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Everything posted by Altrine

  1. Most of the above are true and their stats make them weak against Roams whom the opponents mostly chose so like a sucide civ
  2. Report to him he will ban him to @user1
  3. I suppose the game might develop more fast more soon. Always hope the best.
  4. It might be true as most multi-player game I would pick iberian's Vs or with high rating players or Romans for more novice. Both are the mostly picked Civs in multiplayers because it's team bonus. But eventually they become equal to Britons, Gauls or Ptolemies to because they are easy to boom with. Well I suppose Athenians are never played while Spartans are most picked in The Hellenic Civs. Their boost is only important in complete naval map ( Island Jumping) because everyone picks Ptolemies for that ( Lighthouse.) So there is. No need of Athenian boost mostly. doing these changes would make Iberian's and Roman's less popular while making Athenians more picked in Naval map and making Ptolemies nearly out of Multiplayers because their basic food tickling make them better allies. Just because the Cav of Secleucids is good doesn't make them that popular in multiplayer and even you started using Roman's lately. And Secluedis can only build military colony (mostly) so no use of Cc bonus. Mostly I use Gauls , Ptolemies,Spartans in 1v1. And in Iberians , Gauls, Britons or Ptolemies ( expect Britons for team bonus) To me team bonus make certain Civs popular in team games. Not in 1v1 (Ibetians expecting due to starting walls)
  5. I suppose you should wait until user1 replies to your questions. Hope you get a good and satisfactory answer.
  6. Cielo you could have just have just reported that name of the player and banned him to @user1 in the game itself and not wasting time and posting it in forum ( sorry if rude) but reporting in instance is the best and some people quit if losing.
  7. If any enemy buildings or troops are not in range the Catapults just stay there unpacked ( Watching the sky) until any new enemy troops come into range to get attacked by and Catapult are also need to get packed moved and unpacked regularly.
  8. Such feature like saved multi-player game would be awesome. Really.
  9. I would accept to most of it as it would be good for melle infantry of ( Roman's, Chartiginians, Greeks (With Sparta)) who have one of the most experienced infantry at the least to have some resistance to ranged units ( like Slingers, skirmishers) because they have that shield to protect and more near them to slaughter them ( I leave Persians, Secludians and Ptolemies out of these because their infantry is not that much experienced ) Because some formations are too slow and weak due to present game contains that makes them suicide against ranged and need Cav to protect them. And some formations are to slow that the some 30 ranged units kill 50 meele soldiers in a closed combat formation Phalanx, Sytangma etc. etc. Kill them for instance. I would like this type of upgrade to come. Even though if any of them couldn't come some of those resistance could come to elite rank meele soldiers in next upgrade.
  10. Well it obvious that Slingers are on if the best units but you will have to maintain 1:3 ( 1 meele : 3 ranged ) ratio for better combat strength and better food gathering rate and costing only wood not stone are the main reasons for Celts to be told as the best Civ as they are the best(and Ptolemies) for booming and finishing 1v1 eaisly.
  11. Is there any difference in buildings between Gauls and Britons ( in health) as both are weak and irreversiblebly not useful while defending against raids if 2+ rams any building falls.
  12. Nice questions 4th one was somewhat a joke. Like.
  13. I will mostly suggest the following points: 1. Try to start training men when you have 30 pop and send them to gather resources and build sentry or defense towers for protection and use them to defend. 2. Build 3+ barracks for fast production of men while being attacked. 3. Make enough defense to hold ground near your cc for defense 4. Get max pop within 25 minutes (at the least) 5. If playing against inexperienced players pick Britons or Gauls and make some 15-30 men and rush and finish the game. 6. Use your enemy's Civ and advantage and disadvantage to use against them. If you lose a defense send some 10 men and all your women to build new cc. And always have 1:3 ratio for melle and ranger men. And if using drive have some 10 elite soldiers and build some sentry or defense or outpost for look out for enemy attack to prepare paradise walls to slow them and make then into a disorder formation before killing them.
  14. It is quite true as you need an army to protect Catapult as it is packing, unpacking and other stuff as an err to be captured or to be abandoned like destroyed while rams don't need those type of protections and just get destroyed by destroying enemy building like suicide rams and continue to attack on other sides and give a continuous hard time to enemy and build or rebuild rams for next attack or while Catapult is more effective on troops but due to range it might be hard to use as you need some paradise walls to be attacked by enemy or when your troops are in combat with enemy and in range for catapult to attack enemy so I would rather prefer Rams on most situations.
  15. I usually scout early game my enemy's position and also the he resources in the map for late game. And enemy's Civ tell most as Britons or Gauls are mostly used for Rushing. And Civs like Roman's and Persians are more deadly in later game. So they give you a basic touch of the Civ's capablity but the player's strategy is unknown. You can use your enemy's territory to scout the border buildings and if any walls to break. So scouting is basically very important in early, middle and late game.
  16. So we'll it looks like you can save your game but we'll your opponent doesnt in it as he isn't online and doesn't do nothing so well boring and waste.
  17. I am sure you can save and continue a game with Petra Bot(i have done that) but I am not sure you can save a multi-player game, well I never tried that but you can't save a multi-player game. Thank you.
  18. Yeah but he still skins a person by pausing the game and make resign to leave and winning (if they want a fast game )
  19. Thanks for both the videos they were nice Jofursloft . They were nice and thanks for the guide really helpful and i appreciate you for all the help
  20. Catapult is better than Rams in many ways and build are able to be repaired by men, but the Disadvantage of catapult is that it can be captured and its not wrong that Catapult is not given to all civs because others have rams better to destroy building continuously as Catapult need to be packed and unpacked, if you lose a fight and have to retreat you might have to pull another regiment of men to fight until the Catapults are packed and are able to move in a safer location. So, we might tell that Catapult doesnt have much advantage either to rams. Even thought they can attack men, they can be captures. Any mistakes you can tell me i will change it.
  21. Thanks for that Boom with Links. If you lose one attack with Gauls you lose if he Attacks without a pause eaisly. Their Defense is weak and we must always have resources to run the frontline troops and resupply them.
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