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Everything posted by vladislavbelov

  1. And that the only people who enabled reports, we might have noticeably more. Yes, I'm waiting for the release. There is no daily statistics, only for some period.
  2. Hi! According to: [E] pw.loop [loop.c:69 pw_loop_new()] 0x60457b6edb60: can't make support.system handle: No such file or directory [ALSOFT] (EE) Failed to create PipeWire event thread loop (errno: 2) It seems like an OpenAL or the system problem. We can make a workaround to disable sounds for that case. Did you try any other game/software using OpenAL with the new version?
  3. We don't do so. Shaders are compiled each time they're loaded (or used in a pipeline state). Some (but not all) drivers might cache results on a disk. I have plans for that. We need a library which can be used on all platforms (shaderc is a possible candidate). Though we can't rely on it and we still need to build SPIR-V for releases. Because there might be platforms without such libraries in regular repos.
  4. Yep: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Vulkan#Buildingshaders
  5. Yes, it's possible. You can make a mod with resized cursor images (https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Modding_Guide). Default cursor is at mod/art/textures/cursors/default-arrow.png, in-game cursors are inside public/art/textures/cursors.
  6. You need to update the 0ad-spirv mod, the latest version is 0.27.22 from January 15, 2024.
  7. I've made a fix: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D5257.
  8. Could you share your graphics settings (both tabs or user.cfg)?
  9. It's not settled yet, we're still working on A27, there're still release blockers: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&group=status&milestone=Alpha+27.
  10. Unfortunately not yet, @Itms was the last one with plans on the migration. Currently he is very busy to have some ETA. I have a plan for writing a script to detect the trac is down and log recent events or even try to restart it.
  11. Yeah, I meant this one. Just not some external (including some package managers) installation. So, it didn't work? It's a known problem, trac is down time-to-time for some internal reason. See
  12. Yeah, it works time to time. It seems like an internal problem of the trac system (which ideally should be fixed by moving to git).
  13. We already do that, so it should work (if installed properly via msi files): https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/source/tools/dist/0ad.nsi#L192. It didn't work for you?
  14. It should work right now. Yeah, it has some infrastructure problems, we hope to fix it.
  15. It's also recommended to run clean-workspaces.sh to be sure. Since the error was in missing wx/wx.h installing the one of *wx*-dev helped.
  16. If you just want dropdown values then you might take a look at binaries/data/mods/public/gui/options/. We add dropdown values dynamically via JS for options. If I'm not mistaken the question is about many values not many dropdowns.
  17. Do you have other games to check if they're running correctly? (Like SuperTuxKart, Warzone2100 or OpenTTD)
  18. I finally got it and I'm going to give a talk: https://fosdem.org/2024/schedule/event/fosdem-2024-3615-0-a-d-game-vulkan-api/
  19. It seems kind of fatal, as SDL can't figure out the WM backend and setup cursors. We can workaround it but in theory it might lead to UB. Not only decent but also the lowest one. Logs indeed could give us some information. Also knowing WM could help (type "echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE" in the console).
  20. Maybe cached? But I need steps to reproduce to tell more
  21. That's just an impression. Because textures and lighting affect perception greatly. That smoothing is free for our rendering. Because it mostly affects directions of normals. And flat shading instead might even increase the number of vertices to be able to have sharp edges (because smooth shading reuses vertices).
  22. We have kind of a changelog here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha27, but indeed we might have a more user friendly one.
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