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Posts posted by andy5995

  1. It seems like there's not enough ice textures for terrain.


    I found this public domain ice texture and like it, but it seems to have some jagged outcroppings. I like that it's not completely smooth, but I think it needs *some* smoothing otherwise it looks funny when units walk across it. Can anyone touch this up or make a texture based on it? The shiny, smooth but somewhat ripply ice texture is what I like, and the color. :)


    The third pic is where I tried to modify the first one, and made it 2048x2048 but probably lost some resolution... It looks nice in-game but I think it could be improved.








  2. On 13/10/2022 at 1:31 PM, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Now, if only we could distinguish between "highland", "midland", and "lowland." Not make it a requirement for every map script to use those distinctions, but just have the ability available. So that we could have pine forests in the mountains and oak forests in the midlands, and palm forests in the lowlands. Things like that. And then put wolves and bears in the highlands and midlands, with lions in the lowlands. Goats in the highlands, camels in the lowlands. I'm sure you get it. Maybe too complicated. :)

    Doesn't sound too complicated. There's already a few functions that determine the height at a specific point, or to set constraints (such as height).


    It would add little more code, but I don't see it as being complicated. @maroderdoes that sound about right to you?

    • Like 1
  3. On 18/11/2021 at 8:38 AM, Old Roman said:

    Is there currently a way to choose " landscapes" and "biome" within atlas before the generation step?

    I'll try to answer even though I'm a bit late...


    In you `$HOME/.local/share/0ad/mods/user/` folder (or corresponding Mac or Windows folder), create `maps/random/rmbiome`


    Copy randombiome.js into it, and edit this function (near the top of the file):


    function setSelectedBiome()
        // TODO: Replace ugly default for atlas by a dropdown
        setBiome(g_MapSettings.Biome || "generic/alpine");

    You can change 'alpine' to any of the biomes listed in the generic folder.

    Now when you generate a map from a random map in Atlas, it should use that biome.

    Note that it only works if the random map includes the 'setSelectedBiome();' function (most random maps do).

  4. @OutisSometimes it happens by design, and sometimes by accident. I've updated the wiki to explain more about that. See the player settings tab section and civilization subsection.


    By design, some map authors are trying to recreate historical battles and intentionally set the civs when they create a map. Sometimes certain structures or units are placed on the map during creation that can only belong to a specific civ, and therefore changing the civ during game set up would cause errors.





  5. On 16/10/2022 at 9:42 AM, fabio said:

    While the code is open source and redistributable, I am not sure they could (or at least should) (ab)use the same name (0 A.D.) and logo.

    Like CentOS / Red Hat, same code but different name and logo.


    It's already been removed from Steam. I'm not surprised it was easy to have it removed. Though I don't know the steps taken to have it removed.


    I was just looking through the gpl-2 license file in the source root of the 0ad distribution. I didn't see anything that stated that derivative works must be of a different name than the original work. But perhaps "derived work" implies it's "separate" because it was "derived" from the original.

    My interpretation is that In this case, the person who put that on Steam did not have the rights because he or she wasn't distributing it as a derivative work, but branding it as the original work.


    Furthermore, section 2, subsection b of the GPL2 license states



        b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
        whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
        part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
        parties under the terms of this License.


    I read in a reddit post that the person who posted this on Steam was planning to charge 8 Euros for it. My interpretation of subsection b is that if someone tries to publish the original or derived work, they do not have any rights to charge money for it. Note that if the prepositional and a few other phrases are removed:


    You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that...in whole ... contains...the Program...to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties...

  6. @dandaman46Thanks for the report. And welcome to the forum.


    I'll look into it soon. In the meantime, you could try running it with the `--appimage-mount` option. You should get some output like


    `/tmp/.mount_0ad-0.XVxKe6` and no prompt. Then switch over to another terminal, cd to the directory shown in your output, then cd to usr/bin and run `./pyrogenesis`.


    After you exit 0ad, you can unmount the appimage by hitting ctrl-c in the terminal where you originally mounted it.


    Please let me know if that works for you.


  7. I've updated the example. Using this, the mod will build when you push any new commits to your main (default) branch, or any time a pull request is opened or updated. The artifact will get uploaded to the workflow output page (where you can download it and inspect it if desired). You can see at this link near the top right:








    And at the bottom of the page is a zip file containing the mod (artifact).


    If the event that triggered the workflow is the creation of a tag starting with 'v', the pyromod gets built and uploaded to the release page (behavior that was in the original example).


    name: Build Pyromod
          - main
          - v**
          - main
      MOD_NAME: <your-mod>
        if: ${{ github.ref_type != 'tag' }}
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          MOD_VERSION: ${{ github.sha }}
        - uses: actions/checkout@v3
        - uses:  0ad-matters/gh-action-build-pyromod@v1
            name: ${{ env.MOD_NAME }}
            version: ${{ env.MOD_VERSION }}
          id: build-pyromod
        - name: Upload Artifacts
          # Uploads artifacts (combined into a zip file) to the workflow output page
          uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
            name: ${{ env.MOD_NAME }}-${{ env.MOD_VERSION }}
            path: "output/${{ env.MOD_NAME }}*.*"
        if: ${{ github.ref_type == 'tag' }}
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          MOD_VERSION: ${{ github.ref_name }}
        - uses: actions/checkout@v3
        - name: Massage Variables
          run: |
            echo "MOD_VERSION=${MOD_VERSION:1}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
        - uses:  0ad-matters/gh-action-build-pyromod@v1
            name: ${{ env.MOD_NAME }}
            version: ${{ env.MOD_VERSION }}
          id: build-pyromod
        - name: Create sha256sum
          run:  |
            cd output
            sha256sum $OUTPUT_FILE > $OUTPUT_FILE.sha256sum
        - name: Release PyroMod
          uses: ncipollo/release-action@v1
            allowUpdates: True
            prerelease: False
            artifacts: "output/${{ env.MOD_NAME }}*.*"
            token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
            omitNameDuringUpdate: True
            omitBodyDuringUpdate: True


  8. 24 minutes ago, hyperion said:


    A quick test suggest ActorEditor is working now, just a nit

    23:57:04: can't open file 'ICON_ActorEditor' (error 2: No such file or directory)
    23:57:04: Failed to load image from file "ICON_ActorEditor".


    Oh, yeah I get that when I just run ActorEditor normally. So I haven't tried to do anything about it with the appimage.


    Thanks for confirming the fix @hyperion. I'm merging the PR to trunk, which means a new release will show up soon. But you don't need it if you have the artifact. The only difference will be the filename.

    • Like 1
  9. @hyperionI'm using Manjaro, and it appears that pango is packaged so that libthai is a dependency (explaining why I have it installed even though I don't speak Thai either).

    Can you temporarily install libthai, re-run ActorEditor to see if there are any other missing dependencies?

    I'm building the appimage with linuxdeploy, and it's got this option: `--library=[library...]            Shared library to deploy` so I can try to specify libthai and any other commonly-missing deps.

  10. Someone recently asked me in a chat about release-type stuff: Here's what I said:


    I generally have a different philosophy about release cycles. But it also depends on what's involved in doing a release.
    But what I usually do with rmw, if I make a bug fix that's a significant improvement (even if it's not a critical flaw or security risk) and would be helpful to users, I do a release.
    a bugfix or a nice new feature
    For minor changes that I think the majority of users won't care about or need, I wait.
    But the time it takes to do packaging and update docs for a release is also a consideration.
    I released my first software back around 2004, using SourceForge. I read there the suggestions they had about releases, and I guess I still kind of follow it: "Release early, release often"
    I say, if there are no known security flaws or new bugs, and there are some good improvements, release, so users can enjoy the changes, and the devs can get feedback.
    Another advantage is that any time a release happens, the project gets more active and more visible for a temporary time afterward.
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