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Everything posted by feneur

  1. The exact details will have to be worked out later, but yeah, we will need all help we can in testing the game, so a beta in one way or another will be released.
  2. Exactly how long time you want it to take is of course very subjective and personal, but since the game hardly has a 1:1 ratio of in-game time compared to real time I don't find it too unrealistic if it just takes a second to achieve full speed. True, perhaps it should be something like 5-10 seconds to be more realistic, but I personally don't the think the relatively small added realism is worth the "cost" in programming and perhaps also confusion among players that the game might seem laggy.
  3. Just to be on the safe side I'd like to add that this image is just for illustrative purposes, don't expect that many units in a Phalanx in a normal game
  4. As I believe have been explained before that is due to the game not having a particle system yet, the current blood is just a texture, so it can't really fly through the air. Unfortunately we don't have anyone on the team to develop a particle system at the moment, so you'll all have to wait to see any effects requiring that
  5. Well, true, but on the other hand you have an advantage over them all the time, you're human
  6. There'll be patches for 0 A.D. yeah, did you expect us to deliver a perfect game without no bugs or features to add? Seriously though, yeah official add-ons will come in the form of patches
  7. Ok, can see that you're worried then Rest assured that the game will have multiplayer though, as far as I've heard it's easier to implement than making a good AI too (ok, true, haven't played many games with a really good AI, but anyway something relatively good ), so if either singleplayer or multiplayer would have to be missing I guess singleplayer would go (A really huge disclaimer so no one takes that wrong: We have every intention of providing both singleplayer and multiplayer for 0 A.D.)
  8. Even I can make mistakes , and I was sharing my opinion too, so when thinking about it I can see if someone could miss that part In general I can say that the game will be a fairly traditional RTS though, so most things that complicate things for the player will not be in the official game. But as we've said time and time again the game will be easy to mod so if there's some feature you want bad enough it will "just" be to add it (Easy is of course relative, and it'll naturally be much easier to change the player colors or something like that than to add slavery or something more major. )
  9. Well, the main reason why gold etc is done that way is so it's easy to tell where/what it is AFAIK. And while prospecting and mining can be interesting in a more City Building type of game we're trying to keep the resource gathering as simple as possible to make room for the military/tactical/strategy part of the game.
  10. Well, for now all I'll say is that there will be a multiplayer mode
  11. Exactly how different they'll end up to be will have to be determined during testing, since it's affecting balance, but as with everything else we're aiming for as much diversity as possible.
  12. I guess you missed my reply.
  13. Some very good questions there, I think I'll avoid answering them at the moment though, they're actually good enough to be included in a future Q&A We'll see, but I won't take away such good questions from a Q&A I can say this much at the moment though: most, if not all questions are answered on the site somewhere. Some are only answered indirectly though, and all might be difficult to find, so be sure we'll try and answer them some way, whether as a part of a future Q&A or in this post Thanks for your interest in the game btw
  14. Thanks for letting us know And no, this is not anything we're involved in. Especially since the beta wouldn't be free if you'd have to pay We'll look into this.
  15. No, that's a comment about this game being a certain kind of game and also that some things aren't as fun as they sound in theory. I for one don't want to spend all my time looking at what my slaves are doing when I'm in the middle of a battle for example. But if some people enjoy that they'll be able to implement that themselves, as the game will be easy to mod. (I'm sure this requires a bit more than most mods, but since we aren't trying all we can to make things difficult for modders (rather the opposite) it's sure easier than trying to make such a mod for another game where the developers have done what they can to make some kinds of modding difficult. And I'm not saying that's because they're evil or something, it's rather that we can do things differently as we're not aiming to sell 0 A.D.)
  16. Well, that could perhaps be a good thing in some game, but not in this game. At least unless someone makes a mod that adds slavery to the game. (For a discussion on why one don't want to make an entirely (historically or otherwise) accurate game: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11671 )
  17. No, 0 A.D. will be a fairly traditional Real Time Strategy game in that you'll have command over an entire civilisation, including buildings and civilian units.
  18. I suggest that you try again, the site was a bit slow when I tried to view it, and didn't load properly at first, when I refreshed the page it worked fine though, so yeah try again
  19. Indeed they are, check the topmost news item on the TLA website (http://wildfiregames.com/tla/) for more info.
  20. You can read more about resources in this showcase: http://www.wildfiregames.com/0ad/page.php?p=11565
  21. I don't remember exactly at the moment, and don't have the time to check it right now, but in any case the appearance of the unit will change, and that is at least a bit of indication.
  22. Some hot feelings here? Perhaps you should cool down a bit, it's just a game after all There are two big reasons for whether or not a feature will be a part of the game: Does it add to the gameplay/realism? Do we have the possibility to develop it? And while some of the things you talk about could add to the gameplay/realism, we simply don't have the manpower required to develop everything. Concerning that earlier question about why we don't do all things different from other games: Sometimes there's a reason a lot of games do things in a similar way. While innovation can be fun, and if it's good make a game more fun to play, it can also be quite pointless if what's already been done is good. Not only will a different way of doing things add to the learning curve (and while some people enjoy reading lengthy manuals before jumping into a game I'm sure most don't), there's also a risk that the innovative way of doing something might be worse than the old.
  23. (Just a small thing, I couldn't help but find it funny that the error message says that the operation completed successfully, as if that's the opposite of what was supposed to happen There is probably a very logical explanation for this, but still )
  24. Depends on what you're talking about, but I guess you talk about our website. On this website you can follow the progress of 0 A.D. a game that we (Wildfire Games) are developing.
  25. Well, while it would take some work it would just be for you to make it into a real faction, so it's not a huge problem. Only thing would be that if we add non-playable factions they would most likely not have the same number of units etc as an ordinary faction, so it would not be a very balanced game play unless one changed some more We'll see what happens. And no matter how much I'd like to I'm not able to answer that question about when we'll ship the game. There's too many unknown variables, and I'm not a professor in math or something in the first place
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