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Everything posted by Alexandermb

  1. So wich texture clour should i commit for the structures ? we have the salmon, and the white recently posted by @wowgetoffyourcellphone Also, fishing ship isn't big thing but at is something not used by the other factions:
  2. i forgot how it was to upload a patch is there a topic in the forum about it ?
  3. Hello everyone i've made this mod for made a little change on the visual perspective between combat and city for myself with little changes but maybe someone could enjoy it too or have an use of it on their own projects, this is just an addition of what the UnitAi already has in the "COMBAT">"APPROACHING" line replacing the default animation variant with the "combat" one defined in the end of some infantry actor files What it does? well the infantry usually use this animations for walking and figthing: This mod replace the animations when in combat with their respective ready variant already ingame when approaching for attack, or when the Ctrl + RM hotkey is used i haven't played all factions yet so maybe one or another guy could have a wrong cape or something else, Enjoy. Files:Combat.7z
  4. if you mean turn the salmon bricks to white it will be looking exactly to the 1st blacksmith attempt and will be rejected for his lack of city look
  5. @wackyserious for advanced archers then ?
  6. Yes, the brick had the same dark zones glitch but with stronger difference.
  7. With the rome_struct_2 file: some saturation tweaks on caro_struct_b:
  8. the darker tone remains even with brigther textures:
  9. Using the same height of the civil centre
  10. Done the two missing buildings:
  11. is it possible to translate soon? i wouldn't mind take a look at some things
  12. Make the two missing buildings of the carolingians (Market, Corral) if time allows byzantine fortress too, i thought i had to render the byza ships but they worked with the textures in game the only release blocker i can imagine are those two buildings and the civ garrison flag. Missing items/buildings/units for later release or if its possible before are: Caro and Byza Traction Trebuchet + animations Byza Fortress Byza helmet @wackyserious posted some days ago Caro and Anglo sub versions of the norse snekkja with changes Some flags for byzantine ships Anglo Sutton Hoo Helmet ? Byzantine fishing/merchant ship Byza/Caro Ram
  13. ok so, correct me if i'm wrong this are the stats: i've placed the bireme against the same faction trireme, and leave it around 15% hp before die (the fire ship) and put around 20 archers in the same spot and the bireme killed them all but took some time like 1.5 hp per sec, and against building don't do so much dmg or should i give buff against buildings?
  14. still WIP i want to achieve what reference has, not so much height but the template is a mess and still figuring out why it goes that high and why its fired from the root even when i specifiy the projectile prop point
  15. Almost there, just need to figure it out what im doing and move the fire at the front of the ship:
  16. Agregare el fuego griego como upgrade del bireme bizantino si es que logro crear un template que funcione sin estar muy roto I will add this greek fire as an upgrade to the bireme if i can achieve a working template whitout being overpowered.
  17. Files with latest screenshots:Rome Helmets.7z
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