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Everything posted by rossenburg

  1. interesting, happens often? ones in a while? all the time?
  2. Normal x1 , turtle should be very boring i guess LOL. In fact you can select women, ask them to gather berries , go ahead with your daily activities, go beaches, go to the gym, take some walk etc, come back to 0ad and the women will still be walking to the berries not to think of starting to gather
  3. Oh, you got kicked for calling someone who has "sh*t" in his name ?
  4. There are such info, when registering a user there's something like which should save the date the user made the account. And about the total number of games played, that is again possible. You can check ProfilePanel.js. Send me a pm if you have problem with it, can help you work around it
  5. since we are comparing 0ad and aoe side by side ( which shouldn't be so ), i have a personal question : "Will you buy the idea of healers converting enemy units as your units?"
  6. depends, wont be fun spending 1hr in a single game. Your brain might get tired
  7. true, i think its much fun this way. A team game can cost 30mins minimum 15-20min. changing this = even longer game time == boring
  8. this is fire! love it. about the file attached maybe change the extension to zip? had to do it myself before was able to unpack
  9. @DeWynter will not work for AI if you are an observer, but if you are a player it should work for you. I think to speed up things ( in a case where you are observer ), you might want to consider changing the game speed and watch the AIs do their thing. Im not sure you can start a game for AI with fully maxed upgrades but then you can start the match with 50K resources each + maybe increasing the game speed to make your life easier;)
  10. maybe enable cheats? https://0ad.fandom.com/wiki/Cheats
  11. what else could be taken from players? I think phone numbers are too much to ask for even tho some games ask for user phone # to link to users accounts
  12. I think these will need a manual review because as you said, some people can just report anyone for fun and if we are to decide which penalty to give a player due to the number of reports received about his account, that will be unfair in someway. And again, thanks for the suggestions. The Ddos issue i dont think people intentionally do it. Maybe the known lag issue, could also be their hardware or their internet connection. Sometime someone might be lagging in the background but netstats doesnt show ( Bad connection to playername )
  13. @Darkcity, i think this feature was intentionally disabled, I don't know why but i believe @Stan` @user1 @Dunedan can give a detailed explanation. It's not possible if its not allowed in the xmpp client i guess
  14. i added some few new ancient musics ( not necessary ) and notification sounds since people were asking for it, ,maybe will need to do some cleanup to remove unused files and reduce the file size yeah?
  15. @sarcoma understand file a little big, working on alot of features which i haven't yet added , i always forget and compress the whole file before uploading here. Maybe .pyromod ? because downloading 100mb+ file every update isnt fun. Will find a way around
  16. @Darkcity, how about this. I just integrated this where users can select a player, press report button and get the player reported for review by moderators. Could be smurf accounts or other offense. Once the player is verified as a smurf, we can add something to indicate that its a smurf player in this cause i used a (!) symbol. I'm not sure this will permanently stop players for making another account when their old account is flagged as smurf, well maybe paneities like banning could hurt them but not for so long, they will still go ahead and make more new account. So i think @borg- idea could work but as you said that will be a disadvantage for certain players too. If 0ad had in-game accepts like skins and all that , would have been very different because nobody would want their old account banned or flagged as smurf. Maybe someone may come out with a great idea to handle mutliple account creation and the penalty should hurt so badly that they wont think of making multiple accounts. Maybe ban an entire ip ? (that wont work when vpn is available these days), or maybe ban entire pc? that's also a LOL. I will integerate "Mark as smurf" feature in Godseye mod just so you can mark smurf accounts account smurfs so that you will know which account is smurf or not. This will only work locally , you are the only one who should see it.
  17. Hello, so this it not the first time i tried compilation my mod into a .pyromod file to make it easier for people to use the mod with a single click. But anytime i try to use binaries\system\pyrogenesis.exe -mod=mymod -archivebuild="binaries\data\mods\mymod" -archivebuild-output="mymod.pyromod" -archivebuild-compress in my case should look like binaries\system\pyrogenesis.exe -mod=godseye -archivebuild="binaries\data\mods\godseye" -archivebuild-output="godseye.pyromod" -archivebuild-compress everything is successfully but if i try to open <modname>.pyromod mode i get an err_ Function call failed: return value was -110300 (Insufficient access rights to open file) Location: file_system.cpp:182 (DeleteDirectory) Call stack: 00FC4AF2 00FC7593 00FB10D5 errno = 13 (Insufficient access rights to open file) OS error = 32 (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.) This error seems to be emphasizing on the file size, and later it talks about insufficient access rights Assertion failed: "m_fileSize >= off_t(minFileSize)" Location: archive_zip.cpp:446 (ArchiveReader_Zip::ArchiveReader_Zip) Call stack: 00FC49B7 00FC7593 00FB10D5 errno = 0 (No error reported here) OS error = 0 (no error code was set) and then one more error Function call failed: return value was -1 (Function failed (no details available)) Location: wsysdep.cpp:387 (sys_StatusDescription) Call stack: While generating an error report, we encountered a second problem. Please be sure to report both this and the subsequent error messages. errno = 0 (No error reported here) OS error = 87 (The parameter is incorrect.) @Stan` @Freagarach what could possibly cause this? File size limit exceeded? Compiled with wrong version?
  18. yes @Stan`, i remember i tried doing binaries\system\pyrogenesis.exe -mod=mymod -archivebuild="binaries\data\mods\mymod" -archivebuild-output="mymod.pyromod" -archivebuild-compress was about to get the .pyromod file but when i open it with 0ad the game crashed, i didnt know why. I can try again and show you screenshot of what i mean, maybe you can help resolve it
  19. did you check https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/84740-gods-eye-mod-for-0-a-d-0025-fully-compatible-with-all-version-including-a26/
  20. no I'm not making things up, I don't know if I'm the only one this hotkey works for but holding control + right-clicking should discard whatever the units are holding ( metal , wood or anything ) that's making them walk instead of running. This hotkey actually makes the units attack anything that's closer to them. When there's no enemy nearby they should run as expected. Note: not all units run, slingers , archers etc mostly do the running, pikemen and women may walk a little faster than holding resources. In the video attached, units have resource yet still they could run when i hold control key + right-click. 1860292245_0A.D.2022-07-1002-48-44.mp4
  21. units run or walk faster when they are not carrying resources or when they are passive. You can hold ctrl + right-click to set to passive , in this case the units will discard any resources and start attacking anything nearby ( enemies precisely ). You can do the same thing when theres no enemies and they will run instead of walking even when they are holding resources. Hope this answers your question :
  22. You are right, we shouldn't entertain these hate speeches here honestly. This is a dangerous situation from my POV
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