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Everything posted by Alexandermb

  1. in that case i'll make it with this texture wich we already have.
  2. Here the side view of the Magnaura
  3. i will make it anyways if doesn't fit timeframe i'll try with another, in any case the more buildings we have of constantinople the more historical accurate @Skhorn could remake his constantinople map for a later campaing map. Btw the constantinople walls were 2 sets of walls it may be good to allow the civ build the lower wall cheap and weak in 1st phase and later build (Not upgrade) the inner wall.
  4. The "Senat" could work will need to bake the 2nd texture set with dome and white marble? bricks
  5. Actually its the only one wich is nearly similar to the vanilla factions the only difference is the semi donut shape but the others are like government centers or a public plaza and not like the other germanic factions wich are more like the king or the leader house:
  6. Png for player colour i'm gonna make it animated for the spears.
  7. Thanks, i'll try some changes on the vertex weight and commit if i found one where it doesn't clip. on the other hand i've made what i had in mind but now i having doubts about it, it could end looking gorgeous with flora and the roads and more props but idk yet.
  8. if you can make the triangular flag i'll make the mesh soonish
  9. Yep, but i need to make the dome texture first using the same texture
  10. Gonna take this as civil centre:
  11. @wackyserious this guys gonna need their texture too:
  12. Added the upper zone of the coif (forgot the helmet is hidden when gathering)
  13. Yep, i'll make them now. Just for test i'll use it there:
  14. I'll delete the changes in the template, also did another helmet and will make the crest as prop (will make player colour crest & maybe golden version too) don't know who will use it.
  15. Made the little parma (Back zone is the same of the other round shields). byz_shield_parma.pdn
  16. Added the byzantine bow with slightly player colour
  17. @wackyserious try drawing this feathers for have basic_trans i'm making the archer helmet: (the whole armor with those leather straps could be nice too for unit differentiation).
  18. thats something i have been asking myself, an obsctruction actor meshes like lego blocks for buildings for plaza-like buildings can be walked by.
  19. My focus its on that city, it may take some time to fully finish them whitout left the other civs in the abyss (forgotten) but if it fits the timeframe i will make it.
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