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Everything posted by feneur

  1. We make it known when we need people, the same is true for scenario designers, so as long as you keep your eyes open you'll not miss it
  2. I agree with plumo, if we've had any problem it has been how to implement all our ideas with the resources we have
  3. Well, actually not really. While we don't exactly make our staff forums public etc we have, at least in my opinion, been fairly open about the progress. If you mean that we haven't specified any specific details about what percent is finished etc, that's more due to it being difficult to measure. It's not like we know what bugs will appear etc, in that case we'd not let them happen in the first place
  4. ?I'm not sure what you mean by that
  5. Wildfire Games is pleased to announce its first community contest, ‘Get In The Game!’ It is truly a delightful experience hearing your warriors cry as they charge into battle, and it will require many unique voices to properly achieve this effect. Several battle cries will be chosen and mixed to represent different sized groups of soldiers, selected based on quality and accuracy. To gather the necessary sound assets, we've decided to employ the help of our community in our ‘Get In The Game’ contest, giving you the chance you have your very own voice in 0 A.D.! The contest will be going on between February 28th and March 21st. Please click through to the Get in the Game contest page to read more about the contest and how you enter.
  6. Just saw a thing and thought of this thread, it's a far less serious take on the smoking/quit smoking issue, but I'll post the link: http://cyanatrendland.com/2009/02/26/how-i...by-jay-shuster/ (beware, the website design is a bit "screamy", but the images in the article are just fun, and perhaps a bit thoughtful too...)
  7. Welcome to our forums. Hope you'll enjoy following the process and eventually playing the game. Took a quick look at your website, it seems you've got a lot of interesting stuff on there, will sure come back to it and take a closer look.
  8. Thinking about a likely release date for 0 A.D. I don't think a game that's released at the end of this year is a "threat" I mean those who're interested in RTS gaming in general are likely to be eager to try something new while a lot of people who're interested in modding will probably enjoy 0 A.D.s flexibility (note that I don't know enough about SC2 to know if it's easy to mod or not ).
  9. I'm sure there might be other considerations too, but one thing that limits the number of civilisations for the game is balance. Having too many civilisations would take a lot of time to get balanced.
  10. Hmm, not sure why you said "maybe", but I've changed it to Apomonomenos in any case =) Hope you'll like it
  11. I saw these beautiful, but terrifying pictures of the wildfires in Australia on The Big Picture and thought I'd tell you guys about it, especially with the name of the team. Some really nice pictures, but imagining the feelings of those caught in the middle of them it's hard to know how to look at them, knowing that the beauty in those flames is paralleled by the suffering of those caught in the middle of them.
  12. Well, that's either promising or the total opposite (I mean, if we're not among the chosen games but they still want to encourage us a little )
  13. Messing around is the correct word indeed Our aim is to make 0 A.D. playable on as low-end machines as possible, and while it may take a while until 0 A.D. is finished I don't think it will take enough time to make those low-end specs
  14. It looks more like he's telling us his own specs than anything else Don't think multi-threading is on the priority list no =) (It's not one of the features of the game at least, but I don't understand most of the programming so I cannot be 100 % sure )
  15. Ah, but as you don't need drop off points in that sense in 0 A.D. that shouldn't be a problem. Gathering units need to be within the radius of a building that allows them to gather, but the resources go directly to the stockpile.
  16. I don't have any direct suggestions, but I'm sure you can find something interesting at gamedev.net
  17. That's sure a dream I'm sure more people share, I do for one Though I guess I dream even further, hoping we'll one day have the kind of virtual reality you can see in Star Trek etc, where you can get fully immersed, but I doubt that will ever be possible Would be fun though
  18. Exact numbers are to be definitely decided during play-testing, but it's indeed our intention to have limits on the number of a certain buildings per territory. True, it will be a big damage, but remember that there are several buildings you can create units in, and thus you'll be able to continue creating new units even while your Barracks are down. And after all, one of the main reasons for this limit is so you'll be in more pressure to take new territories, in which you can build new buildings as the limits are per territory.
  19. I'm really glad 0 A.D will be moddable There are so many nice ideas which doesn't fit what we want with the game, but which would make excellent mods.
  20. The trouble is that the basics aren't enough for this stage of development. I'm sure that someone can learn it all if given enough time, but preferably we need people who already are skilled as taking time from development to teach new people isn't necessarily a good thing - they might decide to leave the team before they can contribute and then that time would have been better used to develop the game instead.
  21. It sure is possible, and will probably be done when you read this as it doesn't take much time to do
  22. Are you sure you're not looking in the released category? I can sure see it under indie in the "Best Upcoming" category
  23. Creating things yourself is more rewarding too Than merely copying I mean.
  24. Depends on what he does But in any case, my point is that while calling someone an idiot isn't enough reason for banning or stuff things like this adds up, so please be more polite here on the forums than you'd be in the real world among people you know. It's not as easy to know if you should take something as a joke or an offense on the internet as in the real world where there are more than words to carry meaning (smilies only do part of the job after all, and may still be interpreted differently).
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