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Everything posted by Alexandermb

  1. Thanks!, the actual textures have a black siloutte in each symbol that siloutte don't help the symbol look authentic. For example see lambda compared to athen elite symbols
  2. That one uses metal or wood/whicker/leather?
  3. We can clearly see the "Wololo" in ancient era in this paint Here some blender screenshots: Sure, why not
  4. Spart champion animals (missing snake, and cheetah):
  5. Hello 0.A.D. Community, today i post this week work in Art Development addtions. Aspis Remake A new mesh fully 3D with less than 300 tris. Better quality Textures. First step is remake all the textures of the aspis shields with a better quality versions, leaving behind all the 128x128/64x64 textures. Factions: Ingame Colors: Handgrips/Back :
  6. i've disabled any mod and only enabled gpu skinning with latest SVN still have elephants issue
  7. Elephants having issues in gpu_skinning enabled. But this issue is HUGE because we can't export again the elephant. Since is quited old it breaks totally when importing to blender.
  8. It should have crest? it may be a duplication when i handle batch files
  9. Mmmh could have been also non assigned vertex now you mention that.
  10. Yeah but that was the armature having the same skeleton of another actor. When making sails i've checked no other actor had the same armature name. in any case gonna have to check with old sails files.
  11. If its with gpu skinning enabled its probably normal map related then. happend to me with the minotaur normal map.
  12. I can reduce the poly amount. Heres an example: 254 tris for an aspis test shield im working having front/back and as prop the handgrip
  13. Round shields aren't accurate @Genava55 so they don't even work as "LOD" should they be deleted? @Stan`
  14. I want to add damage to shields but in the procedural materials i wasn't able to get that damaged creases.
  15. Added Brass and Gold variant for future faction shields upate: Also added more Bright and Contrast to the actual iron: Before props texture:
  16. Baked with the iron texture i used for hellenic helmets + an extra normal bump on normal maps for add damage:
  17. @wackyserious i added a new variant called "Base_spearman_relax_fast" using hoplite idle but jog walking + few fixes to spear being reversed in normal attacks wouldn't mind if i add those tweaks? i felt the movement too exagerated walking being the fastest foot infantry.
  18. Thats just an experiment we gonna take for high detailed units for a future "high poly" 0.A.D. or for Campaing heros. Also leave an open field for single players modders willing to make an rpg like titan quest from 0.A.D. engine and assets. in other talk: Seeding animation added from @Enrique starting pose:
  19. Not really, it does any difference? Added in the last commit
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