove all deers in belgian uplands for reza-math.
  9. night time is now available if you download and install again, you should remove the old folder first else error I think
  10. I forgot how I installed it but is it new addition on mod.io? @Stan`
  11. could this be a trick to push wildfire games to release 0AD on steam, I would like to see more players playing 0AD of course.
  12. @king reza the great I am half way there on the matter of creating a new map based on "belgian uplands", we can remove those ugly deer in that map.
  13. we can play Team Games, I made very few changes like changing the grass texture and changed the sun color and elevation and rotation and nothing more, I think using feldmap we can play team games also it is only used for 1v1, because few people know how to install feldmap. I wanted to make the map more darker like in the evening but not sure others will be interested. this mod is part of my learning process, will try to include more changes if others suggest it.
  14. Hello 0AD Fans and Developers, I made a new random map generator mod, its a copy paste mod of @Feldfeld's Mod, But I change some things in it, Hope you guys will like the changes. New belgian Upland map with chicken near cc without deers and rabbits New mainland map with no cliffs or hills positioning based on pattern like the map frontiers You can download the mod in mod selection From Today (November 18 2022) Thanks you @Stan` 0ad-maximalists-map.zip 0ad-maximalists-map.pyromod
  15. I was searching 0AD in steam, I got this, will 0AD be released on steam?
  16. may be selecting video category is enough but I saw valihrant's video yesterday but now only my video is shown, I think it will not be shown tomorrow.
  17. I cannot see textures all green or grey in new alpha @Stan`
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