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Everything posted by seeh

  1. something looks sometimes like fake wood resources: metadata.jsoncommands.txt
  2. maybe cut off stones without outside. stones that are not resources
  3. Maybe consistent to you older plans:
  4. Yes, understandable reaction from good designers. Very sorry about that. What I love most about the game, in contrast to other strategy games, is that I use the mouse very little. A lot can be done using the keyboard when the configuration is mature. This is unique. or people with with eyes problems. red green or so
  5. now chickens works very good for me:
  6. metadata.jsoni rally tried to do my best. and i think i played rally good. was a rated game. but he. not played i saw later in the replay. he jumped into a other 4v4 game. could we develop a feature? a very big red light blinking and a sound if somebody leave a game? nobody else is in? ?commands.txt https://youtu.be/J-Cwx6QCuDc commands.txt metadata.json
  7. different sound for - somebody PING you - somebody join the room BTW also nice to have: - if some pause the game and write later into chat that there is a sound (some player dont ping me). oftern players go around do other think waiting for paused player comes back. but if he dont ping you dont here he is back
  8. what about this? "url": "https://github.com/hopeless-ponderer/random_civ_groups_0ad ", "description": "Allows you to select civs randomly from a group instead of from all civs.",
  9. cant. absolutely noob for that. here test videohttps://youtu.be/K1AhrdQ-_l0
  10. here you could try to find 6 chicken. some of them looks invisible to me for every two second.
  11. crash. i used it together with BoonGui2.1 maybe conflicts
  12. chicken looks strange and sometimes invisable:
  13. i want give you a other tool for discuss and set arguments. debategraph . I don't think you will use it for copy/past all your tips in such a map (hard work), but maybe. definitely good to know that tool. example: http://debategraph.org/eprocurementpilot https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/eprocurement/specifications-and-standards
  14. or Etherpad (look for: free etherpad instancees, or use it in a matrix-client, who its already possible to use)
  15. yes that i usually do so. but will be ignored often. its helpful if i do some work somewhere at home with my headset. if i run always to computer if somebody join it takes time. it mor practical if its possible to configure that not only in the title i think
  16. usually i edit autoCiv into the GUI (maybe you mean this method) and i also edit in the local.cfg as i said before i need to use z any y for the same key if i want use my special hotkey. ok it works. not a big deal. i could life with it very good.
  17. ok now the game is running. it need to disable all other 7 player because my game crashed for some reasons. its rally rally large takes 6GB of memory and CPU load is heavy . interesting. i prefer game 1v1 or 2v2 and sometimes 3v3. maybe enable to make it configurable.
  18. works now. needed files / folder to be created and/or downloaded: ~/snap/0ad/current/.local/share/0ad/mods/mymaps/mod.json ( as in all other mods. compare if you want ) ~/snap/0ad/current/.local/share/0ad/mods/mymaps/maps/scenarios/1431253007_TheLegendofAvilava17.pmp ~/snap/0ad/current/.local/share/0ad/mods/mymaps/maps/scenarios/1431253007_TheLegendofAvilava17.xml =>eneble the mod =>start game and find the map
  19. so this map is a mod. now poosible to enable it. but i get the error as shown above
  20. ah its crating a json file. i was able to enable that mod and now i got this error message: is there a file into ~/snap/0ad/current/.config/0ad/logs/ i should read for details?
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