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Posts posted by andy5995

  1. @KampotI'm glad you got it working!


    5 hours ago, Kampot said:

    It works, thanks. Now I would love to understand how it really works :)

    Since you're new to GitHub, I can understand how it could be confusing. It's the very first github action I made, and I've been using GitHub for several years.


    I know you've already looked at the files in the build-pyromod repo. If you look at some of the links in the README, it might help you understand better.


    They key element is the use of docker with the action. Note that Docker isn't required to make an action, but it can be very helpful.


    If at some point you have some specific questions about how it's done, feel free to post here. Good luck!

  2. 20 hours ago, smiley said:

    Perhaps a brief tutorial on this thread is warranted for those unfamiliar with Github actions.

    I can try to make things a bit more clear, but I'm not sure a tutorial is warranted at this point. There's already docs on building a pyromod, github actions, and docker.


    So... this thread is intended for anyone who hosts a mod on GitHub and want a bit of convenience when doing a release. Or this thread is intended for anyone thinking about hosing a mod on GitHub. People who don't use GitHub to mod will have no use for this action and can safely ignore this thread. :)


    The docs for using the Action on the repo README. It assumes the root directory of your mod is in the repo root (e.g., the repo root is where 'mod.json' is located) When the action runs, it will create the mod using the pyrogenesis archive builder as shown here, and output the resulting .pyromod file to $PWD/output. An example is shown on the README on how to access it so it can be used in a separate release action. The release action shown in the example is not required to use the gh-action-build-pyromod action (there are other release actions available on GitHub that can be used instead, if you prefer)


    20 hours ago, andy5995 said:

    The Dockerfile I'm using for the Action is at 0ad-matters/0ad-bin-nodata

    No technical knowledge of Docker is needed to use the Action. I posted this for anyone who is curious about the docker image used "behind-the-scenes" for the action, or for anyone who wants to "audit" how the image is created, or make a PR to improve upon it.


    I'd be happy to answer any specific questions related to the Action.

    How's that @smiley? ;)

  3. 1 hour ago, Norse_Harold said:

    It kind of reminds me of Jebel Barkal, where the opposition Kushites civ ("Napata") has quite strong units at mid game, depending on difficulty setting. Is that part of the inspiration for the kushites-extreme mod?

    No, actually the idea just popped into my head one day ("instead of writing a lot of code to alter the bot's behavior, why not just make one civ OP?") :)

  4. I added some info to the build instructions about using distcc to speed up build times.



    distcc is a program to distribute builds of C, C++, Objective C or Objective C++ code across several machines on a network. distcc should always generate the same results as a local build, is simple to install and use, and is usually much faster than a local compile.

    I see that using distcc has been mentioned here before:



    • Like 2
  5. First, I'm not very experienced with Blender.

    I'm using Blender 3.2.2

    My goal is to enlarge the females (for the no-gather mod) by 1.25%.

    I have basic rescaling skill in Blender. I was successful when importing art/meshes/skeletal/new/f_dress.dae and rescaled it, and exported it.


    When I import art/meshes/props/new/head_female_c.dae, there are no visible objects. I also tried importing the _d and _e file. The same result. Can someone tell me why there are no objects?


    How many dae files would ultimately need to be altered so that the female support worker citizen from each civ is rescaled?





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  6. 4 hours ago, andy5995 said:

    ActorEditor works when I use use the -editor argument or select scenario editor from the main menu.

    @hyperionExcuse me, that's wrong. You're right, it's not accessible without decompressing the appimage. I don't know of any way to make it more accessible than by extracting the appimage (--appimage-extract), cd to '/squashfs-root/usr/bin' and run ./ActorEditor'.

  7. 4 hours ago, hyperion said:

    Ha, creative use of github

    Quick notes looking at the yml:

    • 0ad tarballs don't get checked for checksum mismatch
    • No checksum generated for the app image
    • ActorEditor doesn't look accessible
    • 0ad.appdata.xml belongs into /usr/share/metainfo/ instead

    ActorEditor works when I use use the -editor argument or select scenario editor from the main menu. As for the rest, I should be able to fix that soon. I don't think the xml is really used by the appimage but I'll correct that. Thanks.

    1 hour ago, Karmo said:

    I tried that AppImage and I get much less fps (50 vs 125) there on every map compared to installed alpha 25 using identical graphics settings.

    Thanks for the feedback. Can you extract the appimage and see what your fps is? You can use './Name_of_app_image --appimage-extract' and then cd to 'squashfs-root' and enter './AppRun' to execute pyrogenesis.

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