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Everything posted by Alexandermb

  1. Yellow gold or keep the same colour of the charioth metal ? Less yellow
  2. if i can i'll try to make the base mesh + base texture, later i guess you could do your magic with patterns and cloth look like or @wackyserious for now i will make the seleucid chariot horse armor
  3. someone has considered using the template <GarrisonHolder> <VisibleGarrisongPoints> to allow it have units above? (if planned the garrison holder template needs to have some patch to make the unit obstruction translate from the root to the garrison point height)
  4. Files with cataphract armors/mask and replaced the sele chariot horses crest with the new ones. Horse_new_armor.7z
  5. files updated with a minor fix on the ptol fisherman move animation, and sails folded while gathering fish. Fisherman_New.7z
  6. Most of them from creative commons search then i've made meshes to make the proper textures rendering (similar to enrique's tutorial )
  7. Increased the speed of the net 20%, also the first zip file had an unsync net animation wich was fixed later the later files have a normal loop. sail folded animated too.
  8. will make the same for the neck and head prop, using the same texture file. (Just for keep the topic used while armors are still needed public or mods). Edit Neck added References
  9. @stanislas69 updated files with textures and full body blanket. (actors already using armors and blankets). Horse_new_armor.7z
  10. btw, some images have iron texture while others units uses gold, should i make one iron/gold specific or mix both ?
  11. if they are animated the parallax will break i guess let me make some trys to make the texture for the full body blanket and i'll update it for the pers chariots
  12. For the sheath i can't get a good gold looking but at least the red leather looks good.
  13. Maybe the swords/sheaths only, the spears could keep the prop_weap.dds texture and any other weapon with a wood handle (axe/hammer/halberd) at least the more famous, and keep the one's whos doesn't look bad Keep this one's: Spartan/Maur_Longsword/Akin/Falcata/Romphaia/Xiphos And only use single one for the: Gladius/Spatha/Cs sword/Broadsword
  14. After learning how to render from high poly to low poly, i've made this i will keep looking creative commons wood's so the model stay the same but the colours of the wood could change. 0AD Look Actual gladus.
  15. Moved the celt_fishing_sail mesh prop to the prop folder where it belongs, also added celt merchant sail animated too like the fishing ship, planned to do the same for the rest of the sails later in a new topic. Fisherman_New.7z
  16. the buckets was already there and i added to every modified boat 3 fish scattered, maybe i could delete the bucket and add more fishes, and other deads maybe the net but as a inanimated item too.
  17. Persian added, finished the ships. Fisherman_New.7z
  18. Now ptol is ready too. Fisherman_New.7z Next to come Pers/Maur they have enough space for a fisherman.
  19. isn't animated yet, i want to make it but it may need mouth texture in any case it won't take long to do it.
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