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Altrine last won the day on October 19 2018

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  1. I don't think we can convert it into a pool ask @Hannibal_Barca
  2. I support the default color pattern. But what you say might be quite tempting. But the classic color pattern is good like @(-_-) Said
  3. That's quite good. But the effects of navy could be reduced you know like somewhat from 50% to 30% so that he won't be well too much good
  4. Why instead of that Naval Architect reduced we can do what you light have given for Themistocles. I use Iphicrates for land never Themistocles. Might be good for a land boost for him.
  5. It's good you report him at the forum @dutchpatriot.Post the replay from the site @Angen has given they will do something about it ping @Hannibal_Barca
  6. Thanks @Hannibal_Barca, I will inform them he is doing this regularly I will in form them. Anything if possible might be fine for me.
  7. Francoo ( player) kicking out his enemies in a match at 15:36 . GST 5:30+ Please do something about him he has been doing it for the last 2-3 games the other one who had been kicked told.
  8. Technology development is the factor which affects it.
  9. Outside walls are dome sort waste as you could just break through them in 30 seconds without seige and outposts do better job than them. well but outpost walls are good but it will be a problem if the go to gaia's by decay as you can't garrison walls.
  10. So when will alpha 24 be released before March next year?
  11. There are stuff in deference in heroes in each Civ as for example in Ptolemies we can have a variety of uses in all three heroes for example Ptolemy IV is good for defense as triangle 20 pikemen with him and hold a ground and something and if celophatra VII for attack and Ptolemy I Sorter for using in home defense as after attack easy to rebuild and form a new army to attack and he is a good seige. But in some Civ like Britons we mostly take Boudicca as its the only one with decent attacks and speed as if we send 5-10 more carrtios it would make a decent army but the second and third are useless as for seige in Britons no one needs it garrisoned as we use Britons only for rush and most games never train an hero waste of time and in Athenian we never mostly pick ( expect naval battles) and only pick any one for the three as mostly the three of them as useless in land. So, it would be better to give all heroes decent boosts or attack to make it balanced.
  12. Well reforestation might happen but in some cases we use trees as a buffer zone on battles but there when trees grows we will get irritated.
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