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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I don't mind the other arrows go to other targets, but it looks like many times not even 1 arrow goes to target. At least 1 arrow should be shooting at the player-commanded target.
  2. Some quick thought on possible organization. So, Victory Conditions and Allied Victory parts would definitely go in Objectives tab, but with better wording to be precise as FeXor mentioned. Other things that go in the Objectives tab could be whatever triggered events in the map. Turquoise part is the info that go in History tab. This is the prose that goes into what the map about. And then the yellow parts obviously go to Settings tab. I am just not sure where Ceasefire information go -- Settings tab or Hints tab. Regardless, there should be a persist ceasefire counter in the game anyway, so that should be obvious to the player (the current ceasefire counter in upper right is not Gold ready obviously).
  3. I only took a screenshot of what is currenly in the game. I would not have worded thing the way they currently are. I think with you that the victory condition words should be more precise.
  4. I agree, the current wording is bad, and either Gun's or Sanya's suggestions would be better. I also do not like the Trading screen words too. Same thread or different thread?
  5. Inspire by another post on the forum (I lost the link), I made flaming pigs and put them into Delenda Est. They are quite funny. Player can train pig from corral and slaughter it for food or use 'Upgrade' button to set the pig on fire. The pig gets set on fire and can move 2x faster now. It has a 'Flaming Pigs' aura that reduce attack and max health of nearby enemy elephants (war elephants and undomesticated elephants) by -20%. The inflamed pig loses health and dies within 5o seconds. It even have damage variations at 80%, 50% and 20% health (it start to look like crispy bacon). Mauryans do not get access this pig, because they are friends to animals.
  6. Hi guy. I see Objectives screen is in now and it give good information. I been have ideas on how to make this more useful. Behold the attached image. Basically the pop up screen would be title Match Details. Below would be tabs: Objectives, Hints, History, and Settings. Objectives: Trigger based list format. Otherwise would show the Victory Condition. In this case, it will say "Defeat all opponents to win", since there are not rhe any other objectives with triggers. Hints: This tab give hints by the designer, like, "Watch out for prides of lions!" or "Look to the East on the morning of the 3rd day." History: Is the current "Match Description." Give a description of the map or scenario, history behind the scenario, context within the campaign, etc. Settings: This list all the other stuff, like Starting Resource, Population Limit, etc. all the other stuff currently show on the screen in a list format. Any thought?
  7. A solution to the terrain height problem and the water reflections. Modify default.xml map. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Scenario version="6"> <Terrain patches="16" texture="grass1_spring" priority="0" height="5000"/> Set height to 5000 instead of eleventy thousand million like unedited value. (of course this do not fix squishd skyboxes )
  8. Hi guy. In ATLAS I think default map is too high or tall. I think this happen when you reduce the resolution of the height maps (adding additional height possibilities with terrain, a good idea) and then no one adjusted Atlas for it. Why is it too tall? Well now the water does not reflect the skybox in a pleasing way. It renders the ceiling of the skybox too closely and all the detail of the reflect (clouds, etc) is lost. I see this prominently in my newer map like Britannic Road. I can't get the water to look good with good skybox reflectio in Britannic Road because I believe the ceiling is too close to the water plane and detail of the sky is lost. In older map this is not the case. I can change skybox type or water effects in older map and everything render good. Does any of this make sense? And I am just guessing at the cause of the problem. Pkease tell me if I am wrong. lol Maybe it's a different cause. And even if this is not a problem, I have a request for Atlas: a small feature or buttons to lower and raise the whole map at once would be nice. All I know is the skybox has some serious issue:
  9. There should be a victory condition, somethink like 'Conquest Civic Centers', where if player loses all Civic Centers then they lose (maybe have a 5 minute countdown after losing the last Civic Center -- they need to build a new one or die!). Their units and buildings go Gaia (and become capturable?). And then there can be a victority condition called 'Conquest Any' which you can win/lose by either Conquest Civic Centers, Conquest Structures, or Conquest Units. But yeah, the AI should have a more personality and play like a human, but there's a long way until 1.0 release and there's still a lot of time to make the AI really cool. I have faith in the guy that do it. Maybe a thread where we talk about simple ways the AI can seem more human? You give a condition, then say what the AI can do to seem human.
  10. I also hate how you can't really target anything with your tower. It shoots at whatever it wants to shoot at. I think at least one of the arrow should go to target,
  11. Yes, please. Missing this feature! Should be in the in-game menu and match can be restart at any time.
  12. Also, I think important this only go to basic Macedonian and Seleucid unit. But could go to possible Greco-Bactrians and Indo-Greeks factions in the future.
  13. True, but I do not control vanilla. Only chocolate fudge sunday which is Delenda Est.
  14. Anyone want to model this cap for the mod? I will give this cap to the Basic ranks of the Macedonian and Seleucid units.
  15. To be fair, those icons are difficult to see.
  16. That is why I like the visible rings in my mod.
  17. Range units should die easily in melee though. They re supposed to be ranged units, to support the assault of your melee infantry and cavalry.
  18. Tehnologies affect everything on the board guy. So, I guess the onlty real problem being reported is you think the first farming upgrade has a bug. Can anyone confirm?
  19. Neat. What would the forground layers be?
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