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Everything posted by Alexandermb

  1. Hele_attic_b4 + visor Based on the link @Genava55 posted. Raised a lil bit the visor because unit was working in the last Sandra Bullock movie "blindfold".
  2. Commit what i have is also good so you can be working with the new helmets, community and other modders can start replacing the helmets on their actors. Would do it with the type helmets. Phrygian Thracian Boeotian Attic+Bryastovets I will commit when i make the hair crests for the thracian variants (3 kind of actors Basic > Bronze/silver Crest > Hair + Feathers)
  3. Made with the attic variant, used by samnite (in the references) so can be considered as phrygio-attic and for keep consistency on the amount of helmets (Phrygian reaches the 11 bronze variants)
  4. I can commit what i have so far with a few replacement on actors because will delete the old outdated helmets. Later distribution can be fixed if one does not belong to the infantry.
  5. Allow the use skyboxes from the scenarios as reflection on helmets.
  6. Note: Feathers/Hair/Randomized Crest, haven't been applied yet because i wan't to check wich hair texture from the game looks better and find a way of make it generic and work for all helmets before starting to make the same version of the hair over and over. If someone wants to make a hair 256x128 texture both for short and long haired versions with higher quality than the ones we already have feel free, from the helmets i don't like the hair we have ingame for them. Also, it would be better if we have a new actor material working like basic_player_trans_parallax_spec using as texture all the faction colors (1 texture per faction color) and make the actor choose the texture based on the player color, this way we could use 2015+ hair texture alpha like the ones in the horse manes and tails. ie: variant name="Player1" texture: "Blue" Just in case we want to go for a better helmet hair quality.
  7. @Lion.Kanzen en que unidades podria asignar los yelmos Ɣticos? ---------------------------------------------Non-Taco-Language---------------------------------------------------------- Wich units should use the attic helmet?
  8. Two variants of the carthaginian infantry helmet (1 rebaked and renamed) @wackyserious any chainmail can be recicled for this infantry?
  9. La silueta nada mas, al tenerlo en SVG puedo exportarlo a blender y aplicarlo como un esculpido. por ejemplo cuando sundiata me hizo el diseƱo del yelmo "Agris". Silueta exterior e interior
  10. To be honest i always thought we had the attic variant. hele_attic_b1: Later decoration in progress.
  11. Hele_phrygian_b11, missing check guards and wings.
  12. @Lion.Kanzen make this two and any other design you can in svn and i'll apply it to helmets, just the sillouette:
  13. 1 More thracian to enter in the pilos/attic Tree: 1 more phrygian? also:
  14. They are roman legionaries with thracian helmets look at the quinquereme front crocodiles sculpt
  15. Player Color: Note: Back helmet is more intended to be used for seleucids.
  16. New Variants with prop crest (blue zone should be player color according to reference) b2 b4 b5 References:
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