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Everything posted by Alexandermb

  1. this is some example of what i mean before, the black zones need a strong black to allow be seen from afar whitout become a single colour or loosing a lot of detail since players won't be able to get too much closer to the buildings whitout touching camera configuration (I'm still figuring out what i'm doing). Pd that yellowish rock texture is:
  2. Even if the history says that we still need it, officialy Maduro is no longer president since two days ago IIRC (Even when he never was legally president so he is now double illegal dictator) recently the traitors after a lot of pressure of the citizens they did what they had to do a long long time ago, so our "Millitary Forces" are forced now by the law to remove from the charge Maduro but they wouldn't we can only hope on another international forces and we need a mass cleaning of our millitary forces since most of them are criminals and they will remain doing harm to people with or whitout president so yes, belive it thats our only hope no matter what.
  3. The yellowish touch of the middle texture is good but the problem in the roof is the same i had before with some metal and wood textures when baking the shield, if the base colour is dark it may need another colour even more darker for dirtyness but also for little details, can you share the texture pack so i can have an idea how its the roof or from what is made so i can try one on procedural later?
  4. This are for now the caro structures we have, my priority is finish those that still are anglo buildings for properly caro buildings. Church replaced now its market and a new desing for Fortress, walls there are plenty of walls desings in this forum somewhere that i can use later but market and fortress have higher priority since temple is done (has about same lenght and height of the roman temple maybe a little more)
  5. Sorry that picture didn't had parallax enabled:
  6. so, their textures could be rectangular bricks and not stones like the ones i used as caro B.
  7. This are a few architectural references for caro: I will take this as temple for caro http://www.sacred-destinations.com/france/germigny-des-pres https://onlinetravelfrance.blogspot.com/2009/11/germigny-des-pres-church.html
  8. The kite shield were often used by normans i belive and will better if only them use comet and kite shield since most of the units of all factions uses chain mail or grey texture shields are one of the few options to identify units factions and players (Besides player colour),
  9. Maybe change the way the corral animals are gathered, they are gathered as meat but what if you change that for example cows give milk, what if its changed as some slow gathering for milk, cotton, and other kinda of resources wich can be harvested whitout killing the animal
  10. Defense tower test left sentry tower/ Right defense tower
  11. Charlemagne is for sure mentioned in the first page by @niektb others may be available for discussion.
  12. Xiongnu faction committed, now it will be more easy to handle as it lays on github
  13. Procedural damaged metal: Procedural_Metal_Damaged.blend
  14. i will activate them and here i leave the quote for the disable/enabling of civs switch false to true:
  15. they are defined as non selectable in game setup in the civ file
  16. i'm cleaning and updating a bit the Abbey
  17. Venezuelan citizens are joyfull people and most of them won't give up easily, structures can be rebuilt, families are already lost because of what happened last year (and still being lost) whitout bombs the number of death citizens its even higher only that not all are public domain we may cry if we lost someone by accident if we got intervention someday but later we will keep on. The army is like a dog literally i cannot say its all because some of them are in jail for rebelion (even if they don't show any sign of rebelion) but most of them are criminals (literally there are a lot of recognized as wanted criminals) they may bite you one day because they are hungry but as soon as you give him a toy (bullets and weapons) and their ration of food (pathetic if i must say rice alone sometimes) they are okay thats for the low ranks soldiers, for the generals and liutenants they have an special treatment where they receive cars of this year, houses, tires for contraband and their own drug contraband territory (all of those are documented) they have their special ration of food so they never starve. And theres a second army not official but it is part of the regime, they are called "Colectivos" in spanish, they are mostly criminals and like saying mercenaries first time implemented by Chavez. Here can be see what colectivos are, the guy in the middle clearly can be recognized as a general and its called Fabio Zavarce, the right guy with glasses with red beret is Valentin Santana a wanted criminal leader of that zone. That day was a public political campaing for the reelection of Maduro. This is a picture of a facebook post where the guy literally ask for a bomb, the page response is: its because they haven't killed us yet with toxins. Later the guy: Venezuelan expresion You haven't drinked milk of the food boxes (CLAP). That milk has been analized by one of the best universities of Venezuela as harmful to health and i saw the milk after you prepare it it leaves something as a stone under the glass, others have pasta with cockroaches, other have small death rats.
  18. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Óscar_Alberto_Pérez This was the last lider as well as his comrades however only he and other guy was ready to show the faces to the regime ( family outside the country and risking to loose everything). intervention is needed from anyone, Colombia, Brasil, Guyana, USA imagine theres a whole country kidnaped by the same military forces, and its not possible to vote for another president, last year in 16 july the "oposition" properly formed a massive votation (even i voted) reaching 7+ millions for properly change the government and their structures, but well as they are playing at the same side of the regim they didn't do anything. We have been waiting for ONU, for OEA for the CPI, any international democratic system and they always meet and fail to have a decision, i watched most of them via youtube stream and said what they need to say and thats it, never reach a conclusion never act, right now me and most of the venezuelan citizens wouldn't mind if USA France and United Kingdom do what they did last friday here, in fact we ask for it (No joke, in social media you can see people asking for bomb , same if you ask someone in outside).
  19. Missing leaders from all sides, last proper lider was massacred while on transmisision and the actual "Oposition" are just traitors so yes intervention is needed no matter what is said on TV or what the false liders says.
  20. Here can be seen some of the textures @wackyserious made as reference
  21. Remember to always enjoy even that, you may never know when that could become what i see here, i hope someday i'll see again shopping malls, highways whitout the inminent and highly possibility to be robbed or killed.
  22. Norse dock with 4 separated buildings for later eyecandy usage Dock Merchandise dock Fish hut Norse Ram Has arrows struck and shields could variate (Exception for player colour)
  23. Thats the last one used for the salty water pinky drakkar wood Just tweaked the colour IIRC but also rearranged the nodes for have a better organization.
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