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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by alre

  1. shooting wall joints were canceled because they didn't have any positioning restriction and this made it possible to cram a lot of firepower in a small space. this is what I remember.
  2. Gastraphetes also had very long draw length, don't get confused with medioeval crossbows that evolved into a shorter draw length. I don't think they were considered an "elite weapon", nor that they were used by soldiers of particularly elevated social status. They were produced as a mean of defending city walls and kept by the city guard, or produced before sieges by campaign engineers. I don't think they were usually sold. There are not a lot of sources or archaeological evidences though.
  3. they were siege weapons
  4. very good video and channel. I love a feminine take at experimental archeology.
  5. did you drop the "blood meter"?
  6. it can be a map. maps allow a lot of variation on gameplay. no need to apply it to more maps, not right away anyway.
  7. this. wfg should realize that simply discouraging new accounts is the best strategy for enhancing the mp experience. to me, the most disrupting players are in order from most to least bothering: 1. smurfs 2. rage-quitters 3. players toxic in player chat, often ending in rage-quitting 4. players stealing in ladder 5. players toxic in lobby chat, and other unsocial behaviour like being interested in cheating, blatantly cheating, being racist or bullying I understand how others may see it differently, but nothing disrupts balance in games as much as a smurf.
  8. that would be correct. in fact, the answer looks a lot like it's mosty allucinated while including some details found in real time from the web: Grok has access to context retrieved from the internet. well that seems wildly inefficient. what would even the output format from the LLM be like?
  9. I think it's a mistake to take campaigns like those from starcraft or aom as a model for a historical game like ours. it can be quite awkward to attribute to historical characters narrative roles, including personal drives, flings and fights, character arcs and plot twists. The main selling point for historical RTS is to give players the chance to reenact big historical moments. Impervim GBOR understood that and introduced their scripted scenarios with effective short videos: https://youtu.be/9KNsYGoogxY?si=Cn6NvHu8nIb3aOOr Inside the scenarios, there are dialogues, but they are relevant for the game mostly, not for the story or for narration.
  10. even in total war, the only real reason for manual switch is that ammo is limited. but still, soldiers do automatically switch to melee if engaged.
  11. I agree with the results. personally I would rather have different stances that define the automatic switching logic, than let users do all the switching.
  12. this thread is ending up the same as the other one. I don't quite think that one served well to its author and I don't see this one heading to a better direction. @Meister I don't suppose you'd want to hear my advice, but if you keep reporting stuff here you'll exasperate the conflict so I say don't. remember you have as much power as he has and he doesn't like you but you don't like him either so that's it, suck it up. just my 2 cents.
  13. all fine but please let's not all fall for a scare. genAI carbon footprint is concerning, but how large is really? we don't have a lot of data on this, but I'm reading that a gpt call should take about 2.9 Wh, which is 2000-2500 times less consuming than a single download of the 0AD installer. I suspect that running the whole 0AD codebase trough a LLM for making documentation or something, would produce less CO2 than a single 4v4 team game.
  14. multimedia specialists at my company may swear against AI in many occasions, but also use AI all the time. It can produce results good enough for our company needs and it can surely produce results good enough for beeing in 0AD. Tech icons are one thing that you can do well with AI, and of course code too. Encyclopedia articles are harder, but not impossible. People who do this stuff know this already.
  15. it is true that some random maps are not as reliable as others when it cames to wood distribution. we were discussing this few weeks ago, it would be good to audit the maps so that one doesn't have to stumble on the bad ones.
  16. sorry, I was confused, I wrote warhammer but I meant warcraft, the RTS. Italy. I noticed it's popular in spain and spanish speaking countries. the art is cool, I specially love the walking animations of the units, they are varied and colorful. I'm not sure how intersting the maps are, but one thing they can be is huge, way larger than 0ad maps, with no lag attached.
  17. I just love Imperivm. Btw I only recently realized how that games shares an important gameplay feature with another prototypical RTS: warhammer. in warhammer there are NPC units called "creeps", that must be killed by your heroes in order for them to gain experience, because hero experience has great value in that game, and could be compared to certain resources in AoE or 0ad. All this also holds for Imperivm, where NPC enemies hold common settlements which have various uses, and you can fight them as soon as you have an hero with an army that's good enough, first of all in order to level the hero, and then maybe employ the settlement if you need it in your strategy.
  18. alre


    cavalry is very powerful but requires skill and at entry level it's just more effective to go all in infantry. However, you can maybe watch on youtube how cavalry rushes are made and try it out yourself, it's a kick.
  19. tell this to @chrstgtr if you want to piss him out.
  20. also, more efficiently, it would be possible to have cavalry take back damage for each hit they land on the palisade. do palisades now have at least a cavalry damage resistance factor?
  21. I support many things that have been said here: - having a customizable "favorites" selection would help immensely with clutter - more categories would also help, and it would help if they weren't mutually exclusive. Examples of this kind of categories would be "naval", "co-op/scripted", "Gaia enemies", "geo-realistic", etc. - I also agree that a general review of all maps would be good, because some maps are just very bad and nobody likes them, and also because some maps are good (even very good) but could be better if some flaws were addressed. Uknown, for instance, can have issues with wood distribution that mainland and continent don't have. I think Marmara is less balanced than Red Sea, south team has a noticeable strategic advantage. Red Sea is less predictable, and flexible team strategy is necessary to turn the game around. Lower Nubia is another ridiculously unbalanced map.
  22. so sniping is still a thing with the community mod? was it nerfed though, right?
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