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Everything posted by maroder

  1. Why ? What is there to say: I like to look at something different once in a while. Installation note: No guarantee that it will be compatible to any other mod, but if you want to try it, it's probably best to enable this one last (after) everything else. Current version: 0.27.3 (testing/ A27 / SVN) | 0.26.3 (A26) Where to find it: For A27/ SVN: newest testing version https://api.mod.io/v1/games/5/mods/1965214/files/3658747/download (needs manual installation) For A26: It is available through the in-game mod downloader or manually from: https://mod.io/g/0ad/m/shiny Some features: In case you don't like the new backgrounds: There is now the option to enable or disable it and switch between the new and the old backgrounds. Just go to the options and click on "Disable new background" _________________________________________________________ Credits to: @Langbart who gave me the idea and with whom I discussed much about the initial design/ who generally helped, @wowgetoffyourcellphone @Stan` @Radiotraining for tips on the design and a general thanks to everybody who gave their opinions and suggestions in this thread.
  2. Han themed: Zhang of Han https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Zhang_of_Han Zhang Qian https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_Qian Chinese themed: Zen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zen Zhuge Liang https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhuge_Liang Zhuangzi https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhuangzi Zouyu https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zouyu Zhurong https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhurong Zhulong https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhulong_(mythology) Zhūquè https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermilion_Bird Greek themed: Zeus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeus Zephyr https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anemoi#Zephyrus Persian themed: Zoroaster/ Zarathustra https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoroaster
  3. Yeah I know the reasons and I do it myself because it is so beneficial, but why not change that
  4. #urban gardening This is such a immersion breaking thing, still hard for me to understand why people would not want to change it.
  5. Nice work, looks really good. I like it very much.
  6. I don't know the true answer, but I would guess c++ because it is versatile and compiled i.e. fast enough to actually run the main simulation. Afaik it is also easier to write than C, Fortran, Lisp ect and there is the actual chance you find developers who know it. js because many people use it and it's easier to make scripts. Why js is used as the scripting language and not python or lua ect: don't know. And for the database: not sure what you mean. The files that hold static informations about units ect are either xml or json.
  7. Will not be able to watch it live but here are my questions (not sure if their interesting for everyone/ answerable at the moment tho ) @Stan`: It's hard to stay informed about the development without hanging out in IRC/ reading trac and following the latest diffs all the time, so do you have an overview about what the team members want to work on for a26? Or ist it too early in the dev cycle for that? I know the roadmap and the tickets on there, but only because there is a ticket doesn't mean it will be done. Also some things have no tickets and get implemented either way (terrain update iirc). Not that I want a definite "that will get implemented", more a "these are the things we would like to work on". To clarify what features I mean: a25 got unit pushing, pathfinder multithreading, terrain update, turrets.. So what could be big things for a26: han? Further lag improvements, building hotkeys, campaigns ect? _________ Also how did you/ the team experience the development of a25 in terms of including more people into balancing and community interaction overall? Was it all positive/ helpful or is there room for improvement how the interested individuals/ the community can help? _________ Looking forward to watch it later
  8. It does, it's just not yet on mod.io. Use the new version from the forum: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/28753-autociv-mod-0ad-enhancer/
  9. I know just wanted to express that I would be happy if they are committed
  10. independent of letting things slowly grow/ decay: trees spawning other trees and animals spawning other animal would be a really fun thing for a mod.
  11. Watching the video right now, thanks for the shadows For the weird textures: afaik you may have normal textures disabled in your user config and need to change that to get the nice graphics. Unfortunately I forgot what exactly you need to change, but maybe @Stan` can help?
  12. to collect feedback about the biomes in one place: invisible fish -> fixed more hunt for sahara (that didn't change as far as I know?)(link) walruses for arctic, less trees for india (link) problems distinguishing fruit and wood trees in Nubia, bad tree distribution in Savanna and Nubia (link) hard to click on bushes in Eurasian Steppe (link) @LetswaveaBook biome review video with likes and dislikes Acacia canopy too big & grass in India hides stuff/ makes it hard to build Link Metal and stone hard to distinguish link
  13. yes to the above. But no unrealistic transparent water please.
  14. @ValihrAnt I know you have no shadows for performance reasons, but imo it looks so much better with shadows. Could you maybe use lowest quality shadows setting (possibly with short cutoff distance or without filtering)? Even that would make it visually much nicer to watch a game. Same question to @mysticjim
  15. Yeah I would also prefer something different. @feneur @Stan` Any feedback on the ones I made? Feel free to use all or maybe only one as a placeholder, until @m7600 has time to make something custom.
  16. regarding @azayrahmads suggestion? Or do you mean something different?
  17. I plan to take up modding again when I have some free time to fill and make a mod which bundles multiple fun mechanics. For now there is unfortunately no progress on my side. But yes the on off button is a good idea
  18. It is already committed (and I am biased, I like this one), but feel free to make a new/ alternative one and post it here or make a patch
  19. @Grapjas Not sure if you seen this thread already. Ideas for D4189.
  20. True. just merge the two-gendered citizen mod and be done with it.
  21. Maybe I should clarify: I'm not against including social roles, if there is a solid thought trough concept, that keeps these things in mind. All I'm saying is that this is a topic that requires more thought and if such a step is taken it should be deliberate and under consideration of eventual problems and the implications it may or may not have on the perception of the game by different people. As Stan said: Which is why I am not convinced that it is a good idea to include. @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded yes you got good points but my question stands, how can you display these complex historical roles in game? And also what will be the advantages gameplay wise of introducing a complex social role system (as slaves, freeman, citizen, nobles possibly different for different civs)? true and I am also not an expert in sociology and psychology so as I said, I was merely making assumptions and highlighting one viewpoint. But that is the problem. Different people think very differently about such a topic based on a variety of personal reasons.
  22. hopefully I don't think there is a general problem with introducing social classes including slavery into the game. Most (if not all all) ancient civilizations used slaves to build their empires and because 0.A.D pays close attention to historic facts, this would fit to the concept. But the problem is the specific implementation, which is why I think it is not a good idea. For one, there are the concerns @Stan` mentioned, about how to depict and balance complex social classes for all the different civs. There are also moral implications (which I will discuss based only on my thoughts, so the generalizations I make are only assumptions ): 0 A.D is a game of classical warfare. This means explicit depiction of violence and war is to be expected. Also the violence is used by all players, so there is the concept of resistance, counterattacks and so on. Therefore the game tells a tale of a cruel but "fair" fight for the win between equal parties, using classic motives of victory and heroism. This is why the violence is morally justifiable for many people. The problem with depicting slaves is that it is only a one way violence relationship. And because complex sociological roles and the effects they have are hard to depict in-game (we have no concept of popularity as a commander or morale of the units as Stronghold for example), they would probably just be very weak "throw away" units. So this could change the story of the game from playing a commander fighting "honorably", which has a positive connotation in many cultures, to playing a slave owner exploiting slaves, which has a negative connotation in many cultures and will deter people from playing, even if it based on historical facts. And just to remind everyone what effect the depiction of social roles has and how people react to it we can look at women in 0.A.D: So the questions for me are: Do we have a concept for an implementation that doesn't have the inherit bad connotation of playing a slave owner? Can we really depict the historical complexity in an accurate way? How would the gameplay actually benefit from the introduction of social classes and slaves and is it worth effort to finding a good implementation? Now about the naming question: I think it makes sense to stick to common terms everyone understands even without historical background or knowledge about the game. The term citizen may not be correct for all units, but it is the word that everybody understands and that is used in many RTS (I believe?). If we want to change it I would either switch to using the unit roles e.g "worker" and "soldier" ect. or use a generic term like "residents". Word combinations as "worker-solider" are really not good in user facing texts, because no one knows what is meant by that when seeing it for the first time.
  23. These are the open tickets https://trac.wildfiregames.com/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&group=status&milestone=Alpha+25 and there is also the problem with the ai found by @Mr.lie
  24. attached them in my post
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