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Everything posted by Alexandermb

  1. Btw i may need some references for this ones: Persian Trireme. Rome Trireme. Cart Trireme. Gaul Trireme. Iber Trireme. After looking the ships, ptol trireme only has 2 rows of oars. Rome ships should include all designs since they have a lot of ships ? or they enter in the DE Timeframe? After ending all triremes i go for biremes, gonna need the references for: Hellene Bireme. Pers Bireme. Cart Bireme.
  2. Keep the actual ones as low settings, and use this new ones as high settings. Thanks! i'm gonna rename the topic to Triremes, since i'm updating another factions and gonna do the same with rome ones since they should be the most beautiful ones.
  3. Reduced the tris amount of the oars from 38 to 23: Before After
  4. Whitout oars 5k, with oars 9k including shields, maybe reduce oars poly count (each oar 38 tris).
  5. Agree, better leave AoE Minimalist design behind if all ship are smaller wouldn't be any difference between bireme, trireme, quatrireme, quinquereme. and then we will start a new re-mesh project wich will leave some new ships like ptol quinquereme unused because it will need to be reduced- In fact its better make ships at medium - real size , and save the blender files because is better have a future vision with ships boarding, ramming and naval battles with units in deck than ghost ships.
  6. Tought this ship would have less tris, but ended having the same amount because of shields:
  7. 3rd trireme Done! missing only the cloth and the shield props.
  8. The first ship alone has 7k, 2nd ship alone 5.5k so it may be 11k tris the first ship and 9k the 2nd ship (maybe less). After all the ships are done and the texture is modified by @Lion.Kanzen or @wackyserious or any other and nothing more is needed to be adjusted i can go with decimate modifier and reduce some tris (if it doesn't affect the visual aspect of the ship). The more tris came from the side of the ships, all those wood rectangles plus the inferior zone, a closed design ship like rome triremes would take only around 4k tris + 4k more with oars. The base of the mesh only could have around 600 or 1000 tris: Blender tris:
  9. The ships have around 7 or 6k, but they become 12 and 10k tris when the oars are added. Yes, both sails needs to be modified to be adjusted to the new mesh (More width less height) Front sail same issue, (more widht less height) and increase wind effect with animations.
  10. Done with the main mesh, 2 of 3 reference ships done. Missing both ram only. PD: Could be nice to have the blue wood zone or the red eye with player colour.
  11. @Sundiata can i have some help here with some cloth like texture un this area? would be very gratefull its supposed to be like the reference if it could be a rectangle texture wider would be better, i can add it as prop. Maybe a texture 1024x128 if its possible
  12. Trying to get another model done for make a difference between Athen-Mace/ Spart / Sele triremes. Reference from Osprey Ancient Greek Warships:
  13. merged into a single texture all already. I have some references: Also is there a way to difference sele/mace/spart from athen trireme like total war?
  14. Where the shields, and wich other color variants could be good.
  15. Evolution of trireme in 0 A.D. Closer look at another bake Need to finish the ram better detailed, and add more details if its desired.
  16. Hi @Bigtiger welcome to the forum, i've been through the same problems importing door animations. I had to make my own armatures (exactly the same as any other door, so you don't mess with other armatures) and animate them, sometimes animations in 0 ad are exported incorrectly most likely very old meshes, and when you bring them to blender sometimes they change they position, rotation or scale. In this case you could take any door from the mod Millenium A.D. wich are the most recently door armatures done by me itself, so you can guide yourself through the making of an identical copy of the armature so you won't have another headache. Armatures after being exported they won't accept any modification you made, so the armature will have to remain untouched, But you can alter the mesh. Tips: Always save the blend original file when making new armatures or animations. Save every animation as actions. for repeating animation always make a loop of the first and last frame. if you can guive me references i can help you with your problem. Happy modding! And of course last but more important thing i forgot to mention: Never make an armature with the same name of other already ingame or they will make you have faces flying everywhere.
  17. a few test screenshots i took in my work. Front sail will have to wait until i get my files or i get free time for make once again the armature and wind effect with cloth simulator.
  18. Almost done with the 0 ad model, just need to make a few tweaks more and adjust the sail mesh
  19. Almost done with the baking, all pieces modular, still need to finish tail and chair. Still missing add the back zone oars.
  20. Preview of the low poy baked: Remember its modular so i can cut the rows N times desired. However the Tris amount its kinda high for a ship (Around 6k and still needs the 3 line of oars for each side, mastiff and back zone) gonna try decimate it when finished. Also the higher amount of tris its on the upper zone.
  21. Should the low poly for 0 A.D. be real size lenght or a few less oars? High poly: Side Screenshot:
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